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Hey everyone!

Here's the second half of chapter 143. I hope you enjoy it!




Thanks Tef


Thanks Tefler.


Thank you!


Thank you Tefler!


Thanks Tefler1


Thank you Tef! 😊


Awesome, thank you Tefler


That was awesome! Thanks Tefler!


Now to wait for the combined


I'll wait a couple of days to do an editing pass on the second half, then I'll combine them. :)

CJ Mora

Wow! What an amazing chapter, Tefler! I hate the wait, but love the read!! Absolutely epic! (Or, as my kid says, "Bussin' bussin'!!") I hope all is well with your family, and that your house is finally fixed. 🙂


Thank you, Tefler!


Your killing us with these cliffhangers

Tefler Fan 007

You made my weekend 😁 the only thing better would be 144 part 1 tomorrow 😁


I have hopes! He did mention releasing 143 and 144 this month. I believe in you Tef!


Tefler, my only concern is when the pull was occurring from Dana’s efforts, how did that impact the others who were nearby, but not very close to her? Yes, I’m being vague on purpose so as to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t read it, yet, but I’m sure you know what and whom I’m referring to.


They were quite some distance away, separated by a few hundred metres of rock... on the ramp that led up. :)




Everyone is going God-mode these days, damn what a chapter

Tefler Fan 007

Everyone went Super Saiyan God mode!!!!!! When John used his kamehameha and destroyed everything was great!!!🤣🤣🤣😜😜😜. Oh wait wrong story 😁. But real talk, when he said “Fatality” and channeled his inner Mortal Kombat it was great 😁.


OMG, best one yet of so many. love every twist and turn...


Great chapter


cheers mr


Very exciting chapter. Part of the stress is that they don’t know what the device is - does it power the mists or the shroud? Taking down the mists might not be bad, but the shroud is the only thing shielding them from Xar’s awareness. Destroying stuff and asking questions later is risky, especially since everything they destroy could be useful to them. Hopefully the worst is over, but they need to get the planet on their side instead of continuing this battle to the death.


Totally awesome!!!!! WOW!!!!! Suspense...excitement... awe are all present and I could not wait to see what happened next. Well worth the wait, another Tefler Triumph setting us up for more!!! Thanks!!!


A most interesting question that just leads to others. Who created the Shroud and for what purpose? Was it Mael’nerak? Was it to shield from the influence of The Great Devourer? Was it to attack the Kirrix? Was one the unintended side effect of the other? Can a Progenitor outside of the Shroud even try to rebel? If the Kirrix were to leave Shrouded space, with their former Symbiotes, would they be able to live in peace with them as they used to, without going insane in the process? Can genocide of the Kirrix be avoided? Should it be avoided? So many answers to look forward to finding out!


,35: Oh, excellent call the other day, wishing and hoping that #143, part 2 would drop early (Saturday) and then we might get more on Sunday,.. so, Happy Halloween!! Boo! ;-) TTFN


.36: THANK YOU TEFLER!!! ,.. That was so Awesome! ,.. Happy Halloween! ,.. and more please! when you can,.. drooling for more,.. ;-) TTFN


One of the best chapters among this current arc. Can't wait for more


Yes thankyou so !!! great save!!cant wait for more


Oh my God!! Thank you Tefler!!! I can not imagine how you write so spectacularly. I can't help but wish this could be made into a movie or a series. Warmest regards from Athens, Greece.

Tefler Fan 007

It sucks that I have to wait a couple days before I can post an observation that I noticed in this chapter 😢😩. Trying to be good and not say any spoilers until people have a chance to read full chapter.


Go to hid Discord page and there are places edits are taken and don't give anything away


The lights in the surrounding city block starting.... Should be started...


WOW! Simply awesome. One of the best so far


Can you reposed a combined doc Tef?

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Damn that was good! Very exciting and ranks up there with chapter 100 as the pinacle of this book.


Pft! Now you see what happens when you take on the super secret dungeon BEFORE you level-grind?


