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*** EDITED - 7th Sept - Added a new scene and extended the final conversation with PJ. ***

Hey everyone!

Apologies for the evil cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter. I've concluded John's confrontation with his guide and I'll give that to you as a partial release of Chapter 136.

I'm going away on vacation for the next five days, but as soon as I return, I'll wrap up the end of the chapter. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Best wishes,




Nice, thanks


Hell yeah

Alejandro Salas

Cliffhangers are the spice of life.


As much as I'd love to read it now, I'll wait to read the whole thing at one time 😁


Thanks Tefler. At least we won't be in limbo for 5 days.


Enjoy your vacation


Thanks Tefler.

David Shmilowitz

So, Tefler, is 135 complete? normally once a chapter is done you mark its post as final version, but since 136 is here now, does that mean 135 is finished?


Yeah, 135 is done. I'll combine the two halves together when I get back home.


Tefler...thank you for posting Ch. 136 before you leave! Have a great vacation and be safe!!!


I feel like you're doing catch-up each month. I think people won't mind if you do a small paid post for a month so you can start posting new chapters at the beginning of the month instead of a race for the end of the month.


Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend!


Fuckn loved it. Thanks Tefler


Very nice thank you tefler!!!!




Thank you Tefler

Ken Moreau

I haven't even read it yet, but I wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! for the best birthday present... :-)


This is exactly what I have been waiting for for about 40 chapters!


Niiiiiiiiiice!!!!! Enjoy your vacation TEFLER!


I can't describe the amount of pride I feel for John right now. Thanks you so much Tefler

CJ Mora

holy shit! (Drop the mic) What a great chapter!!!!


Yes finally I loved it


oh HELL YES!!!!!!!!!

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler! I hope you are doing well, and have a great weekend!


F'in awesome. No spoilers but that was spectacular. I have had to read it twice just to make sure that I didn't miss anything. It completely pans out vs the last chapters. Cheers T. Enjoy your holiday.


That was excellent but now I don't know what I'm going to do with my evening on the 31st since I don't have to wait for the new chapter to post. Thanks for the new chapter and enjoy your vacation.


Oh wow, just oh wow over and over.


Most awesome chapter at last. Though there is still a lot to criticize .... But still, still hall of fame... Enjoy your vacation.


cheers mr


Ygggggg... your killing me. Another great start to a chapter


Just finnished 136, very good, now lets see what John can do to straighten out the Galaxy!!!

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!!! Now what? Can’t wait!


Now to sit back with a scotch and finally think a few things through.


A totally awesome read...definitely met/exceeded expectations...loved the way you traversed the story like that!!!! I think that says it all! Looking forward to the end of Ch. 136!

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler, enjoy your well earned vacation


"He felt a deep ache inside him,..." You might want to clarify who "He" is, because John was the last person referenced, but context suggests that you are referring to PJ.


What a cliff hanger! Thank you Tefler! Enjoy your vacation.


Thank you for the considerate gesture to us your loyal fans! It would have been easy to take five days and not think about this once. However, that you bestowed this gift of a chapter on us speaks volumes to how you view the reader! Thanks again! Well done!


Oh, and enjoy your holiday,


Really elegant story construction. It was always going to be a war of wills and mental stability and not a test of power. Using Helene as the trigger for his mental state was brilliant. John is always more than just himself. His girls are almost an extension of his person and it would have been weird if they had absolutely no part in this. But Alyssa was not the girl to do it. Brilliant. It is really hard to live up to a climax building as long as this one but you succeeded. Enjoy Bank Holiday Monday here in Blighty.


Awesome sauce!


Have a great time!

Arthur Bridges

Amazing confrontation of the guide!


After that brutal cliffhanger this was a outstanding chapter bringing an end to the guide in a way only John could. Cant wait to see what mysteries have been unlocked now


Happy holidays


Thank you for releasing 136.1 before your holiday and here's to you and your family having a safe and enjoyable break from the daily grind!


Thank You !!


Awesome. I appreciate how patrons' concerns informed this scene, with the guide taunting John with many of the issues we have raised (e.g. "Alyssa is more of a man than you"). I also loved the contribution from Helene, and John beginning to realise that maybe Rahnagon is not all bad. This was the descent into the abyss for John that I knew had to happen narratively, and you delivered it masterfully. Let's hope he can now deal with his past failings and rise to the many chalenges ahead. Having been a patron since the early days, it seems to me that you anticipated more of the plot than I imagined, or at least you have been able to adapt your initial ideas into a really grand narrative. I look forward to the remainder of the story.


I'm really curious about Alyssa's constant teasing being unnatural, I think she mentioned it once before.. I started reading TSM a few weeks back and just caught up with this last chapter. What a ride. Thank you so much for those incredible 135,5 chapters Tefler, I'm looking forward for the next ones!


I've just finished reading 136.1 - absolutely brilliant! Thanks again, Mr. Tefler, for a very interesting narrative describing the long-awaited John/PJ confrontation. I'm really looking forward to 136.2 and hopefully many more chapters to follow!!



curious couple

As always great work and keep em coming.


yes please


Great chapter Tefler. My only quibble is the following "The guide desperately tried to fend him off, lashing out with telekinetic lances and grasping tentacles, but John shrugged off the projectiles and hacked through the undulating limbs. He felt a deep ache inside him, a growing hollowness in his chest as his eldritch energy reserves began to falter. " The 'He' at the start of the second sentence should refer to the guide, but because John was the subject of the last phrase of the previous sentence, the 'he' reads as though it should relate to John instead.


With Irillith, it wasn't Kinta (Kintark Home world) but the home world of


YESSSS!! That was fully worth the 70+ chapter build-up. Thanks Tef.


Bravo, thank you, enjoy your time with your family.


Thanks Tefler, that was a great way to do the confrontation and well resolved. Looking forward to the rest of the chapter. Have fun with the family enjoying the last of the summer sun.


That was grate to read and had me laughing with excitement at the end ravonusly hungry for the next chapter


"they guide tried to snare" should be "the guide tried to snare" great chapter Tefler, thanks so much for all of the effort you put into each one.


what no cliff hanger? No but seriously, i enjoyed it thank you


Tefler the scene with Ilirith. He reached out with a telekinetic net, safely catching the falling Maliri in the exact same way Alyssa had done on Kinta He had lost control of his body before the assassination mission on Kinta Those events did not take place on Kinta...but on Trankara


I give this chapter an A+. I was complaining last week that John couldn't do anything without Alyssa or one of the girls saving him. I really didn't want to see that happen once again. Lo and behold, we are led to believe that Helene used her gift to help him. I can't even be angry about this though because Tef did it in an amazing and very subtle way. Loved this whole partial chapter. If I was Tefler though I would just add this partial chapter to 135 and have this whole arc wrapped up and start 136 off with John coming into his own. Still charge for this though!


Tef, as always thanks. Have a safe and awsome break. Now enough chatter, I need to read this.


Very nicely done, you even had me feeling a little sorry for his guide at the end!


Hell no, we had to suffer the damned cliffhanger, so can everyone else }:‑)


Maybe it’s not needed since everyone kinda knows it was Helene, but maybe a scene showing how Helene was able to get through to John while Alyssa could not? I know you hinted that maybe she was not cut off, so while confirmation is not necessary, a description of the Battle from Helene’s perspective while she does her thing would be cool as a post battle debrief...


I heard there's a discord for feedback/community discussions. I'd like to join but I don't know the name. FYI, I've never used Discord before.




Yea it took my brain a second to realize this one too. A solid end to a bastard character... who even said something... nice? Like twice? Haha


I'm sure it will be explained/mentioned in the second part when he gets back to the crew


so the next chapter and maybe half will be John waking up and having to prove he is John not PJ, reconnecting with everyone (especially Helene) and then on the way to home base upgrading his pride. Apart from the knowledge I wonder what John learnt about himself from this experience and how will it shape his future development and plans. Last but by no means least what cliff hanger will the next chapter end on...


WOW! Just wow!!!!!!


It seems my post yesterday disappeared. One of the last few chapters reads, "...the lodestone that had dragged him down for forty years finally lifted." I think you meant to write millstone (as in something large, heavy, and cumbersome) instead of lodestone (as in magnetite used for early compasses). Hopefully this post will not disappear into the aether.


Thank you, Tefler! I very much enjoyed the end of the battle with John's Guide. He actually did faithfully fulfill his purpose, in the end. I also can't believe that it took me until today to realize that John's psychic speed does not actually increase his speed at all. It's a temporal manipulation, which is why when he's used it in the past with others, their perceptions speed up as well while he's holding them. He also just demonstrated that his level of skill with it had become greater than his Guide's, ending their battle. This also accounts for Sakura's manipulation of the purely mechanical Valkyrie's components, including being able to fire weapons *apparently* more quickly than would otherwise be possible, just as John's able to fire his weapons in the same manner.

Malcolm Rickarby

I am so glad that it was the pure love, not manipulated by any psychic powers, of Faye , that his guide could not taint, that rebuilt his self esteem. We all miss her still and it was so good that the memory of her and his interaction with Daphne was included in the build up to the confrontation. I feel that John can now be himself with certainty and move on to do so many things that were hidden by his guide and his father. I'd hope that Faye can rejoin the crew at some point or at least have the collective participate more in their ongoing adventures.


While Millstone would convey that exact feeling, Lodestone has the same connotation in many places. It’s usually Meteoric rock and big and heavy. It also has and added implication of being natural, whereas a Millstone is designed and worked stone.


On a different note, I've been re-reading and had an interesting thought about Jade, that I haven't seen posted yet, although I might have simply missed it. Mael’nerak apparently created the Nymphs, or so we've been led to believe, but Jade's heart crystal is different from their's. While it's certainly possible that she was changed by someone other than Mael’nerak, completely without his knowledge, I think that there's another, more likely, possibility. What if, when Mael’nerak was creating the Nymphs, he created them so that they would revert back to their core loads from their crystalline hearts, so that they would always be 'fresh instances' for each of the many, many Nymphs when they were to be used, but, what if he also created an elite, 'leadership' set, so that learned experience could be used to guide groups of Nymphs when and as he desired it? The 'grunts' would always be the same and interchangeable, but would follow the 'leaders' as they guided them on their missions? So, what if, all of those that we saw in the Nexus video with Jade, at the time of their release, were equipped with these 'retaining' runes on their crystalline hearts? After all, Mael’nerak did say, at that time (in Chapter 76): --- Irillith nodded sombrely and she pressed a couple of buttons on the remote, skipping forward to the next video. The image formed into the throne room again but now it was filled with row-after-row of cat-like humanoids. They had dark-green fur with viridian stripes, but each with their own unique patterns. Mael’nerak was standing before them with Valada at his side and he smiled at the Nymphs as he said, “You have earned your freedom, my faithful servants. You have been selected to lead packs of your sisters and I will be releasing you on a planet you may call your own ... Lenarra.” ---- So, what if that selection as to who would be leaders either included only those who would be retaining experience, or what if they were altered after that selection, in that fashion? Could there be other Nymphs like Jade remaining to be found who can remember?


Really interesting and thought-provoking idea Evan!!!!!


No, I don't think that's it. Or at least that's not what happened there at the end. It reads to me that he actually did a bit of a time hold... John paused time around him, and performed a bunch of attacks and then released all of them to go at once. PJ's reaction was that he say a series of actions, then all the attacks hit at once. If it was just an even more extreme speed boost, there woudn't have been that pause. And PJ's reaction seals it for me. That's twice now that John's manipulated time, and both times his opponent's reaction was: "That's impossible".


@Evan - Sounds very interesting and plausible with the extract from Ch. 76 and your associated explanation.


Finally this story thread is sewn up.....and in a damn fine way.


Nah, I'm fairly sure that Alyssa will know instantly then the other girls will believe.

James Hârn

Eh, doesn't really seem like John's grown as a character since he has no moral compass... his moral compass is external, in the women around him.


That was a perfect way to end that storyline. Well done Tef.


I really love John's ark in the entire saga. From coming to accept his progenetor heritage to accepting his role in this universe. He has developed more than any other character in TSM universe. And he continues to develop; his constant battle to keep his humanity; not being judge jury and executioner; and now, finally, in this chapter, coming to terms with him modifying everyone around him.


I think I see a possible setup for a reconciliation or truce with his father now that John has a new perspective about his guide and role it served for John, even if it may or may not have been Rahn's original intent. It will be interesting to see if that plays out in future chapters. I liked how the process of coming to terms with the guide played out. Tefler surprised me. I expected a different kind of conflict involving the girls more. It was interesting how they had a role, but essentially stayed out of John's way. A new joining is to come, and it will be interesting how the team dynamics may change.


That was extremely satisfying on multiple levels. Bravo, sir.


Just finished it, this last entry! Well done”

Big Dude

An extreme confluence of experiences that taught John how to really fight. Jade said - Be the cat! Helene IS the fourth matriarch! (Ann Robinson voice) Goodbye!

Big Dude

Well yes and no. Yes he didn't not have a moral compass because deep down inside he was a progenitor. But as John said at the end : “Not for me. I’ve outgrown you... you’ve become nothing more than an obstacle. An irrelevance that has long outlived its usefulness.” - John grew a moral compass when he helped Ailita, Helene and Jehanna. "With Helene... he knew his conscience was clear." “You could never understand Jehanna’s motivations. Her decision to join me was made out of love.” Love conquers all!

Big Dude

Tefler: Potential edit - There was a eerie yawning sound Should be - There was an eerie yawning sound

Big Dude

Why didn't Alyssa fully absorb her PA? Or another question, why hasn't Alyssa absorbed Athena yet? Story line needs? Wouldn't Alyssa become her full Kyth'Faren self if she did? Would she express some hidden knowledge pent up in her other half that only comes through by being fully joined?


John wanted to preserve Athena before she was completely absorbed as thanks for all the times she saved him . He asked all the girls to try and come up with a way for her to do that and Alyssa figured out that she could keep her intact by NOT absorbing her completely. Unlike PJ, Athena has kept nothing from Alyssa to hold her back. They occupy the same mind and body and share John.


