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Hey everyone!

Apologies for the lack of recent updates. At the point we're at in the story, there are multiple plot threads which needed serious thought to make sure they come together correctly, which has slowed down my daily word count a little. 

I've been making slow but steady progress through chapter 112 and have handed over the first half to my editors. I've written about 24k words so far, which means I should be finished with the chapter in a couple of days time. It's been strange to think about the end of the story, having worked on it solidly for over two years. There's still a fair bit left... but the end is on the horizon...

(And then there's the sequel!)




Dani Vega

Awesome! Looking forward to it

Tony Bates

Thanks for the update


Will be be seeing any new art commissions soon?


Thanks for the update tef, looking forward to the new chapter


Yay Teflers alive!!! If not, Rachel will fix you.


Thank you tef!!! Were all in for the long haul buddy!!!!


Tefler, I only started a few months ago following the adventures of the crew of the Invictus. I'm going to keep on reading till the very finale far from today. I say take you time and wrap it up the right way. Moving faster than your ready would be like painting yourself into a corner. I can wait and I know others can too


Sequel!? Man thats just cruel and unusual punishment. On the plus side something to look forward to for the next few years


wow sounds great cant wait


Anna cheating with Archie Davenport is a Classic Tefler red herring. I think they are just spending time away from the media, not to say that Archie doesn't try. Kind of like how most of you thought Lynette was dead.


Well, obviously there'll be a sequel. After kicking this one annoying progenitor in the nuts (all 4 of them) our boy will need to go on kicking the asses of the entire species before defeating Cthulhu! ...yep... definetly how this'll play out. *nods wisely while stroking invisible beard*

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Fantastic news Tef! Thanks for the update and your brilliant work. BTW: concerning faye getting an organic body: I can just invision Dana doing the Dr. Frankenstein, "It's A L I V E!!!"


You're OK Tef! I think we are all here for you (including the sequel).

Joel San Buenaventura

Keep up the good work! Looking forwards for the sequels.

Daniel Watkins

Glad you're doing well, please do take your time and do it right! I think I speak for us all when I say we'll all be waiting patiently! Plus... Sequel?! Music to my ears!


Waaaaaa? A sequel?


Yes, they're on my "to do" list. I just need to find some suitable artists.


ty for the update and cant wait too see what happens and cant wait for the sequel


What about the prequel


Oooo Tef you should do a countdown or something when you get like 10 or 5 chapters away from the ending.

Jedi Khan

That'd be too depressing for most of us, knowing that the end was nigh. The fact that a sequel would eventually follow does soften the blow a little, but still...


Thanks for the update and the great story you share with us!


Unless The Great Tefler is getting board with the story, I can see an easy 20-50 chapters with no "Filler"

Jedi Khan

Wild guess here, but 112 will be ready by the end of the month, yes? Hopefully it'll be more treat than trick. :-) Now that I think about it, I believe the 3rd anniversary of TSM is coming up in just over a month, December I think. Anything special planned for that, Tefler?


Jedi, maybe a new chapter in your stocking - only if you are on the nice list though otherwise a lump of coal I guess


If Tefler gets the nee


I offer my challenge to double yuor pledge


patreon eat mylast entery Tefler only gets paid per

Jedi Khan

If you're using the Patreon app, I recommend switching to a PC based web browser instead.


Yeah, I dont think she has either. I just think she's unknowingly backing herself in a corner. She's probably in the process of being blackmailed but Archie hasn't sprung the trap ywt.

Walter Henderson

When finished you get to start a new tale!


There’s a fairly well developed universe to “plunder”. A new tale within it would be awesome. If I were in tefler’s shoes, I wouldn’t want to set things in a different universe unless it was an already established one.


So at the end of last chapter there was a question raised what is to be considered as alive and what is a machine? I understand to be alive an organism must be able to replicate its self and it's replicated self must be able to replicate again. Or there must be ability to reproduce and during reproduction it must replicate the genetic data so that learning and evolution it had during the course of it life can be assimilated and used by its siblings and lineage from then on. Now kn Faye, she is a supremely capable machine but an organism but not a being with reproduction capability. She is highly evolve machine but constrained in emotions as she cannot understand full scope of emotions humans can achieve. It is simply like why even after best efforr a man can an never achieve the emotional connect positive or negative a woman has to her baby. Man doesn't go through the birthing process, so his set of emotions are not same as woman's. Yes they do exist but bonds are different. Had Faye got an organic base , she gets to build herself. John gets to give her boosts to make her han like. A new organism, much like Jade or Nymph's who can aquire any mass , very smart logical and with infinite connect to cyber network. Together with illirith what they can do is a recipie for a story of its own.


