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Hey everyone,

Just to keep you all in the loop, I thought I'd start a status post to let you know what I've been up to.

Chapter 91 is now finished. I've done all the edits, posted the completed version to Patreon and submitted it to literotica.

I've just finished editing chapters 11-20, which will be the contents of the second eBook. I have pretty much rewritten them all to "sound" like the more recent chapters. That meant restructuring and rephrasing dialogue, as well as taking the opportunity to add more detail or include a few extra bits of foreshadowing. 

So far I've added another 10k words, bringing eBook 2 up to 116787 (eBook 1 was 85900 words). I'll be going through my editor's feedback and adding in their suggestions, so you can expect that number to grow quite a bit before it's finished. All the subsequent eBooks will be about 120k words, with a couple of slightly larger ones (those that include the monster-sized chapters!). There will be 16 books in total to cover everything I've done so far, with at least one fight in every book, which worked out well!

I've also been working with the artist on the next piece of commissioned artwork. This will be the cover for book 3, and depicts the Black Invictus fighting a Drakkar cruiser. I've got him to tweak the Invictus a bit since the first picture, and it looks even better now! :-)

Finally I'm going to make a start on Chapter 92 tonight. I've plotted out the chapter structure, so now I just need to write it! I won't bother with a wordcount on here until I hand over part 1 to my editors.




Thanks for the update




Thanks for the update


Busy man. Keep it up boss. Can't wait till next chapter....... (now I'm gonna have to get the ebooks as well)

David Shmilowitz

Any idea when your other editors will get back to you so we can guess when we can see it on amazon?


Thanks, Tefler. Great work on eBooks. Hope you and family are doing well.


Great job.

Anthony Kester

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. That would keep Jedi and Crazy satisfied for a couple of days.

Jim lynch

Get it in gear please lol thanks for the update looking forward to another amazing chapter.


awesome, just let us know when the link to the kindle version is up.

Jedi Khan

I'm fine with it (sorta), but Crazy can't be satisfied until he has the chapter in hand. The guy has been so antsy the last few days that I'm feeling it too.

Jedi Khan

Question, Tefler, what's the cover of the second book going to be if the black armored Invictus is the third? I don't suppose it would be Jade, would it? We haven't seen her portrait yet, except for the tiger form, which is first seen when the Drakkar board the ship.


Tefler it has been an extreme pleasure and one hell of a ride thus far. From chapter 3 on lit and waiting forever to this first ebook, it's simply amazing to watch you accomplish what you aim to do in Leaps and Bounds congratulations and I wish and hope for the best in the future

Scott Way

Hey Tefler. How do we obtain physical copies of these books. I would be more the happy to spend $10 on each of these as a paperback any way to make that happen?


Amazon, there are two versions you can order. A print version and a kindle version. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed/dp/1549902911/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1508697444&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=john+blake+chronicles" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed/dp/1549902911/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1508697444&amp;sr=1-1&amp;keywords=john+blake+chronicles</a>


20 days between chapters.... where is Tefler's Anonymous? I need counselling for my addiction


I received my paperback of Volume 1 from Amazon. I think it is the October 12th edition.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Sweating profusiously, shaking hands staring wildly into nowhere - My fix, my fix oh where is my fix. Cannot stand it - no help rereading back chapters - no help - no help - no no nooooo....

Jedi Khan

Quick, someone inject this person with some 3SM stat! We're losing them! Crazy, prep the shock paddles!


T minus 7 days till ch 92


A quick post: The Honor Harrington series, possibly the best space opera written, by David Weber, about the Manticore Star System Fighting a numerically superior force over the course of several decades and the mane char rising in rank and status throughout( the first several books are availble for free <a href="http://baencd.freedoors.org/Discs/Baen%2001/," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://baencd.freedoors.org/Discs/Baen%2001/,</a> the RNC series, a space Opera a great series with interesting charachters, and a unique ftl drive/space warfare that i found intriging.<a href="http://baencd.freedoors.org/Discs/Baen%2015/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://baencd.freedoors.org/Discs/Baen%2015/</a> also free for the first few books. The Kurtherian Gambit series, a sci-fi/paranormal series that evolves into a space opera, available on kindle unlimited. This should possible fix your fix as its several dozen books in total, all good reads and similar in one way or another to TSM. . .


