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Hey everyone!

I've finished the first half of chapter 122 and handed it over to my editors. I'm currently ploughing on with the second half and have made decent inroads into it already, so with a bit of luck, it should be finished on Friday night (31st May).

I'll also post the last of Cignal's deck plans over the next couple of days to give you something to look at while you're waiting! :-)




Excited for the new chapter tef


Thank you!


Thanks for the update. It's well worth the wait. Might even go back and start rereading.. for the second time.. yeah second time >.>


He lives!


Write on! Thank you, Tefler!


Thanks for the update Tefler.


Always good to get a heads up on the next chapter. Thanks Tef


Woo hoo


can't wait! Cheers for the update and giving me something to look forward to


cheers mr


The GNO (Grand Narrative Overlord) has written and so shall it be done.



GDay (FMS)

Thank you, sounds like a great weekend coming our way...


Thank You Tefler - can't wait for the next chapter.


So it's down to how quickly the editors get through it now then. So am guessing it will into June before they get through it and we can read it then.




Time for Faye 2.0, a new AI for a new Capital ship.


I agree .… we gotta have Faye'th :)


Chapter 121 ???




He posted 121 as a whole last week. Make sure you have tissue handy if you haven’t already read it.




I have Faye-th

John P

I'm going against the grain here but I'm going to be very annoyed if you resurrect Faye somehow. Faye was a good character and I liked her, but the meaning of her death is ruined, and Larn's crimes are lessened, if she returns.


Well, that’s certainly a viewpoint. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure that the popular mood points the other way, as you have noted. To explain an opposing POV, there is a section of the readership that struggles to deal with death of one of the central characters in this story, by virtue of the way we are interacting with the story and letting the characters into our hearts. This wouldn’t happen with any old author, but Tefler is (IMHO) almost beyond compare, and when he writes a scene like that he REALLY, REALLY twists the knife in us. I suspect the readers most affected are the highly empathic ones, and the pain that this type of unexpected death causes this type of personality may be hard to appreciate for others who don’t have the psychological makeup to get so close to characters in fiction, and retain a possibly more healthy detachment. It certainly makes me very skittish around stories, and there’s many a one I’ve dropped like a bad habit halfway through if the author starts killing off central characters I’ve grown to love. Indeed, sadly, I cannot bring myself to read 121(II). If Faye is brought back I probably will get back on board later chapters, but probably never reading 121. If she isn’t, it’s kinda made it hard for me to continue reading and I’ll probably drift away, with (in my mind) a fade to black at the end of 119... So, I’m sorry but measured against that degree of upset for the empaths in the group, the points you make IMHO are small change in comparison. Tim


Would anyone know if chapter 121 is going to be posted in literotica? Or future chapters? Thanks


Usually (From what I read about 2 months ago) they get posted to Lit after the edit is compete, but Lit has a moderation process and that can take a week or two for that process as they have a backlog / not enough mods.



John Doe

The last 24 hours are excruciating. #arewethereyet

Horny Rhino

my F5 button is being used about once every half hour right now. But as we get closer to 23:30 GMT (or 18:30 my time, that's 6:30pm for my fellow Americans) I expect to see its usage increase significantly, along with its heat generation...


there is this handy little tool called tab auto refresh for firefox.... auto refreshes every second ;)


This kind of discussion is almost as interesting as TSM itself. Thank you! Personally I'd like to see Faye being reborn. My guess at the moment: she somehow was able to make several backups of her video archives and memories which were distributed all around the Invictus. If she somehow managed to save parts of her personality data in the internal memory banks of the cleaning and maintenance bots than it might be that she will emerge as a fragmented entity. If Little One is some kind of clone he/she/it could be the lynchpin to reunite Fayes pieces. Or turn into Faye 2.0...


put faye in to a crystal as her heart like jade dave over & out


"You know that place between sleep and awake? That place you remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." -Faye (From Hook)


Open open open.


Whoa. What if we discover that little one actually is in some way an off spring of both John and Faye. Faye’s quest explores another aspect of humanity, carrying on through one’s offspring. And carrying on traditions like the morning wake up call.


Since little one is very similar to Faye, is it possible she’ll take Faye’s old body and post


Maybe I missed it somewhere, but did Charles et al sleep through his rescheduled High Command meeting? He rescheduled it for 7pm, then next we see him (relevantly) its 730pm and he is just waking up. Did I miss something? One would assume his conversation about his schedule in that scene would include some sort of mention of a bunch of pissed off Admiralty


Good point - weird that two senior admirals miss meetings and no one questions what's going on. Esp after he made such a big deal about it.


It just confused me because there is a rather large scene about the Vice Admiral wanting to talk to everyone personally and the whole showdown over the open schedule at 7pm. I felt like there was something that was supposed to happen there once the meeting actually came to pass, and then everyone involved slept through it or just never tried to contact anyone else involved. Seems like that whole thread just slipped through the cracks.

João Pereira

Hey, quick question. Any plans for an audiobook? i would so buy them all


In the immortal words of Dana reflect you at


ssuck ass. Today is June fifth and this is not the first time you've slipped date. You are the greatest stooryteller out there but do yourself a favor and do not promise what your can't deliver


Chapter 122 came out days ago. What are you waiting for me to deliver?


Uh.. what the what? Bill, I was unaware that we were in a time critical professional environment. I was also unaware that 'with a bit of luck it should be finished by Friday night' could be construed as an absolute certainty, but what do I know. Relax, enjoy the story and save that kind of attitude for where it's appropriate.


Also, I'd like to add after checking that I wasn't imagining things, the file was available on 5/31, so I'm not sure what you're going on about in the first place.


Bill, if you are going to be an turd about time tables go away. Tefler has always said 'should be out by x date'. That isn't a hard date, it is a ballpark because he knows that sometimes reality is going throw a bloody odd curve ball your way when less expected. Hell Tefler hits 90% of his self imposed time frames these days, far better than many well know authors ever.


Okay crew, I have been told that chapter 122 has been posted but I never got notified and don't see it listed. Can anyone take pity on a old feeble minded guy and help me out please. I wasn't kidding when I said teller is the best writer out here as I read a lot of stuff from Amazon and I hang on Tefs every word.


Use this link to download latest chapter 122 https://www.patreon.com/file?h=27284541&i=3929660


Note to patreon. Where is chapter 122?

Big Dude

Look at the top of the thread. Or, have you refreshed your view?

Big Dude

Bill Vachon ------- Paid for by patrons Three Square Meals - Chapter 122 *** EDITED - (5th June) - added another scene with Sakura and the Valkyrie. ***

Jedi Khan

If you don't see 122, then check to make sure you're actually a paying patron, not just someone who is keeping tabs, i.e. a follower. When looking at Tefler's page, do you see any posts that say "Unlock this post by becoming a patron"? If so, then you are not a paying patron and therefore do not have access to the chapter. You'll either have to sign-up as a paying patron or wait until the chapter appears on Lit and SOL.


I am a paying patron and I still have not seen Chapter 122 yet

Bp Hlpt

Look up above to Tefler's post of May 31 at 6:59pm titled "Three Square Meals - Chapter 122". Somehow you missed it being posted almost 3 weeks ago.


Hi! When would Chapter 122 hit Lit?