Hey Tefler can you combine all the chapters into one? One of my other writers here does that in his newest book when he writes a new chapter


I strongly support that :) but I think half the content has to be removed to achieve PG-13 ;)


Brilliant chapter, and it still leaves all the unfinished arcs for more reading next year. Loved it

Tefler Fan 007

Located Edit- when John is opening robot for Dana you use “ join” when it should probably have been “joint “.


Wait so Alyssa can open (portals) now?way cool


.55: the three T's: Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Teleportation,.. she's got it all now,.. She seems even more powerful than one of Anne McCaffrey's 'Tower' Primes !!! '-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I was wondering when they would use that power since Larn used it in battle and when his guide used it when they were fighting for control.

Tefler Fan 007

So we have proof now that Johns 20 shaped rune sword is much stronger than 35 shaped armor. So the added runes for the ancient sword used in its construction makes it much stronger. Plus each time he has fully used its power he has let loose with his emotions and embraced his inner fury. First time was on Arcadia after Fayes death and he drained Rachel’s shield to destroy the Larn projection on the piece of metal. The Second time is in this chapter 😁. I believe to fully harness the rune sword it will require him to lose control of all his emotions and fully embrace his destructive nature 🤔


You've written a lot of really good chapters. This was one of the best! Thanks!


.61: My Bad!,.. you sir are again correct! the true 3 T's are all sex related; what was I thinking? ;-) TTFN


.62: This does make curious about the 3 T's and the early Kytherians,.. Is Alyssa developing her powers along the same lines as the pre-Devourer civilization,.. I bet she's even more powerful now,.. just not fully trained and experienced, she's still only 18 years of age,.. almost a baby,.. John's a cradle robber,.. tisk-tisk, for shame! ;-( ;-) ttfn


.62: Just you wait,.. he'll be swinging that runeblade through all those cruel and sadistic Asshats in next to no time, (that's time in the TSM universe, not out here in the slow world),.. he needs to give that blade a name like the soul devourer,.. get Xar' azuith all upset, and he'll call his copyrights lawyers,.. oooh! scarey!,.. or he can just keep calling it his can opener,.. ;-) TTFN


The sword already has a name. It’s Kyth’vindathys. That’s much more meaningful, and probably more disturbing to Xar’azuith, if he finds out the name before its meaning is fulfilled


I like how this fight was in many ways similar to the one in the Nexus research base. It's the same foe, this instance is just the much more capable version. The battle ends somewhat like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgqqfV7cyQY


Thanks. :-)


.67: Evan you are right in every way, but I must argue to other side, Kyth'vindathy is more of a title than the actual name of the sword,.. And I was trying to be a little funny about picking a Devourer name to tick off the great Evil,.. but some strong name that is short, and that has heroic meaning,.. like the Defiant or the Invictus,.. too bad Stormbringer is already taken,.. but I am thinking about how John makes those powerful psychic sweeping arcs that can forcefully slam the opponents through walls and such,.. how about the mighty "Lasher",.. or not,.. but something dynamic,.. short or can be shortened,.. like Whup Ass, shortened to the Whup,.. -- I will keep my thinking cap on,.. until Tef out does my little thought,.. later gators,.. ;-) TTFN


Mr. Tefler is on Spoilers channel at discord now

Tefler Fan 007

Alyssa is way more powerful than John at this point. Maybe the Kytherians secret plan was to make a woman progenitor and John was only meant to protect her until Alyssa can fully take over and put John in his place, Stay at Home Dad🤣😁. Alyssa will work and make John the house husband. They will have girls nights and leave him on babysitting duty.


I loved Ch 155, especially the ending. Did anybody get there without a tear in their eye? That said, I'm sure the responses so far are enough of a *hint* that pre-charging has to stop. Tefler, when I raised my tier to $25 for two chapters I had hoped that it would encourage enough people to do the same to get you out of the hole I could see you were digging for yourself. Either my effort was a flop or you just chose to keep digging. Either way, you are now seeing the result. And its not good (says Captain Obvious). The good news is that it sounds like you are saying you have *lots* of material already written for Ch. 156 and 157? Great! I would humbly (and hopefully) suggest you metaphorically stop digging and start writing.