Nice chapter. I now have a really horrible problem.....after reading this chapter I have to reread the whole 136 chapters to refresh my memory....


Nice... The next few chapters is what I've been waiting for... I hope there aren't anymore side stories before we see the Invictus upgraded and the claiming of the fleet. Development of an alternate soul forge...


You don't think GK might drop in before they get a chance to utilize all they've learned? I don't think they'll get that far fully before GK shows up. probably Genthalas. But I doubt all the way to and through the Gate.


You're probably right. Crushing my dreams. LoL. But we should see some progress. Maybe not the whole enchilada.


What a great read!


Well now, John has a number of truths to face and make amends with. Good reading again.


I have a feeling the rest is going to be an introspective and I formation assimilation chapter


Okay. this may be very pedantic, and I have kept from commenting because I wanted to draw out the reading of this battle between John and PJ for as long as possible over the Bank Holiday weekend (apologies to all non-Brits who don't underst.and the meaning and significance of this term) but I have spotted an error that should really be corrected. "directing the disintegration matrixes to attack. " should read "directing the disintegration matrices to attack." This is because the plural of matrix is matrice, but then again I really am a sad individual who needs to get a life, and forget about years spent proof-reading staff officers' memos and orders before allowing them outside of the HQ.


Hey Tefler, I really enjoyed the chapter and of course the whole series. However, the guide's turnaround at the end didn't seem to fit with his character and felt awkward. I understand the desire to have the guide acquiesce to John and try to ease his conscience but it felt rushed and out of character. I think if the guide expressed more of an exasperated frustration fueled by jealousy of the strong intimate relationships that John was able to grow with his girls, you could get the same result; a realization that the guide was lying and exaggerating, while maintaining his character. Can't wait to see where we go from here!


I think I recall that Jade has unusual runes in her crystal, from the Achonin maybe? Definitely a tease for something that could be big.


Why do I feel this is going to have to be a I really am John kind of moment


Psychically he might be very well different.

Jedi Khan

I had the evil idea a few weeks ago that Tefler could have started 136 with John opening his eyes and saying "It's done." Then when Athena/Alyssa checked to see who won, they couldn't tell, so the girls spend the rest of the chapter trying to figure it out. And since we wouldn't have been shown the fight, we would have been right there with them, trying to figure it out ourselves.


I think we will find out that Helene may have had some external influence on both John & guide to reduce the negative energy towards each other near the end of their conflict and facilitate the merge.


So.... good. It’s all great, but this chapter moves the story forward in a way we haven’t seen for a while. Really looking forward to reunion with the girls.


Has it been five days yet?


I was just rereading the latest in the continuing saga and noticed what I think is an inconsistency. "Grimacing with irritation at the guide’s disappearance, John turned towards the writhing woman snared in his glowing net. He had lost control of his body before the assassination mission on Kinta, so hadn’t personally witnessed Irillith’s suicide attempt." I think this mission was the assassination of the Glowing Queen or possibly the extermination of the Fulmanax. That would make it on Trankara or a planet in the Maliri Regency not Kinta


I love how love conquers John's double ganger.


would it be possible to get a link to Discord?

Heinz Molck



Actually at this point it has been 9 days..... withdrawal has set in trying to hold on. Actually have reread the entire book to this point since last weekend. Few things I missed but others I believe were parts where he fixed problems. Still a great story.


No dates mentioned, expect update by 19th as per trends. Old chapters were not updated still.


Tef, excellent work on giving us a good story, please don't worry about naysayers and those who want you to conform to their ideals, you are doing a damn fine job... Keep up the exceptional work!!!!!!


Tefler, thank you for the updated chapter! I just want to clarify whether or not the chapter is now complete? I don’t want to make any assumptions in this regard.


I dont think its complete.After i downloaded chap 136,it gives me only 24 pages. Is there more?


Ok two things. 1. you refer trankara as kinta in the irrillth scene. 2. The "sample" Alyssa goes for shouldnt be faye, she got that load during the picknip and fed that to the nymph's. HOWEVER, Rachel did take a sample and put it in stasis in the med lab to do experiments with. I would redo the scene with Jade and or Rachel barring the way into the med lab instead. just imho

Jedi Khan

No, still not the full chapter. Tefler would specifically state such if it was.


Simply asking,not criticising.I cant remember when i last read a complete posted chapter? Was it this year?


So we now have a mystery! Helene is now barred from John's mind yet John still gets the warm and fuzzy feeling that we (well I ) had ascribed to Helene. It does not seem all that plausible that John self generates that feeling. So where does it come from.


Well done!!!!!! I am sure I speak for more than just me when I say many of us understand that although John Is a "super" human mix, he still has foibles that make him who he is. They don't make him weak, just a man who thinks about his impact on others and that makes him special! Again..well done Tefler...and thanks!!!!

Big Dude

Just wondering out loud why did Tefler add the scene with Neysa interacting with Sakura? There IS SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE with that scene. Cherry Blossom and Pure together waiting for John to appear.

Who Me

Absolutely LOVED the 2 additions to 136.1 !! Explained a lot and filled in some gaps. Neysa taking Athena's place coming to help - expanded fight scene with PJ - John's mind feeling whole - BRILLIANT! Really fine job Mr.T !!!! Story can end right here. Very good reading!


My thought is that when battling inside your own mind, a memory would be effectively real.


wow great stuff. I wonder if Alyssa and Athena merged would Alyssa become more powerful?

Jedi Khan

Yes, but only a little bit. Alyssa did stop absorbing Athena for the express purpose of keeping her alive, at the cost of cutting off a portion of Alyssa's potential power.

Jedi Khan

They're all complete chapters eventually. Some may take a little longer to get there, but they do.


After a very long internal debate I pledged in Patreon... Entirely worth reading because of this chapter... Tefler you rock as always


Agree this would be a perfect ending to TSM, start fresh in Progenitor Wars

Big Dude

Not yet. We need closure on a few items, like John and his parental units along with the Maliri. Mr Press F5 and a couple others had lists a few months ago. Then the Progenitor wars will be a glorious read. They keep losing and don't understand why they lose.

thomas rodrian

Tefler, could we get a consolidated Chapter 135?


Just re-read the last section and had a thought. Since John has absorbed the guides memories, knowledge and experience it may be slightly tricky for the girls to know if he is John+guide or Guide+John!


Most of me doesn’t want Tefler to stop writing until every Progenitor is dealt with, but I know that’s asking a hell of a lot of him. I think the best ending would definitely be John uniting all the current systems, claiming the Thrall ships that they’re already planning on acquiring. Ending the current storyline with them either heading off to fight a Progenitor or having one arriving in Johns territory.


When John and Guide enter Edraele’s palace, John crashes into a “guild Ed chaise longue”. Should be lounge.


Any predictions whwn the conclusion will become available?


Nope, chaise longue definitely. Mind you guild Ed probably should be gilded.

thomas rodrian

Someone of Discord suggested the 15th, but I suspect it would be better to not predict.


You two should quit your day jobs and write for stand up comedy full time. 😜


Has anyone on this ever posted on patreon? Patreon could have a built-in delay.

Big Dude

Tef must be getting close to finishing 136 as this happened on SOL 9/10/2020, 1:56:10 PM Added Chapter 132. Yeeeeaaaaaa!


I just came from SOL because I was looking up another writer. 3SM is edging out Arlene and Jeff in reader rating and coming up on A+J in size. And RoustWriter has been posting for a decade longer. I know Roust works a full time job and has a family. But wow! Tef has been very productive over the last couple years.


I started reading 3SM on Literotica


Is 4000 patrons a new milestone? Despite the monthly fluxes, it is starting to look like a pretty secure one now. Congratulations Tefler (from one who subscribed when there were barely hundreds)


Had John made Alyssa a "progenitor" the last time they reconnected? I don' think so. It will be interesting what happens this time around.


How do the girls still have power even after they are cut off from John??

Big Dude

When John changed them he gave them an internal power source that gives them additional strength and other vital characteristics to the specific attribute he gave them. For example Rachel has exercised and used her eldritch healing power so much now where she can now create protection hexagons to protect herself. She can also heal many more people without having to rest or sleep or rely on Alyssa for additional eldritch energy.

Big Dude

It seems to fluctuate around chapter delivery dates. When Tef delivers a chapter some drop only to reappear around the end of the month again. Watch and learn John. When the end of Chapter 136 appears continue to F5 and watch the downward fluctuation only to see near the end of the month the patron number climb again. Maybe now that I mentioned it they will stay around. We'll see!


Why didn't Tashana and Irillith react to Larn'kelnar the way Tashana reacted to Rahn’hagon?


I think it said something about them already being enraged so it kind of suppressed that desire. Because of the whole faye thing


This is from ch.121 p.7:


"Alyssa turned her attention to the rest of the girls. *Irillith, Tashana, help John." There was no rage there.


I'm not sure that John lost any power giving his girl's powers. One of his girls has super speed he has super speed.


Since Tef started showing the eldritch lettering, it seems more like John just taught them to read and write with specific portions of the whole alphabet while he has access to more of it. He did even go outside what others had seen before (with Sparks).

Big Dude

Anyone hitting F5 on Monday afternoon? Just checking! :)


I just wait for the money to hit normally unless I'm already on my browser


132 is up on Lit so I think we are getting close to the rest of 136

Ken Moreau

I just did, and boy, was it worth it! This is a brilliant series, and I am delighted to spend my money with Patreon to support Tefler and his outstanding work.

Ken Moreau

I think we have to have the confrontation with Deep Lord Athgiloi first. This lets John wrap up: 1) Rescuing the Abandoned 2) Rescuing Celphna the Nymph 3) Clearing Tom Walker's reputation and uncovering the actual traitor


Sarinia should not be punished. She should be given the same chance and respect as the rest of the new Matriarchs. John should give her a conscience the same way he did Irillith, Edraele and Tamolith. She is no worse than those three were. His shock and indignation are two faced considering some of the things he has done. He is not the White Knight, Paragon of Virtue he sees himself as. He is as flawed as the rest of humanity. Every Maliri noble said they would have done the same thing given the same circumstances. Political expediency aside, she is the rightful heir and knows the systems under her control and how best to manage them.


Really sorry, but I have to disagree with you here. Sarinia could have been keep within Maliri tradition if she had just stopped with the murder of her mother and siblings, but she went a step way that. She purposefully and quite intentionally broadcast the information about John to the other daughters of noble houses knowing just what kind of reaction she would receive, all with the outward goal of replacing Edraele as supreme Maliri maitriarch and having the new matriarchs support her in her quest. Basically, she is a a manipulative bitch who will do whatever she feels she needs to do in order to get what she wants - and John will see through her straight away


if john shouldnt be able to see through her, i bet there might be someone on the invictus who will .... ;)


No he isn't perfect and I think he knows he isn't perfect or a white knight. He is just trying to make a difference where he can. And as far as dealing with Sarinia. That will be a bit touchy. He is a monarch now and must leave an example that the laws must be followed. Though I agree she shouldn't die or it would seem hypocritical


Soooo. Is John's personality gonna undergo a change? And I'm wondering is his power just gonna linearly or exponentially increase from merging?


I would say at the very least yes. I think most of his guilt of changing his girls has played out, we're going to get a more decisive John. He may even be more interested in reaching out to his own mother.


Ok just read it so far and I think you did a fantastic job. Very much looking forward to seeing how john's personality changes, as well as the coming fight with this new progenitor!


Just a thought about how the future fleet should look. If Dana would design a 100 meter craft built around a Quantum Flux Cannon with several Tachyon Lance turrets. This would be a great thrall killing craft(basically a Raptor on steroids). Small, faster, and more maneuverable than a corvette and almost as good as a strike craft. It would need two power cores to power everything, three engines and a bunch of retro thrusters, a Solid Phase Shield Matrix. With only a crew of two it would be launched from a Super Carrier(yes there would be fleets of them), so all space could be devoted to tech, The carrier itself would be a Dreadnought on steroids, 3 to 4 kilometres long and incorporating all the advanced tech Dana could come up with. This is perfect because they could use the WHG to jump in and strike instantly needing no Hyper Warp Gate. It would have to be able to carry 6 to 8 Invictus sized Battlecruisers (you know John will never fight in anything but the Invictus) into battle. Some of the Battlecruisers could be missile launch platforms for Vultak missile systems, others could be configured as the Invictus is for troop assault or space combat. Squadrons of Raptors would modified from dropships to pure strike craft, stripping out everything to put in awesome tech. Since Progenitors don't use strike craft this would give the Maliri and John a big advantage. If they did this the requisitioned thrall craft could be used as home defense and as a reserve force. Also the crews would be mixed. Maliri in command positions, but Terran, Ashanath, Trankaran, Drakkar Marines, and Kintark fighting side by side.


When is the update 🤔🤔


Now that John has assimilated his guide wouldn’t he now have the progenitor AI specs and be able to rebuild Faye right away or at least transfer the ability to Sparks to do so?


Have a great time on your vacation L You deserve it..

Ken Moreau

I think that John now has a large portion (hopefully all) of the Kyth'faren repository, because that was available to Rahn'agon. This is reinforced by the runes on his sword, which were in the repository. But not all Progenitors are equal, with all knowledge available to all Progenitors. Larn'kelnar was mildly surprised by the work done on Celphna by Mael'narek, as well as by the runes on John's sword. So I believe that the guide does not have any information on what Mael'narek did with his cyber work, and therefore John is no further along in getting Faye back. Which is sad.


hope we get the next chapter soon, And also i miss Faye :( i get really sad i everytime i reread these chapter and i come to the time when they watch her recorded messeges :(


What are we waiting on? Is this chapter just this one part or are we waiting for part 2? If there is a part 2 will Tefler have enough time to put out another partial chapter to get paid? I just need to know if I should be coming back three times a day hitting the refresh button looking for part 2 or waiting until the the end of the month for Chapter 137.


When is Dana going to find out that Commander Thomas Walker is her brother? Will they be full siblings? A lot to be disclosed. Admiral Walker gave away what Thomas' genetic flaw was, blind loyalty, ch 130 p 18.


