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Hey everyone,

I've just completed eBook 3 - "Voyage of Discovery" and published it on Amazon. It covers chapters 21-30 and is 131k in size, which makes it the biggest eBook so far. It's in review at the moment, so it should be live in a day or two.

I have mailed a free copy of the eBook to all the patrons who have paid me over $150 so far in pledges (I rounded up for a few guys who were very close to that amount).

Please let me know if you spot any typos! :-)




Great thanks Mr T - looking forward to rereading & spotting any additional sections :)


Congratulations! I’ll keep an eye out for when it goes live to get my copy!


you are the man T Y TEFLER


Thanks best news I've heard in a bit very very bad bad day


Woo hoo


Awesome! Keep the money rollin' in Tef!


Was reading through book 2 today, when John and Alyssa finished with the Kirix they met a Marine Commander Richards. Richards asked them if they were gonna go off and win the war with the Kintark all by themselves, John said “Not right now.” —Tefler you sneaky devil, that you were dropping hints that far ahead is truly impressive.

morris ridgeway

Thank you. Will add to the kindle!


Can’t find it


Could someone throw up a link. I hate Amazon occasionally


Any fun new scenes to look forward to this time?


Sweet need something to read.....


Something is wrong with Amazon, not able to view ebook3 there.. I am able to view Ebook 1 only on Amazon, they removed Ebook 2 i think as it is not coming while searching your name..


Thanks Tefler, or should I say Malifica ;-) I'll enjoy continuing my re-read of the updated series tonight and this weekend, but I'll still be sure to buy the proper ebook once it's officially available just to have it on all my kindle devices. I am curious about the Jones surname though. I searched through my master document with all the current chapters and couldn't find it anywhere. Perhaps just a nod to her being a smuggler?


E-books 1 & 2 are available on Amazon; but not Vol. 3.


It's in review at the moment, so it should be live in a day or two.


It is still being reviewed by amazon. Will be up in e few days


It is still being reviewed by amazon. Will be up in e few days


Tef, would you please change the settings in all three eBooks so the reader can set either a justified or left-justified line length. Currently it seems that Kindle forces the padded justified format which I find harder to read especially at the larger display font size my older eyes require. You can this to be reader-selectable in your master file and then simply re-upload the books. It is useful to have this be a user-defined property. Thank you.


Awesome time to reread the first 30 chapters again when it comes out


Book 3 came up on Amazon about 4 AM Pacific Coast time.

Anthony Kester

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6GQC99/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1523710424&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=the+john+blake+chronicles" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6GQC99/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1523710424&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=the+john+blake+chronicles</a>


Slight error in the title on Amazon. I already messaged Tefler about it.


Burp. Done. More brains...


Tef - is this a continuity error?? Hi, this may have been caught already by someone else, but I think I have stumbled on a doozy in EB3 where the revising process must’ve had an overnight break or something. If you look at loc 3867 you see the following text: “The two Drakkar dropships had been decoupled from the hull of the Invictus and were now parked off to one side, the one furthest away sitting in a growing pool of water. The somewhat soggy appearance of the second dropship slightly undermined its spiky presence and the foreboding look of its black armour plating.” If you then go down to loc 4069 (ie later in time) one finds: “"We need the Drakkar dropships removed from the hull and moved out the way. The next group is 'Armour Team'; they’ll need to let me know as soon as that's done, so I can take a look at what makes that armour so resistant to energy weapons. Once I've reverse engineered the tech used for their armour plating, we're going to re-armour every square inch of the Invictus' hull with upgraded plating!” "Oh, and let me know before you remove that one," Dana said with a grin, pointing at the second dropship high up on the hull. "It's currently flooded!" So it sounds as though the second mention of the dropships still being attached needs to be removed from that location, they surely didn’t get reattached overnight... 😉😉


Ah - just seen that Kim Biel-Nielsen spotted this in the next thread above this one two days ago. That’s me, late to the party as always ;-) I’ll leave the comment above, though, just to be sure Tef catches it as its fairly blatant and will surely irritate/confuse someone if left in the story.


Timbo, the later scene takes place earlier in the timeline, as I recall.


Evan, I wondered, but having quickly re-read that section again it seems to me that the later scene is in timeline order and actually takes place the following day, thereby giving a continuity issue. But it’s late and I only scanned it, so please check me :-)


It was the same event retold later from a different person’s perspective.


About the dropships, yeah as Abraham pointed out, it was the end of that days events told from Dana's perspective. I thought I'd try that as an experiment, but I prefer scenes to be done sequentially, so I've not done it again. :-)


Arrgh.... must pay more attention. Apologies for starting a hare running... ;-)

Jedi Khan

I've put a few edits for you up in the discord channel, Tefler, some of which (probably most) you may have already fixed by now.