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Hey everyone!

I know it's been a very long two weeks... but I've finally finished chapter 154. In my defence, there were a number of very important scenes, which always makes them much more time consuming to write.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

As always, please let me know if you spot any typos and I'll try to fix them immediately.



P.S. You have not been charged for this completed chapter.



Do we really think that the entirety of the Maliri males, many of whom are probably equally as bright as the females, who managed to choose and execute, en masse, their departure from the many worlds of the Maliri, are confined to only four repurposed defensive stations, when there are many more that were shut down? Yes, I know that they have a 20/1 female to male population curve, but the females kill each other off much more than the males, and each of the Houses has multiple worlds. The males, with a much more cooperative attitude, and fearful of the Matriarchies that they left behind, might well have chosen to restore and occupy, at least in part, any number of those defensive stations. Consider, the planetary populations of the Maliri must number, realistically speaking, given their longevity and birth rates (how many Maliri matriarchs had multiple daughters?), as well as their infrastructure, at least on the order of a hundred million, if not ten times that number in total. Even that would leave their cities mostly empty, since they should have a population in the hundred billion range or more with that many planets and the age of their population. Also, per this chapter, the males didn’t leave the planets until recently in this past millennium, and apparently, the females didn’t or perhaps couldn’t stop them. So, we’re talking at least 5 million males or more? I consider it extremely likely that a significant number of them are on the ‘deactivated’ defensive stations and that those stations not only are not deactivated, but have been significantly enhanced to protect the male populations from the females.


This is in the weeds but a check of the stations logs would indicate which ships left the station in the interval of time when Helen detected the threat and Alyssa pulsed checked the station. The ship sensors could track the outbound ships. Not conclusive proof but information nonetheless


A cliffhanger about the gathering of Nerds? Grrrr. Well, you sure know your audience ...


Prev wrote: Good idea, my guess it was the traitor from Morgan's fleet (Mace?) in a Biol class Brimorian cruiser. I disagree with myself. Helen said the emotions were NOT against John, but against her and Ailita. As there's no Brimorians to hate Abandoned; it is the one of the 2 bolons that raped Tashana. The bolon divided inside Tashana, which means it is either one or both.


While I don't think the "missing males" are on the hidden stations, it is a better explanation than trying to cram them all into 4 stations. This is one of many things wrong with 155 which I have posted in the comments to 156 preview as the worst chapter from Tefler.

Nathaniel Wolf

I guess I just felt that this chapter had more substance to it than several of the previous.


Typo? Sorry I cannot remember if Ailita has passed the "this one" stage, but on page 20: “I won’t let you down, Master!” Ailita declared earnestly. She does use "this one" -- have not finished chapter.

Walter Davis

I don’t know what the complaints are…this was another great read…

Jedi Khan

There's been a point in each of the Nymph's development where they switch back and forth between "this one" and "I," seemingly unconscious of doing it. Jade occasionally still does it, but that's a conscious choice for her.

Christopher Miller

It's a good thought that it could have been a Bolon rapist, but Tashana (or even her twin) wasn't present. So unless the Bolon knew Tashana was a lioness no hatred would be felt. And if it was the traitor commander his hatred would DEFINITELY be directed at John. Unless, Helene meant it wasn't directed ONLY at John, but at the crew as a group. TBH, that was how I interpreted it. Hatred towards John and the girls as a group. I don't think the Bolon rapists would recognize Tashana's mind now even if they could scan it. I interpreted it as a Brimorian spy who was in the loop enough to know that it was John, the Lionesses and the Maliri who had been curb stomping their plans for galactic domination.

Malcolm Rickarby

I think that you overestimate the male population as not all,or even many, of the females were allowed to breed. To the engineers who were part of the Invictus refits it was a bonus for them that they had not been expecting.


I think this might be an overarching inconsistency. I’ve re-read this story and Helen was given a ring, a star sapphire. She was also connected to Alyssa a while ago, but it keeps being mentioned that she hasn’t been. It’s multiple chapters now. She was bonded back in chapter 118 but Alyssa is constantly saying she hasn’t been. Then this chapter comes out and Alyssa doesn’t immediately become aware of the presence that wants to harm a bonded member of her network?