I don't know if you guys agree but I notice a pattern on all the men in story. I see all of them as all knowing and composed. Yes, limited by their circumstances but with in the box they have been placed in the story they are all capable. Men know facts, women just have to point to it while woman's has to learn the details by guides , coaches, take time to do it or get John's treatment. Taking Fat Tony as an example he didn't know to read but he had an answer for all other scenarios in story. Meanwhile the girls with him had to think hard how to drive a vehicle, shoot a gun or was dumb to take many actions. I find this theme running through whole of the story and always wondered when will one of the female characters be fashioned to be able to stand alone and defy the males in the story. It never happened. We always had the sorry session , justification, consequences etc. Men always made the right choice or it turned out right. His women will assure him otherwise! We are now towards the end of the story so I hope to have some improvement. Well I know the story is a fantasy with sexual content but was trying to make things slightly better.

Jedi Khan

Fleet Admiral Lynette Devereux. She earned her position almost entirely by herself; she was a contender for the Fleet Admiral job even before John came along. You don't get to that spot as a woman without being able to stand on your own and proving you are better than anyone else, affirmative action be damned. All the actions she's taken since have been entirely of her own accord. All the changes she's implementing in the Federation now that she is Fleet Admiral? All her. John may have restored her youth and given her a makeover, as well as possibly a slight boost in mental acuity, but that's all he's done for her. Then there's Tamolith, the new Kintark empress. She made the smart decision by not opposing John at the sulfur mines, even using the opportunity to be rid of her brutish mate, Kindralax. Thus she lived to capitalize on the failure of the emperor later and seize the throne. Oh, let's not forget Jehenna, lead anchor for TFNN. She got that position by not only being a pretty face but also the smartest person in the business. And when she was kidnapped? She defied her captors (even killed one of the bastards when she was taken), resisted their attempts to weaken her prior to interrogating her, then when they finally did start the interrogation, it was she who put the fear of god into them. This all happened before she joined John's network, with no enhancements or help from him. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the former Fleet Admiral Vincent Buckingham and his lackey, Admiral Weber. They made huge mistakes and it cost them their lives. Even if they had survived the Battle of Terra, they wouldn't have held their positions for long as their fuck-ups were just too monumental. Not only did they wait until the last moment to alert the other admirals that the Kintark were invading, they needlessly abandoned the outer rim worlds and allowed the Kirrix to invade. Either one of those acts would have led to them being removed from office, but together would have resulted in a swift court martial and possibly an execution. Not to mention they got on John's bad side by kidnapping Jehenna and were trying to keep Jade's sisters for themselves.

Jedi Khan

Quick question, Tef. Did you manage to get any work done on ebook 4 this month like you had originally planned, or has all your time been consumed by making sure all the plot threads you've been weaving come together?


The problem by using the word alive is that we will always define it in terms of being organic. A better but more difficult question would be, is Faye a sentient being?


Emotions are our strength and our greatest weakness. I think that in some instances Faye does feel emotions like a human, she just doesn't realise it. Take for instance when she nearly stole the ship in an attempt to protect John and the girls from further injury or death. She was clearly working mainly on "feelings " and not logic, as her conclusion was flawed.


Dana already did that when the group were discussing the possibility of bringing any dead nymphs back to life in chapter 87 :)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Actually, logic can be flawed in several ways. Formal and Informal Fallacies have sub categories of their own and this is easily researched on the web. <a href="http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-logical-fallacy.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-logical-fallacy.html</a>

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ok....threads that need tying up. Buckies kids and related beaus The Terran Pilots The marriages of the Admirals and Sargents The defense of the Kentark The bitch slapping of the Brimorians The freeing of the Nymph from Athgoli The freeing and securing/nurturing of the Abandond The renewed Vulcat species John's marriage(s) The surrender of the Kirrix in both Terran and Trankaran space and repatriation of the captives Karon: Big Tony and the girls John's Parents and Arcadia The Null Zone device The upgrading of the Invictus/soul forge The upgrading of the Terran, Maliri and Ashanath fleets Sharing blueprints over the Astral Plane The Astral Plane Leviathan(s) The advancement of the Nymphs Progen John Larn Kelnar and his Matriarch The final battle And Babies! Family! Castle Planet! Trading station(s) Olympus expansion Admiral's Ball The Shroud (prolly in sequel) The Orphans planet(s) Oh....the Underworld and the Enshunu I miss anything?


Drakkar and Kintark


Secrets of Legacy


Nice! Big ups for the update!