Heard about Honor Harrington before, thanks for the chance to check that out. Unfortunately, the links broken.


I can also recomend Poor Man's Fight and sequels from Elliott Kay. It's a mixture of space opera and hilarious comedy, with the main character, Tanner Malone, in repeated him against everyone situations, which he pulls through by sheer determination, lateral thinking and blind luck. Awesome to read.

Jedi Khan

I've read it. Damn good. I often say it reads like a Die Hard movie in space, but better.

Jedi Khan

Hey, Tef, you might want to be picking up the pace with the next chapter, or maybe even the ebook, but mainly the next chapter. It's never a good sign when readers start recommending other stories to each other as a means to "cope with the withdrawal."


Variety breeds imagination, imagination breeds better ideas for Tefler. I would rather he write quality over quantity


I'm up to 10k on chapter 92, so making good progress so far. :-)


For your SciFi Fix, I kinda liked the "Hammer's Slammers" series by David Drake ... Space Tanks!!!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Chapter 91 is still not up on SOL - was it forgotten?

Jedi Khan

I think Tefler puts the chapters up on SOL the same day they appear on Lit, which can take several days after he submits it depending on how long it takes to get through moderation. Chapter 91 still hasn't appeared on Lit yet either.


The moderation is very fast on SOL, so I could have put it up there days ago, but I normally wait until it goes up on literotica first. That way the free sites get it at about the same time. :-)


I've finished part 1 at just under 17k words and handed it over to my editors. I'm just diving into part 2 now! :-)


Tefler, without giving away anything of import, would you be wiling to let us know wherein this chapter is taking place? Trankaran Space? Terran Space? Elsewhere?


T minus 4


Oh my effing Batman. This must be like what it feels when Tefler goes on vacation. If every ebook makes the wait this long, I'm not going to survive.


I see Ch 91 has rocked up on Lit and SOL, had a chuckle at the chapter tiltle.

Steven Allen

I have read the whole series on Lit, but I will buy the ebooks to see the corrections and changes. The writing quality has improved, with less spank-worthy sex and more good SciFi. I still like the great sex scenes, but I appreciate that the story leans more towards a SciFi tale rather than erotica. Despite starting as spank material thinly wrapped in a SciFi tale, TSM has evolved into a decent Space Opera. TSM reminds me of the Helmsman series by Bill Baldwin. So far TSM and the Helmsman series are the only two SciFi Space Operas with graphic sex that I enjoy reading, most others I have read have been meh at best. Correction: forgot to add the Star Justice series my Michael Scott Earl - sex is not as graphic, but still good Space Opera. Full disclosure though - if I had not read MSE's graphic sex laced Destroyer fantasy series, I never would have touched the Star Justice series.


I wonder if they'll pass near "Charon IV, which is located near the border with Trankaran Space, and had been partially terraformed by the Terran Federation." I can just imagine the fan-girls wanting to go down for a quick pit-stop at the Warriors Hall for a photo-op with the Valkyrie there... and perhaps some branded merchandise! :-)


Hi Tefler, just thought I'd give you some Patreon-content feedback. I think you could benefit from opening up posts like this one and other status updates to anyone who sees your page. Make people on the fence get a taste of what they're missing out on. You know, marketing 101, basically.


I like the David Drake series Lieutenant Leary. Couldn't get into Hammer's Slammers. For those recommending the virgin Admiral Honor Harrington the first handful of books are good but something happened to David Weber where his books have become unreadable. Here's a tip reading Weber - beginning of every chapter or change in scene skip the first two pages and then pick up reading and you'll have missed nothing. His Safehold series while interesting is pure torture to read and a waste of time as the story never progresses. A better dystopian world building series is Destiny's Crucible by Olan Thorensen which I recommend. As for strictly science fiction series I like the Koban series, Omega Forece series and Undying Mercenaries series. Plenty of others out there also but not enough TSM.


for those interested pantherparabola has a new chapter. its a good read. fans of this story might like.


