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Hi everyone!

Here's the next chapter. As I mentioned in my status update, chapter 130 is going to be a two-parter, with another 30k words to round-out the chapter. I'll get cracking on that straight away, so hopefully it should be finished in a couple of weeks.

I hope you enjoy the first half!








Downloading now glad to see you about Tefler!!


Thank you so much and hope all is going great for you and the family.




Thanks Tefler




Thank you sir!

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!!!


Thank You Tef


Awesome! Thanks Tef!


Cheers Mr




Thank you, Tefler!


May you live long enough to be a burden on your children for many years so that they understand what they put you through.......lol ! Thanks Tef!


Looks like a great Friday night! Thanks Tefler!


live long and definitely prosper.... My day is now complete


Woo hoo.... 3 hours till I can read :'(


Thank you Tef.


Thanks for the update!! Now the only question is should I read it immediately, or finish my current read through?

Big Dude

Wonderful vision here from the space master!

Big Dude

Man Tefler, you can really tell a story. The characters come alive! MORE, MORe, MOre, More please ASAP!


I've plotted out large chunks of the next chapter, which is why this one took a while. (Plus I wrote 500 words, didn't like them and chopped the lot), Hopefully the next chapter should be a lot quicker.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

“ They’re only speculating, they don’t the truth” there seems to be a missing “know”

bob lakhanpal

Woohoo!! Chappie day!!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Oh master of evil cliffhangers - I bow to you!


Fabulous first half as always! Thank you!


Most excellent update. Just a few missing word errors. Happens to me all the time, realize the word IS was left out of a sentence and spellcheck didn't catch it.


Good stuff Tef! It’s always fun!


gahh I need the next chapter!!!! lol great job Tef another delightful read!


Jehanna's parents - "Jehanna, we want the TRUTH!" Jehanna - "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Sorry, I couldn't resist! ;-) And the promised reunion between Jess & Rahn and the prodigal son. at long last!

Bp Hlpt

Thanks Tefler!


OMG, I seriously can't wait for the next chapter.


* The ISD shook troops > shock troops * as her world come crashing down. > came ...and thank you.


"The ISD shook troops were well-organised and caught us completely by surprise" Shock troops?


12 stars out of 10 stars, omg this chapter is amazing. How can each and every chapter exceed the last? I cried my eyes out on chapter 121 and now I start reading this chapter and right off the bat my heart in my throat, my eyes are watering up from elation and happiness. Then I keep reading and each section is better and better. the way you pull it all together and tie up loose ends.... it's amazing... All I can say is thank you, thank you , thank you.


Well done! Thank you!


If only the second time through, finish... There were so many bits and pieces I forgot were there over the process. I have no idea how Tefler keeps track of it all.... Amazing story from start to current.


I think I saw a few times in the last pages where words were left out. Before you switch the scene to Larn and Jessica. Loved it all no matter what!


Tefler, great first half chapter! I found some suggested edits for Chapter 130, part 1, and some may have been mentioned by others already; however, they are as follows: Page 27: When he entered the huge room, he found Dana, Rachel, and Irillith in the middle of a conversation (with) Little One.; Page 30: “You did just have an awesome new makeover, that always feel(s) great!”; Page 35: “Mama... I’ve got one of the most prestigious job(s) in the Terran Federation,”; Page 36: “Oh no...” Jehanna whispered, her heart filled with dread as her world c(a)ome crashing down.; Page 49: Ramesh stared at his daughter in bewilderment when he saw her fond smile, then his eyes widened in sudden recognition when she g(a)ive him a guilty look.; Page 55: Calara (moved or walked) over to one of the armour equipping frames, then stepped into the armoured boots and slipped her hands into the gauntlets.; Page 60: I want to give the Ashanath as much as possible, without giving anything away that would put (u)as at risk if it fell into the wrong hands.”; Page 60: You’(v)re had a hell of a lot to deal with over the last few weeks.; Page 71: illuminated only by the sinister crimson lights set into the floor and the muted glow from the scarlet icon hurt(l)ing across the map.; Page 72: Sorry I dumped you(r) with my parents and didn’t think about you again for forty years?; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Good luck with Chapter 130, part 2. Cheers!


Another good chapter. We say a lot to you for delays but that's our withdrawal symptom which only u can cure. I think this one is going for 4 and half star, half not given because no mention of maliri fleet going to support kintark are delayed so much that 63 systems were annexed by brimor and their trepidation/suffering under brimorians. This could be avoided. However another one month waiting upto 26th of March.


Excellent!, the subtle twists are delightful, I am so completely enthralled. Please continue.

Bp Hlpt

An arguable correction, but "officially": “I wonder if any of the Young Matriarchs will love it as much as her?” - should be ...as much as she?"

Bp Hlpt

No sooner had she finished speaking, then the line of newly constructed automatons -- No sooner had she finished speaking than the line...


Tefler, man - I have no idea how you design dialog so well, keeping the characters' personalities clear and consistent like that is some sort of super-power. I'm still loving it after all these words and am so glad to see you keeping up all the hard work. Thank you!


Calara over to one of the armour equipping frames, shouldn’t walk or another word be between Calara and over?


Another great chapters and cliff hanger....

Paul Mansur

The only problem I see with this chapter is it wasnt long enough lol. great story, great dialogue and great characters. Love every bit of it.


I want to know what Mateo felt when he touched John’s sword...

Jedi Khan

He didn't touch it. Before he could, some weird tingling in his hand forced him back. I imagine it's kinda like the moment before you touch a piece of metal and you just know you're about to get a zap of static electricity. Except with Mateo, it was strong enough to make him think twice before touching.


