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Hello everyone!

Here's the latest chapter hot off the keyboard. I've edited part 1 and the editors are currently reviewing part 2, so I'll update the post with the newer versions as soon as I complete my edits.

I had intended to work on eBook 4 this month, but chapter 112 was a lot harder to write than I anticipated. I think I'll start chapter 113 right now and once that's finished in early November, then I'll probably work on the next eBook before finishing off the month with chapter 114.


*** FINAL VERSION - added 11th November ***

No major changes here, just fixes to typos and a few word changes etc.


Tony Bates

Thank you Tefler




Good deal

Old Cruiser

Yes, thank you Tefler


Holy shit yay!!!!


Woo hoo


Thanks Tefler....


cheers mister






Very spooky! (Tefler Senpai pls notice me in your messages. ^.^)

bob lakhanpal

Great....it’s finally here


Thank you, Tefler!


Excellent thank you, and it's not even the wee small hours of the morning!




Thanks Tefler!!!


"...interpreted as a negative emotions. After all, avoiding..." emotion?


"...about them like that let you picture both and..." lets?


ma man!


Thanks Tefler! I'll start reading this up into the middle of the night 😊

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

OMG that ending... I don't remember feeling this great a need for the next chapter and I've been hooked since the early 30s.


Damn, and I am stuck in meetings the rest of today... Anticipation is such a potent spice


An incredibly vulnerable and heartfelt chapter. Thank you for this one Tefler, it meant a lot. I hope her dream can come true...


That ending.. Mothefucker... I wanted to punch my phone!!!! I spoilers. Other than Tefler... You are an evil bastard. But I mean that in a good way. Pardon me... I have dust in my eyes ill be back.




Excellent! Thank you, Tefler. Great revelations, confirmations and speculations. Gratifying. Your usual high standard is sustained.


Great Chapter, sad ending :(


Poor Faye. I loved seeing her development to this point. Had so hoped for her sake that something lovely would happen


Another great addition to this amazing series! Thanks Tef


Wow, that ending....


Don’t do it dirty to my girl Faye like that.

David B

Awesome as always Tef!! So does John now have or will he now have powers to change an AI Robot into a real flesh and blood girl?? Pinocchio in an AI next??


Definitely a good read!! Thanks!


I dont care how John does it..... heck, I'd settle for 'magic' if necessary .... but somehow, someway, he's gotta turn Faye into a real girl.


Tefler - a sensitive, magnificent, chapter. Can’t tipe too much rite now as my hey fever has suddinly come back and is affecting my eyees..... The Maliri with the Ashanth is a nice bit of humour - crushed up against some magnificent 32D’s - sensory overload indeed 😆😆

Jedi Khan

You've managed to defy expectations again, Tefler. Really was not expecting the events of this chapter at all, or at least not so soon. As for Faye... perhaps she should wait until her meal metabolizes completely, yes? That is of course if it is indeed going to be metabolized rather than just sit there until she decides to purge it later. She should know that the first feeding always takes the longest to process. For the poor girl's sake, there needs to be some sort of light at the end of the tunnel.


I... Didn't expect this... But damn that scene pulled at my heart strings with her wishing with all she had for the universe and John to grant her most deepest and heart felt wishes. I could see irrililith seeing the system drawing a lot more power and investigating to find what happened. Remember the body isn't a host node... Maybe something big is happening for her?


Oh dearest Faye. That scene really touched me.


That was heartbreaking, Tefler...


Teller wouldn't put in a scene of Faye not getting her wish if he hadn't already figured out how he was going to make it happen. Expect it to come when least expected. It will be a plot twist that makes a sudden impact on a perilous situation and saves the day. Can't happen any other way.


That was probably the most heartbreaking end of a chapter ever in the history of history.


The main difference between Faye's AI, as described here, and human intelligence is not the limitations she has to respond to physical interaction (including psychic ones). The main difference is that Faye is aware of the level at which she computes. As humans, we are completely unaware of the computational activities of our neurons, nor are we aware of many levels of computation that emerge from the interactions of these neurons. We are mostly only aware of the highest level of emergent behaviour that arises from this complex structure, and we call that consciousness. In contrast Faye is very well aware of the computational algorithms that create her consciousness, her desires and behaviour. If she wants to become more human, she should not be fixating on the superhuman capabilities that progenitor DNA might give her (she has no DNA, so how can she rationally expect that?). Instead, she should create an avatar that is unaware of its computational underpinnings, and let that avatar develop into a genuine personality that reflects her desires, rather than a simulation of one.


That was heartbreaking, Tefler, and beautiful writing. Faye will get her wish but first she has to save John and the rest of the crew after the Invictus is swallowed by a SPACE! whale? :)


Who's Karron again?


thanks Tefler another great one

Bp Hlpt

You know, the way that the enhancements have worked in the past is that they aren't necessarily what the girls want (remember, Dana wanted fire to shoot out of her eyes) but rather what John wanted them to have, even though he tries to keep in mind what would go with the girls natural abilities. In Faye's case, while it's obvious to us, is John aware that Faye wants to be a real girl? I don't think she has directly told him, and neither Alyssa nor anyone else can read her mind. Now she has sort of mentioned her insecurities to Helene, so maybe John will get the message, and then, who knows?