Neither. Just check your email for a Patreon notification (and don't relegate it to the Junk/Spam folders). You won't be the first one to read any new postings, but you won't be the last, either. Saves a bit on wear and tear of F5 and/or the modifier key (CTRL or CMD, depending on OS) and the letter R. :-)


It's on the list of Open Threads


I totally agree. I miss Faye. I miss her and her avatars


Dana has a brother? Where did I miss this reveal?


I wonder if going to get the thrall ships is a big mistake. Right now John et al are in the Shroud and those ships are most likely outside it.

Jim lynch

Oh shit it’s obvious now you’ve said it. I totally miss that little nugget. That would be great we could finally find out if Alyssa can produce thralls seen as she’s a proginator.


Not necessarily a brother, but another genetically modified human. It's only implied so far. Tom has the golden coronas in his eyes like Sparks.


Am I the only one looking forward to a squad of unleashed progenitor children/young adults going after their father and his wives to bring him and them home to their mothers? John will have a newer stronger set of uber commandos at his disposal too. And they will call him dad.

Jim lynch

I keep refreshing the page just hoping that a new chap is there to make me a happy chappy come on tefler lol.


I think Alyssa may have unwittingly absorbed Athena. We might be looking at two progenitors without guides


After the battle of Kinta there can be no redemption for the Brimorians. They have to be exterminated or reduced to a single planet. Their actions were beyond the pale. A space faring civilization could not allow that kind of barbaric mentality to remain a threat to its existence.


I'd say the same for the kirrix if they step and iota out of line


Any updates on new post/ part 2


I don't want to make any predictions for the end of the story as a whole. But that might be a suitable conclusion. The Kyth are basically a dead race ( I can't decide whether or not the Progens are like cordyceps fungus or another parasite that reproduces by taking over a species and using it to reproduce). But the entire race of Kyth being reborn, with John and the girls as the founders, might be a nice coda to 3SM.


I really don't understand how people are suggesting genocide as a solution for genocide. Well hello, you can never justify genocide in normal situations, the kirrix are special with all that hive mind system going on, in normal situations not everonene can be guilty, okay sure a lot of the population can be guilty but wait what about that child that was born today or that little child barely a few years old what crimes do they hold, are they guilty just for existing in that society, if yes is your answer then what would differentiate what the bridge brimorians did on kintark and what you're suggesting. Even the adults have been indoctrinated to believe the abandoned slaves are a normal part of life. It's like blowing up Britain back then because of slave trade and colonization. At the end if the day, genocide is not the answer, my solution would be to wipe out their high command and put in place a new government with anti enslavement laws. If they go through with genocide, I'm sorry they are no heroes in my eyes. I doubt. John will go on with it knowing how is conscience works now. Love you Tef.


I believe that the different types of aliens with thier differences and the different way john chooses to act against, with or not at all is part of the point. John being who he is has basically decided that the abandoned are going to be saved and the deep pool and the greater population can decide how far john will have to go to save them.


Nah he should contact the last of the kirrix and tell them they can have what's left of the brimorians as long as they help in the coming war


Come on, bring more! I’m dieing.

Jim lynch

Tefler please hurry it’s been just too long now my wife will divorce me if I carry on with my withdrawal symptoms. She got angry when I said I’d rather read a new chapter than do my husbandry duties lol see you’ve created a monster in her eyes lol.


Makes you wonder. To get the maximum number of thralls/wards John and Rachel need to calculate the minimum amount of John's cum that will induce the ward bonding process. At present he produces 64 ounces (4 pints approx.) according to him. If super sized John is approximately 12 times bigger, then that means he should be able to produce 768 ounces (6 gals). 4 times a day would be 3072 ounces (24 gals). If it just takes 1 oz. then that is 3072 new wards a day or 21504 a week. He would be on a schedule, but that's the price you pay for power. If he has difficulties I'm sure the 28th century has E.D. products. Regular Progenitors fill up vats, why not John? Even if his sperm was 12 times larger it should still be microscopic, so there would be 12 times the fluid (semen). I know this is a cold clinical approach, but we are talking about the survival of several races. Besides miss smarty pants Rachel should have already figured this out. I'm sure Dana could figure out a storage delivery system, Then again Jade could just go Dragon and feed a multitudes as she did with Tamolith. In chapter 134 "It went on for sufficiently long that John glanced at Tamolith’s stomach and was astonished to see a noticeable swell with all the cum she had swallowed." 4 pints wouldn't do that! I can only blame Tefler for trying to figure this shit out. :) This was written tongue in cheek mostly. But now I am not so sure if it is tongue in cheek anymore.

Horny Rhino

You're forgetting the Square–cube law. We're talking volume: 12x12x12= 1,728 times the volume 1,728x64oz a load at normal size= 110,592oz a supersized load, yeah that'd bloat a dragon belly. 110,592x4 times a day= 442,368oz a day or 3456gals.


No one knows what the minimum dose of the magic psychic jizz is. It could be as little as one sperm cell. He clearly has to drastically enlarge his network of thralls though.


That is why I said John and Rachel need to figure this crap out so I wont have to ;).


Anyone else think that Jade will eventually be the key to bringing Faye back? That her crystal heart is actually some combination of AI and eldrych energy. That Illryth will work this out and discover a way to upload Faye’s operating system & memories to a crystal heart, leaving her able to form herself in her favoured fairy shape, just as unlocked Nymphs can?


What I think is most likely is that when they find Mael'nerak's Throne World they will find his lab and equipment intact. They will revive Faye's A.I. and begin the process of growing her a real body, with the cloning equipment. The girls will find a way psychically link the two so they are always connected. Just what I hope happens.


I imagine Tefler sitting at his computer rolling with laughter at our endless wild speculation, pontifications and ludicrous ideals. Hopefully he will get as much enjoyment out of us as we get from his writings. It would sad if he did not get joy from bringing thousands this much joy and anticipation.


Actually I suspect he has a comprehensive list of possible scenarios and, as we stumble across them, he simply crosses them off until he’s left with a chapter storyline. At that point it pretty much writes itself ;-)


10 Days to the Next Paycheck by Willie Makeit


I am just wondering that when John re bonds with the Matriarchs if they will get another psychic boost in energy like the last time. And if John will reset the connections, making the changes that he wanted to. No I don't have a life, by choice, lmao.


Technically dosent he still need to finish this chapter and then release his normal "I need to put out half to get paid" half chapter in the next 10 days

Florida Reader

Personally, I think he needs to do whatever maximizes his happiness and gives him the creative space to finish whatever the hell he wants.


Has anyone explained the source of the void. It need an origin story. It may be related to that mysterious device found during the massacre of the slavers.

Jedi Khan

The void? Do you mean the Shroud, the thing that blocks Xar from having direct control over Progenitors? No, there's been no explanation yet. Tefler has said that more will be revealed about the Shroud in TSM's sequel.

Lord Winter

I just want to know if Tefler is alright. Too many people dying right now and I'm not looking forward to losing another author that I like. RIP Terry Goodkind.


Omg that's the first news about him that I heard. The Sword of truth series is amazing, fk I didn't know how old he was, sometimes I forget we age lol. RIP legend. p.s. I'm sure tef is fine.


I think all Progenitor are first generation clones of Xar'aziuth. This would fit with his ego maniacal nature. Who better to give him power than himself. They would be the last Kyth'faren. The thralls would be a bastardization of Kyth'faren females. this would explain their origin. There is, at this moment, a baby Progenitor growing up (or will be soon) in what is left of the Larathyran Empire waiting to take control and claim the Larathyrans.


All the Town Criers throughout the Nations are sent out to shout - "Hear Ye Hear Ye has any sole heard or have knowledge of Tefler's whereabouts?


Agreed. I hope all is well. Hope Tefler is safe and sound.


Something while we wait. Just trying to think of a name for those of us that are rabid fans of TSM. Star Trek has Trekkies, so what about us? a. Tefler's Clan b. Invictusites c. Square Mealers d. Progenitor's Spawn e. Mael'nerak's Children f. And shutter to think. The Cum Guzzlers


Teflerians or Teflerites


We could be the Spermies.Sung to the tune of ,The Flintstones. "Hey,Hey,we are the Spermies! With a yabba,dabba do da day!! Etc,etc.


The Spermarites,seeders of the Universe!!!


Damn, we really need 136.2 to settle the crew a bit!


Teffies. To boldly cum like no man has... Well, you get the idea.


Just love reading the comments!!!!!!!


In July I suggested (with shades of Elon Musk) Teflerati, while in August, I accidentally proposed Teflerians (I was thinking of "Teflerian" more as an adjective to describe things in Tefler's style).


Yes all the above is good with some questionable ideas in good fun, but where is Tefler? Any of you heard from him lately?


A new chapter of a TSM spin off story posted on Discord today if you want something TSM related to read.


There are also other story recommendations there to help you kill time while waiting for Tefler's post.


Most obvious is" The Sperminators,Breeders of the Galaxies!!!"


Can anyone match this?


I have a 2 bay auto garage on one of the main roads in Durham,NC,and I have,7 bullet holes due to random drive by shootings in the past 20 yrs,in the bay roll up doors and the overhead canopy.Mostly 9mm bullet holes.I am glad the morons dont know how to shoot.All these bullet holes came from after closing time.Late evening and Sundays.


I've read Mr. Kin's spinofI' from the start and am really enjoying it, particularly trying to figure out how it might mesh or possibly conflict with TSM in the future.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Florida Governor is saying rioters will be arrested and charged with no exceptions, no bail, no extradition, and no bargaining the charge down. If a gun is used, 30 years minimum. If a car or building is burned or vandalized, perps will be held accountable. Statue defaced, 10 years minimum. If there is a riot you accidently get caught in with your vehicle and you have to drive through for your own safety and you run over someone you will not be faulted. If cities refuse they lose state funding...for everything...including schools. If State Attorneys refuse to prosecute the state will send someone to do it. Our Governer just threw down a gauntlet.


Not sure if governor has the powers to make that happen in Florida. He's kind of bypassing their legislative and judicial branches of government. Technically all he can do is pardon people for State crimes. By doing this he may very well be in breach of Florida's Constitution. Yes Florida has a constitution. Florida man his struck once again. 😁😉🤔


Things that need to be dealt with before the start of the Progenitor War, the next book. 1. Unmasking and dealing with the Callopean Shoals traitor. 2. Absolving Thomas Walker and finding out if he is Dana's brother. 3. Settling the Maliri Matriarch problem. 4. Preparing for war and all that entails. 5. Bringing back Faye. 6. Coming to terms with his parents. 7. Last but not least, fathering a child with Kali. In no particular order. Anything I left out? Just let me know.


Why not Tefals, teflerians also good.


Rescuing the Brimorian nymph, and the Abandoned.


John does not know of Celphna's (Brimorian nymph) existance therefore she, at this time, is a non factor. They have also stated that the Abandoned's situation would have to be given a lower priority, for now.


Telfer has already stated the next book is 20 yrs in the future and the TSM main characters are ancillary at best. It will be about a Merc with no psychic powers, so I am not sure why you think the next book will be about the progenitor wars.


I go with The Teflerati!


Hopefully TSM will end on a Happily Ever After,and a long aways from now.Then i would like to read Setting Sail On A Black Sea,before he starts on TSM book 2.

Ken Moreau

I don't get that. John is the son of Rahn'agon and Jessica, with (that we know of) no involvement from Xar'aziuth, yet he is (now) a full Progenitor. But I do tend to agree that somewhere there is, or will be, a baby Progenitor who will grow up to claim the Larathyran Empire, if John doesn't get their first. It is left as an exercise for the reader whether that baby is one of the ones being cared for by Auralei or her sisters, or is in some other place such that he will conquer the Larathyrans.

Jedi Khan

I think Tefler has mentioned he wants to start on a fantasy story at some point. He hasn't mentioned plans on continuing Setting Sail yet.


I say we start calling ourselves the illuminati so the conspiracy theorist wackos keep getting space-smut when they google it.


Never let the truth or the facts get in the way of your objectives.


The most likely candidate for the Callopean Shoals traitor is Commodore Doug Redding. He has the best motive, "The other day I had to tell a good man that the Kirrix wiped out his whole family. They chopped up his three kids and raped his wife... then she blew her brains out after she was rescued. When I told him they were gone, it was like watching the light go out in his eyes..." He would have the power to interfere with the comms between Tom and Anna. Insane revenge caused by grief. Also to be considered, but a lot less likely, Commander Mason Newmont. Jealousy at Tom over Lieutenant Bethany Andrews, Revenge against Fleet Admiral Devereux and inherited mental instability. "I got you back... I'll get everyone back who betrayed me... fuck you all!"


Can someone help me convert my planet's time to terra time zone, I guess there is a bug and I saw 5 days in the post. I guess patreon did not automatically convert the time.


In Jan 2016 Tefler posted 12 chapters on Literotica.Those were the good old days!!


Hope things are going OK for you Tefler. Take care!


Hungry artist desperately trying to build up the fan base and it did.


I like the picture of the Invictus, but I would luv if somebody could create an updated picture showing the latest upgrades.


Hi, Does anyone know when the part 2 of chapter 136 will be released?


I expect his next posting to be chapter 137 and doubt there’ll be a 136 part 2n. Could be wrong but don’t know why he’s been killing himself writing 30,000 word chapters anyway .


Id say by now we should just expect a new chapter finished or half done on the last day of each month and call it a day


If space is 3 dimensional as most believe, then when a minefield or an asteroid belt is encountered, simply go over or under it. Either one would have to be impossibly thick for this not to work. If this would not work then space has a ceiling and a floor. While 3 dimensional it would be limited not infinite. There can be no infinite with any limits what so ever. Hence the definition of infinite ; limitless.

Ken Moreau

Mason certainly had motive, but he had absolutely no access to the equipment to make it happen. Further, he was in the brig during the battle, and we know that everyone except Tom Walker died. No, it is someone who was not present in the fleet of the Callopean Shoals.


First the minefield would need to be detected in order to circumnavigate it. While space may have 3 or more dimensions, you would still travel the shortest distance or most navigable route while circumventing celestial bodies. I would assume the method of mine laying is to just plug the most likely navigated path or place them with other obstructions (asteroid field, nebuli, etc.) as existing boundaries.