Wow! Another great chapter! So much good stuff in this one!!


Great work as always, but why were those ninjas chopping onions when I was reading about Daphne?


Dang it, I've been drinking semi-heavily and there's a chance I won't remember any of this tomorrow. Guess I'll just have to re-read it. G&T amnesia is no laughing matter :)


Faye having plans within plans and contingencies for every one. And too late for Faye, she has a real daughter (and is a "real" girl). John telling Daphne that Faye would be proud of her and Daphne answering that she misses her MOM and that John is her CHOICE for a father. Another emotional gut punch for us and possibly the ideal thing for John to hear (and lessen his fear of being a crappy father).


I tried my hand at writing (and found I am pretty crap at it). I think at this point, every character is "real" in Tef's head. And it helps that unlike some writers in this genre, the characters are distinct. A bit like Jade's sisters are starting to become distinct in my head (I still get lapses and forget who is who). Some of the other writers (on SOL and LIT) basically have stock character types for every story and they are interchangeable.


not sure of the time lines but how come Athgiloi didn't hear or comment on the terran fleet escaping by adopting a good old fashion ramming speed manouver?? Also the returned Kintark fllet returned quickly???

thomas rodrian

Thanks, Tefler, Nice chapter. It looks like Jehanna will make a hard choice very soon: John and love versus parents and career. Children from strictly defined cultures, e.g. Asian cultures, rarely chose love over parents, so unless John poisons the well, we should see one less Lioness very soon. I’m looking forward to seeing where you take this relationship.


Jehenna's father has functionally disowned her. John and the girls will be her family now, unless John can convince her father to reconsider


Question for the group... Why do you think the Larn's psychic marker shorted out and what do you think it is? The only hint we have in the time line is that the Invictus was heading back to the core so this could have been anytime after the battle to free the Trankaran's from the Kirrix. First time reading this I was wondering if it was tied to the cleaning bots getting transferred to their new bodies. But I was wondering how Larn would have been able to tag one? The robots are not outside the ship and why would powering down stop the marker from working? The second read thru Rahn is talking about a golden glow as they are passing a gravity well and it shorts out shortly after. He then tells Jessica he has never known one to fail and maybe they found the device so it sounds like something physical?


No spoilers!


"...wide smiles, and voluminous mane of synthetic hair." manes?


"...eerily close to a Terrans, neatly sidestepping the..." Terran's?


Tef, you, in my humble opinion, have out done yourself by a 3X. Bringing the fathers and some family together with the detailed sensitivity shown brought tears to my eyes at least three times during my first reading. I am going to rest tonight and try the second reading in the morning. Please, since this is going to be a double chapter, BILL ME TWICE!! Once again, full salutes and congratulations on an extremely well written, thought out, and presented chapter. It’s almost as if your creative mind is wired directly to you silver tipped fingers.


"She pressed her hand to the DNA reader and opened the concealed door, then beckoned for them to follow." ... I have problems with this, and have ever since it was introduced. If you are going to have a secret door, why have a DNA reader out front where everyone and their father can see it? 'Cause nothing screams secret door like a hand reader in the middle of a blank wall. Better design would be a hidden door to an alcove with the scanner and a second, locked door. Yes, the DNA scanner could also be hidden, but that's never mentioned, even at the time they put the thing in back in Genthalas.


This wasn't in the original description but was later in chapter 75 when John was returning to the ship before the battle. "He ignored those, however, and ran straight up to what appeared to be a seamless wall. Counting the fourth decking plate over from the door, he held up his hand at chest-level, and placed it on the cold Titanium wall. A green light swiped over the concealed DNA scanner built into the featureless surface, and to his left, a door swung open, revealing the glowing anti-gravity fields of the secret grav-tube." It was easy to miss.


Was just thinking on John’s upcoming confrontation with his guide.....When John was struggling with his guide during the beat down Rahn was giving him he was completely drained of psychic energy. Jade juiced him and he bottled his guide up. This would imply that the guide can’t access the girls energy unless John wills it so. I’m thinking if John exhausts his own reserves just prior to the confrontation, then releases the guide, the guide will have no energy, while John can pull from the girls and deal with the guide easy peasy...... What ya’ll think?


John is going to trust his instincts and go predator and literally eat his guide. That's my prediction.


There seems to be some hinting of a future for Maria as a Lioness after Jack is gone, probably complete with turning her back into a teenager. It might be in the distant future after Jack is gone of natural causes or he might suffer a heroic and/or tragic death. One more thing for John to avenge.


Here are the five typoes I saw: In the middle of a conversation Little One. • with Little One “They’re only speculating, they don’t the truth,” Jehanna said • know the truth levitating the sparkling Crystal Alyssium tube over to the nearly stacked piles of parts. • Neatly stacked, perhaps? without giving anything away that would put as at risk if it fell into the wrong hands.” • Put us at risk Sorry I dumped your with my parents • you with my parents

Brian Woods

Depends, remember that during John’s Astral visits his guide was able to anchor him back to the physical plane with it’s power, suggesting that it possesses an energy source of it’s own to draw on. Now in addition, we learn back at Edraele’s Matriarch ascension that the guide can’t access girls that John protects, so we are left with enough info to believe the girl’s extra energy can be used for John in the fight. However, we are never given two critical pieces of info to make a prediction either way: first, how much power his guide possesses in total, though it would seem it has enough to go toe-to-toe with multiple disintegration matrixes and survive; and second, whether or not his fight with the guide will happen locked away from the girl’s interference, and thus negating their use as batteries. Still, very much looking forward to the upcoming battle and all the fallout it entails!


