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Hey everyone,

The same applies to chapter 157. The reason it took me so long to finish chapter 155, is I had to cut so much that I'd written out of sequence. Then I had to go back to fill in the gaps and some of the timings got messed up.

When the timing of the story is regulated by 12 hour intervals for the Wormhole Generator, making any serious mistakes causes a minefield to sort it all out. 

Anyway, I've got some combat scenes written for chapter 157 already. I just need to backfill the missing bits in chapter 156 then I can publish that and wrap up 157. 

I'm really sorry for the advanced billing, but I promise I will get everything all caught up this month.

Best wishes,




Tik Tok....2:40 am here...nothing yet.


But we're up to 741 comments, which is in itself impressive.


Not really since we got nonsense comments like „Tik Tok…2:40 am here…nothing yet.“


Lmao. True story

Anthony Kester

Don't forget about those inconsequential comments about sports. Can't believe someone would use a 3SM board for Football posts.


.745: If we combine the 204 comments from placeholder #156 with the #157 numbers, we get to 949 comments so far, .... come on 1000! Big mouths of the TSM fanbase unite! And it is 01:20 am Petreon time zone time. Just a few more hours boys and girls! (approx. 18 to 20 hours) So, take nap, then it's press the F5 key time for sure, ... ;-) TTFN

david .

It's telling that it's the last day with hours to go and not even one chapter has been released.


750: Oh yeah David, ... it shows me that Tef has not released a chapter yet, ... does it tell anything more to you? ;-) TTFN

david .

It says he didn't have the chapters that were supposedly mostly wrote and charged us for a month ago. He didn't even have one of them mostly wrote.


I am hoping he just drops a partial of 156 with an excuse for procrastination. If he drops 2 chapters today I can only imagine how thrown together they will be.

Tefler Fan 007

He normally drops between 930-1030 pm EST. Patreon is on west coast so he drops to get paid using PST.


So any word on when we can expect 157?

SP Rupert

Let the record show that 156 was delivered. 157 was “partially delivered” (In my book that means NOT delivered) and there was a pre charge for 158. There’s still 4 hours left in the month. We’ll see if Tefler tried to pre charge for 159 too.


.760: I'd say that someone (whose name begins with Stargate) is a real grumpy pants! Complaining because you like to complain is not very nice to our Author, ... shape up or ship out --- as in dropping your Patreon support for Access to Tef's work, ... ;-) TTFN

SP Rupert

And you really think you can tell me what to do? You are even more delusional than I thought. Just keep this in mind. At some point (not me) someone or someones will report Tefler’s abuse to Patreon. Patreon will investigate and shut his account off. All because he is the one deciding to pre charge instead of flipping his Patreon to monthly charges and playing this dangerous game. Then the only one you will be able to blame or complain about is Tefler himself because of his poor choices.


.762: I stand by my "shape up, or ship out" comment, ... no one needs all this useless complaining, sorry if I hurt your feelings, ... ;-) TTFN

SP Rupert

Oh you didn’t hurt my feelings. I’m used to dealing with delusional people. And no. I’m not going anywhere. Not until Patreon closes down this account anyway. I’m sure others have started to report Tefler’s pre charging posts by now. It’s only a matter of time.


.764: Sorry to disabuse you Stargate, but to not see things your way does not make me delusional, ... it does mean I can see things clearly and in focus, ... have you had your eyes checked recently, ... and have someone you trust talk to you about the color of the sky, ... you are worrying me, ... :-l TTFN


.765: Well David and Brian, a completed chapter #156 dropped in the early morning hours of 30 September, ... and #157 is scheduled for later today, ... ;-) TTFN

SP Rupert

Tick Tock. The clock is ticking on when the reports which I'm sure have been sent to Patreon causes issues with Tefler's account.


I only donate 2$ per chapter. Been doing so for a while. Still the best 2$ I’ve ever spent. Keep up the good work Tef. I love your story.