Also, perhaps you have no idea how high or low they go, in which case going around becomes the better option


Much better ending. More complete. Less jarring. Brilliant


I just hope that Tefler and his family, especially his dad are doing ok. Usually by now, Tef would have given us a progress report on the latest update. His absence has my concerned. Please Tef, let us know that you and your loved ones are all alright. I'm not concerned that we don't have an update yet, just that he and his are all OK.


Not really. In a true 3D environment without gravity, up, down, left, right are all relative to roll. All of those positions then become relative to your orientation to them. We associate them as actual positions because of gravity and the common understanding that earth is down and sky is up. In space none of that exists.

Jim lynch

Yes I’m getting worried about him and his family too he’s in my evening prayers.


A little back story and history on Edraele would be nice. Like, how old was she when she became a matriarch, how long she has been one and the like. Also what happened to her 4 older sisters, her mother killed the fifth. This could be in a normal conversation with the new Matriarchs, by way of an introduction. She is really not that much older than some of the new Matriarchs.


For what purpose? Believe it would be very morbid and how would it add anything of value to this tale?

David Shmilowitz

Has anyone heard an update about Tefler? Hope everything is ok...


All of the north of England is under some degree of severe lock down so that might affect the time he has to write. I also hope that he and his family are safe and well.

John Doe

Doing a re-read again. When I read the following in Chapter 52 - the last line made a shiver go up my spine... Tefler - missing your genius! The little violet-hued construct grinned back at her and said, "I love hearing your come up with new names. Would you mind suggesting a few more?" Rachel laughed and smiled at the creature indulgently, as she said, "No, we don't mind." Frowning in concentration, she suggested, "You remind me of a little pixie from fairy stories. Maybe we could think about Fae Folk names for you?" "That's it!" the little creature said with delight. Dana looked puzzled and asked, "What's what?" The sprite giggled and after a contented little sigh, she said, "I'd like to be called Faye."


I love that scene too. I've probably read most of the story at least 10 times if not more. It's full of amazing scenes like that. One time Alyssa asked John if it was common for marines to be discussing breast sizes before a boarding action, and he says something like 'you'd be surprised how often it come up XO'. I could go on and on, as you said it's pure genius. It's such a vast work that every time I re-read it, or parts of it, I come upon something I'd either missed or it was added later or I'd totally forgotten it.


All the families that had their children murdered by the Kirrix could adopt orphans from across the Federation, giving hope to both the orphans and the bereaved parents of the Outer Rim. It would not heal the suffering of the colonist, but it would be a step toward it. Alyssa could be the coordinator behind this effort. It would give her a purpose using The Lion Foundation and something to do while waiting for the space station to be built, while they are at Genthalas. All children need a good home and loving, caring parents.




she talked about setting up orphanages perfect start


Is this story dead? Haven't seen anything in a month.


It was updated just a few weeks ago.....


Fleet Admiral Lynette Devereux needs to meet with the Outer Rim Governors ASAP, first in her disguise then revealing herself as a secret Lioness. This would prove to them that she can be trusted with their safety. She could outline her plans for the region. It could head off a rebellion and bring much needed stability to the region. Karron should be turned into Naval base/Shipyard. It could be part of a defense network staging point for the Kirrix border. Because you know the Terran Federation is eventually going to expand into Kirrix territory sooner rather than later. It could also be used for expansion into the Brimorian Enclave. This would help Lynette with the Outer Rim Colonies, proving her commitment to their safety and growth. She needs to make the same commitment to them, that has been made to the Core worlds for centuries.

Brian Woods

Actually, I have a sneaking suspicion that much like when John reconnected with the girls after beating his Guide the first time at Genthalas, Lynette is going to benefit from a stronger connection through Alyssa and ‘magically’ discover a way to appeal to the Outer Rim and fix much of the damage done. Not quite like you suggest, though, because I believe thanks to the appearance of Achonin ships on Karron that the rocky settlement will become pivotal to an encounter with the Enshunu, and subsequently an upgrade to Progenitor tech. We shall see...


Turning Karron into a Navy base would be a great idea. I am surprise the Admiralty did not do this decades earlier.


John carefully extricated himself from the purple sprite’s slender arms. “Faye’s gone... this is just her remote chassis. I came to see you, Daphne.” She blinked rapidly, looking at him in astonishment. “Is that really such a surprise?” he asked with a fond smile. “I needed a hug with my daughter.”


That was the most heart warming and raw emotional moment in the whole story.


I know it has been mentioned before, but I wonder if the compensation model of paying per chapter actually is hurting creators like Tefler. I can only imagine that as he gets more patrons, the pressure to produce longer chapters only grows because he feels the need to justify the compensation. I know, as a failed writer myself, this deep into a story it takes much longer to structure chapters due to the sheer number of threads but I can’t help but notice that the shift to monster sized chapters and releasing them in parts came as the number of patrons increased dramatically.

Big Dude

Many speculated on John's new powers now that the guide has fully merged with him. Let me deliver this hypothesis:

Big Dude

I hate using my tablet here. What if Rahm when he worked on the guide gave all the Kyth knowledge to the guide but didn't understand it all. Remember, Rahn went back to the archives to comprehend why his son was so powerful. Maybe part of the AI knowledge Mael had was from the Kyth? Could John realize what the server needs and conveys that to Dana and Irillith and Faye reappears?


I am still thinking to many people are way to hung up on Faye. She was a plot device to assist a short handed and struggling team in the beginning. She did literally everything on the ship. If she returns I expect it will be in an extremely diminished role. You don't see as much reliance placed on Daphne for a reason. ;)


John wants a acquire the Brimorian troop transports to relocate the Abandoned. This would not be practical. Moving maybe 10 billion (highest estimate) 1 million at a time would take 10 thousand trips. If the average flight time was only 24 hours (very unrealistic), it would take 27.5 years(very low estimate) to move them all to the Callopean Shoals. Better to turn loose the Kintark and Drakkar on the Brimorian and leave the Abandoned in place. Then they could be gathered in a more central location over a period time for education and training. It would be almost impossible to exterminate an aquatic race, with vast oceans to hide in. So unless you destroy the planet, genocide would be an impossibility. Leaving the Brimorian only Brimor, there might be enough innocent or not so guilty to slightly populate the planet. Please check my math and reasoning.


Jeffrey, you are mistaken about one thing as I see it, unfortunately. Genocide is quite possible without destroying the planet of an oceangoing species, or a group of species. Look at Earth. There are multiple ways in which genocide of such has been done without destruction of the planet as the result. Probably the fastest, least destructive to other lifeforms, is a biological attack, but others have been done, too. Introduction of a non-self-regulating predatory species with insufficient natural predators would do it, but that would take time. An alternative in Tefler's universe would be to simply use a psychic attack that would target all those whose psyches fit a certain profile (intelligent, predatory and xenophobic, for example) and cause all those with that profile to cease, or become instantly more attractive to another alpha-predator.


Sell the brimorians off to what's left of the kirix in trade for help in the progenitor wars


Any news from tefler


Larry Hopper, Sad to say but no!


Athena is different. She worked co-operatively with Alyssa.


hmm, this feels ominous........


@Jeffrey Hoskins, on the surface yes but cannon fodder for the first waves of battle isnt that big a reward


I think the mind set of the Hive Mind would except any sacrifice that would increase their numbers. If the host victim carried 10 drone eggs(don't remember # per host) and they had 1 million victims hey would willingly sacrifice 1 million drones. Anything for species survival or the greater good. They would make that rationalization/justification in a heart beat. To them the drones are cannon fodder.


I wouldn't worry too much unless we don't get a new chapter by midnight PT. If we don't get one by then, it means he doesn't get a payment for September and who knows when he'll post next.


Guy's we should be worried now.


Patreon is on Pacific time, so it is still 12 hours and 49 minutes until October 1st. You never know.......!




“Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.” - Khaled Hosseini... are we there yet?? are we there yet.........


This is kind-of irrelevant, as Tefler hasn't finished the current Chapter 136 (for which he has already been paid). There is virtually no chance he can finish it and post a credible portion of Chapter 137 in the next 8 hours, so it looks like he is going to have a month without pay. I hope he is well and is able to return to writing more in October.


I think when he extended and redone the end at the beginning of the month that was the end of the chapter!


No there is still more to the chapter. He only added a few more scenes but said it was still part 1


I'm sure this has been commented on a great deal above and on discord, however I am urged to share. Think about the journey that the 3+ million words have created to this point. I can not begin to imagine the catharsis that bringing the guide story arc to a near conclusion can trigger, also opening up a Pandora's box of knowledge. It is beyond my comprehension to think about the amazing talents of Tefler and The challenges that are created with maintaining continuity. Bravo Tefler


Just imagine...The Grakirans are ready to invade...John visits the Larathyran home world and meets a young green skinned beauty named Auralei and in short order a new matriarch comes into being. Soon other progenitor empires begin to fall and multiple thrall populations are brought under John's banner with new matriarchs in each all under Alyssa's psychic mantle until she is able to destroy all the monsters of the mist and John takes out Xar' in the finale.


Right now I feel like the parent of a usually responsible teen who went to the library, is several hours late, and hasn't called home. My wife watches too many real-life police procedurals.


I was wondering how thigs are going. It's been over a month since we've heard anything from you...


@Everyone.... Tefler still has at least 4 hours to get out at least a part of Chapter 137 out and it could be as little as10K words. He can still change CH 136 part I into a full chapter (it's over 10K in words, it reads as a full chapter and is bigger than any of the first ten chapters in the first e-book). If nothing comes out before then.... he is going to lose a month's wages. Every should have faith in the man.... he hasn't missed a goal yet.


Just pointing out that this is not true. As you can clearly see, Tefler did post on September 7th the edited Chapter 136 - part 1.docx file and comments. I share your concern that everything is well with him and his, but let's not spread misinformation, since it's only been 3 weeks. ;-)


George, I won't complain if Tefler posts the second half of 136 and the first paragraph of 137 so that he can get paid for September. I'm all for supporting his efforts, but my main concern right now is that he's well and his family is well. If he doesn't make it in time, yes, he'll lose income, but this does happen from time to time to those of us who are self-employed. It's one of the consequences of not having a safety net to fall back onto where you get paid time off for different reasons, including medical, family leave, vacation, etc..


“I think we should shift a large proportion of Genthalas’ production capabilities to begin making static defenses." Why for goodness sake? They could be built in factories on planets, even robotic factories. They only need to be towed into space and placed. Leave the space station for space ships. This could be a new role for Faye, running automated assembly lines for the war effort. Even the other races could be involved. A great project to industrialize the Outer Rim, jobs to help motivate and rejuvenate the Kintark after being devastated by two unnecessary wars, so something for everyone. Spread the love.


Jeffrey, keep in mind that outside of the Trankarrans themselves, no one knows about the Star Forge, yet. John isn't aware of it, nor are the Maliri, insofar as I am aware at this time. This is also the first time that that facility has been running at Full since the Great Maker's gift was restored by the Trankarrans. So, consider, this was probably built by Mael'nerak AFTER he had 'turned' away from the standard Progenitor mode of sacrificing Thralls in a Soul Forge. So, what then is the Star Forge capable of when it is *properly* used by those with the knowledge to take advantage of it? Could it forge Thrall ships? My guess is that that is what Mael'nerak used after he stopped using his Soul Forge. Why else would he have built it? It might not be up to the task of forging a Progenitor dreadnought, but consider that Mael'nerak created both the miners (Trankarrans) and the Star Forge for them to operate, and I don't believe that he didn't have a reason for doing so.

Deryck Stevenson

only has 2 hours 15 mins left now for part 2 of 136 and something for 137


Yeah I hope he gets both out this month so he can get paid. Has anyone heard from him, I know he took a vacation this month but I hope he is doing okay.

Vizth Hal

At this point i'd be happy to pay for a post just letting us know if he's ok.

Deryck Stevenson

I do agree with you there, especially with this virus still hanging around and hitting second wave. always has to be health first best wishes


Looks like the tick has tocked.


I am looking forward to the next Chapter, but would like to hear that Tefler and his family are OK more. I can wait for a chapter. It is only a book after all. Plenty of more serious things to worry about right now.


Yes, agreed.






hmm, still no word, I hope everything is OK.

Big Dude

Well midnight came and went, so something is up. We all hope nothing bad has happened.


Hope everything is going well with him also. In my opinion he has recently been pretty bad at keeping his patreons updated. I understand he has a family.. I have a


Continued from last... accidentally hit return on my tiny phone keyboard. Anyhow I was saying I have a family and have way less time than before children. I would still be nice that if he is able, he were to post more updates to help us anxious patreons from checking all the time. I like how Brandon Sanderson has progress indicators on his web site. It is different because he publishes novels but it is nice none the less.


Feels like our Eldritch connection to Tefler has been severed. Coincidentally at the same time John’s is still severed from the girls. We know Tefler is likely confronting a difficult family situation, fear for the worst, but hope for the best. Perhaps he has an Athena to watch over him. Come back to us Tef!

Horny Rhino

Anyone have a link to the discord?


Expect the silence means all is not well in his life. Hope he’s not one of the Brits who are desperately ill with Covid 19.


Throw this on the pile of unexplored threads that seem interesting: Drakkar females. Described as monstrous and terrifying by Rahn and the Drakkar warboss, the fact that this is about the ONLY description is intriguing. Will we ever see a venture into Drakkar space or the females trying to make contact with the Ashanath to get their males back?


Add in Tashana's Drakkar crewmate's story about a female captain that got mad and ate her whole crew and you get a race that needs to be explored in a little more depth, maybe in Mael's cloning records at the least?

Big Dude

Maybe this is his strange way of ending the First TSM Saga? Then take some time and release two or three chapters to TSM V2 and make his missing funds back? My Four Farthings


If the Vulkat destroyed thrall ships with their missile technology, then so should the crew be able to. They have access to all Vulkat technology. The Progenitor have not evolved technologically or as a race since Xar'aziuth created them, they are static as a race. Their weakness is their power, they have had everything given to them. With no real struggles and adversity to challenge them they will not be able to advance. They have fought the same way for untold millennium. Xar'aziuth goal was never for them to improve, but to provide him with energy. In his arrogance he could never imagine someone being better at anything than him. Arrogance and hatred have made him blind. A thermonuclear blast will destroy anything or at the very least seriously damage it.