Hey Tef, I don't know how it works, but first book isn't available on kindle unlimited. I don't know if it's has to do with Amazon or you just didn't put it on unlimited. If it's former contact amazon or if it's later I suggest you consider putting the first book on kindle unlimited.


He has something on Lit ou Sol? I would like to read something before becoming a patron


How does one get a character name put into TSM?


If I put the eBook onto Unlimited, I'm not allowed to have it up anywhere else. I don't know how that would work with chapters on literotica/storiesonline/patreon, but I want to avoid any legal wrangling if I can. When the story is done, it's an option I might consider, I'll have to see. :-)


It's a good thought. I might do that with the next status post. :-)


It's a reward for the $10+ patrons. Basically, the amount of money a patron has contributed influences how much impact their character has on the story. Some have been pledging $10/$25 almost from the start, which adds up to a lot of money. It was my way of saying thank you for their very generous support. :-)


Congratulations on. 1400 Patreons


Thanks! There's been a surge of new patrons this month, which was great to see.


I suspect that Literotica would get faster moderation if they started losing authors and readers because of competition from SOL and other sites.


I've written 24k of chapter 92, so I'm well on track to finish it by the end of the month. :-)

Jedi Khan

You're going to treat us to a nice chapter, rather than trick us with a cliffhanger, right? Oh, and how's the artwork coming? Have you got one of the girls lined up for this (or more likely next) month's piece?


Holy crap over 2 grand now congrats also the withdrawal is getting hard to deal with


Has the frequency of chapters changed or was it always 2 a month


Because Tefler has started editing his earlier chapters, as well as producing new chapters simultaneously, new chapter releases have slowed.


That being said, new chapters are also much more complicated, in terms of world building, as well as number and complexity o characters. So while the pace may have slowed in the short term while he 'updates' his earlier work. As soon as he catches up I think we'll see new chapters released on the old 3 chapters per month schedule

