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Hey everyone,

Many months ago, I had a long chat with an aspiring author about a spinoff story she wanted to write in the TSM universe. I suggested a number of ideas and she really ran with it, creating an awesome story with some great characters. You'll notice some familiar faces in here, but Recurve33 has delved into an area of TSM with the minor alien races that I haven't explored in any detail yet.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy the story. It's pretty huge, with a 173k wordcount, so it should give you something fun to read while you wait for the next chapter of TSM!

I'm sure Recurve33 would love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to add some comments with your thoughts about her story.





5 posts in 1 months and an extra 170k+ words to read? Hell ya! Looks like you are finally back on track! Let’s try for 5 posts next month!!!

Jedi Khan

lol Only problem is that he can't claim credit for writing most of those words.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Folks, Recurve has poured her heart and soul into this. She really wants your feedback and discussion. So happy for her. And I agree with Tefler, this is a great book. I happen to know she has 5 more chapters in the wings she is finalizing and she has continuing chapters on the burner. Pleast support her with your comments and questions.


Cannot open this attachment


Thank you Rus, I would like to thank Tefler for letting me play with his toys. I would like to encourage everyone interested in TSM to join the Discord, I enjoy the community and discussion. I also have a little table set up in the #fanfic channel, please stop by. https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5


I hate my phone. Keeps giving me an error. I will work on it.


Hum, I can't save it or open it on my phone. Dang I need to go to bed

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler and Recurve33!


I definitely plan to read this but I wanted to share some thoughts on TSM in general I'd had that might be relevant. Tefler, we all love your work and you have thousands of people practically yelling "shut up and take my money" for more TSM. If you ever wanted to, and if it's even feasible, I think you could have more than one writer (yourself) working on TSM. Since your Patreon is on a pay-per-chapter model, you could theoretically have yourself and another writer each keep a one chapter per month cadence, but the net result would be two chapters per month for your readers, written by alternating authors. Since the chapter output would double, TSM overall income would roughly double, instantly paying for the new writer. I'm no writer but I can imagine trying to synchronize a story between two authors writing alternating chapters might be difficult though. Also, I'm sure there is a percentage of people that might have to reduce their per-chapter pledge due to increased chapter volume, but I'll go out on a limb and guess 80%+ of your audience here would gladly pay the same amount per chapter and get even more TSM!

dakota downey

Hmm cant seem to open file on my phone something about a conversion error


opened fine for me and definitely enjoyed the read. Look forward to future chapters. well done and thank you Recurve33.


Dunno who this might help, but I'm on Android and using a reader called FBReader.... Opens the file without issue.


Fantastic idea! Look forward to reading it.

Jedi Khan

A fair idea, but with a bit of a problem: Tefler himself has a much higher productivity and quality level than most other authors out there. What I mean is that the rate at which Tefler is producing this story far out paces most other authors, especially at this level of quality. Most other authors who have a similar writing pace are putting out crap. Diarrhea of the fingers, essentially. You'll be hard pressed to find another author out there who can match Tefler's writing pace and level of quality. Let's not even get into talking about another author trying to match Tefler's style so as to avoid it being glaring obvious that it's not Tefler's writing.


Please add an ePub? I’m reading on whatever my phone opens it, but it does not track progress. Every time I open something else I need to scroll a lot to find where I was.


Oh, FBReader someone suggested saved me. I prefer infinite vertical scrolling than page turning but we can’t have it all


Started Recurve's book on the flight home to Paris from Vienna - great read so far! I looked for her on SOL, but no joy. I see from an earlier post that she's only on Discord so far. Keep up the good work!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Join the TSM Discord. One of our members, Nchalada created a phone friendly epub format. Here is Recurve's whole story in tablet and phone friendly ePub format (edited) Max_Intel_-_Melinoe_-_Recurve33.epub 579.75 KB It is in our Fanfiction channel, pinned to the channel up top. You can access the TSM discord at https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5


I read the whole thing. Very, very impressive work. It fits nicely into Tefler’s universe, too. There are some typos and minor errors of that nature, but nothing too major. I enjoyed it.

Hans Eriksson

Only read 4 chapters so far and i LOVE it! New concepts with a lot of ways this could go. Looking forward to read the rest as well as more submissions.


I will admit that when reading about the Starchild I thought about Paul Stanley. Not saying that that was intentional on the part of the author, of course.

Chris Forbes

Fantastic addition. Very creative. Super enjoyable read.