Thanks for the warm praise! As long as you guys still find the story entertaining, that's the main thing. :)


Yeah, I'm just cleaning up those typos now. Glad you loved the chapter. :)


Thanks for the list; awesome as usual! I've just fixed all of those. :)


It would still have taken the Maliri at least a day to fly from Genthalas to the Kintark/Brimorian border, so they would have still lost most of those systems to the invasion. It's a fair point that future planetary conquests would have been avoided, but John wanted to hit the Brimorians with enough force to take them out in one battle, rather than a series of hit and run attacks to wear them down.


Kester's fleet captured the surviving Brimorian personnel, so Athgiloi would only find out by investigating their equivalent of black box recordings. I think Devereux spoke to Tamolith pretty soon after the Battle of Terra (maybe chapter 104?) and it's been at least two weeks since then, so the timelines should be about right.


Thank you for the high praise! There wasn't much action in this chapter, but there were quite a few important scenes that I needed to cover for the future. I was worried that patrons would get tired of all the character development in this one, so I'm really relieved that you guys enjoyed it.


Thanks for all the feedback everyone! It was great to hear that you enjoyed the chapter. :) Apologies for the typos that slipped through. I've just uploaded an edited version that fixed the ones people raised.


One set of mother & daughters isn't enough? :D


recognition when she give him a guilty


should be gave


Calara over to one of the armour equipping frames ……...maybe add walked or stepped after Calara


Sorry I dumped your with my parents …… your should be you


Omg this story is worse then crack...🤣🤣as soon as I get to the last page I keep trying to scroll down...like no that cant be the last page!!! Gahhhhhh.....love teff...keep it up ....awesome writing....best book ever.....I literally then I'm going die every time I finish a chapter and I have to wait for another....😔😔😔😅👍👍👍👍


Will Jess and Rahn's presence at Olympus, and the inevitable emotional turmoil John will go through as a result, fuck up any plans he made with Jehanna? Or might that night with her end up unintentionally being about him blowing off some steam after that meeting?


Rahn and Jessica could always follow him back to Genthalas Station. Would probably give them more time to work out their issues. We still don't know what Jehanna will do but she has a viable excuse to stay at her job now.


What he said :) I’ve been through it three times and it’s remarkable how the story just continues to get better and better, from a beginning that was already fantastic!


Spotted a normal/telepathic speech mismatch, *Don’t worry, you’re safe. Calara’s in the Mech Bay at the moment,* Alyssa advised them both. *Although she was avoiding the Workshop because you two were supposed to be working on Maria’s gift... not fucking each other senseless!” Also there’s this part. The view was magnified tenfold, giving her an impressive view of the colossal titanium-plated dreadnought at the forefront, its name embossed in ten-metre-tall lettering along the bow that read: “The Heimdall” The dreadnought's full name is The Shield of Heimdall, the Heimdall was the battleship destroyed by the Nexus fleet way back in chapter 59. Of course, if you want to indicate the name got concertina’d after the ramming then something like ‘The ...f Heimdall’ might show it better?


So I was reading this section today, enjoying the updated text and I wondered what it meant: Mateo reverently touched the gold-embossed Paragon gauntlets, then turned his attention to the adjacent weapon rack. Taking pride of place was John’s archaic rune sword, the flawless white blade gleaming as it reflected the light. He reached out to brush his fingers over the hilt, then jerked them back, startled by the sudden tingling in his fingertips. Should I assume that Mateo didn't suffer from burns to his fingers since he wasn't/isn't a bad guy? Does the tingle in his fingers have some sort of significance when his sword comes in contact with normal people? Is it judging him? Taking part of his essence or maybe tasting his essence to decide if he is a bad person or good person? Also, the people of the US, refer to it as a "place of honor". I understand what you were saying, but the difference caught me off guard. "Pride of Place" is not a phrase that I have heard before.

Bp Hlpt

I've lived in the US all my life, 64+ years, and I recognized that I had seen "Pride of Place" before and knew exactly what it meant. I view "place of honor" as it's equivalent. Either one is fine by me in this case.


Question for the group... Who thinks Jehanna is going to go or going to stay and why?


She is going to go with them, this fight with her parents clinches it in my eyes


Is this going to be a double release month or is part 2 next months?


Tefler said part two was a couple of weeks away, and there was only one week left in February, so I'm guessing that it will drop sometime in March.


Nice catch on the dreadnought name, well done! The dreadnought rammed the much-lighter Brimorian battleship mid-flank, rather than in a head-on collision, so the alien warship would have just snapped across the bow. There were hull breaches, but the damage wasn't significant enough to crumple the Heimdall to that extent, so I'll just leave the full name intact. Thanks. :)


Question for the group... What is Maria going to be getting? There was a cost to it, so it was something purchased but they are building it on the Invictus right now so its nothing they picked up like a car from some dealership. So what can it be?

rich ed

I did not notice this earlier but Irrillith has shown her true identity when they went to new eden to find out about Rachael's mothers murder. Chapter 49, page 4 on lit. Irillith removed her helmet, and smiled warmly at the four-inch-tall electronic construct. Then she said gently, "That's right little one. Would you like to help me with an interesting problem?" The diminutive AI pixie nodded eagerly and said, "I'd love to help you! What can I do to assist?" Irillith said to it in a hushed voice, "We're trying to stop some bad men from hurting any more people. I'll give you instructions on what we're looking for." There was a detective and a heap of police offers present


RE, I don't think anyone identified her as Maliri, so she was just another alien as far as the police were concerned.