Create an organic network in Faye that Alyssa can connect to telepathically. Faye would be tied to Alyssa just like the rest of the girls. Irillith hacked into the Kirrix one in chapter 111 and Alyssa already communicated with the Kirrix queen so the connection would be from Fayes digital network, to the organic network which Alyssa can connect to telepathically.


Found in the blueprints that Dana has not learn yet is the machine need to make Faye a real girl. In the past it made the Ashanath and the Trankarans. John could us it to make Faye a real girl and his nymphs daughters some green skin boyfriends and bring back the spider people. Though I am halfway think the nymphs were more conquered then created. Would explain why they are the only ones with a weapon restriction on them. The nymphs might be the last of a defeated race. Oh I am on to you Tefler you been making us think there will be this big Thrall battle but in all the history files you show us there has been no second thrall races. Every time a Thrall ship come up in the history books it had been the Maliri crewing it. So unless your going to pull a second thrall race out of your ass the other guy does not use thralls that way.... if he does I vote for red skin smoking hot girls.


What an incredible addition to this totally incredible tale. You give these characters life and make them so believable, it is so easy to get involved in their lives. Thanks so much for the effort you put into this...it is soooooo worth it!!!!


Sorry, but the death of Jade might beat it.


Great chapter, Tefler! Faye’s problem is that she’s wrong. John has been telling her that he loves her just as she is, but she hasn’t told him that she wishes that she was a ‘real girl’ so, in John’s own way, John wouldn’t be changing her into her heart’s desire unless she conveyed to him that that’s what she wants to happen.


That was excellent, and tough at the same time. Fantastic!


This part one or finished?


One of your best chapters in quite some time. Why was Sakura still killing hivelords after the Kirrix surrendered? They hung people for stuff like that at the Nuremburg trials. So did John finally break Faye? Will her grief turn her into the typical vengeful AI? Will Tefler bring 3SM to a sudden, shocking conclusion by having Faye in a grief stricken rage vent the Invictus's atmosphere into space then commit suicide by triggering a core explosion. Or will she pull a Nexus, have her server sprout legs and escape in the Rapter leaving John et al trying to figure what happened? Or as others have intoned has Faye just failed to notice the changes she's going through like all the others did after their first feeding? Stay tuned to Chapter 113


here I sit 6' 300lbs crying like a baby......SO SAD !!!!!!!!!!!!..........wishing Faye's dream would come true .........But the story is not over there could till be a slight chance

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Folks! RE LAX! Remember, Tefler is a master at foreshadowing? Look at the facts...Irillith JUST hacked a biological computr!!!!!! John has reconstructed both brain, muscle, sinue, and skeletal tissue from nothing but his sperm! Do you think for one second that Irillith didn't hack the tech for making the biological computer while she was hacking the system in the hive ship? That would be a first! (Remember Nexus, the Dreadnought, etc.). Faye is getting her biological body!!!!! And they have not had their debrief yet. This will come out in the debrief and the dots will be connected for Faye and the crew....trust in the master!


Wow. That ending! Thanks Tefler!


Wow! That last scene with Faye - masterfully amazing! That extra time you spent in this chapter is well worth the effort! Loving Helens new powers & all the other update scenes are well-timed.


God damn! That ending was heartbreaking! 😭


Not sure I want to read this chapter I don’t like crying 😢 I don’t


Amazing......u sir are the master of chapter endings!!

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

About the ending, if @PLRus is wrong, what I'm thinking is this: John realizes Faye is suddenly sad and convinces her to tell him why. "But Faye, what was it supposed to change? You're already fit the template except a little smaller, you're already in love with me --It's mutual--, as you just proved to can easily accommodate my length and girth. And as for psychic powers; think about all the things you can do that a 'normal' girl can't" Faye realizes that he has already changed her, by allowing her to overwrite her base programming and later by giving her a physical body.


I wondered why Sakura was still active, as well. Until I came across this, stated by John "...so I wiped out the Kirrix forces that attacked Brecken’s World to avenge what they did to you. It’s not much, but I hope that brings you at least some small measure of comfort.”


I have such mixed feelings about the Jade scene. Think it's the most powerful one in the story since Jade's death. On one hand I would like her to get her wish; on the other hand, one major weakness with the story is the Invictus' crew hasn't had to deal with any setbacks in the story's timeline. Only villains and the most incidental hero figures get red shirted in the story. So while I would like to see Faye, who is arguably Tefler's most interesting character, succeed. I could also see this disappointment as a powerful plot device that causes her to rethink her entire relationship with the crew and have her decide to leave because remaining on the Invictus will always be a reminder of the one thing she can't have.


I spotted a couple of telepathy/speech mismatches. *But that second time it was ready and sent one of its minions to attack,” John muttered “Me too, but I think it’s time to let the girls in on the experiment.* John looked around at his companions I think the first should be telepahic whilst the second should be normal.


I very much hope you are right because that was heart breaking to read. I wish for Faye to get her wish also. mikecfl


That ending was a heartbreaker. If goodness ever deserved a reward, this is it. Faye must become a real girl. It has to cum to pass, it is a moral imperative.


It's Tefler's story, but I think he needs to take a poll on this one.


