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Hey everyone,

First of all, apologies for my lengthy absence. 

Over the past few months, I've had a number of unfortunate situations to deal with in my personal life, as well as coping with the pressures of lockdown. I love spending time with my family, but trying to gear myself up for writing adult science fiction when I'm dealing with constant "mundane" interruptions has been difficult to say the least.

Writing this part of the story has also been tricky for a number of reasons. We've reached a pivotal point in TSM and I always feel a huge amount of pressure to make those scenes suitably epic. The guide has been a thorn in John's side ever since I introduced him five years ago, so I wanted to give him the kind of send-off he deserved. 

I think that chapter 136 part 1 was probably the most complex section of the story I've written to date. Every combat scene with the guide hailed back to previous chapters, referencing John meeting and recruiting each of the girls. I also had to craft a convincing set of arguments for the guide, each one undermining John's efforts and playing on his insecurities, while making sure that there was also a relevant link to the girl in question. I'm pleased with the final result, but it took a huge amount of effort to put together. 

As you'll see when you read this update, the second half of the chapter deals with some... traumatic incidents... which are always gruelling to write. I try to immerse myself in the characters when I write from their perspective, which can make writing the darker parts of the story tough going. If I'm excited about writing scenes, then the words flow easily, but if they're complex or dealing with sensitive subjects, then it can be a real grind to get through.

All this has snowballed into a nasty case of writer's block, where I'd really struggle to get even 500 words written in a day. I decided that rather than just keep banging my head against a brick wall, I'd have a complete break from TSM for a few weeks, just to give me a chance to recharge my batteries.

It seems to have worked! :-)

Anyway, here are the next ~17k words in the story. I hope you enjoy it.



I've decided to charge separately for each half of this chapter, to reflect the amount of work involved in creating both sections. 

I'll revert to normal charging next month and do my best to complete two chapters for November.







He’s back!!

Sushant Bhartiya

Thanks Tefler!! Not about the post, but about your leaving a message

Dennis Banfield

Thank you thank you thank you!! Really glad to have heard from you, and glad you are well!


Welcome back Tef :)


Sir I am just glad you are ok!!


Apologies unnecessary mate. Best wishes and happy Halloween


Welcome back! Glad you see that you and family doing okay! Thanks for the update!

dakota downey

Welcome back you taking a Break didnt bother me it was nobody knowing if you had died or something in the future please try to mention something


Just glad you are ok


We’re so happy your doing ok! The story is secondary!


Having had writer's block myself, it sucks donkey. It good to hear from you Tef!!!!!


Welcome back!


Welcome back!


Woot! Glad to hear all is as well as can be expected!


I always had faith. I will always be happy to wait for a TSM chapter


Welcome back!


Fantastic to have you back!!

Kyle Oathout

I never mind or care how you charge. I'm just glad you're on and that the story continues! Thank you for taking the time and effort to explain to us what had been going on!


Just glad to hear you are safe and well!


OMG OMG OMG! Tefler I can’t describe how happy I am you’re back. No apologies necessary, best wishes from all of us ❤️


Yea, yea, and I promise to treat your daughter (yes, the promiscuous one) like a lady.! Just glad you made it to the other side, lad!


Glad to see you're ok. Real life comes first, always. Take care


Welcome back, Tefler! Your explanation is greatly appreciated and I'm *very* happy that you've decided to charge for this second half of the chapter, since I don't want to have you go without income for two months in a row! Most importantly, we're very happy to hear that you're well. I hope that the rest of your family is also well! How's your father doing?


Just glad everything is okay. (and what Dakota said..)


Hey, that’s cool Tef, glad to hear you’re doing ok


THANK YOU , hope life eases up for you .


The king has returned


Welcome back


So many people counting the kid out. He ain't done yet! Happy to read more, Tef.


Thank you, thank you & thank you. You have been missed by many.


So not seriously grotesquely injured? Good. As others have posted, thank you for the update, glad you’re doing better. - Sul


Thanks be to Lord. You are OK. 🙏


Glad to hear your ok , next time please just drop a line you have writers block and we wont panic . As far as charging if you read the over 1000 comments you will find a common thread for most of us we would have paid for one sentence just to know you were fine . Happy Halloween tef !


Real life always comes first...but I'm glad to hear you're okay as I was getting worried and now off to read!!


Teller I can’t imagine any of us are the least bit bothered that you decided to charge for each half of this chapter. I think are all just glad to know you are well and have managed to take the time you need.


Yay, we were starting to worry. Love you, take care of yourself and your family. But in these times, a simple "I'm still here,but dealing with reality " goes a long way. Hugs to everyone across the pond.


All hail the king! You're alive! Awesome. Welcome back Tefler.

Big D Daddy O

Glad to have ya back! No apologies necessary. Just hearing from you is a wonderful Halloween gift.


Glad to have you back Tef. And from my point of view...sometimes you need a break...take it. I can only speak for myself....but I'd rather have you in the right "frame of mind" vice trying to just bang out chapters. You've put alot of time and effort into this universe. We all appreciate it! Thanks for the story!


Man, keep yourself sane. We would hate to see you abandon this work uncompleted. Maybe just tell us next time you take a break? Please?


Glad to hear you're okay!


Mr. Tefler, I am so glad it was a case of writers block and nothing to do with losses. Thank you for the chapter and it is so good to have you back. Blessing to all.


As someone with very little income to speak of, I couldn't care less about the charging thing. Just glad you're ok. It made my day to get a notification that you posted a new chapter. Now get back to the grind stone you slacker 😝 jk


OMG!!! I'm so FRICKING glad you're okay. Man I was a Lil scared for a while but I'm greatful you're well. The Great Absence has concluded


just so glad you are ok, thank you for the news

Donovan Gibson

Tefler, we are all happy to hear that you are alive and well and that your family is hanging in there. The current situation is tricky for all of us. It astonishes myself and others that you continue to weave your web of mystery so impressively through your writing! Many other people would have given up or written themselves into a corner by now. We all thank you for not throwing the keyboard out the window, as it were. Wishing you all the best, Don.

David Kepler

From all of us, welcome back and thank you!


Hey Tef! Glad you are ok! Congratulations on working through it. I never had a doubt. Peace

Ryan Smith

(Kicks the roll of toilet paper behind him nonchalantly) this is an awesome treat for Halloween night.


Without you there would be no 3SM, so you yourself are the top priority. Be well and don't sweat the details.


Wow! That's a heck of a last paragraph, Tefler! This entire half chapter was extremely well done, though, in my opinion, and yes, very 'dark' in places, but well done!


This is the first time I have ever commented on any story, I just want to say that I have enjoyed your writing and have read TSM several times. Please keep up the great work, but remember that ones health should always come first. Family time is part of that. Best wishes for the future.


Welcome back Tefler. I can understand needing the break and im glad you managed to pull through. Hope everything works out . EDIT: Have just finished part 2 and damn was that worth the wait


Welcome back, Tef! Just glad you’re ok. Best wishes!


Thanks Tefler, and welcome back.


Glad to hear you took some time to get your head straitened out! Please always remember that you can not get water from a dry well. So, always take time for yourself away from the job. (no matter how fun it is at times) :) Regarding p2: Great job, and I think you delt with Alyssa's past in a most gracious way balancing on the line between the true darkness of her pre-John years as compared to showing her 'cornerstone' writ large. Great work and I look forward to supporting you in the future as you do bring us all so much joy!

Dave Barrack

Thank you for this chapter. And also still being alive. Seriously, there's a pandemic on. We would all deeply appreciate a post titled "Still Alive" every 4 weeks or so. My prediction is that Dana is getting the bulk of... er, genetic blueprints this chapter.


my morning just became great


Wow! Fabulous chapter. Well worth the wait


Such a fucking amazing chaper !!! :D


No worries about taking time for RL between chapters, but please don't leave us hanging without a comment. I was actually worried about your health.


Glad to hear you and your family are well. Please do not think twice about taking time for yourself.