Tefler...I have to say this is just one more example of the true meaning of the phrase "raising the bar!" Sooooo very well done!!!!! One more thing...I, for one, appreciate all the character development you have done...it just makes the characters more real...more believable...more enthralling...pun intended!


Tefler I did love this chapter but I do have a criticism. Some thing John would notice too. The girls with John are behaving more like porn dolls when it comes to the sex scene. Nothing is not preferred whatever John wants as much as he wants whenever he wants was very much the theme with the girls having no say. For a while there was a schedule that John was expected to keep to. I think we're missing some of the girls being assertive with John because you have some more aggressive cat girls to write for. Maybe one or two of the girls and a cat girl take control with John and rock his world here soon to remind us that they have a say as well. Just my opinion but the sex scenes this last chapter seemed.. Devoid of your usual character interplay and instead was cookie cutter porn script.

Ken Moreau

One thing that bothers me, is the reaction of the people to the grav-tubes. My understanding is that Dana designed them to change the gravity in the tubes to raise or lower people quickly. Everybody always reacts badly the first couple of times they use the tubes, in Chapter 130 this is Mateo and Jack. We feel motion on Earth because the gravity stays constant and we move independently within that field: we feel less acceleration if we move down (lowering the sense of gravity ie we get lighter) and more acceleration if we move up (increasing the sense of gravity ie we get heavier). But if the gravity is uniform across the tube, and we are in a constant position within that field, there should be no sense of motion whatsoever. Our bodies should not sense any motion at all, except for our eyes which watch the edges of the tube flash by. You could even go laterally without a sense of motion, because you are effectively in a capsule of constant gravity, with the capsule itself performing the motion. The air itself would move with you, so you wouldn't even get your hair mussed. I grant that stepping into or out of the tube might produce a slight disorientation, but I'm not even sure about that. If Dana programmed the field to stop at the appropriate deck, the gravity inside and outside the tube would be identical. Just my thoughts. What are your thoughts?


Two points I want to make. First I think about the regular lifts kind of like an moving escalator at a mall or a people mover at an airport. If you are moving forward and step on one and continue moving forward, it throws your balance off for a brief moment so I kind of think about it in those terms. But in reality their feet are not touching anything. How are they "stepping out" of the lift when there feet are not touching the ground? Perhaps there are handle bars or rails on each level they can create forward motion to leave the lift? Also they would need to spin themselves around to the door's orientation. It's a lot more complicated then what we read. I don't recall any chapters where any ships loose their gravity, even in battle so maybe it is not common experience for most Terran's. Second, their reaction that chapter was to the "Express" lift. If you remember even John had issues getting use to the "quick" up and down.


That's why its called Science 'Fiction' ;)


I wonder if John's sword could work as an alert and locator for nearby and cloaked Progenitor ships? Instead of Rahn and Jessica finding John he calls them and asks what they are doing there after his warning.


Bravo as always. I have reread this chapter 6 times, I am amazed at your ability to so engage the readers with such quality entertainment. Again,. Bravo

thomas rodrian

@Paul Smith This sounds like a possible scenario. It makes sense for Rahn to park near Olympus and refuse all attempts at communication until John arrives and demands a response, “Talk or die arsehole.”


Great read Tefler, you could call this the family feud chapter. Loved the interaction with the Nymphs and Jade getting Mateo over his dragon phobia. What color are they when they transform into different animals? Looking forward to John's family reunion.Here's hoping Rahn will help John assimilate his guide and take on the world together.


This doesn’t begin to express how much I’ve enjoyed reading your series, but thank you.


Can anybody else envision the scene where Jack and Mateo are shown the firing range and the grand engineering overlord gives them their personal shield generators and the upgraded version of the small pistol? I really want to see Jack go crazy over the tachyon rifles with the penetrators. Maybe take them for a ride on the raptor and have John and crew shoot their rifles through the open Bay it's in targets and show him how powerful it is


It's a possibility they might visit after their lunch but In the first part of the chapter it was noted that Mateo was going to the bridge to look at the navigation and range of their scanners. I'm sure Mateo will be blown away with the speed they are traveling and the range and data sophistication of their scanner. Also finding out they are using a stars gravity well to slingshot for speed. Since this is what his job is he will be looking to learn all he can. Jack was suppose to visit the Dojo and I could see him sparing with Calara or possibly watching Sakura and Calara spar at full speed. My bet is her and her dad sparing.


I wonder why Emily was more interested hanging out with the Nymph's then with Rachel? With her being a nurse, I would think she would be fascinated Rachel? Rachel could show here the cures she is working on.


I don't know, maybe because they can shape-shift would be a wild guess

Bp Hlpt

Hey Tefler and Cignal, I just noticed a size/dimension discrepancy regarding the Invictus: its description in the text vs the wonderful drawings that have been produced by Cignal. The drawings show that the Invictus is 100m high total, from the outside bottom of the ship to the top of the Fire Control Tower. The inertial Navigation Central Core is shown as going from the inside bottom of the ship, ie the floor of the Cargo Bay, to the outside of the top of the ship at that point, which is just behind and below the Command Deck. Using TSM_Invictus_750_meter_deck_2_overall_003_03-03-19.pdf as a reference, that point looks to be a good 30m+ or so below the top of the Fire Control Tower, which makes the Core 60m - 70m long. And yet, in Chapter 55, where it describes Alyssa shaping and installing the Central Core, the Core is repeatedly described as being 100m long. That's a pretty big difference. So, which is right?