I agree with with so many of you that this is the biggest Heartbreaker so far. We all love Jade and were shocked by her death, but Faye represent the Deep longing to love and have love returned both physically and spiritually that we all share. And she's so goddamn cute.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Dave, I would respectfully disagree on two points. First: Jade was killed. Brought back, yes....but she was killed. Dana was a hair's breadth from dying. The girls have had arms blown off, been thrown out of 3 story high windows, been abducted. What more do you need? Second: What is wrong with the good guys winning? This whole bad guys have to win sometimes is actually a fairly recent plot device. Some say it is more realistic...okay I concede that...but I don't read for realism, I read for escapism. And in my perfect imaginary world, good guys (and gals) always win. That is not a major weakness, it is an affirmation of hope. Something many societies have sadly given up on IMHO. Besides: Tefler has already given so much foreshadowing about Faye being a real girl...it is a foregone conclusion...


zxcy...very much agree , Faye is an innocent soul that only wants to help & protect John & the girls , who she regards as sisters . Although she has her 11 alter-egos , she is , at least for now, truly alone in the universe as she sees it , much like John feels as the only seeming "nice" Progenitor . Her prayer & that last line ...but I'm a good girl . really got me too . I'm hoping that Tefler omesup with an answer & soon...breaking my heart to see hersuffer & it would for John & the girl if they knew.


Congratulations Tefler. You've written the first erotic story that made me cry.


Well that's the first chapter ending that i hope is actually a cliffhanger


Holy shit the feels yall I want ready 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢


This is why I contend that this story has at least 50 more chapters to go. The Classic Tefler Curve Ball, off speed and over the outside corner of the plate. All you can do is cry at such a thing of beauty! Awesome work as always Master Tefler. The tears I shed at the end of this chapter reminded me why I am so in love with your work. Your ability to deliver the moral quandary lessons over and over again defies most peoples ability to comprehend. To look at this body of work and see over the millions of words involved and how they flow so effortlessly is amazing. I do not know whey this bugs me so much, however, I need to add my two cents to the discussion and see if anybody else suffers from the same OCD. I will post these as separate comments so people can comment.


1. Both Lynette and Jehanna have personal shields and a small pistol. I am longing for them to be mentioned as they are in different scenes just as a reminder they are in play. I was shocked that Jehanna did not have them on during her return trip. I think that John would give both of these girls a good talking to for not being as safe as possible and always having these protection devices with them.


2. Maria and her protection detail, looking for an update, maybe she takes a trip to Olympus where she meets up with her husband / son while his ship is being repaired and John and the Girls for some reason they have detoured through Terran space. Maybe on the way to some R&R in Maliri Space while the Invictus is being upgraded. Maybe they meet up at Geniya?


3. Grand Engineering Overlord and Tachyon Lances with Eternity Crystals, I can see the Grand Engineering Overlord building up a chamber to grow the crystals with the Dana Twist making the crystals 10-100 times more effective.


4. Grand Engineering Overlord taking the information she learned from the physic interfaces on the Kirrix hive ships and creating GEO Powered Psi-boosters that can be used by both John and Crew and blueprints or a GEO Builds and then sends to the Ashanath.


5. Anybody else see the pulse cannons being upgraded to Tachyon Pulse Cannons?


6. How about the GEO putting some Runes on the ammo for the Singularity Driver?


7. The Brimorian “Bitch Slap” Wow, So many options and implications. Does John just have a Call with the Deep Pool and let them know that the Bitch Slap is on the way and how hard it is depending upon how stupid the Deep Pool Is?


8. Has anybody else realized that the GEO has the Greatest weapon of all, the ability to create a black hole is very scary, she could create one next to a planet and I would imagine that planet would be in a bad way in a very short order. The biggest issue is the emotional impact it would have on Sparks.


Thank you for the terrific chapter Tefler. Helene's new powers seem very appropriate for her character, and I'm glad it keeps the Vulkat close to the narrative too. Maybe Nkrrit can give her some empathic tutoring? I really enjoyed the scene between the Maliri and the Trankaarans. Did John not allow the Maliri to show their faces to the Ashanath fora trust/security issue, or just because Alyssa has told him of their orb obsession? I still think the Maliri's appearance should remain concealed from us Terrans though. Although it could be a good drama plot point down the road if John needs to halt a convoy of horny Terran settlers at The Warning! Looking forward to John's Maliri cooking class too. Athena's revelations about the relationship between the Astral and the progenitors was cool. How many progenitors have rebelled? I'm assuming Mal was one of them which triggered the war with Ran. Will Lan rebel too because of John's influence? Can't wait for the confrontation with the Brimorians, the Kintark, and the Pride. Oh and Faye will have her bio-mechanical transformation she just needs to digest!


Another awesome installment... wish I hadn't read it so quick.


Suggested edit: Original text: > “Thank you, Faye,” he said, rolling her over onto her back and giving her a gentle kiss. “I think you’re pretty wonderful too.” Her face brightened with a warm smile and she put her arms around him to give him a tight hug. “You make it look so easy when you talk to the girls to make them feel better. It’s actually a minefield of conversational mishaps that can quickly spiral into disaster!” < Suggested revision: “Thank you, Faye,” he said, rolling her over onto her back and giving her a gentle kiss. “I think you’re pretty wonderful too...for a filthy-organics-hating cybernetic, mass-nurdering, budding arch criminal type, anyway.” Her face brihtened with a bright smile as she laughed aloud, and she put her arms around him to give him a tight hug. “I'll klll all you filthy organics!" she screamed, laughing aloud, but quickly gathered a more thoughtful, sober look, adding "You make it look so easy when you talk to the girls to make them feel better. It’s actually a minefield of conversational mishaps that can quickly spiral into disaster!”