I am at the part of where they meet Vika, honestly this bugs me to all hell. As a person who reads fast it is painful to see the spelling of the language used. I go from reading very fast to near nothing and trying to decide if I should just skip the portion. PLEASE if you care about your readers, use that for a bit then put in a message how you will convert this into galactic standard or whatever everyone else in Tefler's universe speaks.


Sparky and I just finished listening to this story. We both loved it and hope it continues!! Have to agree to a point about the Spelling of the language, as listening to it was just a bunch of letters as it couldn't read it. Words as easy as iss just comes out as i s s . I hope she keeps to this story line because the cliff hanger she left us with is almost as bad/good as one of Tefler's !!! So if I was reading / Listening to this from Lit I would give it 5 Stars Great Job!!!


A wonderful addition to the TSM universe. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and look forward to future installments, if Recurve should decide to continue.


Just finished reading the side story, it seems to be a great addition to the TSM universe. I hope when it finishes, Tefler can give it thought whether to canonise the story or not. This could make aspiring writers learn and be successful.


I'll keep it short and sweet.... Excellent, can't wait for the next installment


Very nice story and has great potential to intertwine further with TSM.


To: Recurve33 I enjoyed the story, but an observation: Max should have received an email from John Blake stating compensation for her mother being assassinated. Also, how will you informed us of the next chapter? If I am going to pay you for your stories, I need to know where to go.


I'm afraid you cannot pay me for my stories, they will only be available on the TSM Discord in the fanfiction channel, I encourage all TSM Patreons to join the TSM Discord. MI:M will continue, and leaving an opening for Tefler was the point, dear Cornbread. 8)


Just finished the story as well, was wondering what you thought your posting schedule was going to look like?


Powered through this. Loved it, hope Recurve33 continues the story. can't leave us with a cliff hanger like that!


Very interesting story. would love to read more.


Loved it. Want more.


Recurve, loved the story and looking forward to more. I totally see opportunities for direct interaction between the Invictus new and the girls. Agatha smells like another decendent of a Progenitor like the nymphs. Loved the different angle for improving the crew. Great job and keep it up !I saw you mention more chapters on discord, are you going to be posting here as well? I just signed back into an old discord account I had so could someone post the invite link to tef's channel? Who Me's just took me to discords page for some reason


NVM found it and in


If anyone else needs it, this is an invite to the discord that won't expire for months. https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5


Omg read this an nothing else for 2 straight days. Awesome storyline an start up. Love how it tied into the invictus crew every so often. Great sub/side story that can also be its own story as well. Cant wait to read more


Finished it last night. Great story line looking forward to more. Are you looking into a Patron account?


Oh, man, you have got to convince Recurve33 to do more. She left us hanging!


5 more chapters of MI:M on TSM discord fanfiction channel, scroll up to see invite info. 8)


My story is exclusive to Tefler's Patreon and TSM Discord (come read 5 more chapters of MI:M in Fanfiction channel.) 8)


5 more chapters of MI:M on TSM discord fanfiction channel, scroll up to see invite info. 8)


5 more chapters of MI:M on TSM discord fanfiction channel, scroll down to see invite info. 8)

Marc-olivier Bergeron

Yes please book 2. Did recurve33 had a patreon or a website?

Jedi Khan

You can find her work on the TSM Discord server, in the Fanfiction channel. The invite link has been posted in the comments of this post.


Great story Recurve. Definitely helped pass the time between chapters of TSM. Let me know if you ever post future chapters on Lit or any other site so I can read them.


5 more chapters of MI:M on TSM discord fanfiction channel, scroll up to see invite info. 8)


WOW. Just, wow. Incredible and addictive. Keep it coming, pleeeeeze


Lovely ! a great read 😀


There are another 5 chapters on Discord in the TSM fan fiction section. Look at the pinned posts.


I'll be glad to pay just so I don't have to sort through all the discord BS.


Dunno if this was said earlier...had an issue with reading this...using a chromebook so only google docs...download this as an rtf...then opened up a doc...then "opened" the rtf within doc...and then hit save...worked for me.


Used a RTF app on the Android and had no issues.


Where is the fanfiction channel. I suck with Discord.


Nicely written. Enjoyed it


Yes I figured it out.


Wow! Loving the book. Listening to it on @Voice on my commutes to and from work, and i'm like 3/4ths through, but I wanted to log in here and tell Recurve33 that this is good writing, and a great story. I'd be happy to pay on patreon to keep reading your stuff. Thanks.