Tefler's Text Is Always Right (except when there's a typo introduced by mysterious forces)... ;-)


Tefler and I went over the Invictus quite a bit, but I don't recall we discussing the overall height. I did work from the sketch, images and text to create the drawings. For the overall dimensions I used the profile image, here in Patreon. I scaled it up so the overall length of the Invictus was 10". Based on that, the height from the top of the fire control tower to the bottom of the ship scales 2 inches, therefore I made the overall height one hundred meters, which matched the sketch and text. Most of the detail on the drawings was scaled from that image, height, width, placement of items like the control tower and command deck, etc. I do know that Tefler reviewed the drawings, but there wasn't any comments on the overall height. I hope that helps. BTW from the top of the command deck to the bottom of the ship measures 83.34 meters in the drawing.

Jerry Isdale

re(rere)reading while waiting and back about 1/2 story ago (circa 70pg14 and earlier) there is mention of duplicating the copy of Nexus server (Faye's host) at Invictus gateways, etc. around the ship. I dont recall (havent reread yet) if these were installed on next big refit, but if so, why wasnt Faye resident/distributed/backed up in those? Serious lack of duplication for critical flight system

Big Dude

If you think Chapter 130 was glorious... think of the conclusion to some story arcs happening in 131. You will need to reread from the meeting of Rahn'Hagon and Jessoca, the battle of Larn'Kelnar and the intermediary chapters till now to process it all. I look forward to it! Can you say More Glorious? More Glorious!


I just noticed this from this chapter, Calara said wistfully, staring up at the Raptor. “We’ve got sixty Tachyon Lances mounted on the Invictus and they’re my go-to gun batteries now. The Nova Lances are incredibly powerful, but they take thirty seconds to recharge and are forward-firing only.” But in Ch.127, when she was showing the Nymphs the offensive capabilities of the Invictus while blasting the crap out of the Kirrix, she said this, “It takes three seconds to charge up the Nova Lances,” she said, pointing with her free hand to the camera views on the topdeck that showed the prow. A blazing sphere of energy was gathering at the bow as vast amounts of energy were pumped into the deadly weapons. I've rather lost track of what upgrades have been done recently especially with all the tech they've requisitioned so I'm not sure which is correct.


Iirc it’s about 30 seconds cool down time and 3 seconds to charge up the sphere to fire. I always saw this as a double trigger. First to gather the energy and then to unleash it. Then 30 seconds to cool down and start again


While it is not part of the story, my thought on that was that you would not end up with a backup of Faye, but a clone, meaning a sort of twin.


Congratulations Tefler on another literotica award this time for chapter 124!


Congratulations indeed, I spotted that but couldn't work out what it was for at first as it didn't seem likely it was the Valentines contest! Turns out it was third place in the October 2019 Readers Choice contest and I'm sure the addition to the nappy fund will be welcome.


I haven't heard anything from Tefler Lately, is there word about the followup chapter yet ?


Baby is at an age where it starts to fight sleeping all the time. Your sympathy and patience is appreciated.

thomas rodrian

I was thinking about the new cleaning bots earlier and thought of a couple things, First, they are no longer Faye’s boys. The sex change does not seem too weird because I already thought of them as androgynous rather than male. It does make me wonder why formalize a sexual identity. I suspect Tefler wanted consistency but I also thought it might be a male dominance issue: there is only one alpha. Secondly, I wonder if the cleaning bots’ communication protocol will change with their new chassis. The current protocol reminds me of reading Lisp or HTML, which is less than fun. Regardless, I hope Tefler gets rid of ‘[+++ stated with gratitude +++ [Begin statement]’ with an upgrade to Daphne’s stilted speech. I’d be interested to hear other’s thoughts on the new cleaning bots.


I kind of agree, but their speech patterns should develop gradually, but faster that a persons would due to them being AI , even correcting each other, which could be amusing with some gaffs they could make! lol

rich ed

are they able to build the hard shield's into their paragon armour?


Yes. I think the question you meant to ask is have they made that upgrade.


Were can I find pics of there ship?


See the background image at the top for an old version of Invictus before white armour and before expansion from cruiser to battlecruiser.


I was wondering how Gahl’kalgor actually knew John's Maliri/Progenitor name of Baen’thelas? The only thing I could come up with was Xar'aziuth told him. Xar'aziuth most likely got it from Larn’kelnar after John killed him, so that also probably means Xar'aziuth knows Rahn’hagon is alive now too.


Im thinking that this is when the psychic tracker was disabled... John met them half-way across the bridge. “Are you alright, Mateo? I can’t apologise enough for you getting a scare like that. I’ll have to have a stern word with Alyssa.” *I’m really sorry about that, handsome,* Alyssa said quickly. *I’m a bit distracted at the moment and wasn’t paying attention.* *Are you alright?* he asked with concern. *I’m fine. I’ll explain why later.*


I wonder if Progenitor ships have robots to do clean up and such too? I hope so with all the husked thralls or cut up corpses on Larn's dreadnought and his ghost fleet, the stench of the decomposing corpses would be unbearable.


For the ones that were cut down by Sakura, yeah, decomp smell might be an issue. The husked ones I think have been desiccated, so probably not much decomp issue there.