First, welcome back. Second, drop a note and let us know you're alive man. Good Lord, there is a worldwide pandemic going on. We were scared for ya. Third, maybe one of your best chapters yet. For having writers block, you stepped up to the plate and hit a homerun, or whatever you all do in cricket. Fourth, this is the second chapter in this series I never want to read again. Holy hell man, your writing is amazing, but that is some seriously detailed sad stuff. You had me in tears through 75% of the chapter. This was more heartbreaking then when Faye died. It is great detail for the story, and served a purpose, but I can't read that again. Lastly, I love to read, and do so all the time. You are (imo) the best author I have ever read. The detail you provide, the multiple storyline that you weave, it is absolutely impressive. Charge what and when you want, I will gladly pay it.


Same here, story aside, its nice to know you aren't dying from covid. Hope your in good health.


Shivers, man. Fucking shivers of epicness. Glad you're still kicking.


No problem taking time off, but like others have said, a check in to let us know you're alright would be appreciated next time...as you can see more than a few of us are addicted to the story! I'm not saying out yourself publicly, or even that you need to post regularly, but maybe one of your trusted editors can get an acknowledgement of your continued existence. Nothing worse than getting into a saga only to have the author fall off the face of the Earth.


Oh yeah, that's a worthy part 2. A positive cliffhanger for once


That was worth waiting for :)


Holy jumping jesus on a cracker, that was/is a masterwork. So worth the wait


Part 2 is so worth the wait!


Great to see you back and with a fresh set of eyes so to speak. I hope all is well on the home front. Thank you for the newest chapter as well.


Fuck mate! You sure had ALOT of people worried about you! So happy to get that notification! Even just to see you're ok. I'm upping my contribution I'm that happy!


Man, i was getting flashbacks to, " A Spartans War Chronicles" where the author passed away in the middle of his amazing story. Thank god that's not the case.

bob lakhanpal

Welcome back,Tefler!! Good to have you back.....


Praise be the mighty Tef!! For he is most Awesome....Phew had us worried mate!


Worth the wait. Thank you Tefler


Glad to hear you are ok. On to the reading. Thanks for writing.


Looking forward to reading it.... Haven't read it yet but am definitely fine with the payment for half chapter. Cannot stress enough how much we enjoy TSM and we understand there is a lot of work going into it Thanks again


Worth the wait!


It's great to see you back! That was an amazing chapter, and I can totally understand the writer's block getting that all down. I'm seriously impressed by all of the character development you've managed over the years. I've read so many stories with flat, 2 dimensional characters who just experience events, but you've managed to make your characters feel alive and grow them through your story.


I am sure I speak for 'most' everyone when I say it is not just good, but great to hear from you and that you're still with us. Take care of yourself and thank you for takin' care of us!


Just like the girls to John. We all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up to join you Tefler. Amazing things take time to deal with. Just like how John and the girls are doing all they can to reach their final goal. We love you and are happy you and your family are doing well. And look forward to your future work.


Damn...that was a mindblowing, outstanding chapter. No wonder it took you a bit before you were satisfied. Thank you good sir...thank you!


Fantastic chapter


Hi Tefler! Welcome back! Thanks so much for the chapter, it was, as usual awesome. Also, I don't think you should worry in any way about the time taken between chapters. The last thing any of us want is for you to burn out and not finish this excellent story.


Nothing but applause my good sir, You have topped even my highest expectations .


IT'S ALIVE!!!! Just glad to hear from you again, was starting to worry. Hope everything else in life turns out better going forwards.


You're the best!!!!


Two thumbs up on that ending for the chapter. Very, very glad to see you're back, hope you can find rest enough as life continues!


Awesome chapter bud. 👍


Look forward to reading it


Super glad to hear from you, I honestly had been assuming almost the worst case scenario with such an extended silence, but had been keeping my mouth shut here as to not fan any flames or whatnot. I think we all would have appreciated just a heads up that you're taking a break and save us from the worrying, and most of us would have absolutely been supportive of your decision. Good to have you back Tefler!


Ok you motherfucker first you disappear for an eternity. Then you come back and give us a chapter... like that? You gd glorious bastard how the hell areas supposed to survive the wait for another chapter!!!! That was awesome!!!

Connor Shearn

Oh my gods this so was such a good chapter.


Wow! Its good to see you back and kicking ass.. As per the common consensus drop us a hi or hello so we dont go nuts and do something crazy.. Excellent part 2 and for once a positive cliff hanger.. Stay safe mate.. A lot of good folks are depending on you creativity and wellbeing.. Upped my tier.. Should have done it long ago. Keep writing at your own pace but just let us know you are alive. :)


Holy shnikes!

Jim lynch

Ohhh come on man that’s a cruel cliffhanger if there ever was one. Glad your back buddy hope everything’s ok with your family.


Fantastic, but no cliffhanger?


If it's any consolation, I can sympathize completely. The entire first half of the month was a wash for me. On the 15th I only had about 2.5k words on paper. Luckily, I managed to break out of my funk and somehow pulled off two full chapters. Writer's block really takes on a whole new dimension when your livelihood depends on it.


Glad you're still with us Tefler. Hope your family is doing well too.


I think you need to delete your commitment (both to readers and yourself) that a chapter is 30k words. Move the story meaningfully regardless of quantity would keep my Patreon pledge..


Great to have you back. I hope things keep getting better and better for you. Amazing chapter, it takes a truly great story to get me sitting in my chair with tears in my eyes and a Cheshire Cat grin on my face.


Happy to see that you are doing better. There was some question on a Facebook group, as to your health. Any idea when the next book, will grace us, with its presence?


Incredible Ch. 136 part 2...stunning ending!!!


Man, I'm just glad you're okay. I was afraid something bad had happened like a life-threatening illness or injury.


So glad you’re back! And well! . . . And as others have said it’s better to have a smaller post of quality. So worth the few $ 🙂🙂🙂


Oh my god.......i...is this good? Is it bad? WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW????. Pls. Need more story words. Cant stop here. T_T


That was a joy to read !


The perfect antidote following news of a second. month-long lockdown. So pleased to see you back Tefler, and of course we all support you at this most difficult time. Stay well and keep your family safe.


The ending left me trembling with excitement. The break only made things better. The wait for the next chapter is going to kill me. Welcome back and thanks for the godly chapter.


Can't we agree that you send a bi weekly message "I'm alive" in the future?

Scott Way

Great chapter. Definitely well timed for the theme as well.


Putting the pitch fork away.....


Sooooooooo happy to see you post something. Haven't read it yet, but happy to know you are still around!! Take care of yourself and your family!!


Good to see you back tefler. I hope we haven't been too frantic over this.

James Hârn

Take care of yourself and your family Tef.

Deryck Stevenson

Happy to hear that you out of the other side of your funk and back with us. Family, health and friends more important than writing, I am sure I say for all of us though we have missed your work.

Brooks Moses

Glad you're doing okay, and I completely get how things like this can interrupt the desire to write adult science fiction. I've had things of my own that I've been wanting to write, and the mood simply hasn't been there at all.

Brooks Moses

Oh, and I totally agree with your assessment that this and part 1 should count as separate chapters for billing purposes. I'd have complained if you'd decided otherwise. :)


Dude, i'm happy that you're back, next time please just log in and say hi from time to time. Great chapter.

Wilfredo Santa Maria

Yay your back. I'm just glad your doing okay! Thanks for all the hard work!


I fully agree - you deserve the extra charge this month! But as others have suggested, how about an “I’m alive” message if you run into another month like this. If you’ve read replies to your previous posts, you’ll know we were worried!


I think the two most appropriate words/quote are: Holy fuck...


thank you Tefler keep safe

Deryck Stevenson

Just read 136 part 2. Well worth waiting for. A wonderful continuation to this very entertaining and imaginative story.


Holy shit yes, worth the wait

CJ Mora

I'm relieved and grateful that you're okay, Tefler. During times like these, with COVID and unrest, we never know when we (or the ones we love) will meet misfortune or worse. I've been reading your story and your comments since the beginning, In a way, I feel like you are familiar to me, like a friend from work that I'd like to get to know more about, outside of work. I have been concerned about your health and your family's, and I hope all is well. I liked this chapter a lot. Especially how it was resolved. I am quite tired of John beating himself up about his perception of relationship imbalance and guilt about keeping multiple relationships simultaneously with all the girls, so I hope this finally puts that to rest permanently. After all, there's a whole new world of guilt about not spending enough time with his kids. (God, I hope not!) Now, it's time to build his fleet, sow some seed (ahem), and kick some ass!


