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Hey everyone!

I handed over Part 1 of chapter 97 to my editors last night and I've started making headway into Part 2. As long as they don't spot any glaring issues in Part 1, I might release that as a preview before Christmas. I'll be looking to complete the entire chapter before the end of the month, so you should have it available to see in the New Year! :-)

I just completed eBook 2 and have gone through the KDP setup on Amazon. Once that's been reviewed, it should be up for sale within the next couple of days, so watch out for:

The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 2: Reaping the Whirlwind

It covers chapters 11 - 20 and I added some new scenes and greatly expanded several others, while editing the grammar and punctuation. I rewrote quite a bit of dialogue in this one, to make the characters sound more consistent with the way they are now (Dana in particular). It's 120k words so I added 14k more compared to the existing chapters on literotica. 

I'll be aiming for about 120k words in each of the subsequent eBooks and I plan to start working on eBook 3 in January. I have the coverart for that one already, so I'm hoping for a fairly quick turnaround.

The artist who did the Alyssa picture is eager to do more, so the next one I'll ask him to do will be Calara in her Terran Federation uniform (the cover for eBook 4). Hopefully that should be finished by the end of January!

That's it in terms of updates, but I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.

Best wishes,



CJ Mora

Have a Very Merry, Happy Holidays and a cool Yule to you and yours, Tefler!


Merry Xmas Tefler, the preview is a nice gift. Don't feel bad we knew it would be a stretch, you would've had to be busy for Christmas too.


Merry Christmas, Tefler!


Something has to be off with my maths. Average chapter is 40-50k words right? That would make it 400-500k words for an ebook yes? Again, I know something has to be off on my side but not seeing what

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Towed, the earlier chapters were much shorter. More like 8-11k which makes Tefler's statement right on target. As a side note: I see Tefler's first ebook is showing just one more available. That is awesome! I wonder how many he has sold?


Yes please on the preview. Merry Christmas Tefler !

Jedi Khan

That preview better not end on a cliffhanger like Jade's death scene Tef. You'll ruin everyone's Xmas if you did that. If it doesn't end on a bitch of a cliffhanger, then by all means, post the preview.


No cliffhanger this time, it just ends with the lead-in to part 2. :-)


merry Christmas the faster the better lol

Jim lynch

Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year tefler. Thank you for your hard work in 2017 tefler you made it a very enjoyable year.

Big Dude

Merry Christmas Tefler. Hopefully you are spoiling the children!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Merry Christmas and a very happy new year the you ‘. May you live long and prosper. 2017 has been a very dark year for me personally, but I have found a lot of enjoyment and many good hours in the company of John Blake an his wonderfull girls. Your writing has improoved and indeed grown up during the year. It has been a pleasure to follow ~ thanks,


Congrats on the second ebook! Just curious, are you offering the book to your patreons at a discounted rate?


Merry Christmas and happy new year Tefler to you and your family.

Joel San Buenaventura

Bumped up my contributions just because. Happy Holidays y'all!


Unfortunately I can't set up discounts or promotions within Amazon. I might be able to if I sign up for Kindle unlimited, but that causes complications, because I'm not allowed to have the story available anywhere else.


Just crossed my mind, when was the last time Charles set foot on the Invictus? When the first refitting was getting done. Would be a good idea to have him aboard for some R&R guy time with John. Maybe show off the lagoon with the girls in bikini. I think revealing some of their abilities would be prudent as 1. Charles can be trusted 2. He will be an important ear for John in Tfed affairs so giving Charles some confidence that John would be looking out for him 3. It would be gold for him to see psychic abilities. Maybe a mock psychic duel would be the icing on the cake


Tefler, what's the justification for destroying the star base? I would think it would have had value to all sides and full of prisoners. Order the surrender and you have a bunch of slaves. Until they turn on the traitor the only"valid slaves" are the prisoners of war.


Merry Christmas Tefler to you and your family.


honestly, if you want to invade somewhere fast, prisoners will slow you down... it takes manpower and resources to process your new slaves, manpower and resources that could be used on the frontline instead....


Will there be an x-ray version of book 3's cover as well?!?

Jedi Khan

I believe book 3's cover is going to be the Invictus v. Drakkar cruiser. Not quite sure what the x-ray version of that would look like. Perhaps it would show the interiors of the ships as they duke it out?


X-ray vice x-rated -- auto-correction snafu?


That would be an interesting spin-off, Stephen Beisty does cutaway drawings of the ships and other tech from Tefler's universe. How about it ?