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

i have postulated this a long time ago... maybe a year or so.... mael's soul forge i believe is none other than the trankarans main forge wich they must have retrofited just as the ashanat did for everything they could out of the Legacy and the Maliri with Gentalas... actualy... it would make some sence for Gentalas once at 100% capacity fo see something beeing discovered there that could be the forge... be as it may.. Kitshara as far as i am concerned is going to be either a dud and there is nothing there or Mael has survived and escaped on his shutle like Larn was going to before the blast on the Nyrean rift or all they will find is the Nexus prime still functioning after all these eons... be as it may. the main development should be Rahn making peace with john going to the Larantians claiming them and theyr fleets and come back to help john or go tag team with john to start taking out progenitors one by one. last for all knowing teff, you need the doe this month just like all other months. we apreciate the will to make a double but its not practical. you wont have time till the end of the month for 130 pt2 plus 131 to get payed. just turn part 2 in 131 and release it asap. one day when the stars align you will give us a double. dont over exert yourself and remember family comes first. your family not the invictus or the young matriarchs. by the way the sex scenes are amazing. i think i speak for ever one when i say more plot lex sex. just like forplay the build up makes it all the sweeter. i loved it when you made us wait ... what was it a year? for fae's first full tummy... more plot less sex. and dont wory we apreciate your writing. 30k is worth billing. when you make the hardbook or the lit postings turn them to doubles but for us i realy think 30k is more than enough to warant a pay. by the way to everyone else, more coments on content. i love earing ideas specialy jedi kahn's... i remember years ago when there were inventions by Dana being advertised on the posts that were not mentioned on the story line remember? i hope they end up on the trading stations!


Hi Tefler-new Dad,


Hi Tefler-new Dad. Your writing is brilliant. I’m very happy to pay my subscription for 30k of your carefully crafted prose. I have confidence you will continue to offer value to your patron subscribers. Keep writing and above all, ENJOY your FAMILY. Best Wishes, Douglas


Sorry Ricardo but I have to disagree on several of your points While it may be possible that the Trankaran's forge is the soul forge I'm doubting that to be the case. First it would be in plain sight and an easy target for another Progenitor to pick off and stop production of fleets or repair of fleets. You had Rahn nearly wipe out the Trankaran's nearly 10k years ago. Why would he not have blown that up along with all the planets he did if it was Mael Soul Forge? Then you have Larn in Trankaran space and put in a false Glowing Queen. Why would he have not blown it up if he recognized it as a Soul Forge? I am still thinking that the Mists of Loralar is where Kythshara, the hyper gate and the soul forge are located. If Rahn leaves the shroud a couple of things might happen. Xar might actually be able to control him again or possible be able to track him and have other progenitors home in on his location like a psychic becon. It would do him no good to get Larn's remaining population because if he is following the Progenitor rule of accession then all the females are under age and he could not claim them. All the ones that were old enough are husks. So I can't see any reason for Rahn to leave the shroud. It would be more dangerous for there mission if he went with them.

rich ed

I really hope Rachael gives Jack a once over like Charles health wise, that way the reunion with Maira should be even more fireworks than she was planning

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

... What if... We are looking at this the wrong way? Why to go after the other progenitors at all? Why not go for zarzuith him self first? And for that john needs his father but not kitshara. Nor the forge. Why fight what would be a war of atrition with the other progenitors at all? Like jade keeps saying be the cat... A surprise hit worked with larn... Wouldnt it work? What you think? A trip ti the old library on the astral with old dad, an ass whoping on the guide and wouldnt john stand a chance against the big boss? Once that is done... Then take care of the small fish... what you guys think?


I was thinking the exact same thing a while ago! If anything, John and co. should be trying to strike at the real head of the snake. What's to say all the Progenitors won't just gang up on John once they catch on to his game, and even if they don't, the attrition from such a long protracted war would be catastrophic, feeding Xar'Aziuth with all the carnage. The flipside is, perhaps Xar himself is far too powerful and beyond their abilities.


I suspect that Jade is the key to defeating Xar. What if she is some sort of revenge or you could say "time bomb" left by the Achonin that is programmed to attack once she gets close enough to him. In a way she may well be the last Achonin.


So Jade's sisters, who don't have the Achonin runes on their crystal hearts, are what? Something like clones? Somehow, I can't see Mael deciding to use a defeated enemies creations for any reason. Nice twisty theory, though. I think John's entire way of viewing his 'thralls' and the Lenarrans is the real key.


Sorry if I'm repeating a question that may have already been raised, but I'm curious why so much time was spent in chapter 129 and, to a lesser extent in this chapter, with Jack having it explained to him, and coming to terms with Calara's relationship with John and the girls and vice versa. Apart from the addition of the Nymphs and the discovery of multiple Progenitors, everything was much the same as when Calara told her Dad back in Ch 108. So why did Jack seem that this was the first time he'd heard about it all in Ch 129? This is really bugging me, or have I missed something?


108 was more I have powers and there's a bigger war coming. 129/130 was more everyone on the ship is sleeping together but it's okay.


Hey Tefler, would you be combining both parts of this chapter when you finish the second part? Or would you be doing that afterwards?


normally it's after. There are usually lots of edit comments and suggestions. After those are cleaned up then they are merged


Tefler, any update on the progress of the last half of Chapter 130 would be appreciated!


They all speak the same language... Ancient "Progenitor" /Maliri is Kyth'faren. I don't know that that has been specifically stated anywhere, but is the impression I've gotten.


Hey Tefler, Not to put a rush on you or anything but... MOOOAARRR!!! I can feel the withdrawl setting in, the room is spinning, sweatin, gettin the shakes.... Nah! Just kidding, thanks for all your hard work and looking forward to 130.5 :) Take all the time you need. I treat the time between each chapter as a cerebral form of edging lol

Jedi Khan

Yeah, but I wouldn't hold him to that. It's just an estimate and life has a tendency to prove estimates wrong.