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I am thinking John needs to at least reconsider the mind wipes. Their initial purpose was to shield Tashanna while she grew and healed. Now that she has, the mind wipes have now become a conundrum. As soon as Edraele is healed she will be able to know Tashana's mind anyway...so the mind wipes are moot. As was mentioned, full reconciliation cannot occur until forgiveness is sought and received...just the way things are. Both Irillith and Edraele are strong enough to deal with it. Jade: another poster mentioned freedom of choice...that is truly a wonderful gift. I also suspect Jade may have a more active 'connection' to her Lenarran sisters as well....time will tell. I also think Jade is now psychically linked to all Lenarrans and since Alyssa is connected to Jade, and John...they just unlocked/locked in massive amounts of psychic power. Niskera: She will galvanize the Trankarans now...and turn them into a formidable fighting force as well as bring some healing to their now fractured society. She has the perfect temperment to lead without it going to her head...looking forward to the fleshing out of that story arc. BTW: I love how our reluctant hero is now King of one race and God to another...lol....he is so screwed! As for coming battles and the BSP Chess Game: Attacking the Maliri The Kintark forces are a shadow of their former selves. They would not pose any major threat to the VAST Maliri fleet. Check the numbers: The Maliri have an Armada more than equal in numbers to all the ships on both sides of the Battle of Regulus...and the Maliri have Nova Lances....LOTS of them. The Kirrix are a possibility, but after losing an entire fleet to one ship and crew in Trankaran space, they will think twice about exposing that flank. The Kintark also have a beef with Terrans which is unfinished business. The 'pride' of their Empire (Emperor) demands retribution. That leaves the Enshunu. I suspect the Underworld will become a forward base of operations against the Maliri. What ships weapons the Enshunu have is still yet a mystery since sonic weapons will not work in space. Would be interesting. The highly reflective ship's they have suggests some type of laser based weapons system. Being a chess player and realizing the field: I would enrage the Enshunu to attack the Maliri while simultaneously attacking the Terrans with the upgraded remnants of the Kintark armada as a diversion to split John's attention and sow anger against John by the race he doesn't choose. After the Terrans were mauled by the Kintark I would then attack the Terrans in a flanking maneuver with the Kirrix to take out Port Medea, move to the Terran Fleet hit by the Kintark, then move deeply into Terran space to replenish the drone ranks. With the Maliri weakened by the Enshunu, I would then march the Kirrix across Terran space, growing as it engulfs worlds, while leaving enough of a force at the Trankaran border to occupy them. I would then attack the Maliri again on two fronts using the remnants of the Enshunu, what ever Kintark were still available, and the now bloated Kirrix fleet, the Maliri would be the last to fall. As BSP, I would then take on John and then engage whatever was left after that battle. The problem with that whole scenario is BSP has underestimated the speed at which the Ashanath can psychically rebuild their ships, the design enhancements they will incorporate, their new Marine contingent, and the upgrades John has given to all the races. John is on the verge of feeding Dana again and soon they will have the worm-hole drive system (really the Quantum Drive Unit), the Quantum weapons upgrades, two more upgraded, really devastating, kick-ass, runed gunships, along with totally impervious ship armor, and he will not have to make the decision of which race to assist in the initial Terran and Maliri fronts. Having the Maliri hold their own against the Enshunu (using torpedoes--and newly developed Battle Cruisers brought into the fleet in the nick of time whose primary weapon is a set of Singularity Drivers-- against their Capitol Ships due to decreased laser battery effectiveness against such reflective ship armor), John and his 3 ship Armada can pop into the Terran battle and quickly overwhelm the Kintark, send the Terran fleet to outflank the Kirrix, pop into the Maliri battlefront and take out the Enshunu, then send a Maliri contingent and an Ashanath contingent to help the Terrans while he and the rest of the Maliri start hunting the BSP. The final battle will be all of John's coalition against the BSP's armada that finally shows up while the Black Ship and Invictus duke it out in a 'Battle Royal' of the Titans of Space witnessed by all the major races of this quadrant of the Galaxy. The final battle being psychic in nature between the two where John's closeness with the girls tips the balance in a cliffhanging ending to the confrontation (in true Tefler style).

Jedi Khan

JFL, you've had too much time on your hands. You need the next chapter ASAP, like yesterday ASAP.


Thanks JFL for the distraction. Did you figure out where BSP is getting his energy. We saw John's limit against the Kirrix. Now with Tashana, Jade and soon Ed, he should get a major boost. BSP is a pauper in comparison, I believe.


For BSP to compete he must still have a major tech, skill or knowledge advantage. It is not like you can sneak up on Calara. Chess is only a proper analogy if you can see all of the pieces. Tefler is keeping us in the dark.


If I were BSP, I would kidnap a crew member, like torturing Athena on the Astral plane until John releases progen John. The fastest route to John's destruction is through the heart.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ben, BSP has his Thralls back home to draw power from. Wouldn't it be a kicker if Ailanthia was a Lenarran and Jade was able to usurp his dominion over her just when he needed to draw energy? That second of realization before he drew energy from his Thrall army might be all John needs.


he doesn't think he even has to try against john, he thinks they are a joke.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

The real art of chess is distraction so your opponent defends for an attack that ends up coming from a different quarter than expected. Feints within feints. The game is often won in the first 10 moves....sometimes 5...the rest of the game is just a process of tightening the noose. That is what BSP is doing now. However, he is overconfident and fails to understand, truly understand, his opponent. He is relying on past information/battles to inform his decisions and behavior which will eventually lead him astray.