Jedi Khan

Yes. I came up with that idea right after the new Tachyon Rifle was introduced. PLRus and some of the other regulars can attest to that.

Jedi Khan

I don't think she created an actual black hole. I believe it was mentioned that the compacted ball of wreckage from the unfortunate ships was still visible. Had it been a true black hole, there'd have been nothing visible except a void. She just upped the gravitational pull of the target area to the point that it overwhelmed the structural integrity and engine power of the Kirrix ships, creating a gravity well that blocked the bugs from going to FTL.


Great read but a little sad as well really enjoyed it though


That was fantastic! You have to do more for poor Faye! Real body tube grown from a mix of all the girls DNA combined? I'm sure Rachel and Dana could work that out before morning tea. LOL


Poor Faye


Hm, they have some augmenting technology for ppl, so they could technically create a biological body, with augmentation and let Faye upload into the biological body. Maybe she need to do it some weeks and an aktiv support with John, but it could be possible to upload her into an clean biological body.


Excellent post. I concur generally. Clearly, Faye's hyper-awareness disallows a sub-conscience. But keeps secrets and manipulates people with subtle suggestions and misdirection. One might argue that the unanticipated second date on The Forest Moon was contrived by her to secretly test whether her chassis could be transformed by John and the power of her desire.


I just hope she talks to John before she goes all psycho AI on everyone because she's not a real girl.

Jedi Khan

Where would they get said clean body? They currently don't have the means to create fully biological bodies except through the natural process of procreation. Also, there's the issue that as soon as the body ingests John's spunk, the augmentation will be rejected by John's healing ability. That's what happened with all of Sakura's implants and even Rachel's tattoos when she first joined. That's the reason why John's spunk is having no affect on Faye's body. John's spunk only works on biological, organic tissue, which Faye has none of. My thought is that the best chance Faye has of becoming a real girl is when either the team finds Mael's old lab, and/or Rachel unlocks the secret as to how he created the Ashanath, Trankarans, and Terrans - whichever comes first. At that point, they can grow a new custom body, or more likely modify an existing pre-sentient life form, and then with a combination of Irillith's and Alyssa's powers, transfer Faye's consciousness into the new body, after which John can then gift her abilities similar to Irillith's so she can maintain a digital presence. And thus Faye will become the mother of a new fairy race.


Wow, another good one. Your writing has come a long way since the first chapters. You have really gotten good at fleshing out the characters into amazing people on the page. I was heart broken when I read the chant that Faye did after being with John. I really felt for her. I wanted her to be a real girl as much as she did. I know that kind of transformation isn't really possible, since Jiminy Cricket isn't around for this story. I just hope you don't change the way she sees herself, she is an incredible important part of the team. Without her, the Invictus would not be the ship it is today and many of the battles would have ended very differently. Not all parts of the body can be the heart, some have to be fingers, or toes, or even teeth. She is different, and no less important than all of the other living and breathing girls. Please don't change Faye, she is perfect just the way she is.


Sakura not a war crime. They were fleeing with prisoners, weren't they?


"Why doesn't she just tell John?" I can only speak from my own experiences, but I understand why Faye wont speak out. Why she keeps her insecurities and failings a secret. Especially surrounded by (literally) superhuman characters like John and the lionesses. There are no secrets with John and the girls. Through Alyssa, there is support, no judgments or petty jealousies, and a real understanding between them all on a fundamental level. All except for Faye. She sees how they're constantly connected to one another, cherishing each other's closeness and intimacy. All while she cannot make that connection, both with John and with the others. It's not just her inorganic nature that makes her different, but her lack of connection with the others. In short, and in no small way, she is different than the others. Lesser. As it is, she can never have what the other Lionesses have. And she desperately wants it. So why doesn't she just tell John? Because she already feels like an outcast, and hates the fact that she's different. So she hides it, wishing that if she could hide her problems from the world, then maybe they could disappear. After all, even though her heart is breaking, it's only a "small" issue compared to what everyone else is going through. But it always has the opposite effect, when you try and hide away. You grow more and more isolated. You feel weak and pathetic for having such thoughts. How could you be so selfish to think about that when everyone else is so strong and brave? Why are you so weak? So you hide even more as you like yourself less and less. But those thoughts still break your heart, but you dare not bring them to light. Hating yourself and your feelings, wishing you could be stronger. Ashamed and not wanting to bother anyone else with your weakness. So I get it. I understand why she hides her pain and pretends that everything is alright while she weeps. I've been there wishing for the impossible to happen, so that maybe I could be stronger. Or even a modicum less weak. It's a poisonous, dark lonely path to walk down... but when you're there already, it looks like the only one you can take. Further and further down into isolation and self loathing It's something that I still struggle with. To be open and honest when I go to those dark places. To find someone to connect with when all I want to do is be alone. To go and to act with strength and character when all I want to do is retreat and avoid the pain. Some days its easier than others, and I hope that Faye can face her insecurities and pain with those who love her. So thanks Tefler for bringing this to light. It meant a lot.