It means that we are on for only one chapter for this month also


A big part of the issues with productivity is the scale and scope of the story. That is magnified by the standard that has been set. Volunteers wanted for continuity scout editors. Apply to me because I am the one who will try to convince Tefler this will be helpful. Include how you imagine that you would help as a continuity scout editor. Don't apply if you expect to get the job, because there probably isn't a job to get and Volunteer is an important part of the description.


How can someone download old chapters from stories online website


IIRC, the writers have to specially format their files before submitting it to the SOL mods. So I am pretty sure a *.txt, *.doc, or *.pdf are not really available to the public. I think the easiest option is to copy/paste the text of each page. But this would be pretty annoying and formatting would probably be messed up in the process.


There is the E book option, for those that are published

Jedi Khan

There's been editing suggestions on the Discord server for Tefler, some of which were in regards to continuity, so folks are already doing it, it would seem.

Dennis Banfield

Any intel on the timeline for the second half? Also, stay hygienic everyone!


Is it just me or do others mostly check their email to see if another chapter dropped before looking at anything else?


Expect it at the end of the week if the previous pattern is to be adgered


Although I don't recall it being previously mentioned those jumpsuits the girls wear when they armor up must have hoods, either that or all of the girls have a sock with the toe cut out and have mastered the art of making those amazing Marine Corps buns. Hoods or buns are pretty much the only way that they are going to get all of that hair contained within their helmet quickly. Unrestrained hair would reek havoc with whatever system is used to seal the helmet to the rest of the armor.


Pretty sure there have been occasions in the story so far where the girls remove their helmets to reveal lovely, unrestrained hair (probably in slow-motion and with a bit of soft focus). My money's on the helmets/armor equipping frames having a vacuum system to pull all strands of hair up into the helmet during gear-up, then some kind of force field to keep it back and out of their faces during action. Dana's managed to build box magazines that held 25 or 50 or some crazy number of 20mm projectiles (which would be roughly the diameter of 12ga shotgun shells), that weren't outrageously oversized. Keeping hair in place should be a breeze.


Tefler, any update on part 2


Telfer will have to wake up soon,he wanted to know a few years ago if he could write full time and feed his family,and he can ,very well,he's a great writer and story teller,not many writer's are both,he's one of the good one's,But if you don't do your job soon you will be fired or let,it's still work ,home or office,people will leave or reduce their pledges,shit happens all over,deal with and move on,thank you, i would hate for you to stop writing you are very good,,,,,


You are welcome to your opinion, but that’s a bit extreme. From a monetary view, he gets paid when he publishes something not every month. So for paying fans there’s no reason to cancel payment if he doesn’t publish. On another note, he posts about once a month currently, sometimes more. That’s content more frequently, plus bigger and better, than published authors and other web stories. I hit F5 every day, but there’s no risk of reducing my pledge.


you are right,everyone has a opinion,i was raised when you have a job you do it weather it's digging holes or working in a office,bosses count on you doing your job,i been working for 60 years and i always did my job, rain or shine i worked,i'm old school,i know people do not do that anymore,thats the way i grew up,thank you,,,,


I'm sure we'll get a chapter by 27th.


I wish I could afford to pledge even more than I do...NOT as a motivator for chapters more often...but as a recognition of the quality of his writing!!!!!!!


i agree with you but i live on a very limted income so i have to watch my money,but i do pay Telfer to read his story because he turned to a great writer,and i really like his story,,,,,,


☮️ ☯️ ✨ ☯️ ☮️ Relax. Breath. Reread. This is a story that rewards second, third, fourth, fifth, and probably sixth reading. Make sure you know where your towel is for this chapter when it drops.


I really cannot understand how anyone can think Tef is not doing his job or is dragging his feet. The average book is said to be 90-100k words which means we get a full book roughly every 3 months on his current output and you think this is slack? Name me an author that puts out a book every 3 months that you can pay as little as $3 for. Especially of this quality. I follow a few good authors and they might write a book a year at best and they’re $20 a book. Personally I wish all the whingers would just stop. It’s unproductive and irritating and I doubt it motivates Tefler. If anything I’d imagine it just makes it harder. I would rather Tef takes his time and gives us a good story that he can finish and finish well not pump out sub par content to try to make extra cash or burn himself out. I know we all hang out for the next chapter to drop but would you be pushing an artist to make his next painting or a musician his next album? And would you tell them they’re not doing they’re job producing something every single month?


When is there going to be a talking book version to listen too while I drive? Just a thought @Tefler


Please don't tease us like that Father Sin, already we are expecting an epic encounter and now your words are making things more difficult for us


Well I just read all of the comment for this chapter to the Hubby, oh the words he said to some of them. We all wait, we all love the story and waiting just makes it that much more exciting when a new one is posted. As I sit here typing this the hubby has just started the story again for the 30th time. He is mainly blind and he listens to the story via a text to speach app on his phone. If that mostly blind old fart can wait and not complain and just reread (listen) the story over and over why must others complain and tel Tef this is your job do it.. BULLSHIT FOLKS. Life comes first and having to wait is no reason for some of the comments ya all have posted here! I was to say word for word what the hubby said but that would put some drunken sailors to shame. so shhh don't tell the hubby I didn't. Love the story Tefler keep up the beyond expected or deserved work.