This is really good!! Cannot wait good the next book.


I love the idea of stories in the same universe. Pieces glance off of each other like an asteroid field. Great fun.


Enjoyed your story through Chapter 20. Looking forward to your next submittal.


Where on discord are recurve33's chapters? I'm new to Discord


Exactly why I so much enjoy Tefler's writings is why after the first sentence, I have no interest in Recurve's story.


With a handle like 2ndAndrocentric I am completely unsurprised. I wish you a long and delightfully fulfilling life.


Don’t mind the haters. We’ve all read Tefler’s work and I think you are the only one inspired and daring enough to write a complex story to complement his. TSM is a well planned out story that has many hooks that keep us reading. But Tef’s writing today is so different than his first 5 chapters. Not to say that the writing was bad back then… it was simple and sweet. I liked it. The more you write the more naturally your style and skill will develop sophistication. There is no other way so just enjoy the journey. I will say that you have picked up on one of the hooks that helps Tef… the characters are likable because they have a lot of love and empathy for each other. It’s a bit unusual in science fiction where overly dramatic action and sex try to be the hook. But that’s kind of boring against a backdrop of no one giving a shit about anyone and the reader not giving a shit about the characters. Peril set on a canvas of characters you’re rooting for is much more dramatic and page turning. Same thing with sex but in different ways. I would want to have a beer with all of Tefs main characters - both girls and guys even though I’m straight. But early on they didn’t seem as interesting and complex. Same is true for the Maliri matriarchs which mostly remain undeveloped. I struggled to get through most of John’s plowing through that bunch… except for the two matriarchs that Tef took a little more time with. You are still early days in your story. Keep developing your characters in a positive way and don’t stop with me buying a beer for them… develop some characters I’d like to pull out the 25 year scotch for. Most of all thank you for being so brave to put pen to paper.


recurve33 ,thank you for the latest installment . i have grown very interested in your corner of this universe . i can't wait to see where their next adventure is .


Wonderful. Would love to see where Recurve33 could go with this. Also your writing styles seem compatible. It would be interesting see the two of you coauthor something together, perhaps in a different universe.


Loved it. Tried to find her on Patreon to subscribe but can’t locate her. How do I find out subscribing to her work?


I liked this a lot. If you and recurve want to post more of this i would read it !


Definitely a very well put together story. I have a feeling that Recurve33 has a interesting future as a writer. Especially if they continue to put together stories like this. Where can we find her work and help support them as they get this adventure going?


discord is q pain to work with, please move story to a different location like SOL or Lit or Pateon. would love to read other 5 chapters but not on discord


Jeff, I'm sorry you feel inconvenienced. I might also point out that our guest author has one arm and One leg do to an accident and writes in the time between pain and the meds kicking in. I think we can meet her where she feels comfortable in presenting her work.


Excellent story, the tenses slip from present to past in the early parts but that's just an edit. Otherwise, it's compelling, sexy, character driven and well grounded in the existing world.

Ian Kennedy

Jeff, If you send me an email titled MELINOE to Crashman_123@yahoo.com I'll post back the full 20 chapters, converted to html format. There's a few differences from the original as I removed most of the spelling errors, and modified a few sections that either were grammatically incorrect or physically impossible (Like a planet with it's NORTH pole always facing the sun ... a planet is a gyroscope, you can't change its axis of rotation without PHYSICAL FORCE being applied.) ... I modified that to the planet being tidally locked to the sun with one SIDE always facing the sun ... kind of like how the moon is tidally locked to earth. As a POSTSCRIPT, I've done the same with Xin'arax Legend, converting THAT to html too ... as well as modifying it a bit in a few places.

Studley Destiny

Well, I just finished reading the first 15 chapters and now I'm looking for more!


Chapters 16-21 are pinned in the Fanfiction channel of the TSM Discord, there is a link in the comments above. 8)


Can't wait to see what she does with the characters to finish the story.


Really enjoyed this story. Thank you recurve33 for sharing it with us, so glad you shared it with us. Like some people in the comments I don’t do Discord either but I managed the rtf format OK. Can’t wait for the rest😀


Enjoyed book 1 very much. Thank you for posting recurve33. Looking forward to a continuation in book 2. Will you be posting through Tefler's patron site or are there plans to create your own patron page? Love Tefler's universe and your story is a welcome addition.


Could it be possible for this be reposted in a .docx format having problems with .rft file extentions