Glad you're back, Tef. To quote reddit "upvote then read"


Holy shit that was worth the wait! Was nearly to tears by the end! I’m glad you are doing ok and can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

Jacques Van Zyl

Simply magnificent! Hats off to Tefler! You truly are a master story writer. And on a more personal note, glad you and your loved ones are still okay in these crazy times.


Bravo! Well done!!!!!! Thank you for a beacon of humanity in a hurricane of chaos!


What a story!! Glad you back and staying well. Take care in the 'lock down'.


I am Soooooooooooo glad to hear that your OK and well happy to read the new chapter. Thank you .... Thank You ........ Thank You!

Ken Moreau

Outstanding wrap-up, and bringing the team back together! Tefler, I appreciate you having the wisdom to keep your priorities straight (family and yourself come first), and the patience to take the time to deliver another top-notch chapter. :-) Having said that, I will say that I got as far as the "dolly" scene before I skipped the rest of Alyssa's memories. People keep telling me that I should read Stephen King, because he is amazing at both horror and terror, and get confused when I tell them that I *don't* read King for precisely that reason: the better he is at evoking horror and terror, the less I want to read it. And so it is with Tefler. I know how good Tefler is at consistent world-building, sense-of-wonder space opera, solid characters and exciting adventure tales. I honestly do not want to find out how good Tefler is at horror, because I am afraid that he is as good at horror as he is at everything else. When I rejoined the action on page 34 (thanks for the visual break of ***), my belief in Tefler's writing was confirmed. Wow. Just wow. Another expansion which is totally consistent and logical with what has been explained before. Very well done!


Awesome chapter! Thanks so much for the effort, and gotta say I think it really paid off. Like so many above also indicated, please just drop us a line and let us know you're okay, so the internet pundits don't start singing early stories of your demise. Everyone's imagination goes to that dark place in a heartbeat, and I'm just really relieved and happy that you're okay and still with us among the living (and writing). Really, really, glad to have you back!


I'm happy that things are looking better for you. Chapter 136 is so monumental that it's almost unbelievable. I'm glad that all of the angst and self-doubt that John felt is a thing of the past.


It has been a long wait and to be honest I struggled with how you would take the story forward after part 1. So many easy and basically boring options. But you came through with a brilliant approach. You are truly talented and paying double for the two parts of this chapter was a privilege.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler, and Welcome Back!


tefler you are a master of words


Well done. Worth the wait. I have chills. Glad you are well.


Having not yet read part 2, I'll say that I'm just pleased you're back, Tefler; I think a lot of the community has been quite worried about you personally. So glad the story is continuing now! 😁 W.r.t. the "double payment" for this chapter, given your provided reasons, that seems more than fair; no problem at all. Also, since I assume you derive a fair bit of your income from TSM and Patreon, it might be harsh to wait for chapter 137 for another payment, as it were, so that's understandable as well.


Glad you are back and OK.


Hey Tefler, I hope things only improve for you and your family! Bill us however you need to. I'm just happy to hear from you again. I think your patrons were all feeling like Alyssa this last chapter, and going through separation anxiety. It's great to have you back! Thanks for the post. You always leave us wanting more at the end.


Wow. Awesome conclusion to this story arc. Glad you are well, sorry to hear of your difficulties. It is definitely challenging dealing with the changes of a pandemic totally disrupting our lives and routines. It’s hard to grasp that you can’t just push through it when creativity is involved. You definitely found a way to get your muse back as captivating as ever. Thank you for this wonderful escape.

Big Dude

Tefler, you are one impressive writer. Glad your "eldritch" batteries are recharged. One mighty chapter. Too bad Mia died. She could have been a mighty asset to John.


Welcome back Tefler, great chapter. Please say something every 2 weeks or so too stop us all worrying


Welcome back.


Thanks for the next installment, Tefler! We've missed you and were beginning to worry. Glad you and your family are ok, and that you're back to writing. Keep up the good work!


Just glad you're back


Glad to see you were OK Tef... Glad it was only writers block and not something more.




well, welcome tefler, glad our dark predictions were not come to pass... and for the record, we do not mind so much a hiatus because of personal reasons or writers block. We like to hear from you even if there are no updates. even if you just drop us a line about your status from time to time, just to let us know how you fare generally.


Welcome back Tefler ! I'm really glad that you're okay. Your chapters are way longer now than they were years ago when I subscribed, so I really see no harm in being charged again for this half of the chapter.


Tefler were all just extremely grateful your still alive and kicking. An holy shit what a way to end the chapter!!!!! Amazing job as always. Take all the time you need.


I appreciate the hard work. But the double charge is Not warranted. In fact its a little shady. Like your trying to get us to pay for your vacation I will be withdrawing my sponsorship.


While I will not be withdrawing my sponsorship I do have to agree that the double charge on top of 0 communication does not feel right, but I really can't complain because you're alive and you absolutely over deliver 99% of the time! edit I feel the need to make: Tefler, after reading the chapter I can only imagine how difficult that must have been to write. I am perfectly okay with paying for this and absolutely anything else that you produce. Thank you for going through that to share this beautiful story with us.


Awesome part 2 !! Many thanks and welcome back.


Glad that you are ok! Great chapter! Thank you for being true to your vision of the story.


Outstanding Tefler! We appreciate your persistence and all the effort it took to keep going. In times like these, please don’t ever underestimate the power of the positive waves you are creating with your storytelling! Cheers!


It’s been said here over and over but I’m saying it again anyway. Glad to have you back, I could care less about being charged for half a chapter and I’m just happy you’re well :) Now I’m off to read! Judging by the comments I’m in for a treat!


Glad to have you back Maestro ;)




Sorry - first time comment and didn't know exactly how to make it. I really enjoy this story and I wish you and yours the very best. Your 1/2 updates are more than fair for my commitment. Thank you for all your amazing work.


We all hope your extended family is well, and that your father-in-law is recovering. You know, it is strange, and I realize it was never intended this way, but I think your absence for the last couple of months gives us a vague sense of the feelings experienced by the girls after John locked them out.... and then his reconnection. Another wonderful chapter, and the sense of honor and love between all the characters is so refreshing in a time of the complete opposite.


Magnificent! Thank you Tefler!

Horny Rhino

Dude, 1st. I'm so glad to hear you're well, and your family is in my prayers. 2nd. Don't push yourself. You said it yourself, you just got over writers block. Take your time, and enjoy your process. It's what makes you so great... Put out what you can/want to, not what you think we want.


WOW, I don't mind paying double just for that part of a chapter alone... Bravo, I think that's the best chapter so far...glad to have you back Tefler :)


It is something of an irony that most of us can sympathize with the girls being cut off from John. Glad you are back!


That ending was long awaited, inspired..we still have many sideplots from old stories which has to be connected to current point. Waiting..


Please to hear you are back. No probs with the payments as we are all here to enjoy the fruits of your labour. I'll now get down to reading part 2 with antisipation.


Well *that* was great, and worth the wait. Glad you're OK, glad you took a needed break.


Welcome back. Thanx for the half chapter. Great read. Glad to hear about the family being good. Please drop a hi for us to see that you are still kicking. Thanx again for the great read.


WB glad to see you


Holy shitballs, that was worth the wait!


Okay, I'm rarely so engrossed in a reading that I get a physical emotional response.....but that closing phrase.... holy shit. “No... my true name is Kyth’vindathys. For I am the Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn.”   Imma need a minute. Legitimate goosebumps, chills, the whole 9.


It's fine that you charged separately for this imo. You put massive amounts of work into each chapter or part so I am fine as long as they are sufficient. Also happy to hear from you again you are probably my 2nd favorite author if not my favorite.


I am so glad you are ok. Writer's block is normal and totally understandable. Thank you for the great story and keep going!