Jeffrey, I'm sorry, but I don't think you are correct in the slightest with regard to your last statement. We know that good parts of two Progenitor ships *survived* an event besides which a thermonuclear blast would have been a dead calm. A single thermonuclear blast wouldn't have caused the destruction of all the planets of that stellar system, much less caused the deformation of spacetime in the region that has continued to result in making that volume of space to be so deadly to all those who ventured therein. Rahn'agon's ship not only mostly survived, but so did Rahn'agon himself. Yes, he was badly hurt, but not killed. From what we know of their shields and the material of their ships, a single Thermonuclear explosion might not even be felt aboard a Progenitor dreadnought. Now, if you want to say that the Vulkat weapons were able to damage some Thrall ships, well, yes, I'd accept that. Please note, however, that the Vulkat lost, and lost badly, against a single Progenitor's assault. We have also seen that, generally, the Progenitor's don't attack directly, themselves, with their overwhelming power. Instead, they send their Thralls to fight, and more importantly, to die in combat in their wars. Protecting a Thrall from death is something that Progenitors not only don't do, but they wouldn't understand the rationale. Their purpose is to give their lives for their Progenitor masters (and their master), so why would they want to protect them beyond that the fighting can continue? Giving a Thrall overwhelming power and survivability is counter to the Progenitor purpose, so having some of them perish in combat, even against non-Thralls, won't cause a Progenitor to have a moment's regret. Having them perish stupidly would be an embarrassment to their Progenitor, however, so they're going to be well equipped, for Thralls, to deal with the mostly primitive foes that they're likely to encounter, such as the Vulkat.

Big Dude

Now that September 30th has come and gone we better hunker down for a Hallowe'en showing. As you are waiting choose between: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hbQpjYtbps and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCN4q6N6CMc patiently or course! BD

Big Dude

of course. Too many edits and the Patreon fairies disappear the post!

Deryck Stevenson

well that's news there is no news. hope all well with him and his family.


Absolutely no contest. Tubular Bells wins every single time, no matter what you put up against it


tefler hope all is well withyour father in law take as much time as you need for family on a side note,,still waiting for your first book signing LOL be safe keep your familysafe love TSM


Did anyone else notice that over the last week that the number of patrons only increased by 4 but the per chapter by 467. Amazing number increasing their monthly pledge, way to go.

Horny Rhino

It's well worth it, if I wasn't so broke I'd pledge more too...


So, did Tef miss the month of September?


Has anyone seen him on discord?

Jim lynch

I hope he hasn’t tested positive but even that shouldn’t stop him writing unless he has got a sever case of COVID-19. He is in my prayers.


Can anyone assure us he is well. Rus, you are his closest ally. Any news.


Recruit the Bolon to help with the psychic work, like growing eternity crystals, and what ever else they could do. Try to utilize all the skill sets of the Minor Empires.


You know, since we haven't heard from him since he said he was going on vacation. Maybe he's being held up at the vacation he's at? He probably didn't take his writing with him and is likely kept on his 'work' computer. However, no reply is rather concerning... maybe in future when he does respond, he nominates someone trustworthy to buddy system him if something happens?


Tefler has never been that great at communicating on Patreon: he generally only does so when he has progress to report (or something specific to post about the Tefler universe). When he went on vacation for a short period in late August, he clearly anticipated finishing Ch 136 shortly after that, and indeed on 7 Sep he made progress in that direction and reported it. The lack of subsequent communication means primarily that he has not made much progress for some reason. In my view the most likely explanation is that the known situation with his father-in-law has deteriorated in some way. An independent COVID explanation is possible but unlikely: even in the worst hit regions of the UK, weekly cases are at most c. 0.3% of population, with most cases not being serious.


Some of you should become authors, considering the complex and convoluted fantasies you come up with on what Tefler is doing....


The story is at a critical point, I wonder if real events will influence the direction the story takes from here.


Dana's fun to do list. Upgrade then build a fleet of UWS Strike Valkyrie Ultras for all the Maliri assassins. I mean all, not just Edraele's three, but every single Maliri assassin. Build Psi transmitter/receiver and When she builds it will John or Alyssa be able to scan the universe and search for Nymphs? Much the same as Professor X does? Build the Invictus_Node_Collective a couple of Progenitor Nexus style servers. this would help expand their capabilities. Also upgrading the maintenance bots, as they did the cleaning bots.


Wonder if this is the end of this chapter of the story? Imagine the next series starting 20 years from now looking back at retrospective to everything that occurred. The ultimate Tefler curveball


Think about it Tefler takes 2 months off, then starts with the next series


are prayers are with yuo please say something


Thinking about re reading it whilst we await Teflers return. Where would be the best place to read it? Unfortunately can’t buy the books or that would be it.


Which free site?


Starting a new week, so on the Tefler Watch, just wanted to issue a shout out to Tefler wishing him and all of his family the very best of fortune and hoping that all is well with everyone there and that we hear from him soon.


If Xar'aziuth's Progenitor's wars have been going on for untold hundreds of millennia, where does all the Progenitor based ore come from? All the black metal made and destroyed over all that time adds up. It should have been exhausted long ago. Unless Xar'aziuth makes it and seeds it from the astral plane. There are no inexhaustible resources, as minerals go at least within reason. All Progenitor Dynasties end and new ones begin, an unending cycle of consumption.


I believe we will find something out about this soon when we learn how it is made in the first place. But your right there should be a large amount of it floating around the universe but since it can’t be detected easily it would be quite hard to find


Sigh, I keep clicking the link up above (find Creator) but it don't find Tefler. Just keeps bringing me back here.


So this what it feels like waiting for the next Galaxy phone 📱

Big Dude

As I visit the site from time to time to see if the old chapter was finished and the new chapter posted I had this interesting thought. Is Tefler looking to see how many posts can be attached to this old entry? My Four Farthings


probably been abducted by blue skinned alien babes........Or the dreaded writers block has set in!


Lets hope its writers block then, I am fairly certain that most of our demographic would opt to stay with the blue skinned alien babes...


then again it could be a planar shift has caused his wifi connection to fail. he's waiting for Dana to fix it so he can transmit the next chapter


That's it! The next Progenitor to attack has already cut all com relays to Terra, and is doing the evil 'Muwahaaaa' laugh as he watches us in our anguish!


I fear it is all my fault. After years of reading the story for free on literotica I joined patreon a month or so ago because I couldn’t wait for the three or four chapters that lit hadn’t posted yet. Of course by doing this I have upset the karmic balance of the universe and now we don’t get postings on patreon. I’m sorry everyone.


Well, it's not me then. I joined 16 June. Over 3 months ago. Thanks guys.


Is it possible to get the discord invite again?


Man I just wish he would post a whole chapter tho waiting a month for half a chapter sucks


Honestly, I don't mind the wait insomuch as I'm concerned for Tefler and his family. I just hope that everything is well with them at this point.


What makes this page fun is speculating about all things TSM. All the back and forth and good natured disagreements, no idea too wild no theory to absurd. Because we already believe the unbelievable. We owe it all to the mind of Tefler. That is why we are worried and concerned. He has built a cult following with us, not a bad thing at all. He has become a friend.


I can see Tefler telling Mrs Tefler two years ago "As soon as I can get to a point where I can get this battle with PJ written I'll take a break" Two years later : .

John Doe

Another prescient piece of writing from Tefler - about 2-3 years ago. Edraele hesitated for a moment, before she began, *You could also hold on to the cure, but then announce who was behind the 'incurable plague' as an even more potent PR weapon against High Command. I'll just mention the last option for completion's sake: What Edraele would have done is secure samples of Rogan's Rot, expose multiple worlds to create an epidemic, and then reveal who created the virus in the first place. High Command would be left reeling as worlds attempted to secede, and she would then be able to invade practically unopposed, against a military in total disarray. Once she'd crushed them under her boot-heel, she would then release the cure, for a massive public relations boost. That would help pacify the Terran civilian population, and make them more open to annexation and subjugation by the Maliri.*


Any news?


I know his prof reads are on here can you at least let us know how he is and how his dad is, having cancer is bitch I lost both of my parents to it.


Did he mean 5 weeks when he said 5 days?


Lol, but he was almost surely referring to the August Bank Holiday Weekend, which is a major holiday in the UK (taking place before the start of the school year). And he did make some edits on his return.


Everybody stay clam, put away the torches, pitch-forks and give the man some time to get the chapter competed. We are at a critical part in the story with John getting control of his mind and how he will go about resetting his connects with all the ladies. Question(s): How should he reset it? What do you think he should correct?

Brian Woods

Well, first off is the sadness that comes with his pain/death. While he won’t touch their regular ole’ lovey-dovey feelings for him, perhaps the compulsion to break down at his ending could be removed. Second, methinks he may change Alyssa ever so slightly, just to remove the desire to tease him so much. Why? While the guide made some really bad comments, one sticks out with a grain of truth: Alyssa’s teasing nature is not natural. How her personality will change once that compulsion is removed, who knows? Mayhap her attitude and demeanor will evolve to a more mature state, or we could see a few chapters mimicking Ailanthia’s behavior with Larn. Should be interesting to observe...though I am more interested in how the increase in John’s overall psychic strength gets shared out amongst his girls, as in will the boost affect Tamolith during her Change, or will the Nymphs grow exponentially more powerful from their connection?


Personally, I don't think he's going to change much, at least in the beginning. He might trash the whole over-reaction to his his possible demise, but I think he might spend some time with Athena in the Astral before hand so that he doesn't totally trash the connections completely. Just because his guide is gone, that doesn't mean he has every facet of knowledge he could want. He might be able to consciously control what happens when he rebonds with the Matriarchs, but who's to say that his guide knew about anything even remotely related to that? The important fact that has to be remember is that the Guide only has knowledge imparted to it by its creator, in John's case, Rahn'hagon. And at the moment, Rahn has NO clue how John is capable of anything. He can't fathom how so much power has been accrued with only a thousand thralls in his network. The idea of a bond like Alyssa and Edraele have with their girls is totally unfathomable to him, so his Guide wouldn't know shit about connections like theirs. John's subconscious created Athena, who was Alyssa's Guide, so her spectrum of knowledge could be far more broad than any of us realize, as he didn't make a conscious decision to create her at all.


The real question that I have is, will John be able to understand all the information given to him by absorbing his Guide? If yes, then Dana could be in for a reduced role as far as Progenitor tech goes, and will likely shift into a role of trying to make a metal comparable to that which a Soul Forge creates without murdering people in the process. If no, then he'll still be working with her as an Intermediary for things like the Hyper-warp Gate, Quantum Flux Cannon, not to mention whatever the Dominator-class's main armament is. From what I remember of the Legacy reveal, as well as Dana's excursion through Larn'kelnar's Dominator, the Quantum Flux Cannons were purported to be a secondary armament, and the main Armament was never revealed. The Quantum Annihilator was much too big to fit on a ship. Thus, what kind of big ass weapon is the Dominator packing? Last but not least, we got a tantalizing glimps of what Progenitor names actually mean in the scene with Gohl'kalgor and his Matriarch when he told her the name of their next target was called Baen'thelas and she realized what it mean. So what does Mael'nerak mean? Or Larn'Kelnar, or Gohl'kalgor? His Matriarch's inner monologue revealed that Progenitor names often promise death and destruction, but I'd be curious to find out what they actually mean in ancient Maliri.

Brian Woods

Athena was likely created as a guide because John had the template in his head; subconsciously, he knew what one was, so he made her to help Alyssa. Therefore, even if the guide in his head didn’t know how to create another of itself, by analyzing what was John knows how to build it again if necessary. Following that train of logic, now that he is at full power he can most likely view his Ward connections with greater detail, such that should he so choose he could radically alter the basic attributes they possess. All theory, of course, but it looks to be a mere matter of perception rather than an outpouring of knowledge.


The main weapon is the Quantum Disintegrator and yes she got the schematic from Larn'kelnar's Dominator.


Right, but in his meeting with Athena about changing the connections, she said that their fear of his death was tangled up in the fundamental structure of the bonds. Stripping out the compulsion to obey was easy because it was like a blanket, smothering the psychic connections to the point that it was reducing the amount of energy the matriarchs could funnel to him. So even if he does have a greater understanding of how the bond works, he may not be able to strip it out without fundamentally changing the way it works.

Dominic Janning

Any idea when the other half will be released????

Big Dude

Ladies and Gentlemen, First Mr. Tefler; if you could appease our curiosity regarding how your father and family are doing, the anxiety level would drop 100 degrees Celsius. How are your family and your father doing? We just lost a great friend to de novo glioblastoma, aggressive brain cancer three weeks after diagnosis. It seemed the radiation treatment accelerated the cancerous growth and pray your father fares way better. Second I hope the final writing of the rest of Chapter 136 and delivery of Chapter 137 is way better than the political climate of US politics. We need something better than one guy accusing the other of being racist while the same guy says racist comments and nobody blinks an eye. Please give us something to divert our minds from this mess. Third, I hope you are reading all of the speculative commentary regarding future interactions between John, his women and his close friends. Yes, you need to resolve Faye's thread; either remaking her as robotic AI or giving her flesh and blood will be an interesting read. As someone speculated the load in the chassis has special significance as you never write something that doesn't mean something later. Fourth, however you modify the interactions between John and his matriarchs and the ladies on the Invictus, please make it something we would say "Wow, didn't see that coming."; somewhat like how John's battle with Larn'Kelnar went. And lastly fifth, please don't leave us hanging this long again. We, your loyal band of Patreon patrons really worry about you. This long "pause" has us worried. I hope most all are worried about your familial health. From above comments it seems some are worried about you and the story more. God's peace be unto you and your family. My Twenty Farthings - The Big Dude


As someone previously posted he has never been great at communicating with his followers. Wish that would change. A weekly fly by would be nice.