Nearly 30 chapters ago, John’s spunk plan was to finish Tashana’s 2-week initiation, then give Dana a special encore two-week upgrade. Dana was strongly looking forward to being his “dedicated cumbucket” for two weeks. But when Tashana finished her initiation, a parade of line-jumpers barged in: the Maliri matriarchs, Helene, the nymphs, Jehanna, Lynette. Meanwhile, Dana gets an occasional bellyful, but never the two-week cumfest she was promised. And now John’s juicing the robot? I wish Proggy J would get back to the old plan and finally give Dana what she was promised: keep her tummy bulging for two full weeks. Sparks deserves it!


Hey everyone! Thanks for all the feedback. It's great to hear that you found the focus on Faye made for compelling reading, even if it wasn't exactly enjoyable! I'm cracking on with chapter 113 at the moment and I'll aim to complete it by the 10th November.


Jiminy Cricket didn't change him into a boy....the Fairy with the Turquoise hair did the honors … in a dream .


About Faye & her getting a organic body , just read a very interesting story{ Dahlia-Birth of an AI by Magicwrtr }. not to get into the whole story here , Dahlia the AI looked into all the medical research going on at the time , both legitimate & black market & found human cloning & some morally sketchy brain transfer tech . I'm sure that such research is still going on in the TSM universe , especially with all the cyber tech & illegal stuff happening on Tarturus , & might be the answer for Faye once John & Alyssa find out how sad she is now . One thing which I brought out before was that they existed on main frames computers & could not be totally down loaded to their organic minds & they operated sort of a dual personality .

Jedi Khan

I read that one. Kinda interesting, but not quite up to standard (Tefler has set the bar pretty high). As for if any of that exists in TSM, well, we know for a fact that cybernetic technology is rather advanced, with people able to replace most of their body with the cybernetic equivalent, like what Mikaboshi did. And with Sakura, half her brain had been replaced by a Maliri cybernetic brain. Although, I don't think the Terrans have quite figured out cloning yet, or if they have, they've deemed as inconsequential and not worth pursuing. Thing is, though, if the team was to use cloning tech to grow Faye a body, then use a cybernetic implant to link Faye to it, the implant would be rejected the first time John fed her and Faye would lose her connection. We've seen it with Rachel's tattoos from when she first joined the crew, and with Sakura's implants: John's healing abilities reject and remove any foreign substance from a person's body, considering it as an impurity that must be healed. The only way I see Faye getting an organic, biological body (barring a Tefler miracle) is when the team unlocks the secrets behind Mael creating the Trakarans, Ashanath, and Terrans, they make Faye a body and then using the combined psychic powers of Irillith, Alyssa, and Rachel, draw Faye out of the cyber realm and meld her consciousness into the new body.


I kind of agree on the way to go , but John sets the DNA in the first place so if he wants to allow a tiny space , & we've seen Dana's miniaturization skills , it's within his powers . There have been multiple changes so far & there will be continuing changes as they have up grades & grow into in their new powers & abilities . Maybe a more intriguing question would be what kind of a body should it be Terran? Maliri? or my favorite Nymph . Then Faye could shape shift into a lovely full size version of the purple fairy that we grew to love , wings & all :-) Maybe the unique make up of the Nymph would make it easier ? only the "MAN" knows


“The girls seem to amaze me on a daily basis,” he said pulling her in for a hug. “I’m sure you’ll eventually get bored of me telling you how incredible you are...” The word 'seem' really doesn't work here. They don't seem to amaze him, they do amaze him. You know how much difficulty I normally have entering the Astral plane, with my guide constantly interfering, but he didn’t seem to offer any resistance to me being dragged in there for those Nor here. He didn't seem to or he didn't offer any resistance? Tefler you use 'seem' or 'seemed to' a lot in your writing, where in a lot of cases there may be better choices. Seem is passive and can create an ambiguity in meaning. There are times when seem is the right word, but in active dialogue it can mean, maybe, but maybe not. The girls seem to amaze me, but I'm not really sure if they do, they only seem to. I had same problem with my writing until my editor slapped my up the head and told me to watch my use of that word. There are many ways you can restructure the sentences to keep the flow active. but it seemed that Athena and Alyssa had been busy since his initial tour but it appeared that Athena and Alyssa had been busy since his initial tour .... Or more directly, Athena and Alyssa had been busy since his initial tour They didn't seem to be busy they were busy. Tashana seemed to be calm and in control seemed could work in this instance if you want to give the impression that she seem to be but maybe she wasn't and needed to be watched closely. Tashana appeared to be calm ... Or Tashana gave the impression that she was calm and in control Helene seemed to have no trouble adjusting Again if you want to create doubt this works or. Were not sure if she was adjusting but she seemed to be.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

The cliffhanger of the chapter was so sad. Faye has definitely been a good girl and she deserves the very best. I thought about her "options" and it occurred to me that there is a story arc which was kind of forgotten. The request for information aboth nymphs living or dead. We found 4 living and there seems to be one with the Brimorians - but no remains have been revovered. Could one imagine a recovered chrystal heart as the beginnings/foundation of a more organic life for Faye.


