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Hey everyone!

I'm currently up to 27,500 words on chapter 130 and I'm aiming to release it tomorrow afternoon as soon as I hit 30k words. 

This next chapter is going to be a double-sized one called "Daddy issues.". The first half mainly sets up plot arcs for the second half, but if I find it ends too abruptly, I might give you a preview of the next few scenes to wrap up the meeting with Maria on Jericho.

Until tomorrow...








Awesome mate.




Thanks for the update, cant wait




one more sleep!!!!!


'Daddy Issues', no doubt referring to Rahn. Exciting!


Awesome, thanks tef, hope all is well on the home front.

David Shmilowitz

He's Alive! (in all seriousness, yay for chapter and glad you're doing ok)


Aw yeah. Just saw the latest chapter to hit Lit so I was revisiting the last few. This is a great coincidence. Looking forward to more tales of The Collective and of course those pesky biologicals, too!

GDay (FMS)

Thank you very much for the update Tef...


Thank you for the update!


He's alive! Lol glad to hear from ya. Thanks for the update.

Jedi Khan

Well now. Changing tactics are we, Tefler? Historically, there's been a status update at the half-way point. Now we have one the day before the expected release date? I wonder what prompted this change in strategy?


Most excellent!


Thanks Tefler for the update.


thank you sir, hope all is going well for you....


I'm hyped!


thank you

Pana Napoleon

So excited. Your story is amazing, thank you for sharing it


Cheers Mr


One could argue that since this is a double-header chapter this status update does technically fall right in the middle! 😜

Bp Hlpt

Thank you!


Thanks Tefler. I'm going to go buy some steaks, bourbon, and cheesecake to enjoy while reading the next chapter. If not Friday, then this weekend, or whenever you release the chapter. No stress, just keep doing what you do best. Cheers!

Big Dude

That's excellent news!


TY Tefler I have a question for you. Are you going to make any audio books? If you are might I suggest Actors Everywhere they use two voice actors a Male and a Female. The top Harem novelist is them now. Makes the books amazing. Any news on the next ebook also?


Wow so good to hear from tef . U had us worrying


Happy days are here again! Thanks Tef!!!!!!!!!


Right on Time, I love it when the Algorithm matches Real Time. Thank you Tefler


Good to hear from you again Tefler (first comment). This is the first series that I have been so captivated by in years. I really appreciate the work that you put in and I hope that everything is going well for you and your family.


It's just ticked over to 3502 patrons!! I remember in the beginning when Tef was just hoping to get enuff $$ to write full time ((ish)......too busy breeding mini Tef's!! LOL...) Keep doing what U are doing mate it seems to be going OK........

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

I just read tsm for the 3rd time and the story with the other AI and the marine super woman with the broken nose on lit. Any one know of eny other TSM universe related stories out there?... Yes i have read anabele short as well... Please help. And tef franchising? For a fee? Something to consider maybe? Or recruit to put out more often? Just thoughts

Pana Napoleon

hey Ricardo, if you're on lit you might want to check out a writer by the name of Lost boy he has some awesome stories that are all in the same universe and intertwine really good writer check them out


I keep refreshing hoping to see a post lol


Well, I guess plans for my weekend have been set.


We were on the "nice" list and won't get a lump of coal!!!


You mean for 2 to 3 hours. :) I burn through the chapters.


I do that first read pretty fast. Then I go back over it a few more times over the next couple days. I miss a lot on that quick first read. That is when time allows. If I'm busy, it can take a week before I get around to the third read.


I can see a 33K 1/2 chapter at this point and Tefler does not have the midnight UK deadline, however, I can see the desire to get it done. Hopefully Tonight, I am feeling it.


Do we know when it will be posted?


Looking forward to reading the next book when it comes out!


any posts on Discord about done and now doing the read through? this would be about the right time for that update if he is on track for tonight. Praying the Algorithm is in sync with the Stars and The Great Tefler.


Hello Tefler I really hope the Criss we are having now won't affect you or anyone you care about In Shaa Allah and let us pray we have the cure soon for those infected In Shaa Allah