Sushant Bhartiya



Rahn’hagon and all Progenitors are sociopaths: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Until Rahn’hagon develops a conscience there can be no meaningful or true reconciliation between John and his father.He does not feel that he has done anything wrong. At the moment he is just trying to appease Jessica. Can he develop a conscience, is that possible? Until he can feel true remorse for his actions and be willing to accept the consequences for those actions, he is without a conscience. Jessica needs to help Rahn’hagon understand right from wrong. He is like a stunted child, never having to accept the consequences for his decisions and actions. Once he does this he and John can begin the reconciliation process.

David B

ANY word from Tefler??


He has been alive for thousands of years and his way has worked for him. How is a 40-something child, in his mind, is going to change him. We are talking in their minds, Demi-Gods. From what we have seen them capable of doing and have accomplished, it not that hard to agree.


I was thinking that Tefler was just trying to finish a complete chapter for his next post - but I also just saw a new headline on CNN - Coronavirus cases in England have increased by 56% in a week, according the latest figures from the UK government’s NHS Test and Trace.


Be safe Tefler, you and your family stay safe


Just some stray thoughts about TSM. As Carala is John's fleet strategist in command of all space battles, Jehanna could fill the same role as Ground Force Commander. When John activates her third helix he could enhance her abilities. Everyone has a important role to play, so should she. The Maliri marines will need an over all ground commander and eventually so will the other races ground forces. Dana needs to build a sensor network that covers the entirety of Maliri space. Eventually it should cover all of the Shrouded Galaxy. Dana's Early Warning System could be connected via psychic transmitters/receivers, manned at the Ashanath Collective Command Center. There needs to be a way of detecting Progenitors Fleets before it is too late. It would be poetic justice if Valeria turned on Gahl'kalgor and killed him for all those millennium of abuse. It would also show that thralldom could be broken and is not absolute. I know this will never happen, but John needs to find a way to save Valeria for her martial skills. She has been arena/pit fighting for thousands of years. She along with Luna and Sakura could be the deadliest trio, even able to best Progenitors.


I have a feeling that the Progenitor War is gonna play out in a Guerilla style war. I feel like they are going to use the Invictus as a stealth ship, and sneak on board the Dominators, assassinate the Progenitors (using the nanoweave they secured from Shinatobe) and then John will probably link with the nearest seed race representative as a Matriarch, so that he can take control of the thrall fleets.


I'm really just wondering when they're gonna find out that Dana is related to Admiral Walker and Tom Walker, the guy who's being framed for treason.


Is ‘Mad Jonah’ just a plot device? Or could John run across him in the Fool’s Gold later? Perhaps he could be (or become) a trader between the federation and the colonies.


It would be nice if he was the key to one of the puzzles.


The Fool's Gold set up with upgraded power supply and hyper warp drive, etc...MJ would probably be a good runner between T-Fed and the crews new stations on the Maliri border. An easy and profitable run with rare goods. A very nice reward from John, on top of giving him the Fool's Gold.


Well well well.. still no update. The legion of fans await will bated breath and increased worry and the imaginations are going wild as to what happens next......hell...it's hell waiting


At this rate, I think this might surpass the previous record for high number of responses...


Nothing better to do than imagine. It helps pass the time. : )


[Stated with humorous intent] Four burning questions on everyone's mind. 1. Who really created the Nymphs(the Achonin, Mael'nerak???) ? 2. What was the purpose of their creation(their job)? 3. How many were created,(millions) ? 4. Are there more like Jade, or is she unique?


Actually, despite the humorous intent, the first two are things that bear thinking about. As far as who created them, I think Mael'nerak has a solid foundation as their creator. I think the reason Jade may have Achonin runes on her crystal heart was so that she could be a living record of their genocide, and the horrors that Mael'nerak inflicted on them. As for the second question regarding their purpose, I think part of it may have actually been their shapeshifting abilities. Not only can they help increase the number of thralls, but they are unquestioningly obedient. When Larn and his matriarch were talking, she mentioned him not saving his cum for 'the vats' which is the way progenitors normally recruit thralls. But with how ecstatic Jade is to see him worshipped by dozens of Maliri? Perhaps Mael'nerak though a more pleasant face for the recruiting centers was in order. . .


Most of the history logs show Mael'nerak being a scientist creating races until the other Progenitor arrived. I believe he was going use them as an alternate power source to the Maliri. I think that doing the eons of being hiden in the Shroud and not having to fight other Progenitors he grew to love the Maliri.


I think the highest count is 880 previously and this time it will surely surpass.


Cornelius, please remember that those 'history logs' that you reference were those *made* by Mael'nerak. Remember, the word 'history' breaks down to 'his story', so we don't know what that might look like from another's perspective. History is NOT the Past, and any good historian is well aware of this. It's the telling of what happened in the past. I do believe that he grew to love his Matriarch, although I'm not in full agreement that he grew to love the Maliri as a whole, given how they were designed and what befell them as a result, but yes, Mael'nerak most certainly changed over the many millennia within which he dwelt within the Shroud. Mind you, that was over 60 millennia. Rahn'agon has only dwelt within the Shroud for approximately a sixth of that time, and his experiences were primarily restricted to being stranded on a single planet with a severely damaged ship, but he too has changed, somewhat, in that time period, from what we've learned. Progenitors can change over time, but it takes a *long* time!


So, have we confirmed his death or anything yet?


Richard, no news is no news. Alarmism doesn't help.


Hi Tefler, It is unlike you to be silent for so long so I am assuming something important is happening in your real world. I hope it is not serious and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during these turbulent times. We all look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Sorry Tefler for the exhibition of hubris by so many. That combined with unrecognized passive aggressive emotional outbreaks is exhausting to read let alone be the focus of said aggression. All I can do is ask for forgiveness.


I believe Helene is the key to the Love Forge, the positive version of the Soul Forge. She will be channeling all of the love necessary to forge the new metal for the ships and equipment. This is why John needs to vastly expand his ward network. Not so he can have more power, but giving more power to Helene so she can do the forging. The more power/energy he gains the more love Helene can pour into the forging process. Making a stronger, more indestructible metal. Better than black Progenitor metal. This would be appropriate since love would be conquering hate.


Uhhhh, I assume John has a last name? (Smile)


Sorry. -Blake-


Jeffrey, I believe that Dana would be more likely to be the creator of their ultimate material, since she could psychically create and enhance the materials, molecularly inscribing runes into the very fabric of the material. Helene might then psychically infuse the material, perhaps, to make it antithetical to the corrupting hateful influence of Xar'Aziuth and his legions of fallen Progenitors. Imagine if an armoured Thrall or Progenitor came aboard and found their gear starting to dissolve, freed of the corrupting hateful influence of Xar'Aziuth, and if then the being inside also started to be influenced in the same fashion?! And yes, I like your general idea!


so as I understand Mr. T is incommunicado at this time. When was the last time he communicated with anyone here?


Sept 11 he uploaded TSM 132 on Literotica

Big Dude

I noticed the TSM Chapter 132 post and immediately posted that news here and it was liked almost immediately. Tefler says he receives an email for every post we leave here. Usually the single like is his response. But lately those "likes" have been erratic. So I wonder if he caught covid and is now on the mend?


Just because Tefler is a Brit and Covid is once more on the rise here (despite the statement from the Orange Man across the pond that the 'Chinese virus' is rapidly disappearing - what a complete cockwobble), please can we stop speculating about whether or not he has contacted it and suffering from its effects. Teff has many unknown family commitments and we should all be patient, allowing him the time to write and post whenever he is able to. After he has brought us all together with this amazing story through his own imagination, that is the least that we owe the man.


I hope things are OK Tefler, Hope to hear from you soon. Best Wishes.

Sergey Kravtsov

If everyone makes a post we are barely a 5th way to the number of patrons Tefler has XD


well.... guess it is time to drop this bookmark... im here for the story, not for month long speculations about the story that might or might not continue ;(


So excited for another chapter..... let's gooooooooo! Heh


Anyone heard from him? Hope he did contract COVID


Yes a mistake


Here is a thought. Why don't we all just act like he said he was going to take a two month break. Everyone can CALM down and come back around the 7th of next month. Gives Tefler time to deal with what's going on with out his Email being blasted 25 - 50 times a day. Relax and take a break. Tefler will let us know when he is back!! So with that in mind Go have a GREAT DAY see ya around the 7th of next month.


I like speculating about the story not about anything else, that leads me to dark places. I really don't like going there.


Just like John the story will come when its time!


Does anyone have any word on Tefler. Getting worried about him. Thanks.


I only care about getting to 880 and breaking the record!

Hinterlands Man

I check EVERY day and try not to worry.


He is probably on vacation spending all the money we give him each month. I hope he and his family are doing great.

Sushant Bhartiya

D/PFMEA is a very effective engineering tool which let engineers think about all the worst case scenarios in the beginning only and then plan. Let’s use this forum to prepare ourselves. Let’s plan for contingency. Who among us can come forward to finish this saga? May be a group effort? Let us wait till December before we take any concrete decisions. There must be some Brits here. Can they try to track about Tefler? I checked FB and found only one Tefler with First name starting from “M”. A lady “Mary Tefler”. But probably if a Brit checks in UK FB- he can get more leads.


We’re neither going to doxx Tefler nor infringe his IP, mate. This’ll get sorted in time, one way or another.

Bad Dog

Well, is a strength and a weakness as the bad guys only have to kill 14 woman instead of millions. Each one that gets killed is a huge blow (personally as well since he cares so much about them). Edit: sorry this was meant for the previous day post about John being so powerful because of the source of his power.

Sushant Bhartiya

Guys: Did I ever write “Doxx” or stealing his IP? All I said in case of extreme eventuality- we should be prepared to do justice with this saga. I also wrote about checking about Tefler. Why you have to assume I was asking for doing injustice to Tefler? And Florida Reader: don’t read/ watch too many kid fictions.


That would be up to his family or whoever holds the copyrights, not us. If in the case of a true tragedy it would on them to choose who would continue his work or to abandon it. Hell it has only been a month, calm down and just wait it out.


Conundrum So before you break out the pitchforks and torches, this is just the way my mind works. I question most everything. I have a problem/concern. This is from a pure story line point and in no way connected to reality. Is it really rape and torture if the nymphs are genetically altered to like what their masters like? Ailita's exact quote: "Master! This one is so happy to see you!" Ailita exclaimed with joy, her eyes automatically seeking out Arjun Khatri. "Do you wish to continue the game?" "She told me too," Helene explained, when she saw his quizzical glance. "I just kept thinking about Jade's sisters going through something like that. They're such sweet-natured girls... I can't even imagine how evil somebody must be to get a thrill out of torturing a Nymph. All they want to do is make their master happy!" They are making their master happy no matter how evil they are. Direct statements from John: she'd been genetically engineered to be the perfect bedroom companion. John couldn’t help flushing with embarrassment. “Nymphs respond to their Master’s enjoyment. The more turned on I am, the more pleasure Ailita will experience.” I suppose you could argue that they are incapable of giving informed consent because of their lack of mental/emotional maturity. But then all sex would be rape including oral. If John was being honest with himself he would let them drink it from a glass, because as he said "it's not the act that is important, but the end result... that the girl swallows...". You cannot justify this in any way. It is either wrong for both or wrong for neither. I know it is just a story but this question really bothers me, from a moral/ethical/logical stand point.


Then don't read Tefler writings, it's that simple. Then your morality would offended.


Alas poor tefler. I knew him. a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy:

Lord Winter

At this point, I am more than a bit concerned given the known health issues within his extended family.


How sharper that a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child


He’s on extended vacation on some private beach in Malta, and has written 5 chapters from a beach chair - that’s my bet


A couple of weird speculations after completing a re-read: (1) Anyone besides me think that the Brimorians via selling the old & broken Abandoned, are/were most probably the major (and at this point maybe *only*!) quantity source for Kirrix hosts, at least prior to the latest Kirrix invasion? (2) Karron is nothing a (big) leftover chunk of an Achonin planet that got rubbled by Maelnerak

Idaho Spud56

Rumor on the discord server is someone with the "Tefler" name died of covid.


They probably were the only source in the galaxy that supplied the Kirrix and yes they were responsible for the invasion. Karron, I think will be important to understanding the Achonin, their technology and civilization .


It was reported on Discord that a source advised the name of Tefler was on a list of Covid-19 deaths. That has not been verified or what the full name was. IT should be noted that it is thought that Tefler is NOT his real name anyway as a writer of erotic fiction. So please do NOT jump to any conclusions at this time!!!!

Idaho Spud56

The Tefler who died was 82, unlikely to be ours.


Has Tef ever had a delay without communication this long before? I vaguely recall maybe 2 weeks was the longest delay I saw. And iirc, he has said he doesn't have writer's block as he has finished the story points, he just needs to flesh it out, which takes time. Could he be trying to start a second 3SM universe story with new characters like he's talked about before?


So, just a suggestion for all of us that are missing our TSM fix. Why not re-read it from the start? It's a great story and I've certainly read worse stories / booked more than once. Maybe by the time it's been read again, he'll be back and there'll be new chapters to read.


Seems he made mention of taking a break over September, mix that in with some family related health concerns and it's not heard to assume he's had to extend his break a bit. Be careful with the imagination here when worrying about such things. Tef has already mentioned a sequel. He seems to have enough self discipline to plan ahead and not let distraction take him off course much.

Who Me

Just finished my 10th read through! LOVE IT!


Well I've put it off long enough in the hope of reading the chapter in full. Wish me luck as I dive into this emotional rollercoaster for the next few hours.


All the best RoughRoad85


I've finished 2 read through I'll probably read it again after I finish reading a story on webnovel


I am heading to Dragon March with the crew to expose the Terran traitors . For some reason they will not let me on the second floor of the ship 😤


*casual creates a d&d campaign to continue to story*...


