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The Command Deck from Cignal's incredible Invictus schematics!  



Good morning, Tefler! Thanks for posting this final deck.




I always pictured the ready/briefing rooms behind John, not in front of Jade...


Excellent, Cignal as always. THANK YOU


You are welcome guys.

Dave Barrack

For practical starship security, it'd probably be better if the grav shaft didn't open up straight onto the bridge. I always thought that was a bit of a flaw in the various versions of the Enterprises. I know it has doors that can be closed and locked, but there really ought to be a security station between the elevator and the bridge, complete with blast doors, automated defenses, and pop up barriers. In a fully crewed ship it'd be manned by 2-3 armed and armored guards as well. The way it is now, if there was another Shiatobe situation where they were boarded without knowing about it, someone could be on deck 9 and toss a grenade up the shaft and wipe out the whole crew. Not John and his crew, probably, but a regular crew would be in big trouble.


I do hope that Tefler gives official Invictus positions to Tashana and Helene soon. John was always quick to give practical positioning to the girls (perhaps a justification for keeping them on board.) But he hasn't given the last two girls their official roles yet (as seen by them not having their own seats). Tashana could be the Invictus archivist/historian, archaelolgist (aka hot librarian). Helene could be the Invictus Mental Health expert/psychologist/cuddle bear.

Dave Barrack

I don't know that hot librarian and ship's counselor really need bridge positions, despite Troi's often baffling seating next to the Captain's chair on TNG.


You wan to put someone who's special powers deal with fire in charge of a library? Sounds like a bad idea to me.


Thanks for your efforts Signal...very well done!

Jedi Khan

Not bad. Could use a marker indicating which direction is the bow of the ship.


That changes my mental picture a bit, thank you.


Hello Tefler, I seen all the decks except deck eight(8). Is deck 8 close off for stores or something else?


Ah that reverses my mental picture, always had those 2 other rooms behind the desks


Robert, deck 8 was eliminated during the initial conversion from assault cruiser to John's private ship. Deck 8 was taken out and the cargo bay was created. It is two decks high like the secondary hanger.


Thanks Cignal, I dimly remember that something was done to a deck in Invictus but I didn't know which until you remind me.

Bp Hlpt

If the position of the Ready and Briefing rooms was switched with that of the Bridge, that would allow a hallway and security station to be between the grav shaft and the Bridge as you suggest. With the hallway between the Ready and Briefing rooms, that would also make sense since the Armour Equipping Frames and Gun and Ammo Racks would then be closer to the grav shaft. As it is, it's kind of inconvenient for the folks in the bridge to have to go forward to the Briefing Room to get suited up, then have to go all the way back through the Bridge to get to the grav shaft to leave. This would also address folks impression that the Ready Room was "behind" John.

Sgt Sak

You can tell a guy designed this. Not enough bathrooms, lol.


The last refit for the Invictus was made by the Maliri, they must have been watching John and not 'The Johns'.


Any word on the next chapter?


What with the increased amount of "guns" that even Calara cannot cope with alone and with the upcoming upgrade of further guns perhaps the layout of the stations needs addressing. Dana could move back to the open station and John can upgrade one of Jades sisters to take some of the load off Calara like Faye was doing. John is going to have to deal with the watch commanders position as without Faye they need someone on watch to cover those times that faye would normally be doing so. Perhaps Little One could be upgraded to a Faye type body and provided with a Dana designed server and back up server.


Tefler has invested a lot of narrative into Little One. Considering the fact that Faye made her the last line in a catastrophe, I am sure that her basic programming can cope with the Watch Station.

Big Orca

First of all, Meta Faye is gone. But, what is the Invictus Node Collective running that has all these data feeds? Secondly, the Little One is a full AI created by Faye. Can it be copied an moved to a Progen Server? Or could it be that Faye has built a more powerful server already? Could the little one evolve to take the role of Faye entirely? Would she want to? Would they revive Faye’s Avatar, or would the collective build a new one?