Ohh I love that. Very sad about Faye and hope she finds a solution!!!


John probably knows about Faye's dearest wish to become a Real Girl. Twice he asked her specifically about this and she demurred. With his insights into his crew, he has likely thought about this and come to accurate conclusions. He has discussed more of her feelings and ideas with her than any other.


im still rooting for john visiting her in the digital realm and filling her up there.... maybe enabling her to visit the physical world similar to how irilith and john can go to the digital realm.... might be a 2 way street after all ;)


I thought John said she was perfect at some point. If she is his perfect mate in his mind would she change?


Athena's best guess about the nature and purpose of the Astral Realm is intriguing. She suggested, like some Patrons, that this domain is a testing field for up and coming Progenitors. Testing and temptation by Astral powers, with punishments or rewards to direct them for unknown reasons. These ideas reflect some of the speculation within the Community, and we can now set that piece solidly into 3SM canon.


John and crew have learned to bring new capabilities out of the Astral to the Real. John can fly in the Astral. Can he fly in the Real?

Jedi Khan

I don't recall seeing him fly. Athena asked him why he didn't fly down to her and his reaction was "Wait, I can do that?!?" So I don't see John trying to fly using psychic power in the real world anytime soon. He's still consciously struggling with telekinesis, despite having it used it multiple times recently without thinking about it. Remember when he helped out Dana before Tashana's therapy? This line is what makes me think John still has issues with telekinesis if he's conscious of it: "Dana watched him use telekinesis on the crate without thinking about it. She smiled, but kept it to herself, not wanting to distract him from the task at hand." I'm thinking that if Dana had pointed out to John that he just used telekinesis, it would have distracted him and caused him to stop using it. So him using psychic flight it not likely to happen anytime soon. Also, just because John is capable of something on the Astral Plane doesn't mean he's capable of it in the real world. He increased his size to make himself into a giant to fight against those monsters, but I highly doubt that he can do that in the real world.


Also with his strength & hyper speed he really doesn't need to fly , the "HULK" doesn't fly but gets around pretty easy with just skipping & jumping :-)…..smile was for the image of the Hulk skipping down the road .

Jedi Khan

Gawd. Random image. Hulk skipping led to the Hulk as Little Red Riding Hood skipping through the forest, picnic basket in hand.


Page 24 paragraph 10, in between commas should read "he wrapped his arms around HER waist"


Athena warned that if John tried to collect psychic imprints of Alyssa's parents on Karron, he risks inviting another attack by Astral monsters. Since that was a primary reason to go there, will he change his mind? Or is an encounter with Tony and the Worm Girls inevitable?


I loved the pristine, virgin forested glade that Faye chose for their picnic date. I hope that Edraele picks a similar site for his home on Valaden.


Now we know why Tefler wanted us to think about Nkkrrit when he considered what powers to give to Helene -- empathic broadcast of her emotions. Irrilith and Sakura were curious if this power could be weaponized. I think so, but it might be counter to her Impulses.


Dawg, I still think some of this speculation regarding Faye may be a bridge too far. I also suspect that we still do not know all of the design features, including offensive and defensive abilities, built into her chassis. That could still have serious implications for what happens, story wise.

Jedi Khan

They still have to check to make sure the captives were returned safely, and cleanse them of infestation.

Jedi Khan

Considering that Valaden has been inhabited for nearly ten thousand years, I doubt there's anything pristine and virgin left on the planet. Sure the planet isn't one giant city yet, but still, all the best spots are bound to be taken by now.

Jedi Khan

Anything could be weaponized. Hell, Alyssa's hair could become a weapon if she so desired. But much like Rachel and her powers, I doubt Helene is going to want to use her powers for such purposes.


I thought John also got bigger in that battle, just as big as Jade. Will have to go back and look!


"Just NOT as big as Jade" is what I meant.


Now that Tefler has confirmed that there are dozens of water worlds in the Callopian Shoals, that stellar region should be dedicated as the future Home of the Abandoned. That being said, I think they should change their name for themselves. Any ideas?

Jedi Khan

Why not Calypshans, named for their fabled promised land Calypsha? “The old legends talk of Calypsha, the fabled promised land...” she replied in a hushed voice.


(waves his robot arms frantically) Danger Will Rob...IMean John Danger! (/waves his robot arms frantically) Tefler has placed Faye in a place dangerously close to psychotic break turf.


Is John's proposed solution to the Kirrix Conundrum viable? Elements of that proposal include: current amnesty for invaders after they release the Terran and Trankarran captives; Kirrix evacuation of Allied Space; no future Kirrix predation on Allied sentients; with a threat to kill the Hive Mind Queens, destroy their fleets, and interdict them to remain isolated on their own planets.


the peace negotiated with the Kintark included annexation of territory - maybe John should shrink the Kirrix space as well. I suspect the alliance council (such as it is - Johns associates) will need to put up warnings so that alliance members don't cross into Kirrix space or state that if any cross over they deserve all they might get. In terms of the amnesty are the Kirrix on the ground to blame or is it the senior management team making up the Hive Mind? Is the plan viable Dadd, I suspect John and his pride can make it doable. Is it sustainable becomes the issue - especially as we now know the astral subplanes may not be safe either i.e. I think Alyssa may need to be more careful dealing to the Hive Mind in future


Edraele allowed her Delegation to the Trankarans to reveal their true appearance to Thandrum. Niskera, a kindred spirit, had already met Irillith and Tashana. Lynette and Jehana also, as Secret Lionesses, know the truth. Maria is the only exception, not being linked to John or Alyssa, having talked to Edrael and the Twins, unmasked. Edraele has chosen to deny Ularen and the Ashanath this revelation so far. She may continue to limit their exposure for a time.