Amazing read!! Happy your ok 👌


nice to reconnect to our story. Your half chapters are whole books compared to some writers efforts and the story far more engaging - I get more than my moneys worth and should feel like many others more guilty about my level of support. Apart from the dollars being apart of patreon and discord allows me another level of engagement with the story than I'd get on the free sites. Looking forward to the next chapter of the story

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler for the second half of the chapter, it is greatly appreciated. You need to look after you and your needs to be able to support, protect and love your family. We are grateful for all that you do.


Oh that was amazing. That was so worth the wait. Holy hell. Thank you so much Tefler. Now I can continue reading my 3rd read though of the series


Have I said “Wow “ before? Well, let me say it again. Wow!


Holy shit! This is AMAZING!!!!!


Oh WOW!!!


Damn! great read! Even better that you are back!


Hopefully this means that Whiny John is now just as much a thing of the past as Progenitor John! For part 1 & 2, I probably scrolled through fully half the story because it's nothing that hasn't been gone over ten thousand times in the past. For a superhero type, you've got to wonder how thick the guy's skull is that his harem pound the lesson home dozens of times, and it still doesn't seem to stick. So, okay, we got it out of the way finally. It's over and done with, right? Or will the next few chapters be filled with Whiny John still being all insecure and having to get constant positive reinforcement from the dozen women in his harem? Now that Whiny Alyssa has made an appearance, will she need constant positive reinforcement to "fix" her? Will Whiny Sparks make an appearance so we can learn the details of her sob story? Waiting two months, roughly, for a chapter that was pretty much a dressed-up repeat of all the whining that's gone on in chapter after chapter really killed the joy for me. I was very happy when I went back through the story posted on Literotica and found that Whiny John had been blessedly edited out, so it was something of a shock for him to make a cameo appearance here after I'd waited so long to get to this point. He's like the villain that just won't die! ;) All that time spent going over something done and dusted already, only to leave us at a cliffhanger with this new Progenitor guy. I really liked the name Righter of Wrongs so I was sad to see that go, especially for a name that's even weirder and harder to pronounce. The Righter of Wrongs or Vengeance of Whoever.... well, logically, he will be righting a wrong that was done thousands of eons ago, so the Baen'Thalas name can still stick! Glad things are going okay, Tef, and don't fret being away from the keyboard when it comes to taking care of the personal life. Everyone's been in a similar situation!


I shared your confusion about the end of the chapter. I thought John might have been manipulated to make some error in changing his progenitor connection, and hence been taken over by some ancient vengeful force. However I reread the ending and noticed the "serene expression". I think the intention was to denote a realization by John about the source of his new-found power. But we will see in the next chapter!


Cheers Tef! Great read.. Hope you're feeling better now! Take care


Glad you're back Tef!


Glad to see you got past that huge hurdle of John's guide's arc and started on the other side, and that you and yours are ultimately ok right now. I wasnt so much into the Alyssa thing this chapter, while they scenes were solid, it wasnt a backstory John or I as a reader needed, since all of it was pretty understood if not fleshed out. ***story question, mild spoilers*** Also, John does his big reveal of her flaw as pointed out by the guide, she shows him some memories he already guessed at, and they never continue the discussion of his point? Unless he's just going to say 'yeah I was wrong' and then change her on the sly, this problem didnt get resolved.


I hope that it dosen't get too overwhelming for you. I also hope it gets better soon. Keep well, Tefler. Its nice to hear from you.


Glad you are happy with the outcome of the chapters Tefler. I was happy with them too. Good that you're back. Hopefully things are easier for a while.


I felt a similar way when we had yet another full convo on johns guilt. the thing is it actually made alot of sense to have that kind of talk after his fight with his guide and it fit there. its just unfortunate that we've already read that same convo so many times before that it actually took away from the impact it wouldve had for me here. its gotten to a point where i find myself annoyed at john for not trusting the girls when theyve tried so hard to ease his guilt. i dont see many other people complain about this aspect of the story so i always feel im in the minority there. of course all the rest of the story is so amazing ill of course put up with it, i just think about 75 percent of the "guilt convos" could be edited out of the story


Oh, and I particularly liked the Progenitor evil thread connection part. It bothered me that the team lost all their cool when disconnected. It didn't match with their personalities under other conditions IMO, but that explanation is a very good one. I really hope the Alyssa story being out allows for a recovery away from the crazy dependency she has.


Hi Mr. Tefler. I have not yet read 136.2 but really appreciate your getting back to us all with your personal update and wish you and your family all the very best going forward. By the way, I'm more than happy with your billing arrangement charging for two half chapters which I consider very fair.


Damn, that was worth the wait!


Welcome back, glad you're well and not abducted by aliens or forcibly perched in the comfy chair of the Spanish Inquisition.


woop woop. we confirmed hes alive and well. Thank you for letting us know you are ok Tef. I would like to make one small request... can we get more ebooks put up on amazon, I think book 4 just ends at chapter 37 or so, and I love being able to binge read several chapters at once instead of one by one. Maybe next time you get the ole writers block and need a break, you could not worry about new content and just compile older content into more ebooks. It gives us a chance to also pay for older content that was not out on patreon at the time so we can support you further. just a thought. Also, forget the few above about the double charge. you got tons of loyal followers here chomping at the bit for content, the bulk majority of us think you could charge way more. Ive been paying $3 per chapter since i was a latecomer here and wanted to support you for your earlier work as well, and even that feels low to me.


Meh. It was about average for Teff. The flashback was unexpected. Loved it btw. Now I have to wait three months to binge again. You do you Teff, we'll be here.


“No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! " I think that's because their main weapon is surprise and fear. Two chief weapons, fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency! .......You just have to always look on the bright side of life!


why is John, us or even Alyssa interested in PJ's point of view? His comments don't cover off all the pride are young girls (okay the lenarrans are different) and have little of no life experience. Alyssa's behaviour smacks sometimes as a teenage prima donna and given her chronological age and background I can live with it. If this chapter helps put the 'whiny John' to bed great, if this chapter is the platform to get on with answerin questions and righting wrongs good. I understand writers block may contribute to some going over old ground (although I like the idea of going into the ebooks) but even in that suspended state of animation Tefler still producers some pretty good reading that meets the needs of alot of his audience... Yes Alyssa needs to grow up but only exposure to the real work will do that for her and only John hardening up will resolve that.


A necessary backstory about Alyssa that helps explain her role in the story, and a very satisfying foundation for the story going forward. Thank you, Tefler, for providing a well-written mini chapter with part 2.


Chapter 136 was definitely the worthy..


Thank you tefler for this wonderful gift

curious couple

it's great to hear your safe and well. Absolutely amazing end to the chapter thank you tefler.


Hey Tetler Glad you are doing ok. Not so much a correction, but maybe slide in that Alyssa initially helps Dana because Dana is someone that creates things, which Alyssa mentions admiring later in the chapter. Maybe also have her show more apprehension at following Dana. You reuse "never before felt so helpless" when Mia falls into drugs and when Fat Tony steals the Nutri-bars. I don't know if that is a problem but it stood out to me. Maybe word one of the times differently, or say she hadn't felt as helpless since-. Just spit-balling here. Thanks for the chapter.


Just finished reading it and all I have to say is LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!


Welcome back Tefler. I can totally understand family issues and needing to take time off. You dont owe us anything so when you need time take it. I just ask that you drop a line to your fans to let them know, we worried about you.


Glad your back and look forward to the next chapter. Cheers


Your work never fails tef. An excellent read as always


On the edge of my seat for what is to come


Support you sentiments of "Ive been paying $3 per chapter since i was a latecomer here and wanted to support you for your earlier work as well, and even that feels low to me."


Finishing up John's insecurities about his relationships with the girls were sorely needed, topping it off with Alyssa's past to solidify it was a great idea to have. Now with John's conscience clear, I suspect an acceleration of shit getting done now. (Please be a new ship, maybe a radical change to the original with Dana's powers)

Hinterlands Man

*Massive sigh of relief* *massive inhale in anticipation*


Just happy that you are ok


I am entirely ok with the separate charge for the 2 halves of this chapter.