Jeremiah Paltridge

IMO, a better forum for discussion would be a great thing. Patreon is great; however, it has its limitations. This discussion system works well on a small to medium scale but meets a wall when dealing with excessive comments. The last chapter currently has over 1200 comments. It would be difficult to get to even a fraction of them with patreon's setup. A dedicated patron only forum page would be a major improvement to discussion.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Go here....friendly people and a much better forum for discussion. <a href="https://discord.gg/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/</a> This is good for 24 hours...after that let me know and I will issue another invite if you are interested

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

When you get there take a screen shot of your level of support here and message PLRus. I will assign you your rank there. Love to have you over there. It is an adult group and very civil and playful.


<a href="https://discord.gg/4CeUE7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/4CeUE7</a>


It seems to me that the sexual chemistry between John &amp; the Lionesses might somehow be affecting LK's relationship towards Ailanthia. The only way I can see this happening would be via the Astral Plain. Is it possible that John's defence of the girls, &amp;/or their combined presence on the Plain during the nightmares, is causing some loving feelings to 'leak' over to the other progenitor &amp; slowly changing him? This could help explain why the astral monsters are so angry with John... other than the fact that he's defying them / disrupting how things have been done throughout time...


I'm awake. Where are we?

Hinterlands Man

Tef, as a long time fan, and a fellow fantasy writer of lesser abilities, I must say that you have always impressed me with your ability to keep multiple plot threads rolling and the "magic" behind them convincing. To the point, I'm hoping that you wrap this epic saga up without too much strain, you never know when you'll hit that black hole of plot holes if you miscalculate your hyperwarp trajectory too far in advance! Well, maybe there's no situation too tough for your creativity. I've been reading your third Kindle book nowadays as I wait for the latest installment. The visit to Ashana was pure gold. Loved the Grays ("Where is Dana?" "The resplendent curvaceous genius is currently in her workshop." The laugh out loud "MY NAME IS ALYSSA, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO SPEAK TO YOU" part and really great scenes involving the Drakkar, like the first heart-stopping ambush where Dana nearly dies, and Alyssa gets shot in the back, and Dark John makes a striking appearance, psi-shaping, which became integral to the story, the Null Zone (so hilarious), Dana in a schoolgirl outfit (seared into our mental image of the foul-mouthed genius forever). I'm kind of embarrassed to say this is probably my fourth time reading these chapters, but they're actually really good! I noticed how you really took the time to describe both succinctly and with great detail, the charnel house left in the wake of the battle where the Drakkar nearly killed the crew, and foreshadowed the Dark one.

Bp Hlpt

Hey Dadd! I've been worried about you. No new releases from Tefler, but you've missed several lively discussions over the last couple of weeks. One was based on a post from Jedi just for you, asking for a description of what we'd like to see in a destroyer specifically designed for John and Co. with some restrictions to make sure it fits in the Invictus. Other than that, it's been the usual stuff. We expect 112 to drop any day now. I hope you're OK, my friend.


Bp Hlpt, nice greetings . Thanks. I will Look for Jedi's post. Thanks for update.


It would be really nice if the chapter was released tonight so it would not create a conflict crisis of conscience about whether or not to read the story or go to a Halloween party with the kids. If you have kids.


I was just re-reading 110 and noticed something that happened during the Hive Queen battle and then after when everyone was doffing armor. After Alyssa got impaled, then healed up, she casually reached down and repaired and re-shaped her armor. After the fight, Dana made a point of de-runing Tashanas armor so John and Alyssa could repair and reshape it. I seem to recall an earlier scene where Alyssa was giving Dana a bit of a ribbing about not being able to shape runed armor. Someone else may have brought it up earlier, but I'll be buggered before I'll wade through all those comments to find it, LOL.

rich ed

maybe alyssa is getting stronger and its a telf fore shadowing?

Bp Hlpt

Good catch, IronLance! I think you're right. I didn't think Alyssa, nor John, could do that, yet. But, now that I think about it some more, maybe when she was impaled, the psychic energy that impaled her "de-runed" the armor, otherwise it shouldn't have been able to get through. Once "de-runed", then Alyssa would have been able to easily re-shape it again.


I don't remember which of the recent chapters John talked about it, but he mentioned teaching Alyssa runes. That plausibly could come with the ability to wipe friendly ones.


I am so looking forward to reading the next few chapters during these coming months. Going to be quite busy and TSM is more fun to read in the winters ;)


Surprisingly few comments happening here. He said he'd finish about yesterday night and there were no F5 comments!


SEQUEL!!! How friggin cool will that be. Image a future where John has had time to mold all the races into a cohesive group working together. Then all his children and how his family turned out. The possibilities are end endless. Teller, I'm going to be reading you for a very long time.

Jim lynch

Oh my god I realise it’s only a fictional story but my heart bleeds for Faye. I’m begging you to find a way to make Faye a real girl your own Pinocchio segment of 3QM. That is my biggest wish for the next chapter surly their is a way to write it into your next chapter.


I agree poor Faye can't catch a break!