I can understand Lynette, as she lives inside a security bubble at all times. Jehanna, though, should be more cautious. The shield generator embedded in a belt can become a signature accessory for her, though only she and Lynette would know it's function. She carried a handgun in her purse when she was abducted, but I suspect that is not routine. I agree that she should change those personal security habits. I wonder if the belt shield is small enough to be worn under their clothes?


Faye needs some mothering. She should have a chance to meet Maria.


Even if Faye encounters an technical issue which in human psychology might be referred as mental breakdown, I have much faith in Tefler, that Faye will be able to see reason. She won't do anything she would regret.


the sight of the Maliri & their curves ,in in armor drops the Ashanta IQ several points...to see one in the flesh might scuttle the whole physic Command network....I would advise caution for now :-)

Hinterlands Man

Well said. I think you’re spot on here. John even had to interrupt their date to make a relay telepathic phone call to Niskera. Faye has always battled insecurity and it spills out into their conversations, but somehow she does a lot better consoling colonists rescued from the Kirrix.. once John vouches for her as one of the Lionesses.


I think it'd be sweet if Irillith could be Faye's mother right now. She's not used to being maternal and nurturing, but in no small way she is her creator, her mother. I think it'd be good to see them care for each other in that way. So too are they connected by being stow-away Lionesses. Neither one initially chosen by John to be with him. Irillith as she took John's third feeding when they were to drop her off at Genthalas, and Faye hiding among the Invictus' network after Irillith created her. Irillith could know something about not belonging, despite her desperate desires to do so. Despite her tough outer shell, she really does have a tender heart. It'd be great to see Rill embrace her role as Faye's mom.


I wondered about how LK communicates with and coordinate his Thrall fleets and armies if his Matriarch does not maintain a telepathic link with them. Assuming they use mundane communications technology of some kind, how does he ensure compliance? How can he maintain interstellar info sharing and reactions to quickly changing circumstances? Do they have a standard approach to combat that is understood by them all, or are they directed by fleet commanders and infantry officers with limited initiative and autonomy? Mysteries...


still chasing another meaning of the Soul forge I see , can't just be the forge that creates his ships (although Dana found a reference to it ) Since time immemorial armies have attempted to produce non-thinking robot-like soldiers & with his tech like Nexus , I'm sure a Progenitor could do that if he wished but instead , like said armies , he ends up with flesh & blood thralls . Like any army he trains them & gives them order but , unlike any other army he need not worry if they will follow those orders , they have no choice . DD...MN led the final assault on Ranagon after he severed ties to his Matriarch Valada so either he could function without one or can quickly elevate some one to the rank when ever he wants .


I think he can cut the link with one matriarch and elevate another thrall to that status at any time. He said, "That is the last time I choose a matriarch based on her looks..."


If this leads to Faye going evil I am just going to quit reading this story. She deserves her wish.


I agree that would be a very bitter pill to swallow. Need someone to step in and see her pain and help her. Please?




This were Helene would come in and help Faye.


On Faye, remember that it always takes more than one dose to effect a change!

Jim lynch

That’s my biggest wish for this story IT HAS TO HAPPEN


Make Faye sad we get mad *Dab Dab* but really love’n it and can’t wait for more crazy fun stories with John and in new settings!


3SM is Tefler's Creation. It is the tapestry on which he unravels his wonderful space opera. The characters and their dramatic treatment are his vehicles. Their traits and foibles are his to reveal and manipulate. He has made us gasp, shudder, worry, laugh and cry as he takes them through their paces. He is aware of us and our various reactions. He may or may not take inspiration from our feelings, but remains true to his own vision. He has not let us down. Let Tefler be Tefler.


Nope its mine now. I learned from Tefler after all! Requisition all the good loot! (And this is some good loot!)


I prefer to leave reading each chapter until the editing is finished. Is it just me? On that same note, I don't think a chapter is finished until the editing is complete. So being picky, the charge should not be made until the chapter is finished?


About a year ago, I ran a poll and patrons requested that I publish chapters here as soon as I finish them. You're welcome to wait until the FINAL tag goes up before you read it; I add a note to the post and comment underneath.


I re-read it and still tear up over that last page

Jedi Khan

Two more days...


Great now I'm thinking seven days a la the RING. that movie was damn disturbing.

Jedi Khan

Been meaning to ask you Tefler, are you going to post that loving wives story you wrote to Lit and SOL, or is it just for Patreon?


Gotta be honest, this is quite possibly the first TSM Chapter that I don't think I'd be able to bring myself to re-read, knowing full well what was waiting for me on that last page. My feelings about this might change, of course, if a more favorable resolution to Faye's heartbreak presents itself in a future chapter. Don't get me wrong, I'd still probably have to medicate myself with a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough, but at least then I could re-read this one and console myself by remembering that it's all gonna be okay later on.


