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Hey everyone!

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With seasons greetings out the way, I just wanted to also let you know that Lunarlillith is running a contest with captions for the Christmas themed TSM artwork she has created. Please take a look and vote! (It's on the community tab).


I'm still working on the next eBook, but I'll be away visiting relatives for a few days, so expect to see that sometime early January.

Thanks for all your support over the year, and here's to 2019... and the epic conclusion to TSM!

Best wishes,




Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas Tef, and a safe and happy holidays. Merry Christmas to everyone.


Merry chrysler!


I can't even imagine an EPIC CONCLUSION!?! How does an EPIC story like this get concluded?


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your family!

Jim lynch

Merry xmas


Have a great holiday Tefler.


Same to you tef


Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas, Tefler!


Have a wonderful holiday and an enjoyable time with your family, Tefler! If we don't see you before then, have a Happy New Year, too!


merry xmas!


Indeed may I also wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas as well as a glorious up coming year. I would also like to wish all those Patreon's a Happy Christmas.


Happy Christmas and new year to all. Looking forward to the next instalment.

Jedi Khan

A Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays from my cold, uncomfortable office chair to your warm, cozy homes.


Merry Christmas to my TSM family from winter quarters in Seattle. I come for the better weather, the fascinating city, the beautiful women of the Pacific Northwest.


Merry Christmas and a great New Year to all my TSM brothers and sisters.

Big Dude

Merry Christmas. Epic conclusion? WHAT?

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Merry Christmas and congratulations on the 2.500 patrons.


Tefler did say that he would be wrapping TSM in 2019. Part 1 that is. So yes it will end but there will be a second part.


Thanks, Tefler, and a Happy Christmas to you and your family also! I have no doubt that the conclusion will be epic, but it will certainly be a bittersweet ending for the fans. I know you had some rumblings earlier for a sequel, any more word on that?


Merry Christmas belated and Happy New Year

David B

Tefler, are we going to have an issue on Patreon because of the political activism that this site is showing batting and removing various major players and commentary on Patreon?

David B

Anyone heat about the 3 major conservative patrons that were kicked off of or left this site - check out today’s NY Times

David B

hear not heat


A number of high profile Patreon creators have left. It's not looking pretty for Patreon.


with my limited income i only support authors that i like and tefler i like this story so much that i'm reading it for the 4th time, please keep up the excellent writing.........and as long as you have a page here i will throw my $2 worth to you.


and happy new year everybody here!

Jedi Khan

I've heard some grumblings about Patreon supposedly not applying their terms of service evenly or whatever. I don't have the full details. For the most part, I would say Tefler is kinda safe, since he doesn't post anything explicit or illegal on his page for the general populace to see; the explicit material he does post, i.e. the story and art commissions, are locked to paying customers only, and if those people took issue with the content Tefler creates, then they wouldn't (shouldn't) be paying for it in the first place. The only content that I think could cause issues due to being explicit, violating Patreon's rules and/or possibly some local laws, is the stuff other people put in the Community page here. Tefler doesn't have any control over what other people put there, although he might have the ability to delete stuff.


even you, tefler ,deserve to have a break over the holiday

Jedi Khan

If you're still looking for artists, I just found this person while checking up on another author I follow: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/sylessae">https://www.patreon.com/sylessae</a> Looks like they do mostly black and white busts, but there is some info stating that they plan on doing more full color work in 2019. Not a whole lot of full body art that I could find, but I probably wasn't looking at their full portfolio. Commission work seems to be hit or miss on availability, but they apparently maintain a community website where someone can put in a request for artwork, and if an artist is feeling inspired, they'll do it for free, although there do seem to be some restrictions.


Happy New Year to you, Tefler, and to all of your family, and to all of my fellow TSM fanatics around the world!


Day 84: Morale is low. Men grow restless at the lack of TSM, despite the supposed holiday cheer. Cannibalism is rife with the hopelessness and hunger. I ate some dude's arm. Gamey, but not bad with ketchup. Please send aid as soon as you can, we may not survive the winter. Sgt. Aurora 3rd Battalion


&gt; I ate some dude's arm. Gamey, but not bad with ketchup. &lt; LoL! did you try the liver? I hear fava beans and a nice Chianti are the recommendations.


When will I have my new year gift from Tefler?.... Please..... 😭😭😭


Aurora Musis Amica, GrandPaM and Tefler we are here now. We've set the mine fields and wire around us. We have our Flame Throwers in use and there is good news to be heard the people have stopped at the wire for barbeque. SFC Heck(Ret) Platoon Sergeant 8th Engineer Battalion


Hey Aurora, I went and picked up some extra Chianti...let me know where you want to do the exchange...the liver is fresh, right?


Tefler, in one of your comments from some time ago you mentioned a time jump of 20 years between the end of this series and the sequel. There are a lot of threads in the storyline to be wrapped up ( I'm not going to list them ). I for one hope this means that it takes the whole of 2019 to conclude this segment of TSM's. Could you comment on if you will complete the threads still out there and if you still plan the time jump? Thank you.


I'll definitely be wrapping up the main story as well as most of the subplots. There are a number of ones which I've added that will specifically be addressed in the sequel, so when TSM finishes, if you find yourself thinking "Wait a minute! What about..." then that's probably one of them! :-)


Thank you Tefler for the response, very much appreciated.

Jedi Khan

Jedi to HQ, Jedi to HQ, requesting immediate fire support to coordinates Tango Sierra Mike One-One-Six dash Echo Bravo Kilo Four. We have withdrawal bugs inbound. Fire for effect. Repeat, fire for effect.


Akso, you forgot "broadcasting in the blind as our radioman ate his headset 6 days ago..."


Anyone have any news on when we can starting looking for chapter 116? Thks in advance!

Jedi Khan

Nothing official yet, but my guess is probably late in the month for chapter 116. Tefler is supposedly still working on ebook 4 right now, and prepping an ebook is more time consuming than writing a new chapter, according to Tefler. So yeah, ideally, we'll have ebook 4 some time next week, followed by 116 by the end of the month.


Ugh! How can you possibly control cook temperatures that way!!?? their livers will be worthless!


GrandPaM. cannibals are like "Micke" they'll eat anything.


Please...some of us are quite discerning. (looks closer at you...Hmm...)

Jedi Khan

Tefler on Discord voice chat right now (1/15/19 @ 8am MST)!

Jedi Khan

And gone 40 minutes later. Nice Q&amp;A though. Thanks Tef!