The ending of chapter136 was well worth the wait. As others have said I’m glad you’re doing alright.


Does anyone have the discord link? The link from a few weeks ago is considered inactive


Where is Daphne? Based upon the statement he made in chapter 135, I would have expected to see Daphne in the mix of girls coming to see John after the battle. Since she wasn't, I hope that she shows up quickly. The visual of him floating in the air would make any AI suspicious and want to find out what was going on. Also, now that John is complete, the crew needs to get their butts back to Malari space and find out what is in Mael'nerak's home world. I am sure that there will be some fantastic surprises in store for them.


I really enjoyed the second half, and the ending, although I had to read it twice to convince myself that John had not fallen into some Kyth'faren trap (and I am still not sure: if John had said something like "I now know who I am" it would be more clear, but perhaps the ambiguity is intentional). A more vexing question (spoiler alert) is whether the issue with Alyssa has actually been resolved. On rereading, I skipped the flashback and it seems to me what happens is: after John's confession that he made Alyssa into his wicked conscience and harem recruiter, she does not deny this, but basically says "It's okay because that's nothing compared to the abused life I had before I met you". Then after the flashback, the issue is dropped by John and all the girls. Although I have reservations when the story riffs too much on the modern theme of empowered women, what we have here is still an abusive relationship and a missed opportunity to resolve it.


Since the story is now moving onto the progenitor war section, perhaps re-title it as a new book.


I have a few ideas for the dragon queens transformation i would like to run by Tefler. Also on what will happen to the deep pool .


SOOOO Happy to hear from you.


I'm just glad you're back and everything is OK on your end. :)


Glad to hear you're alright!


Good to have you back, Tef. You had is worried. I think most of us felt a bit like Alyssa, blocked out of your mind and worried about your safety.


Well, maybe it's resolved by leaving out the black thread from the progenitor bond. We'll just have to wait and see. Knowing John, he'll not stand for having an abusive relationship, even if it's not quite as abusive as before.

Big Dude

Notice the drop off of Patrons and the pledges? Called this to attention last month. Some people are visitors, while the faithful stalwarts hold steadfast.

Big Dude

Regarding John's insecurities, have you guys ever thought being abandoned by jo mama and not knowing jo daddy could have something to do with that? Knowing your parents didn't care about you so you want to instill balance in all your lady relationships because grandma didn't know what to do?

Big Dude

Was 4147 Patrons and over $7600 in chapter fees. Cut and run.


He could have saved MANY of the Patrons that jumped ship just by letting everyone know what was going on. We are a pretty understanding bunch. But to have just checked out the way he did . . . I almost bailed as many did. A simple "Hey, I'm OK and dealing with a bit of writer's block" would have saved many of those that bolted.


Does not seem that many patrons have even left...Most of the time when a chapter drops lots of backers get kicked off due to cards being declined anyways


Still enjoying the story and looking forward to the stories and cliff hangers to come. Given how long Tefler has been delivering the goods and the quality of the work I'm glad to be part of patreon so I get my early dose and get to read the reactions of other fans. I'm not sure but we pay for what we get and if we get nothing we pay nothing so no big loss in that sense. I'm selfish and sort of patient so as long as I get my story I'm happy - those who jump patreon because of a first blimp confirm how spoilt we as readers have been. Roll on the next chapter!


To all those who are upset that Tefler didn't provide an update along the way, I know something about what being down, stressed or depressed can do to someone. A very typical response to stress/depression is to 'ghost' people -- to go silent or missing. It doesn't mean you necessarily can't get out of bed in the morning, it just means you don't want to deal with something that at other times you would have no problem with or even enjoy. People can do this even when it is self-destructive to their lives -- making the desire to avoid things even stronger. This feeling/situation can be especially difficult for people without a structured schedule to their day or folks that rely on their creativity. There's not always a lot of rhyme or reason to what brings someone back. I love building websites, but sometimes, it's hard for me to resist the urge of running away from a project. I have no idea if this what happened with Tefler, but at the very least, we have to understand it might be.


I'm simply overjoyed Tefler is ok, and will continue to bring us happiness with each new chapter he writes. We all ghost things at some point in our lives to try and keep our sanity, I understand Tefler's actions, and hope he finds his muse again and gets back into the writing groove. Whatever he decides to do going forward, I am thankful for the universe and characters he already created for us to discover and explore. btw- Cheers for the new chapter, loved it.


I really appreciate this chapter. I've read it twice due to having to finally establish Alyssa as her own character. Never was a huge fan as Alyssa never seemed as filled out as the other girls like she was missing something all the other girls had. I figured out out it was an innate flaw that everyone has that tefler is good at portraying in his characters. You may say well she has made plenty of mistakes. But those were only in the scope of Matriarchal duties than as a person. She didn't feel like a feeling being as much. Like she was a role being filled. This seems to have given her definition; at least in my eyes. Also John is a living weapon huh?


Thank You for sharing your wonderful journey with us. I have spent years loathing every scene with the Guide and doubted you had a payoff that was worth the pain of the Journey. And then you have your Babe Ruth moment and point to the outfield and delivered the game winning 9th inning grand slam home run. Again, I am in awe of your ability to create. Please continue to be true to yourself and deliver what you feel in your heart on your schedule. I will remain a loyal supporter of your great work. Bravo!


Yup, the ending of this chapter was absolutely EPIC. I've probably read that last two pages 5 or 6 times since it came out. Game on!


1. Does anyone hate as much as I do how comments load on this site.? Or how they post for that matter? One of the problem I have is that I seem to be incapable of starting a new paragraph. Another issue I have is that it will only load 10 comments at a time. So if there are 1000 comments, I have to hit the "load" icon 100 times and wait for the screen to refresh....arrrgh! 2. @MuddMaxx Yes, isn't it ironic how actual life and the relationship between content creator and consumer is portrayed and reflected in this chapter! 3. We finally learn some of the details of Alyssa's backstory. (SPOILERS AHEAD) We long suspected that Alyssa prostituted herself, and now this is positively confirmed. We also learn of the circumstances surrounding her childhood, filled with fear, abandonment, loss, shame, humiliation, shattered hopes, physical and mental abuse, and the sense of complete helplessness. She did not want to share this with John, but did she share this with her wards when she bonded with them? I would think yes, she had to, right? 4. Does anyone see the similarities between Alyssa and the family separations occurring on the US southern border where infants and children are taken from their parents?


Tefler, as I was reading your latest, I found that your portrayal of the girls disconnect to John; in parallel what I felt as the disconnect between you and your fan base these past two months. Left with imaagining the worse, while holding on to the thin line of hope for your healthy return. Perhaps like comment was shared in the previous 279 comments; your skill and creativity, for most of your fan base, has become a virtual dependancy. I hope you can appreciate how turmoil can be saved by simply sending out a note of 'needing a break, 'at a brick wall' or just 'stubbed toe' before shutting down next time! Thank you for a great 136.2 making all of John's fans all better!


@4 lol, oh well it is election day for some I Guess, GL getting rid of the Orange smudge


just as in the story then, wouldn't that just point to how dysfunctional the fans are? ;~)


We have a lot of story to go before we get to book2 (which some have said is years in the future and not focused on John or the war at all) and I'd like to not put 'wrap it up' thoughts in anyone's head.


Hey Tefler, do you plan to combine chapter 135 parts 1&2 as well as combining chapter 136 parts 1&2? I’m just wondering.


Welcome back. And what a return! Well worth the charge. Keep ‘em coming. I’d love to buy two a month.


So, since John is full power now, I just hope the story goes like this: He figures out that Faye was given a soul from his being with her, and that he needs to save her from Xar, since all progenitor's thralls go to him. And find a suitable thing to house her soul after saving her and her splits... Like a crystal, maybe... After all don't Jade and her sisters all have a heart made of crystal with runes on them?


I have gotten some small thoughts on things; don't know how reasonable they are but they're fun to think about. Could the Vulkat have deployed the shroud that f'ed everything for the kirrix? Could the shroud have been a desperate defense against Mael, causing him to lose touch with Xar and instigating his development and eventual fight against John's dad? Could John find a way to revive the Vulkat queen? He saved Tamolith, why not an arachnid-girl too? Were the Vulkat the host that the kirrix had used in the past?