Or an all female cast from 2021 A Shopping Trip on Valaden Cartiria was bored, as usual. Unlike the other 11 employee’s at “Mailiri Finery”, she was never interested in the back bighting gossip at the upper class women’s clothing store. She also had no interest in politics and her prospects in life were rather bleak; as befitting a woman of her standing. Her only solace was those wonderful Terran holomovies and shows. Especially the romantic comedies. She knew this was pure propaganda from the Terran Federation. No society could ever be that happy or full of possibilities. Still, better to dream the few centuries of her life away than face the daily loneliness. She was so unawares of her surroundings that she failed to hear the excitement from the street, or even the soft chime as a cluster of young women walked in. “Excuse me, do you work here?” said a, wait, WHAT? Said a woman from a huge mane of blonde hair cascading well past the shoulders. Cartitiria’s eyes blinked rapidly and fear welled up at the thought of being seen by a Terran when she saw the pointy ears and the confusion turned fright became a complete bbedlam of emotions for her. “Ye..Yes, I think so?” Cartiria stammered in what was more babbling than coherent words. The most amazing smile broke out from this…this, whatever this blond apparition was. Suddenly hearing a cacophony of giggles, laughter, snorts and hand slapping breaking out before this ,,,this definitely female thing that was in front of her; it registered on Cartiria that a group of women, each with luxurious long hair in almost every different color imaginable, had all walked into the store and were trying to get her attention. “Well, if you do work here, and if you get a commission, today is your lucky day!” said Alyssa throwing up her hands in the air from which proceeded a shower of multicolored sparking stars. One of the women behind Alyssa, a red head, fell on the floor laughing and, yes she did, she farted. A riot ensued as the owner came up front. This was not the way to seek garments at “Mailiri Finery.” Cartiria just stood there forgetting to breathe, turning even bluer either from embarrassment or from the lack of oxygen. “Stop this at once.” said Altimitria, in her most haughty voice. “I will not have my establishment made a mockery of.” Calming to an almost elegant posture, Alyssa said “My apologies, we were sent here by appointment by Queen Edraele Valaden. I believe we have an appointment for right now. It is my understanding that your establishment will be closed for the rest of the day by order of her Majesty the Queen at the request of Baen’thelas.” “Are you Alyssa?” “Yes, and these are my friends. The one rolling on the ground laughing is my best friend Dana. Well, best friend after Baen’thelas.” Alyssa said Baen’thelass very slowly while managing to lick her lips saying John’s title. “Edrale is also a close friend. In command after me, but still, we really are all good friends and the fact that I out rank Queen Edraele even on Valaden is something I would NEVER mention.” Over their telepathic bond, Alyssa could hear Edraele laughing so hard it actually interrupted a meeting of planetary Governors.” At some point during this unreal exchange between Mailri snobbery and whatever this Alyssa personage and her entourage were; Cartiria had begun to breathe again. In fact, Cartiria was trying now very hard not to smile. She was clearly not going to be bored anymore today. She pinched herself while no one noticed. She wanted to make sure she had not been hypnotized or had somehow magically been drawn into some extra zany Terran comedy show. At this point Betrixa, had shed her dress, turned into an exaggeration of her original cat girl form and with very cat like paws extended one long nail towards Altimiria and said “Careful, cat might have your toungue.” In a very feline purr. A tiny spark lept from the claw unto the lips opf Altimitria. “Betrixa you naughty kitten, let the woman speak first!” playfully warned Alyssa. Almost like a robot, since she had sealed away every emotion just as she had learned to do from a very young age in the hostile Maliri culture; Altimitria quickly calculated that this was some form of punishment from Edraele. An elaborate trap to test her loyalty or simply to destroy her reputation for reasons only that malevolent bitch Edraele would know. Nothing good could come of this. The one good fortune was \her least favorite employee Cartiria had happened to be the first to greet this execrable mob of outsiders. “So it is. Very well, Cartiria here will see to your every request. Should you need of me, call. I must deal with an emergency in the back for now.” Without ever having warned the staff that Edraele had sent word that V.I.P.s were coming to shop today,. Altimitria now found pleasure inflicting this unwelcome surprise on Cartiria. In the meantime, Alyssa’s eyes were shut. Even so if looking closely one would see the bright radiance that shone behind as she read the minds of Altimitria and Cartiria. Her only worry was how to convince John to add a store clerk to the rather large harem. As for Altimitria, she was not particularly evil. Just another Maliri bitch in a fucked up culture. Cartiria opened her mouth to ask but Alyssa decided it would be simpler to answer thequestions she was trying to prioritize: “No, there will be no punishment for being seen by non Maliri. I am not a Maliri who just had some sort of skin bleach procedure. I was born a Terran but decided to change my species to Kythfaren because Baen’thelas wanted it, even though he did not know he wanted it. I see you are really out of the loop with Mailiri current events and politics. You might want to skip a couple of Terran shows and watch some news reports by a Terran named Jehanna Elani. A lot of things are happening that will change your life dramatically for the better. You have not exactly been magically been pulled into a Terran romantic comedy movie; but the lives all of all Maliri are in fact being sucked into a Terran romantic comedy movie satrring John, the Baen’thelas. You have store holocameras, Pricess Irillith here is one of the daughters of Edraele Valaden. She will download a copy of what you’re hearing and seeing and give it to you before we leave and there is nothing Altimitria can do about that. In fact, she won’t even know because that part will be wiped off the system. Yes, Irillith and Tashana are the only Maliri in our group. The rest are mostly Terran but we have a few Lenarran catgirls and Helene who is, well, the Maliri are soon going to see a lot of Helene’s people around. Alyssa took a pause for a breath, all the above coming in one long uninterrupted stream courtesy of the enhanced lung capacity that made John’s harem give such excellent blow jobs. After smiling at Cartiria who was still trying to process the first sentence about being seen by non Maliri; the freight train Alyssa continued on. “What we’re here for is formal Maliri wear. There’s going to be this presentation of Baen’thelass to the entire Maliri Protectorate at the home planet of Faranise Eshenestria. So we are looking for very formal Maliri gowns. While we are not exactly diplomats or heads of state, we do represent the way forward for all Mailri. That involves very close alliances with various other peoples, such as Terrans. Money doesn't matter to us; Baen’thelas owns the entire Maliri Protectorate, including the entire planet this store is on, and he also owns us. He especially owns Dana, the foul mouthed redhead that farted over there; though I cannot imagine why he would want to.” Dana had gotten herself off the floor, stuck her tongue out and proceeded to make it clear she was not impressed by her friend’s assessment.” Alyssa continued after a brief eyeroll at Dana, “We call Baen’thelass John, and he likes us to look nice. So your commission today will be significant. When you have recovered your senses, I will try to get the rest of the girls to cooperate. Go ahead, take a few breaths, clear your head and let us know when you are ready.” More than ever Edraele wished she could give up being Queen, so she could just tag along and see what kind of mayhem Alyssa would come up with next. At least she was there in mind, if not in person. Author’s note: my psychiatrist has informed me he is cancelling my next appointment because he needs a psychiatrist after dealing with me.


Like the part with Author's note:


That bolon may have something against all humanoid females not just Tashana ; perhaps a sadistic fetish,


Where is 159??!