Any thoughts about why this is so? Chapter 127 "Their shields are up now, but a burst from a single Tachyon Lance can still punch through and take out a hive ship's engines," Calara informed the two catgirls. "You need to hit Drone Carriers with four Tachyon Lances to overload their shields," she said conversationally, hamstringing the enormous vessel and leaving it marooned in space. Chapter 134 The two ships were connected by that column of energy for several seconds, the pulsing sapphire blast stripping away 80% of the Enclave cruiser’s enhanced shields in a single shot. He opened the fleet command interface and had just ordered all his strike craft to intercept this new enemy, when a second blue energy beam struck the almost shieldless cruiser. The protective field withered under the onslaught and seemed to collapse almost instantly, then the Tachyon Beam scythed into the bow of the Enclave vessel. The dazzling beam cored straight through the entire length of the Brimorian ship and blew apart the engines when it emerged at the stern. My problem is it takes 4 Tachyon Lance blasts to knock out a Drone Carrier's shields, but only 2 to take out a Brimorian cruiser's shields. The Brimorian Shield Generators are suppose to be vastly superior. I know the carriers are twice as big, but come on we are talking about shielding not armor here. Same Tachyon Lances both times. Just my observation that this is not right. I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.


Also Chapter 134 The weapon arcs flashed as they overlapped the closest Brimorian battleship and Sakura flexed her trigger fingers, firing her shoulder-mounted Tachyon Lances. The four sapphire hued beams pummelled the capital ship’s shields, making them undulate frantically as their integrity was overloaded. The bubble popped after a few seconds, allowing the energy columns to rake a savage clawmark across the exposed hull. So that's one hit for a Hive Ship, two for a Brimorian Cruiser, and four each for a Drone Carrier and a Brimorian Battleship.


This might be unpopular and it's only directed at a small minority of commenters, as most are respectful and understanding: Tef is not our performing monkey. He does not owe us anything. If he decided to start releasing chapters every six months or stop writing altogether and concentrate on real life - that would be a disappointment sure but it's his decision. There are a few people whose tone makes it clear they feel they are owed the next chapter and in their time frame. That is not the case and I can think of no other motivation to put someone off writing than that entitled attitude. As for everyone else who makes up the majority, I enjoy seeing your comments and theories (about the story) and gags and everything else. <3


@Matt... you are sooooooo right with your post about Tefs right to write or not to write a new chapter.. I hope Tefler and his family are doing well and a new posting will arrive soon.. BTW WE ARE OVER 880 POSTS 🥳🥳


Not to piss on Robster's parade; but. 4 posts have more than 880 comments. The maximum is chapter 100-2 with 1321 comments. Nearly 450 to go Robster.


Just think if it is another month we will eclipse that number with status update queries, rumors and well wishes alone.


Like others, I am waiting patiently for the conclusion of this chapter BUT while waiting I am actually re-reading the story from the beginning for the 2nd time :) Enjoying it as much or more than the 1st time through!

John Doe

While we are waiting for Mr T to get back, here’s a bit of the same (harem, girl on girl, butts and twins, minus the sci fic- which I still feel is the coolest part of TSM). https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=5333290&page=submissions — New Man series. The hero’s name is “Lion”el.... wait !!! is that just a coincidence or is Mr Tef just blowing off steam and getting his mojo back? Curiously the last four stories have been posted in the past week!!! Have fun!!!


been there, done that.....it never works out quite as the DM planned


I'm doing the same, but I'm reading it to one of my gals. She loves it so far!


Hi Tef. - we are all starting to worry about you - can you at least check in so we know you are still alive and kicking. We (I) am not stressed about the next chapter - just wanting to know you are ok.


Do any of the Lit readers remember at what chapter Tefler commented that he would have this wrapped up in about 50 chapters or something to that effect ?


150 chapters was the number and I don't remember the exact chapter but I will look. I seem to think the 70 to 90 range, but like I said I'm not positive.

steve angel

Wish Patreon had a donate button. I would send him a couple months worth to hold him over. And I am sure others would as well.


can anyone recommend any other stories that are good?


C H Darkstrider is writing a few stories simultaneously and they're all very good. If you're a fan of Three Square Meals then Project Prometheus you'll enjoy very much while Tales of the Wastelander is a well written post-apocalyptic story. Gaia's Champion is pretty good too. Lowest tier membership is $1/month for all the stories and there are a lot of chapters to catch up with, and given Tefler's glacial pace (mild chiding) it's definitely worth while.


The Eight Warden by Ivy Veritas is very good https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=5032428&page=submissions


BurntRedStone has written so much good stuff he is probably my favorite after Tefler. https://literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1732870


AntiProton's "A Dragons Tale" is good reading https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4446193&page=submissions


BluDrygn's "The Runesmith Chronicles" are great reading. https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4716932&page=submissions


Other than BurntRedStone, I support all the writers here on Patreon that I mentioned. I would support him too but so far he only has his stories on Literotica


thanks for making me waste some time ... another story that starts good, but then suddenly to highten the drama, the author desides the MC and other Characters have to be utterly moronic. Stupid beyond belive, every shred of suspense of disbelive is shattered and and the story is railroaded into a certain direction with the most inane actions by the MC.... I wish more Authors would refrain from spoiling good storyideas with artificial drama and edginess. Moronic MCs are a blight upon the fiction world. even more agravating for me in this case because i love dragons, and there are so few good stories with dragons out there to begin with (not talking about the run of the mill 2d evil dragon that needs to be slain by some noble knight of course.. those are a dime a dozen)


Well in the meantime I brought the books so let's see the extra stuff 😁


I am with you in this Stuhero. I enjoy Burntredstone's stories so much that I would happily sign up to support him if he ever decided to join Patreon. Writers of his and Tefler's calibre are few and far between, and we should be supporting them as much as we can, especially during these difficult times.


To add to the growing list of recommendation, I highly recommend SnekGuy.


And apparently if I hit return on my phone it posts whatever I have written... SnekGuy writes AMAZING scifi. When it comes to scifi erotica I'd rank him 2nd right after our rather tardy yet beloved Tefler.

Toodles McGhee

My favorite crystal ball says that Tefler has been holed up sans internet until he could complete the last dozen chapters to his satisfaction - he will come out and post them all for us and we'll all have to call in sick for three days so we can binge read to the glorious finale.


I can see why it's your favorite. I like that one too, though I do not trust it.


BurntRedstone has diverse tales all going on at the same time and he is riveting...almost impossible to put down until you finish...and then are hungry for more!

Toodles McGhee

My least-favorite says that Tefler actually was 82, and that his followers will write competing conclusions to this tale, which will each gather disciples according to their merits, which will be hotly contested betwixt them all - to the point that in 2042, a multi-faceted holy war will break into violence, triggering WWIV and the swift extinction of mankind, whose final words are "Oh, my aching quad!"


Derek Palmer Has 2 books out on Amazon with a 3rd on the way of the "Hidden Heritage Saga" https://www.amazon.com/Derek-Palmer/e/B07RTY2J5L/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1


Nah, the true reason, is that Tefler is waiting for this post to hit 1000 comments before he will release the rest of the chapter. Come on guys, just 66 more to go, you can do it.


Enjoying the rereading of all chapters. Hope things are good in your neck of the woods. Please stay healthy


o continue on the other good author theme. Brokenspokes has some good quality stories on Literotica. Well written, engaging charaters, good Relatable story line, in depth background. Not written in a sci-fi schema just everyday life but don’t let that keep you from enjoying the story. https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=5159778&page=submissions

Kim Biel-Nielsen

You may also try these stories while you wait for more TSM goodies: Star Guardian by Duncan7 https://scifistories.com/a/duncan7 Project Prometeus by C.H. Darkstrider https://storiesonline.net/s/10647/project-prometheus?ind=1


Out of curiosity, what type of stories are these? Harem/Open Relationship/Casual Hook ups, etc?


Life As A New Hire by FinalStand is pretty good as well. It is also on Literotica

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Kinda like Space Opera (Sci-F) with many clever sexy girls - if you like TSM you will enjoy them


If only he would finish "Life as a new hire" I bought the series on Amazon and am pissed to be left hanging.... again. I noticed that he is writing again on Literotica so I will keep my fingers crossed.


Dont hold your breath,FS more than likely will never finish that series.He seldom finishes his stories.


I'd recommend Dream Drive on Literotica. And the books Contractor and Prisoner on amazon by Andrew S. Ball (same author)

Lord Winter

Life as a New Hire IS finished. Left room for a sequel, but New Hire is DONE. Notice the name of the chapter "No longer a new hire". He didn't wrap it up with a bow, but that part of the story is quite well finished.


It will happen soon


Try "Endangered" on Literotica.


Honestly, 2/3 of the stories people are recommending here seem to be completely unrelated to TSM/Harem. It's mostly just casual hook-ups, lots of sleeping around, orgies with other guys, etc. :(


I looked up Contractor and Prisoner. How is that in any kind of way related to a TSM style story?


And if they were a copy of TSM you would be up in arms about that. The beauty of literature is diversity. Good authors have different writing styles and build distinct and interesting worlds.


The Missing Dragon is also really good, although updates on that one are years apart. Hoping Lien_Geller makes the same kind of return as LPTC has done.


I actually skip over the sex a lot too.


Annabelle Hawthorne, Exigaet, Ivy Veritas are some on P. There are others... And I hope to find more. Sometimes, sex isn't what I want. Sometimes. Miss Hawthorne for needs while Exi and Ivy are for story and plots. I just really miss Teff.


Hey Tefler, hope you and your family are ok and your Dad is reacting well to his treatment for Lymphoma. Awful disease and wish you all the best.


Hey Tefler, hope things are going OK and we hope to hear from you soon!!!!! Don't need a chapter, just a word will do!!!!!!

Sushant Bhartiya

I like TSM for its space opera and strong captivating story plot. I skip sex scenes 100% now a days in TSM


Agreed started skipping all the sex scenes in TSM after about chapter 10.

Lord Winter

it's cool when he brings in a new girl. but yeah, once she's been changed fully there's not much to it this far into the story.

Bp Hlpt

To each their own. Tefler's writing is so good that you are able to skip those parts if you wish and still have a good story. But, speaking as one who does enjoy those "naughty" parts, please don't try and rally Tefler to exclude them, since after all, they are very much a part of how the story began. Leaving them in allows the story to appeal to both sides.


It wasn't an attempt to reduce sex scenes, it was a compliment on the story/world building in erotic writing


Ripperfish with his Upon a Savage Shore series is another good read, not quite as good as TSM but a good diversion while we wait


I'm posting just to help reach 1,000. Hoping that is the trigger for a new chapter

Kevin Alderman

Might as well go for the 1000 comments.

GDay (FMS)

Let us hope that all is well in Tefler's world as we achieve the 1000 comments.

Jim lynch

Please just let us know your ok please

Jim lynch

Try reading ( a stupid boy ) on storiesonline.net it’s a long one but I’ve even bought all the books in the series it’s sold over 4 million books online.


Almost to 1k


Comon let's make it 1k


What happens at 1k.


Just posting to help get to 1k. Hope everyone is well.


Probably nothing just a goal that has been set to keep interest up and the community going



John Doe



As much as I want the next chapter of the story. I hope you are doing fine tefler.

Toodles McGhee

If we'd had a story for each comment, we could have re-created the Arabian Nights...


Let's get to 2k now


I seem to be missing the writing on 2 keys.....F and 5


OH. That is a good point that should be looked into.


I like that story and am reading it, even considering buying parts of it, but for some reason I've found it hard to reread. TSM I was rereading between ever chapter posting until almost the 120s


I just hope this isn't A Spartan's War Chronicles "ending" . RIP Mike Cropo

The Crimson King

Hey Tef, I’ve tried to hold my silence on this one, but I admit I’m starting to worry. Even if it’s not a content update, I hope you can find the time to let us know that you’re safe, as well as a way that we can continue to support you in your absence. You make such great content, it’s well worth a couple of months pay while you focus on your personal life if that’s what you need. And to everyone else, all I can say is remember that Tef is only human (albeit a paragon of the species), and sometimes we all need some time off and a helping hand. Be Safe, Be Well, The Crimson King.


Crimson, Tef has his Patreon setup to be paid per chapter unlike most other authors here who get paid monthly no matter what content they put out. So while Tef is MIA he is not getting a paycheck and it’s costing you nothing to wait until he gets back. Like you though I hope he posts something very soon to atleast let us know he is ok in this crazy world. Thanks

Big Dude

The Crimson King wore the best entry yet. Be safe Mr. T.


I would be happy to have Tefler post a "hi guys" and call it a chapter!! we would know he is okay and he would get some income!!

John Doe

Revising the epic is fun and makes one appreciate the genius of Tefler’s writing: Feeling greatly relieved, John eased back on his haunches, giving the Maliri girl an appreciative smile. "You're a very cool lady, did you know that?" Her violet eyes glittered with amusement. "You're thinking of Sakura. I'm the electrifying one, remember?" There was a glint in his eyes as he said, "I always felt like there was a spark between us." "I'd be shocked if you said otherwise, I was drawn to you from the start," she replied, her sensuous mouth lifting into a grin. "I couldn't be happier with the current state of our relationship," he agreed. Irillith groaned at that one, then burst into laughter, John joining in with her.

John Doe

Feeling greatly relieved, John eased back on his haunches, giving the Maliri girl an appreciative smile. "You're a very cool lady, did you know that?" Her violet eyes glittered with amusement. "You're thinking of Sakura. I'm the electrifying one, remember?" There was a glint in his eyes as he said, "I always felt like there was a spark between us." "I'd be shocked if you said otherwise, I was drawn to you from the start," she replied, her sensuous mouth lifting into a grin. "I couldn't be happier with the current state of our relationship," he agreed. Irillith groaned at that one, then burst into laughter, John joining in with her.

John Doe

Revising the epic makes one appreciate he genius of Teflers writing once again


You made no changes, suggesting the original could not be improved. I would replace "like" by "that" or even drop it to make the speech more informal: "I always felt there was a spark between us." The reply by Irillith has two sentences separated by a comma: people don't speak in sentences, but that doesn't mean direct speech shouldn't be punctuated appropriately. A period, dash, colon or semicolon would all work better here. "Irillith groaned at that" makes "one" redundant. Finally "John joining in with her" could be replaced by "with John (soon) joining in/her". There is no such thing as perfect prose: Tefler writes really well and with a distinctive style that I like (lots of adjectives and subordinate clauses), but that does not mean this is the best way to write or that there are no reasonable alternatives.