Daphne has been quite respectful of the crew's private moment and hasn't intruded on them: she's not gotten the level of inclusion that Faye had. That said, I expect she will show up shortly, that and/or John will seek her out.


Hey Tef, have you ever read or heard about Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince? I ask because iirc, there's a thought of "is it better to be feared or loved as a leader" that Machiavelli posed; and it seems that Xar is an entity that rules from fear, but John is developing as an entity that rules from love. Both are perfectly acceptable according to Machiavelli, but he argued that love of a leader would be better and more potent than the fear of a leader. Also, since John seems to have rewritten the enthrallment tendrils... If that's the case does that mean John might be able to convert 1 or 2 of the other progenitors to his side? Or even all of them in a final climactic fight against Xar? Would they even be able to kill Xar? Or is the god of progenitors an entity that can't be killed, only weakened, and the universe needs to be vigilant if John and his crew manage to beat Xar?

Brian Woods

So...in answer to your last question, the former birthing parter for the Kirrix was a race of creatures known as the Luphids?, I think. They existed symbiotically, in that the grubs born from the mating would eat through a birthing sack to free both sets of newborns. As to the other ideas, I have often wondered if perhaps the Vulkat and Kirrix might be hybridized to create a new batch of Hive Queens, capable of birthing their young without sacrifices, and potentially easing John’s distaste at eradicating their species. Rachel and her knowledge of genetic manipulation might prove useful...

Brian Woods

While the philosophical connotations of Machiavelli might be interesting to ponder, unfortunately for the recruitment angle they don’t apply: recall the information dump Rahn dropped on John, telling him that all Progenitors sell their souls to Xar for power and likely knowledge. This probably connects the two much like a psychic network, giving the big guy a shot at draining them of life or forcibly controlling their actions. Therefore, convincing them to right the ship would be harder than one might think...

Hinterlands Man

It's very difficult keeping track of as many story arcs and magic abilities without completely running afoul of plot holes. Tefler deserves a lot of credit, maybe the editors helped. There probably are some plot holes here and there and now with John's newfound prowess, it's going to be even more difficult. Much easier to write an action story about a guy in a skyscraper on Christmas fighting terrorists. Hats off Tef. I hope the next book or chronicle you write is something you can share with your family and friends.


Thank you Mr Tefler


Is anyone else having problems downloading this chapter?


As I recall, Jade and her sisters have hearts of crystal, but only Jade's has runes. That seems to be connected with the fact that she's the only Nymph who remembers her past after changing masters.

Idaho Spud56

I'm ok with the extra charge.


Lol, not crazy about the name change. Call me fickle but "righter of wrongs" still sounds better than being vengeance incarnate!!!!


Thank you, Mr Telfer, and welcome back. I'm so relieved that you're ok. And if taking a break means that you'll then present such a brilliant chapter then feel free to do it again. Wow. Just wow. And based on the "quality v quantity" argument, I have absolutely no issue with paying for this Part 2 as a full chapter.

Author W

Welcome back! Personally I don’t mind the wait even though I would prefer 2 chapters a month like before COVID-19 I think everyone gets it. My biggest issue with this wait was the “not knowing”, had something happened or why where there no communication? If I could request one thing it would be that in the future just give us a status update once every two weeks at the minimum. It’s alright if that update is “Currently stuck but will get back to it in a week” or what ever, just so we know. And now, thanks for the chapter!


Thank you Tef. And I completely understand how trying this chapter was for you. There are certain topics that I cannot watch in film because I get both sad and uncontrollably angry (almost prone to hitting something). One particular scene was the brothel scene in Taken. I had to stop the movie and go away to process. I had to read Alyssa's flashback over a couple days because it hit every raw nerve. I know it was necessary for the plot but it was not pleasant. This gave needed context and the backstory with Fat Tony. It explains a lot. But while much of the story has avoided the reality of life on Karron as a young female orphan, it needed to be said. Alyssa's raw hate of rapists and her sympathy for orphans is now fully clear. I suspected it all in hazy detail. But reading it in sharp real terms hit like numerous punches to the gut. So thank you?


So SO glad to have you back.... aaaand how's the next chapter coming... *glances past you trying to peer at computer screen* Is that what you're working on? Cool.... Like... is it close? What... oh... you have to go... no that's ok I understand.. Can... can we.. no we need to be patient I get it... Sure... have a good night glad you are well!


Good conclusion but I was very disappointed we had to endure another wine fest with John. I thought we were through with him blaming himself. It takes a lot of writing each time and feels like a “fill in the book” chapter. I’m very curious how the next chapter starts


Fantastic well worth the wait, thanks!


Tef - so glad you took some time to recharge, please don't feel badly about needing to do so. George Martin took 5-6+ years to write each of his game of thrones books, you're out-producing him by about 10 to 1. I don't know how you do it. Can you set up a tier that charges per month regardless of output? I'd be happy to sign up and take some of the financial pressure off of you. Lastly this was a great second half of 136. I wasn't thrilled with part 1 but as usual you've more than redeemed yourself. Thanks again and take care!


i like Tefler stories very much but sorry he is not a George R.R. Martin. And i very much doubt he out produces him either.


the writer of the game of thrones books.


Unlike GoT, I LIKE Tefler's characters. I couldn't even finish the first GoT book.

CJ Mora

Wasn't kyth'vandis (sp?) his sword's name, anyway?

CJ Mora

I get how some folks are frustrated about the lack of a check-in, but don't understand their frustration with paying for the second half of the chapter. Half of one of Tefler's chapters is more than full chapters from other authors. Personally, I am very satisfied with the value I get from you every month, Tefler, so I am increasing my monthly sponsorship. I am putting a 2X monthly limit since I am on a budget, but you rarely publish twice a month, and I can't recall the last time you had 3 in a given month. I feel this new amount expresses my satisfaction with both your "product" and your "production". Please keep up the great work!


I’m also satisfied. It’s been apparent for some time that Tefler was falling behind. And the idea that a chapter has to be 30k words is arbitrary to say the least. I hope that now, after a break, he can get back on track. I want to read how the Brimorians get their comeuppance,


So while we are all in our natural holding pattern between chapters, can anyone recommend similar story arcs that might be worth aging attention to either here on pattern or over on lit? Or even on Amazon?


We have a whole channel dedicated to reading recommendations in TSM #reading-recommendations TSM Discord. https://discord.gg/4xkMmDZu If you drop a screenshot of your level of membership in the #new-arrival-coordination channel we will set you up to chat with Tefler on the latest chapters in #spoilers-predictions-ideas where sometimes he picks up ideas from us and incorporate them into the story. Tefler yesterday stated this after reading some of our ideas. TeflerYesterday at 10:32 AM Yw It was interesting going through all the discussions. Gave me a few things to think about, which took me in some intriguing new directions. bbl. :slight_smile:


Author Vanessa Ravencroft. Also space adventure. I would say slightly below Tefler lvl., but still quite good. Def. Worth it as well.


Holy crap. That was fantastic.


Yes Tefler has been reading our ideas about how we could be frustrated by cliffhangers!!! There are some truly imaginative people on discord who not only have been second guessing the various plot lines and arcs but highlighting potential da-duh moments you only put at the end of the chapter or half chapter, followed by "Tune in next chapter—same TSM-time, same TSM-channel!"


While I dont agree with it, I can understand the frustration, mostly from the timing. After almost 2 months of silence, to drop a pay half chapter a few hours before the billing cycle ended with no warning caught some people by surprise. I think if there had been ANY communication in the run-up to the chapter release it would have helped a lot.


Does anyone think there will be information on progenitor AI within johns newly unlocked information or was that all larn’s own discoveries


I think there will be clues on how to upgrade the ai to command entire fleets


When John promised to “bring Faye back”, I took that as a promise from the author. Not sure how it will happen. Perhaps whatever new knowledge he absorbs from his guide will allow John to do that. Perhaps Dana or one of the other girls will figure it out. One question left unresolved: it does seem that Progenitors don’t really go beyond the technology they inherit. Why should they when it’s already so far beyond that of the civilizations they subjugate.


