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Hey everyone!

Here's the completed chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Please let me know if you spot any typos or continuity errors and I'll do my best to fix them immediately.



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William Wallace

Summary Charge date: October 1, 2022 at 11:51:40 AM PDT VAT Invoice Number: 923730179 Patreon's VAT Number: EU372009942 Subtotal $3.00 VAT $0.63 Total $3.63 Charge details Creator VAT Pledge Tefler 1 x $3 per Chapter $0.63 $3.00


It looks like we were charged in August for 155, 156 and 157 in September and 158 in October. You can see if you are charged for a chapter by looking at the top right corner of the post, it will say Unlocked if its free or Paid for by patrons if we get charged.


.150: Full Speed Ahead, Damn the Keyboards! F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5 , ... ;-) TTFN

Big Orca

The guy is probably just relaxing with his family, after working hard near end of month. Give him a breather!

Tefler Fan 007

Someone once said he writes 3,000 words a day so with chapter size it probably takes about 7 days to write a chapter. But then you have to edit it and possibly change scenes around so add another 10 days and he’s been working half a month. Tefler enjoy your time with your kids because they grow up fast. Spend time with your family because it’s those moments they will always remember.

Dominic Janning

I work every day of the month. I don't feel bad for someone who by your estate only have to work 17 day and making way more then me. Just stop the place holder! I don't care about the half chapters.

Tefler Fan 007

I work 12 hour shifts and only have to work 14 out of 28 days. I enjoy every day I have off because I earned them. If you work Monday through Friday 5 days a week you work 20 out of 28. You work only 3 more days than Tefler so I don’t want to hear it.

Dominic Janning

I work Monday through Sunday thank you very much. He make more in one month then me in a year.

Tefler Fan 007

So you work seven days a week and make less than $8000 a year? Next time try more believable lie. you can work at McDonald’s making minimum wage and make more than $8000 in a year working seven days a week and 52 weeks a year.


.159: Maybe, ... ole DJ here was thinking of a two chapter pay month for Tef, approx. $16,000, ... now we are getting into the range of the possible, ... although, a few more months of this high level of inflation and even that amount will be ridiculously low. Maybe Tef needs a raise? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Cost of the dollar is strengthening over the British pound so in the future we’re getting more for our money.

Tefler Fan 007

Had DJ said Tefler makes more in a month then he does I would wholeheartedly agree.


It is also possible that Dominic lives/works in a place where he does make less then $8000 per year. Like India, where the average yearly salary is around $5200.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the crew of the Invictus boarded one of the marooned capital ships full of husked thrills, I seem to recall that progenitor ships had no security on their air locks because "who in their right mind would want to board a ship full of thrills?" According to Illerith. So why are they worried about how to get inside the dreadnought?

Tefler Fan 007

Security on the Dreadnought is different and more advanced than a normal thrall ship. Also Irillith had such a hard time against Maels cyber defenses that she took a huge hit to her confidence.

Tefler Fan 007

When she hacked Larns Dreadnought to save John she had a hard time, so she understands how difficult a dreadnoughts security will be. I believe she was also terrified by the Sentinel programs. Ch 121


That was cyber security, not physical. Remember that all she needed to to to open the airlock on the battleship with husked thrills, was push a button?

Tefler Fan 007

To open a door in Larns Dreadnought, in the interior, she had to hack the cyber defenses in ch 121. Dreadnought seems to have extra protection on the doors that the thrall ships don’t have. It make sense since Xar wants thralls to kill each other so why have locks. The Dreadnought is the last stand for a progenitor and would cost tons of lives to breach the Dreadnought to reach a progenitor.


.171: ... both Johnn Gregory and TF007 made some fine points and covered the topic well, ... the Dreadnought (with the Progenitor on board) is a much more difficult vessel to hack into / through its doors and hatches, ... I suspect that Gahl will quickly accept John's Dual offer, and that's how they will defeat him without a large amount of thrall deaths, ... ;-) TTFN


.175: Hah! ,,, you guys with your infinity, and double infinity are just not F5ing fairly, ... we need to break function keys, we need to bust keyboards, ... it is tradition! :-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Fine, if I need to get "Sledge O'matic" out and destroy some keyboards, I will.


The marooned battleship was NOT manned - Thralled.. So no one to investigate the intrusion.

stephen mincher

An infinity of F5's gives one no time to read, try F9(a placeholder until F5 recovers):)


Definitely not the same! :) Google does not lie! What is the F9 key on Windows? - Refresh document in Microsoft Word. - Send and receive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. - Reduce laptop screen brightness (on some laptops). - Almost everybody knows that pressing the F9 key in Excel recalculates all of the worksheets within all of the workbooks that a user has open.