Bravo,. I challenge all of those who are complaining to take a look at cignal's timeline and go ahead and create your own timeline with your own series of events that are similar then develop your own story. When you fail miserably at it you will maybe begin to understand what a wonderful gift the work of Tefler is to the literary world.


you are all missing the point,Telfer said when he started this book he would do 2 or 3 chapters a month,which he has done until now,when somebody says he is going to do something he should keep his word,,,,,,,,,,,

George McKeever

You really are a special kind of entitled. The man has a family to take care. It's not like it is costing you money either way. You pay per chapter not per month. I've been reading since the beginning and yeah I've been disappointed that we haven't seen as many chapters as we would like but that doesn't give us any right to start making demands. The sort of toxicity that you are spreading will just make Tefler stop writing all together.


Ski that is true he did say that though life still happens for example he has an extra child he didn't have when he first started which I feel personally is more important the any job plus the increase in quality per chapter and at times length has deffinetly increased


first of i never made any demands,just stated facts,


Tefler,is as good as Mike Carpo when he started out,mike took a simple story and went 5-6years with it,an if you read any of his stories from when he just started to the end when he died,Tefler has the talent as him,he started good and went to great where he is now,....

thomas rodrian

@ski It is interesting you compare him to Mike. I followed Mike and still read the ‘A Spartan's War Chronicles’ about once a year. Mike was a great author and I wish he had lived longer. Tefler writes in the same genre, but there are too many stylistic differences to really compare them, IMO. I like Tefler’s storyline better than Mike’s with werewolves and vampires. Tefler’s fantasy presentation of a progenitor universe is easier for me to believe than people transmuting into werewolves.


i was not really going with the books stories but his story telling over the years is the same a Tefler they improve with age,,

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

On this i agree with you. He may not be puting out as mutch a we would like or as mutch as he thought he could produce. But i do find the quality and complexity of the work to be steadily increasing. I have said it before and say it again. As it stands now, i think most of us would forgo all the bedroom shenanigans in prol of story development. So many treads left hanging... I may only be part of the work force for the last 20 years, but i do not believe for one second that tefler is not doing his best to keep up his quality standards. Creative work takes time. Its not like in a factory or an assembly line were you do the same day after day. To work with your mind is hard strenous and time consuming. Heavy lays the kings crown....

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

On a diferent note, to all my fellow readers and Mr Tefler, keep safe. Hopefully this world pandemic will not be the turning point in our lives that some fear a'd it will blow away... Untill then keep safe protect yourselfs and protect your family with the best of your knowledge. Kind regards from me


Could Rachel not come up with a cure? But seriously, keep well everyone.


The virus will not go away until a sufficiently large proportion of the global community has antibodies. So if you are healthy and have no vulnerable contacts, you should welcome rather than fear being infected! (Chances are you won't notice the infection anyway as your immune system will wipe it out before you develop symptoms).


And it turns out you are the exception to the rule and loose 30% of your lung function.

Big Dude

As a person who agrees with Sparky's Wife, Tefler's writing immensely improved around Chapter 60. I suggest you all go back and see how many chapters he was producing around then. I was one who suggested that Tefler write some chapters ahead like some other authors but again that's his decision. I would rather have a well written tome than a rushed one. Tefler was writing 3 per month when he was below the $1500/chapter level. Since the early chapters are on ano th her device I don't know if he was writing 30k words per chapter. I doubt it because each of his first 4 books weren't 300K words long . So cut the man some slack.


Or just carry it with no symptoms and infect an elderly family member or someone immunosuppressed, like myself.


The univac Tefler story release algorithm has come up today and said that it anticipate seeing chapter 128 on lit and soul hopefully by the end of the week which will then trigger the release of the next chapter here by the end of the month. Disclaimer, the algorithm is based purely on past statistics and no direct input or insight from The Great Tefler.


Oh for sure, bad things can and will happen to individuals: you will hear about them if they are newsworthy or fit into the media narrative. The death of a relative of mine from flu 2 years ago will go unnoticed, as will the suicide of her husband 1 year later. I am simply pointing out reality here - not attempting to justify it morally.

Bp Hlpt

Actually, you are wrong. You did not state facts. The output of 2-3 chapters a month were ALWAYS a GOAL, NOT A PROMISE.


The system is only allowing me to load comments from about 17h ago. And no further. So I can't load what Telfer said for an update. Can someone give me the cliff notes please?


The Dutch government has choosen this appraoch to the Virus. The Virus cannot be stopped and will spread anyhow. If a large portion is infected and created antibodies, they will be immune and that will prevent the virus in the end to reach weaker and older people. By minimizing the contacts between people 'normal life (ahum) can continue while we try to avoid close contact with others. A total lockdown can be foolish cause the virus will pop up again but nobody will be immune then.. so it might start all over again. By slowly spreading the most people will be infected (and create antibodies) without noticing it in a heavy way. Those with anitbosies will be immune .... With a Lockdown the people do not get a fair chance to create antibodies... But DAMN.. I pray for those that really suffer at this moment. On last word .. for those who FIGHT for others lives , the health workers, Doctots nurses, also fireman ambulance personell, cleaners just EVERYONE taking care of the unfortunate.. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!


Standard update he's got 18 thousand words done and it is off to the editors and he is hoping to have something for us by the end of the month


Wonder if the inlaws will meet each other... Or will Jack be dropped off before Olympus. Going through withdrawal here need more tsm


"...Calara's identity as a Lionesses secret, this never..." Lioness?


Have the FINAL edits been done for the 1st part of 130?


The final version of 130 is posted in a seperate post with the combined bits