As a race Progenitors are stagnant, never improving their technology or tactics.


Silly question, when are chapter 135 part 1 and 2 going to be combined? (sorry, I grant it isn't a high priority)


@MarshaBonforte. Why should they? I am baffled by why Progenitors seem to be content with inherited tech, because they are in competition with one another. In any conflict between Progenitors, one with a tech advantage is likely to win, so this should drive a desire for tech improvement. If it does not, that is weird.


then again, what do you care if some worthless thralls die? ultimately it has to be you yourself to off that other progenitor anyways... because would your paranoid progenitor-self really fathom giving thralls means to kill off a progenitor? reeeeaaally? no hesitation? ... or are thralls just there to engage thralls so that progenitors can revel in the carnage?


This was by far my favorite chapter. One twist I predict/hope for is Alyssa being made Kyth'faren rather than Progenitor, which would explain why the Kyth'faren soul tried to warn her about the Progenitor. Best ending ever would be Alyssa and John have a billion pure Kyth'faren kids to repopulate it. And I guess some other cool stuff with other characters could be there too, but mainly Alyssa looking like an elf.


Hi Cignal. The link to the discord did not work for me. Do you have an updated one?


I think it was kinda hinted at that the AI was more Malnaraks(sp)'s work and less other progenitors. I think there was also some security stuff that seemed to be higher for Mal then for the others.


Xar’aziuth limited the Progenitors ability to advance their technology because he needs them locked in a virtual stalemate with no one having an advantage in anything. His goal is souls reaped in an endless conflict. The status quo keeps him fat and happy, no one has ever dared to challenge him or his rule. Until now!

Brian Woods

Well, regarding how and why the Progenitors don’t particularly engage in technological innovation, consider their average life history: first, growing up on a planet, and likely in an empire, where every single individual looks different than you, even your parents; second, as you grow up, every guy wants to be your friend, every girl thinks your cute, and every adult lets you get away with most anything you want due to the features of your DNA; third, probably around the age of 21, when you finally find a girl attractive enough to sleep with more than once, your DNA again kicks in with the promise of eternal life and unlimited power for the small price of servitude, and in return you get massively advanced technology compared to your current situation. You then spend the next several hundred years pursuing intergalactic conquest until you discover others like yourself and the thrill of battle, warring constantly for thousands of years until you either die or gain supremacy to a degree. Most of your time is spent either in battle, in preparation for battle, or recruiting for battle. Little time to dedicate one’s knowledge to tech advances...though having said that, Mael seems to at least found the time to create the Nymphs and possibly research artificial intelligence.


Not sure I buy this. Even Genghis Khan valued military tech improvements. He didn’t have an R&D department but when he defeated people with tech improvements, he requisitioned them. So two issues with argument that Progenitors don’t care about tech improvements, and therefore tech will be stagnant. First, what about males from thrall races (or non-enthralled females) and second, what about the Big Bad Astral Guy (BBAG). Many humans have an urge to understand and improve. Seems very unlikely that no thrall-race male working on the war effort has ever thought ‘can I make this work better’. I can understand why a Progenitor may not care about tech improvements. But we have already heard about a university of botany in one thrall home world. Why would a Progenitor allow males to work on botany research but not research that might benefit the war effort. They may not have the idea for an R&D department but a whole bunch of people in their empire would like to work in one, so why push against it. Unless they are specifically told ‘no R&D’ by the BBAG. They must be specifically outlawing R&D, or we would see the occasional tech improvement. Second, the BBAG himself. He is not just some evil force. He won a war against an empire and has set up an elegant ‘farm’ to feed his power. The Progenitors are pawns - he is playing chess and winning. Why would he give more tech to Progenitors as standard than they strictly need, if there is a risk that it falls into the wrong hands? Doesn’t he benefit from accumulating more advanced tech for the material plane, but not releasing it to Progenitors? If yes, why wouldn’t he do this?


I like the explanation that Xar'aziuth is somehow preventing the Progenitors from advancing technologically. This fits with the observation that under the Shroud, Mael did innovate.


There is also the possibility, if an advancement slipped by and one progenitor gained advantage over the other progenitors, Xar'aziuth would allow this knowledge to pass to all the progenitors, thus maintaining balance and keeping the status quo.


I agree, this could be part of the mechanism. However, on its own it would lead to a gradual improvement in progenitor tech, whereas it is not clear that there has been much change in the 10000 years since the battle between Mael and Rahn. If so, it must have convinced progenitors outside the Shroud that tech innovation is pointless, perhaps because of the time lost in waging wars of attrition as mentioned above.


Looking forward to getting an update as to what happened to both Lynette and the white glowing queen during the disconnect. I can almost see a classic Tefler curve where when Alyssa let her know that they were going to be disconnected from John that she called for a time of unity across the empire. This harkened back to when this happened at the beginning of time, thinking when the galaxy was blown up during the battles between the progenitors. Just something fun to throw out there for the fans to chew on.


I'm looking forward to how the Bimorians are dealt with.... and that ancient backdoor built into their system when Irillith got the shield schematics.....


I think that ancient back door is going to want a new master. Just saying.


And we all know John loves mastering new back doors.. how did Noone else make this response I waited tens of minutes!!!


The algorithm just chimed a notification, historically when a chapter gets posted on Lit, a new chapter is not far behind here. that combined with the statement for wanting to deliver two chapters in this month is promising.


I am more interested in what is going to happen when he returns to the storyline about the pilot facing charges... It seems the longer he waits on that, the more it is going to be a big thing. If it was minor, I would think it would have been handled with a few paragraphs, but where it is positioned and where it is, I am wondering / worrying if the loss of someone is going to happen soon.


I think the bigger element of the Walker storyline will be his relation to Dana. Note the description of his eyes...


With all of John's new knowledge from his guide, would like to see Faye returned to make thing whole again.


Looking at human history and technological development, it's quite frequent that thought leaders think, "Technology can't develop any further." Until, someone outside their circle shows them otherwise. With Xar'aziuth deriving power from the death caused by the Progenitors and the apparent supremacy in his ego, it would make sense that taking away time from fighting or building up from fighting would be a bad thing.


Just re-read Ch. 136 part 2...and what a rush! Tefler just gets better and better!!!!!

thomas rodrian

Request: Tefler, could you run a poll to see how many people want to see Faye returned. I suspect most people are over her now.


As much as I enjoy this story (having followed since the early days on Lit), I do hope that this is the conclusion of the feelings of guilt and remorse by John because it has seriously become too much and gone on for far too long. This is of course Tefler’s story to tell but my personal view is that this aspect of the story has become tedious for a little while now and should have finished some time ago.


This is just my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. So please no vitriol. Faye is the most compelling and unique character that Tefler has created to date. Her compassion, empathy, and wisdom are second to none, only Helene is close. She was a better person and character than any of John's other "girls". The story has not been the same without her, it has lacked her zest and enthusiasm for life and her ability to see all aspects of life.


With deepest respect, I have to strongly disagree! I know that just to mention of Faye's name brings up strong emotions and hope. With a masterful way that Teffler addressed John's guide, I am feeling a combination Lassie/ Old Yeller moment with her resurrection. I really hope that they are able to find M's Lab combined with John's new knowledge and access to the knowledge that lives in the abyss in one of the libraries something magical will be able to happen and have a being very Jade -"esk"


I tend to agree, and her potential "resurrection" offers many intriguing possibilities (a la Minerva in Heinlein's Lazarus Long stories).


I...for one...am NOT over Faye in the least!!!! Her character, outlook, sense of humor, responses and "humanity" are one of a kind...PRICELESS!!!!! It is Tefler's story to tell...and he does it sooooo well...but bringing back Faye would be "icing on the cake" that is the TSM universe!!!!


Is it bad that I want to start hitting F5 already?!


tef said in discord today that hes halfway done with the chapter, so yea prolly wait on the f5


Please no more whiny, guilty, remorseful John. Introspection is one thing (and a good thing) but the constant moaning and hand wringing is extremely tedious.