I don't mind Tefler taking a little break. But it seems strange that he said a new chapter would be posted shortly, and there's been nothing since Aug 28th. Not even a quick post saying there is an emergency, or I need a break for a few months or whatever else. We don't know who this person really is, so me have no way to know if something has happened to him like Covid-19? Or even a car accident. It just seems really strange that there is nothing. Something is wrong. This is nothing new as I'd be hooked on other stories and right out of the blue, nothing ever again, and no explanation as to why. It's like they disappear into a black hole never to be heard from again. It sucks because I really enjoy this story.

Big Orca

Having lost someone dear to me earlier this year, I totally understand why someone would disconnect from everything they used to find interest in. What used to be fun became unbearable. i hope Tefler didn’t lose anyone dear to him. Folks sometime jokes about writers block, bit losing someone you love can change your entire outlook on life.


Look Up ^^^*** EDITED - 7th Sept - Added a new scene and extended the final conversation with PJ. ***^^^ He finished and updated the chapter.


If you are looking for another story while this one is on hiatus check out CH drakstriders Project Prometheus. Space based story with some supernatural type powers. Pretty interesting. It’s on LIT a


I'll join the chorus in hoping Tef is okay. I have to imagine walking away away from 7.5k USD or 5.8k GBP each month (per chapter) wouldn't be an easy thing to do. I guess you could say I'm hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.


I wished Patreon would let me do a special donation, just to show my unconditional support and well, that's what patronism is about right? Enabling someone to do what he or she loves, without the transactionalism (for want of a better word) of a donation per chapter. Be safe Tefler, have rest and strength where necessary and love and fun where possible.


Has anyone tried sending a message through Liteortica? If so any response?


Sequel time? 19 years into the future with a retrospective...whatever path you take; best of luck!...I made a typo during the last phrase and typed "best of lick!"...perhaps a subconcious leap past syntax...lol.


Just an observation. If you look at someone with a guilty look it means you know you were wrong and did it anyway. Rachel replied, having the good grace to look guilty. Alyssa confessed, shooting a guilty glance at John. Dana looked shifty. The only ones who have not gone against John's wishes are Helena, Calara, Jehanna, and all the Nymphs but Jade.


It is terribly distressing that unlike the other Progenitors, John gave his "Wards" free will. You would think he is trying to be different.


This is what I'm saying. $7.5k per chapter? There would have been 1 if not 2 released by now. It's been a month and a half and Tef has said nothing. The user base that took time to build up and get to be that much for each chapter didn't happen overnight. That's not chump change. He can't even write 1 sentence? Like will be back in a couple of months, need a break, writer's block, something, anything. I've just seen this happen quite a few times. I'm hooked on a story and then the writer disappears with no warning. End up with an Incomplete story. Have no idea what happened to that author. Died? Said screw this? What??? Seems strange to just disappear and say nothing to your audience. I hope for the best but expect the worse. Just from past experience. How long do you wait around before moving on? I think some will be here for 6 months expecting Tef to throw up that new chapter at any moment.


Having free will is fine, doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for cheating, lying, etc, no?


I know this is unpopular and will draw the angst of most, but I don't care. His lack of communication is a big red flag. He will either be back or he won't and all the worrying and hand wringing won't change that fact. Like John I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. God speed Tefler.

Sushant Bhartiya

As Patron collects money from us n then transfer to Tef- they would surely be having his information. Cant any one get it from them?


If people ask questions here or make suggestions, even if they are thinking "outside the box," with the frustration level readers are feeling, please do not personally attack or berate others!!! I may be stepping outside my bounds, but let's keep this civil. I think we all feel a certain amount of concern because of the lack of information, whatever the cause may be!


Civility means nothing to most of those raised in this anonymous, faceless, hide behind an avatar society. It makes them brave and rude. Until that changes all you can do is endure.


I for one chose to believe that Tefler will return eventually.


I won't start to worry until/if nothing is released in October. Because if nothings released, he won't get paid for the month. And thats a lot of money to leave on the table so we'll know its serious


Would anyone like to have some fun coming up with ideas for Dana's super weapon(thinking outside the box)? If not ignore it.


Sure. I've been thinking about it for a while. I was thinking it was gonna be some kind of super focus maybe mixed with a star forge

Lord Winter

He's actually gotta release a new chapter for that. He's already been paid for this post, unless he opts to charge for the other half of this chapter. He doesn't strike me as being THAT asshole, though.


You need to get even more out side the box . They will be dealing with thralls so she makes the equivalent of a piercing torpedo that punches a clean hole into a ship , they then take John's cum and weaponize it into a gas and hit the thralls with " John's Gas " breaking the hold the other progenitor has on the thralls freeing them and having them able to switch sides after they get roasted by guilt over all they have done for there overlords. You want out of the box here you go and with Dana and Rachel working as a team then have Helane charge it with guilt . This could also be used to free entire planet's at a time in atmospheric strikes.


She will have to find a way to locate the Progenitor Dreadnought first.


Good point


Yes she will, but I have every confidence in her abilities.


Woe be to the one who does not have faith in the Grand Engineering Overlord!!!!!!


Will I guess I will be reading other stories I will come next year if Tefler comes back he will know when it is right for him self to start again I have 4 authors I have followed and have stopped still waiting I will stop by every month. To see


Well I for one have a daily routine that I stick to. Get in from work, power up PC, check this page for hopefully any new update from Tefler, then across to Lierotica to see if BurntRedStone has posted Satyr Play 3 yet. All of this is sad I know, but you have to have some routine in life in order to make it interesting.


That is true Mankey


Mankey. thanks for the heads up on that Satyr story. just started it and looks very good


Burnt redstone has another series that starts with Jack's Daily Grind. Good human and nonhuman harem play


Oh yeah waiting for that myself. Recently reread Satyr Play and Ambassador Jack stories, they are really good fun.


it would also be a breach of GDPR leaving Patreaon liable for a fine of upto 5% of their global turnover


I wish Tefler, and all those who are his clan, well. And I wish he got paid for page hits on this page. ... but then again maybe not because then he’d be rich and needn’t write any more. Seriously though: best wishes to you and yours, and may whatever is occupying your days resolve quickly and favorably.


Comment on Literotica, Tefler is in a better place. apaosted by anonommus

Horny Rhino

Wouldn't take that to seriously, probably just a troll trying to get a rise out of someone.


Anything posted as anonymous should be take with a HUGE dose of salt. Yes, we are all worried about Tefler and his family situation, but do not let that worry and trepidation run rife through our thoughts and sentiments. The one thought from all of is is that Tefler is still hale and hearty and will be back with us very soon, progressing his writing that we all love and support so much


In my opinion John and the crew should leave the Invictus and Dana design a new warship from scratch. Giving the Invictus to Jack and Marie when Jack finally retires, as a retirement gift. Think of all the awesome tech she could cram into a new ship.


I agree it's time to step up to ship built to take advantage of all of their tech.


It is nice to hear a voice of calm reason in an ocean of uncertainty!


Well, for me personally, it's gotten to the point that Tef is in jail/prison (no clue why), has lost his access to the internet with no way of reconnecting during this time, or has fled from the toils of flesh into the realm of the great unknown, claimed by the tendrils of Xar'aziuth (sp?). Anyway I'm going to check in come January, or see if my email gives me notice to some sort of notification of a payment being processed. Cheers all, fingers crossed.

Ken Ridley

Almost Nov and haven't heard a peep....wasup Tefler???


Whatever the circumstance, some communication from Tefler is needed!


whats the news tef


I'm not getting email notifications of new chapters and listings??? Love your work!


It would be nice if they could use the "white love" based material instead of the black soul material.

Big Dude

This is a test. This is a test of the Tefler panic system. In the event of no one spotting the TSM author M. Tefler since September 7th, invoke panic in 4146 patrons that something bad has happened to him. This is a test. /static


I am panicking. And as Douglas Adams said...I know where my towel is


They just gotta figure out how to load up a Soul Forge with TSM ;)


I think we all know where our towel is. What we do need however is the recipe for a decent Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, or at least the URL for Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six. To quote Ford Prefect, “Some people say her erogenous zones start some four miles from her actual body. Me, I disagree, I say five.”


When Tefler is ready he will post again so have patience :)


I suspect the silence is due to other things on his mind like his Dad's illness, the continued spread of COVID-19 in the UK. These are very uncertain times. All will no doubt be revealed in due course.


So... is this just the backstory of how Voltron came to be? You got different colored lions and mechs that can harness psychic powers. You just need Dana to figure out how to connect her new mechs into a single giant mech and bam, Voltron.


what i do not get, even with all that, there is really no reason why, if he is still ok, he couldnt drop a simple notice. we don't even need a prediction of when the next chapte will come, but a simple notice of hiatus i'd consider common courtesy. as so far he didn't stirke me as rude, i have resolved myself to the idea that this will be another abandoned story.


As with that Hubbtard fella and Scientology, Tefler's works will spawn a new religion and in the future Teflites will refer to this period as 'The Great Absence'. :)


For a second I thought you typed 'The Great Abstinence', still applies though.


What about his editors. At least, one must have known that his Patreons are very nervous and want to know if he is ok.


Many authors take extended breaks. Tefler has been really quite good with his consistency for several years. Many times it seems authors don’t come back and “finish” their stories. Maybe Tefler will or May be not. His imagination and creativity have been wonderful and entertaining. I hope his stories will continue.


Only The TEF himself can answer the question if he is okay . Even if an editor states he is doing okay, then still it is a guess. This would by the way be not respectfull towards Tefler if he wants some privacy with regards to his readers.


@Derrick ... NO

thomas rodrian

One of my first authors to follow was CMSIX on SOL. Great stories, but one day he disappeared and then a few months later he returned and said he wanted to 'fix' a few stories. After taking almost everything down, he started rewriting and then he stopped again saying he could not remember what was suppose to happen next, I wish i had copies of the originals. What is there now is not half as good as the originals. Authors disappear for many reasons, but I think Tefler will return and continue the story.


It seems a lot of story writers are missing. Hope they are all well. Pars001 just posted some new.


"TEEEEFFFFFLLLEEEEERRRR" He screamed into the void. Hoping for a response, but knowing it was futile...


Pars stories feel so rushed, like he uses 15k buildup of universe and chars then just end it all in 15k words (numbers are madeup)


I'm like 90% certain I remember Tefler saying somewhere that if something were to happen to him he had a contigency in place to let his plot outline and such be released to his readers. That hasn't happened and until that does I don't doubt he will return.


Brutal honesty, the story will continue or it won't and there is nothing anyone of us can do to change the outcome.


On a lighter note. Upon looking for new reading material whilst waiting for Tefler to pop up. Chapter 100 is number 3 in the Sci-fi and Fantasy section Hall of Fame on Literotica


Part of me wishes they'd sort the Hall of Fame by series so there'd be room for more stories.


Expanding on John's comment, what is your favorite TSM chapter?


I cant pick just one! Hmm...Id have to go with either Chapters 60-61 (Jade's Birthday/ Intro of Sakura) Chapters 100-102 (Battle of Terra/Tartarus/ High Command Meeting) Chapter 121 (Larń Battle and Meeting Raél) And a special mention to all of the Invictus upgrade chapters; I love how tef goes into detail of how Dana and the crew improved and refined the ship!


So many good stories being abandoned by authors without conclusions on sites like Literotica. I hope this isn't the latest.


We'll find out in about 15 hours. If Tefler doesn't post by close of business on the 31st, it won't be looking good at all.


Just read a Satyrs play. Good recommendation. Not sure if I saw anyone mention a Dragons Tale by antipasto. This is another good series.


antipasta = antiproton

Vizth Hal

Well i am now offically worried about tefler.


I am reading through again, in chapter 127, and am struck again how not a single member of the crew seems to get any of the robot jokes.


If your looking for somthing to read to pass the time a missing dragon on literotica is a good one to read


For a Patreon newb does this matter somehow? No posts in a calendar month, does this do something to creator?


IIRC, it is not only Tefler's habit but he misses the billing deadline for the month. Do not take this as gospel because I support a few creators on Patreon and don't follow billing very closely (some are more sporadic than others). As long as it is reasonable, I don't pay attention to it.


Wholly disagree, unless one is into sharing and open relationships.


Come back to us! We miss you!


This "Nobody is allowed to enjoy reading something that doesn't exactly fit my one specific turn-on" attitude of yours is getting rather tiresome.

Jim lynch

Jesus tefler just drop a hello or something this is just cruel keeping everyone guessing. Unless your I’ll and can’t get to a computer then I apologise for my previous statement.

Jim lynch

Go onto stories online.net. And read a stupid boy. Written by G younger it’s a multi book story that has me completely hooked I even went online and bought 9 books for my kindle it has sold over 4 million books so far so it really must be good.


Dan Brown sold millions, so that doesn't necessarily hold


So first of all i been waiting and hoping like all of ya that The Man will resurface and finish this epic tale. i get it though Life Happens and i wish him and his all the best. if anyone is looking for a long running story i gotta share the latest one i fell into. Star Force by Aer-ki Jyr. the wiki has it pegged at over 3M words. anyways the best to you all and heres hoping Tef. will be back with us soonest.


I'm a huge fan of Stupid Boy but words of caution might want to like American Football and Baseball, along with knowing the love interests will infuriate you and we won't know who he ends up with till near end of sequel which is another 6 books

Jim lynch

Yes I enjoyed the first book ( a better man ) who are you hoping for I’m thinking the girl he’s loved all his life if she grows up a lot first.


Pulling for a trio of David Pam and Tracy (Only scenario he ends up with her) but expecting Cassidy or who you said.


So is your and some others cuckolding fetish. Which you are pushing on people enjoying a series which very much does not feature that. Without even having the decency to warn them about such a stark contrast.

Big Dude

6:26 PM and counting.


just pointing out again that even if he does post, its the 2nd half of the chapter and he wont get new chapter money for it, but I keep checking the clock anyway


I've followed it since the first story, but what I've found is I have a real hard time rereading it for some reason. I could reread TSM a good 10 more times before I could reread SB.


Mate I think your refresh button is broken