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Hey everyone,

As usual, I will do my best to catch up with extra chapters this month. The family is away on holiday for a week, so I'm hoping that being distraction-free should let me churn out substantial wordcount. 

I'll update the post with the completed chapter as soon as it's finished.





Michael you are deluded. I don't know what planet you are living on but its one where the atmosphere must have a very high N2O concentration, because if you seriously believe that Tefler will deliver anything more than excuses, an underwhelming effort at a single chapter and yet another placeholder, you are completely out of your mind. I would be amazed if we get a full chapter 159, and I wonder how it is that Tefler, who quit his job so he could write full time, can be putting out less than he was when he was also working full time. I understand the pressures of writing, I have my own page, with far fewer subscribers, and yet I still manage to put out 8-10k words PER WEEK. I have a full time job, and a family. Fortunately I don't have a cat... so maybe that's one thing that can't go wrong for me.


So much for catching up...


Only 5 days to go from a half done/slapped together chapter, excuses why things went wrong and another placeholder to "Spread out the payments".


Can't wait for the books...

Puttanegra Ficondo

Keep your hopes up and your expectations low. Really low. Like really, really low. He will still be able to miss even those.


Failed to meet the low expectations for which he set for himself.


Who wants to play a game? I say we get the rest of 158 an excuse for 159 & 160 and billed for 161 with a promise it’ll be caught up Nevermbuary


Looks like yous wish is already met. Here it is the 27th and nothing from Tefler to include no communication. I’m beginning he is working to quit.

Jedi Khan

158 is already complete. If you check the post for it, he added the final scenes back on the 2nd.


You all are really spoiled. I came to patreon because I got tired of waiting on Lit. Now I do believe that Tefler should definitely be paid for his work. I would rather wait 3 months for a well written (and edited) chapter than have 5 chapters faster and not be as good.


.393: Silly complainers, .... those who refuse to learn from history will continue to make the same mistakes/errors/boo-boos, .... Tef's pattern has not altered his behavior by much, so I would expect 'some' TSM on the final day of the month, ... ;-) TTFN

Austin Mills

I agree completely, he should get paid for his work. Problem is, we aren't getting the work. I just want him caught up and selling books 5-X on Amazon. The stories are incredibly polished and give some more backstory in the early chapters at least.


I foresee more oh no "XXX" HAPPENED THIS MONTH. And if he isn't caught up and pulls another month while being 3x chapters behind I will be reducing my contribution to the minimum I can might not be much for me but I will just go back to waiting for Lit to be brought to current.... It is just as bad as this current model and I will go in search of other stories....


For whatever it's worth, Royal Road has a ton of authors and books. Granted, a lot of them have to pull their chapters if/when they publish on Amazon for KU, but still a lot of free content.


What? No witty reply to your acerbic commentary? 158 was completed, 159 completed and posted. Seems like people would be in high spirits. You realize, if he releases 160 this month too, which, given that there are still 4 days left is quite likely, he'll be completely caught up with everything that's been billed. Wouldn't be much left to talk about here.. you know what they say, "careful what you wish for". It could soon be possible that people will have to come up with original content rather than pasting the same 'ol same 'ol.


.398: ... math check, ... Tef is only one chapter in arrears at present, Not 3, ... but he does need to pop out a big number of Lit/SOL freebie TSM chapters, and not just the one or two at random intervals, ... ;-) TTFN


Linear time is a thing, Michael. Looks like Kensyi posted his comment when Tefler was 2 chapters behind. So his projection of a 3 chapter deficit (based on his assumption that there would be nothing posted this month) does not warrant a "math check". His math, based on facts in evidence at the time of his post, was correct. But, time progressed, and Tefler posted 159.


.400: Well, TSM #158 completed was posted on 12/02/22, and TSM #159 was posted on 12/26/22, ... so at that point, my posting time frame, Tef was only one chapter in arrears, ... with the possibility of a partial (?) of #160 at months' end, ... (fingers crossed-hopefully), and also, it is very likely a TSM #161 placeholder to get some money for Tef's next month's bills, ... in any case, we have had a very good Christmas, ... blessing to us all, ... ;-) TTFN


.401: ... and it's possible he well be close to finishing #160 but will ultimately complete it and drop it early in the new year, .... but you just know he will placeholder #161, ... ;-) TTFN

Florida Reader

I foresee "Holy shit Tefler caught up!!!" and then ranting about some other thing that has whoever's panties in a major twist.#quityerbitching #teflerisawesome


I foresee a volume of complaints that, by word count, would add up to an entire chapter. However, please, do go on. I much prefer the boring continuing Tribe Wars than suppression of speech. Just finished reading the autobiography of Malcom X and the autobiography of Booker T Washington. One complains even about those who tried to help him, the other of thankfulness. The glass is either half full or half empty, your choice.


Smack, smack - smack down time. Is that gonna leave a mark 😆


I heard of someone that put an NO2 injector into a high performance motorcycle. It killed him, but the bike was laughing.


Hey Tef, thanks for sharing your creation with us. I'm happy to contribute in the pursuit of your hobby since I enjoy the products of it