When John stuffed much of his abilities into Alyssa, & then they were augmented after she grew her sexy elf ears lol, was it just the psychic stuff she got, or is it possible she too might hold Progen schematics like Dana?


Tefler, glad tidings, congratulations on 2405 patrons and over $ 4,000.00. Its great to see that you're still growing a fan base.


Faye just needs to put her processors into sleep mode for 14 hours and then reboot. Gotta follow the rules.

Jedi Khan

She might have some schematics, but probably not on the same technical level as Dana. Alyssa did design the appearance of the Paragon armor, which turned out to be eerily similar to the armor worn by the ghost Thralls Alyssa saw on the Legacy. Of course, that could just be because there's a limited number of ways you can design a suit of armor to fit women who all have the same body shape.

Jedi Khan

It's probably a few hours too early, but shall we get the F5 race started?


No “first half gone to editors” message yet. I fear we may see some delay.... Monday perhaps...?

Jedi Khan

I'm a little worried about that too. Normally he gives a status update post a few days ahead, but that hasn't happened yet. Although, he didn't do that between 110 and 111, so maybe he's been too focused on writing to consider an update? It's been a week since he gave the 10th as the target date for 113, and a lot can happen in that time.


It could be worse... we could be waiting for George RR Martin...


It's November. Family issues and holidaylans. One chapter per month and let ts of delays


He said the 10Th and has been dark all week accept for one post. I am thinking that he wants to get two chapters in this month both for us readers and holiday pay. I know I would. Also Book 4 is for the holidays I would assume. This last chapter was very difficult, like many others I could not reread it. I really hope that the next chapter has some good gun porn in it. I hope that the Grand Engineering Overlord has been in the process of thinking about Tachyon Lances and Tachyon Pulse Cannons.


I do not comment very often, but have to say how great it is to enjoy the continuing episodes we get here. In Literotica and SOL I follow some authors I also like. One of my favorites...BurntRedstone...has a few series he posts to occasionally and another Harddaysknight has not posted on his particular series since 12/17. Life gets in the way as some have advised and I know they are not getting paid. The point is us avid TEFLERITES should be thankful for what we get as often as we do and with the thought and quality ongoing. Thanks Tefler!!!!!


Auto refresh activated, shape of a giant ice finger, form of a refresh button. Ok that is a memory check, what is that from?????


Wonder Twins powers, Activate!

Jedi Khan

How about J.R.R. Tolkien? That would be a real dozy of a wait for new content.


Okay has 112 been completed yet I am confused here

Jedi Khan

Tefler will be finishing up the edits today. The Final version will appear either by end of the day Tefler time, or tomorrow.


I have updated the post with the FINAL version! :-)


Noticed this in the final version, you changed an Is to an Are but I think the sentance needs more changes. “Are there an angle I could cover regarding the Brimorian situation?”

Jedi Khan

That "is" shouldn't have changed. "Angle" is the subject of the sentence, and it's singular, so it should be "Is there an angle..." Or as Mark suggested, change "an angle" to "any angles" to make the subject plural.


Pretty much. "Is there an angle..." was fine, but given they switched it to "Are there" it follows the rest should shift to "any angles..." or revert it to the original form. :)


Any one else having trouble with the download? 1-1.zip and today's 1-2.zip (download links parial and final) does not have the .docx. I'm only receiving .xml files.


I just tried and it's working okay for me. In fairness Firefox does say it's a zip file even though it has docx suffix but it opens as a normal document. It's 104kb so if your download is that size you could just try changing the suffix and see what happens.


Just to check, the final version ends after the picnic?

Jedi Khan

You have to tell your computer to open the file in Microsoft Word, or whatever it is you normally use to read this story, when you download the file. Otherwise save it to a folder then from there do Open with... and it should work. If you try opening it as if it were a ZIP file, it won't work because it's actually not a ZIP file.


Yes, instead of a cliffhanger Tef decided to go with a heartbreaker.


has the final version been posted yet? if so was there much difference

Jedi Khan

Yes, the final version is up. Tefler edited the post when he put it up.


Would it be so difficult for Rachel and Dana to create an organic body and implant an interface chip in her brain for Faye?


emergency cut-off - hidden or remote, not emergency.


‘Lilyana sat a smaller seat‘ -> ‘Lilyana sat in a smaller seat’


You're most welcome. I feel like I have let you down, somewhat, because I've not done a proper read through on this chapter. Unfortunately, I still haven't. I've been putting in 18-20 hour days for the past several weeks and just haven't had time to properly sit down with it. This coming week should be much better, since I don't expect to put in more than 12-14 hour days through Wednesday, so sometime in the next day or three, I should be able to properly review whatever is currently posted.


Had a thought, with the ‘greys’ obsession with curves. I wonder if they watch a lot of Terran porn? LoL I’m so bad, sorry. 🤓


So I noticed... we're no longer in Early Novemeber. Any updates?

Jedi Khan

Short version? No. Long version? Tefler said because he wife was out of town on business, thus leaving him to take care of Junior, it would be a few more days before he could finish up. That was nearly four days ago when he said that. There's been no update since.