Again this is just my opinion, and I know I am in the vast minority, maybe the only one. I was disappointed with the second half of the chapter. Let me explain why. Aside from John's transformation and small tidbits of Alyssa's past, the story line did not really move forward. It was basically a rehash of things that had been rehashed ad nauseam. Others have commented on the possible difficulties in advancing the story due to the dramatic shift. Tefler himself spoke of the "pivotal point" and the "nasty case of writer's block" associated with this writing. It is my hope that now the story can move forward and he will continue to make exciting science fiction. Again only one man's opinion.


I thought Tefler used the second half of 136 to weave together and bring to rest all the nagging doubts, self-recrimination and uncertainties that have been a hallmark of their relationships up to this point in the story. A watershed moment if you will...a new focus and tone...a new resolve...a step forward out of that pivotal moment..."lead on Mac Duff" as the old saying goes!!!


I really hope you are wrong. The rehash of Alyssa's past did seem wasted space. But the fundamental of a breakthrough in the nature of the progenitor bond was potentially a big deal. Tefler has already reached the point where physical space battles are rather boring - a move of the plot into the astral plane may be in the future and winning that battle against the big bad guy will need something quite special. I hope Tefler has that special thing up his sleeve and that figuring that out is what got him past his writing block. Hope so anyway.


I am thinking that with the classic Tefler curveball, that the leaps and bounds in John's knowledge level is going to put him to a point where anyone else is like a drop of rain landing on the back of his hand. I have had this horrific thought that if Tefler wants to, he could end this story arc quickly in 5 to 8 chapters, I am hoping that he will give it the love that it deserves and it's somewhere between 40 and 60 chapters till we reach the culmination.


And don't forget they're still the mystery behind the ancient weapon in the unclaimed wastes. And the race that came to take the activation totem.


Is it F5 time yet? LOL...


Lol, if I were a betting man I would say that you are late to the party and people have been auto refreshing for the last couple days. Especially since the release on lit and his discord chat.


How about the mysterious region of Maliri space that nobody returns from, or they return insane.


Howdy Tefler, I hope you and yours are safe and healthy. I just wanted to say this time last year on my birthday I was super stressed with college and your story gave me a welcome break from the bs (I think it was around the battle of Terra?). Please take the time that you need to destress too. I know we all appreciate you. PS Have you read JoJolion? The MC also has a quad.


Dear Mr. Tefler. Hope all is well in your family. How is your father now. Lymphoma is a severe case of trauma for family as well as for the patient. Please be strong and whatever happens, requesting you not to become incommunicado. For us simple readers forum, in last para John changed his profile and presented himself as Kyth’vindathys and the way he presented himself it reminds of his alter ego. Shall we be afraid. Don't put F5 friends as no chapter will come before 31st. And if it comes next one will be effected.

Ryan Smith

My guess is that John is a weapon left behind by his ancestor's. That's why he renamed him self and now has all of their rune knowledge as well.


Or potentially, none of the above speculations - Tefler does have a habit of surprising us :^))


Loading all the knowledge of the Kyth’faren into John will help but by itself it won’t be enough. The Kyth’faren also knew everything the Kyth’faren knew and they still got wiped out. I suspect that there were evil innovations exclusive to progenitors that the Kyth’faren didn’t know of - like the mysterious black metal. Perhaps that’s why the eldritch fortress was designed to tempt a progenitor. Someone with comprehensive inside information on the progenitors, combined with everything the Kyth’faren knew, might stand a chance. The Kyth’faren may have figured out some of the mysteries - such as how to destroy black metal, make a stronger non-evil metal, or create more powerful weapons than the Progenitors had. But I doubt they had time to figure out every mystery - which means John and his girls will need to get creative. Fortunately it’s what they do best, and I’m looking forward to reading about it.


Did tefler say that he was going to wrap the story in 15 chapters?


You seem to be forgetting that Xar'aziuth and his cabal are/were also Kyth'faren , not Progenitors. It was they who devoured their own species.The Progenitors are a substandard/primitive version of the Kyth'faren, created by Xar.


Yes, I really like your analysis. The second act ended somewhere between John's confrontation with his parents and with his guide: this is the low point on the hero's journey. There is so much material for the third act (where the hero uses what he has learned about himself to overcome the monster) that I hope it will take until at least Chapter 180, or even the milestone of a Chapter 200.


Certainly not forgotten - it was my point that to beat someone it’s helpful to know what they know plus something extra. Xar knew what the Kyth’faren knew plus he innovated in dark ways. He one-upped them at their own game. John has the opportunity to do the same back to Xar, but knowing everything about Progentior tech, and Kyth’faren tech, only puts him on level ground at best since Xar was Kyth’faren and knew all of that too. He and the girls are going to have to get creative to one-up Xar. Dana certainly has no illusions about that.


There have been so many interesting comments over the last few days (at this watershed moment) that I am struggling to keep up, but here (by attempted summary) is my truppenny bit. (1) We want Faye back, at least in AI form. I understand how she had become too powerful and convenient, and that her absence allowed for the development of the collective and the nymphs. However, the crew is now becoming much more powerful, and it would be cathartic to regenerate her on a new progenitor server, both for the crew, and for her: she would see how much they had advanced and how much they loved her and her collective, especially Daphne. She would feel fulfilment as a "mother" and be patient about becoming a "real girl". (2) We are far from the end. One of the distinctive features of TSM is that it is a real time novel, with almost every hour in the history of the main protagonists (since they met John) being detailed: there have been essentially no narrative montages. It would be a radical departure in style to complete this story in c. 15 Chapters, as there is so much left to do. (3) Tefler loves cliffhangers, and there is still so much potential for them that I doubt the overthrow of Xar'aziuth will run smoothly. There will likely be problems finding Larn's ships and the soul forge, an initial battle with a progenitor (e.g. Gahl'kalgor) that is on a knife edge (and perhaps unresolved), and problems trying to be the cat instead of the mouse, where incursions into a distant progenitor world do not turn out as expected. (4) All this almost certainly now has to be staged against conflicts in the astral plane, where Xar'aziuth exerts control over progenitors. The nature of the shroud still has to be explained, and once it is understood, perhaps it could be extended, allowing progenitors to choose whether to reform or be loyal to Xar'aziuth. To my mind that would be a fitting way to avoid the end of progenitor dominance being another genocide. Okay, that was a joey (fourpence), sorry!


A for what it is worth moment. Our opinions are just that, opinions. One having no more weight than the others. So restating and overstating them adds no more validity to them. Tefler will use them or not as is his prerogative. I enjoy the back and forth of the discussions and find it entertaining. But I recognize this is Tefler story to tell and he has done an epic job with it thus far. So I wait for the ending no matter how or when he brings it to his conclusion. Epic tale Bro.


This feels like the end of an act or major arc for sure. Now it is time to start an arc likely to be far grander than the others and the most burdensome for our lovely crew. John is likely far stronger than most progenitors. But then again it was said that Larn was severely weakened from staying too long without replenishing his thralls. Also would like to place forth some possibilities: 1. I feel John will likely gain Matriarchs from the other thrall races and do similar things to what he is doing to the Maliri. Because now that Larn is dead the thrall race females that were of age that weren't enthralled to him yet will be a good starting point for John. 2. John is likely in power overload and will have to recenter himself. 3. I think the spider may end up joining due to the coming war


One of the reasons I love this story is because of the constant weighing of one's moral compass. With that being said it begs to question what is the ultimate endgame? I doubt very few of the projectors will pass Alyssa's test of good and bad. Ergo, John is going to have to find a way to address the vacuum that is created. This is where I open it up to the community for a discussion. And while in this neck of the universe progenitors may be at the top of the food chain, we have no idea what else is awaiting us. I can very easily see some type of - "Picard, Let me introduce you to the BORG" so calmly said Q - moment so artfully done as a classic Tefler Curve Ball. Something to ponder during this time of creation. Be Safe and Sane all!


Well we already have the Achonin technllogy maintained by the Enshunnu who are opposed to progenitors. The problem will be getting through to them which progenitors they need to deal with.