Big Dude

Does the repaired modified Invictus get multiple Progenitor based servers? Will Dana go back to Rahn's old ship and strip the Progenitor servers from it? Why didn't Dana and Irillith think of that already? Will John ask Daddy-O for an assist on a Progenitor server repair/replace/upgrade/additional unit to help run the Invictus? Since Progenitors do things in HEXAGONS, was the Progenitor server a DUAL-CORE since there were 12 FAYE processor streams? Will an improved Progenitor server be QUAD-CORE with 24 processor streams? Why not a HEXA-CORE with 36 processor streams?


Dear Tefler, Thank you most kindly for this exquisite example of polyamory harem trope, I have enjoyed it thoroughly, I wish you much success and sincerely hope you don't become bored and keep entertaining us with your wonderful and naughty tale. I would like to thank DaveB for bringing this delightful work to my attention, I have followed Dave's webcomic for a number of years and greatly appreciate him turning me on to this outstanding expression.

rich ed

What is stopping John from going into the Inviticus network to meet little one proper. Now that he has banished his spirit guide he should be able to remain there for longer. I bet he has admin status to go into Faye's home to find some answers. The only thing that would stop him would be that the collective would like some privacy.

rich ed

I think Rachael needs to train the others on how to make their shields spin like she did in the fight against larn. If john can grow to 75 meters does that mean his shield would be that big, if so could the girls stand within his shield and then make their own so there would be four layers of spinning shields for the enemies to have to break through? They would be near impossible to defeat

Jedi Khan

John is unable to visit the digital realm on his own. He needs Irillith's help to do so. If John did a spirit walk, all he'd see is the Astral Plane and the physical stuff around him. He wouldn't see the data streams like Irillith does.


happy fathers day Tefler. from the U.S.


Is it time to F5 yet. For that matter, has Tefler actually confirmed either here or on Discord that he was aiming for release of 123 on the 20th? BTW, congrats on cracking the $5k mark.


No we havent heard anything from him in a couple weeks and the 20th was just a guess. At this point it would be smarter to expect to wait a bit longer since we havent heard from him at all

Jedi Khan

There's been no Tefler sightings in nearly 2 weeks now.


Maybe he went on vacation or to the Women's World Cup in France. Can you imagine team Progenitor playing the world.


Unusual for Tefler to go two weeks without a peep. Hope everything is OK.


I think Calaras' desk is in the wrong place, I thought it would be in a similar position to Alyssas' desk ie on the other sidel of John rather than at the very front at an odd angle, this would give the best view of both the star map and hol screen.


Just a FYI, I received a sketch from Tefler on the layout of the command deck.


Um... I think it's been discussed previously, but between deck 1 and 2, the grav-tubes don't line up, and must have a 90° twist? I think the twist was talked about, but without the command deck being offset, the elevator (previous) / grav-tubes have to also do a jig to be where the are? (Side to side centering)

Jedi Khan

My theory as to what is causing any Maliri to enter the Mists to go crazy? Mael'Nerak himself.


It does seem to be odd that there has not been a status update for 123. I hope all is okay with him.

Bad Dog

I wonder if there will be an update this month. I mean is already the 24th and there has been no mention of one. It also usually tastes at least a couple of days for editing so is getting close to the wire.

rich ed

Tefler, you may wish to alter this a bit as Jess was with the Girls for the whole fight so probably would not mention that larn said the barracks. *Jess... where else did John’s girls utilise psychic powers?* he asked his matriarch without thinking, then winced as he waited for her response. *Larn’kelnar mentioned the Barracks... and they fought him in the Interrogation Chamber where John was held,* she replied, a strange melancholy note to her voice.

Bad Dog

Is interesting to note that the Invictus is over twice the size of the biggest aircraft carrier ever made (USS Gerald Ford CVN-78) which is 1,092 ft long (332.82 M). Since the Gerald Ford can carry almost 100 aircraft and has a crew of over 6,000 sailors and marines you would think that the Invictus would have a lot more room than the plans seem to indicate. For one thing, the Invictus only has like 7 decks while the Gerald Ford has 25 decks. Assuming that the Invictus is only as tall as the Gerald Ford (which would make the Invictus look like a bean pole) each deck in the Invictus would have to be over 3 times as tall.


With all the tech onboard the ship, all the exterior guns and the hangers. Shooting ranges and the lagoon I would think it could probably fill all these decks. The areas they function normally in seem very large.