So, I sensed a bit of foreshadowing from Tef in this one. With Shan getting access to her whole mind and becoming significantly more powerful, so must John access the rest of his potential. John needs to face PJ before facing BSP. This will unlock latent psychic potential for John to take on BSP. I’m guessing it’ll happen after the milari meetup and after brimor shield tech. They still need to ally with the Tfed and maybe bring brimorians into the fold. They already have the minor races from trankaran meeting. Maybe a brief look into those minor races tech and genetics. Seems like foot combat has almost reached peak projenitor standards. I love the invictus just as much as the rest of em, but I’m ready to see what monstrosity the mighty wheel of the Maliri “Genthalas” could crank out when starting a capital ship from scratch utilizing all of the tech the crew has uncovered. Imagine a dreadnaught flying around like a battleship, decimating fleets of ships. I don’t think the invictus can take on the black ship is all.


'foot combat'. more like minimum progenitor standards. (barely)


I've been thinking about this for some time, and while I don't know what Tefler is going to write, I actually hope that it's not going to be the trope of the protagonist (John) and his crew triumphing over the antagonist (the BSP) in some kind of conflict between the two. I'm hoping for something more interesting and original than that, which will make all of our speculations fall into the same erroneous category. On the other hand, I'll be extremely disappointed if the story ends with: "John opened his eyes and stretched, a smile upon his face, recalling his dream of himself being a hero with so many beautiful women, before preparing to go to work for the day." ;-)

Master Laurent

Anybody else want the chapter today so it will not be a distraction for the parties tomorrow night? *Soft Smile for Tefler*

Master Laurent

Evan, Shame on you for even putting it out that this is a dream. *Soft Smile* - and to your point I can see a Third Progenitor coming into the picture and that the BSP has been grooming John to help and they are related in some way and this has all been the equivalent of Progenitor BUDS training. Given the Progenitors "disdain" for the lower life forms, I can see this as a possibility. Or as I have speculated before this is nothing more than a summer camp for Progenitors and the BSP is the Evil Older Bully that is afraid of what his parents will do if he does not play by the Rules with how he fucks with John.


I was going to dress up as John for Halloween, but didn't have the balls.


T minus 1 day

Master Laurent

Praying for T-Minus Today! My algorithm logic - Tefler was @ 24K two days ago, even @ 3K per day that works out to 30K Words by EOD Today easily. It would be nice to get it tonight as a Treat. *Respectful Smile to Tefler* Plus I think that Jedi promised Crazy that they would go out partying for the holiday as a way to pacify Crazy - something about a TSM Costume Party at the Playboy Club.


I'm already hitting refresh every 30 minutes or so ...


Forgetting the most important story line. John's mother is still out there. Will she be bad? Will John have to reshape her mind? How will that go over will the other girls?


Will Tefler have to move TSM to the incest section on Lit ? :)


How do the girls use their powers while wearing armor? I would expect Irillith to short out her suit...

Master Laurent

7pm Tefler time, Feeling a surprise treat on the way, *Wishful Glance to the Almighty Tefler*

Master Laurent

Moved my Patreon Feed and Email to my second monitor so they are up all the time, who needs to get any work done. Have a hot water bottle on my neck due to the sharp muscle pain. Loving Life.

Master Laurent

two hours to midnight T-Time Still hoping for a rough release tonight


to ease you pain Ml, have attached Jade and a Nishkera Halloween pictures in the Community section


I suspect that with a possible exception of Jade, their powers naturally take into account of what they are wearing. I suspect that none of their powers require physical contact for them to work.


I just finished chapter 92, but I want to give it a proofread and finish going through my editors feedback on part 1 before I post it. I'll probably post it late-morning tomorrow. :-)

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Will pause hitting refresh a few hours - thanks for the info


Well, if it’s a first edition, it might be worth it. I know I’m not selling mine.


Just caught the highlights in this article: not sure if it will end up effecting us but from the broad scope it may well if someone puts in a complaint. <a href="https://flipboard.com/@flipboard/-the-real-consequences-of-patreons-adult/f-610061054f%2Fengadget.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://flipboard.com/@flipboard/-the-real-consequences-of-patreons-adult/f-610061054f%2Fengadget.com</a>


Where is the 2nd eBook? Does it still need editing or waiting for artwork?


After reading up on the article, I wouldn't worry too much. They seem to be targeting live webcam/sex shows, however the definition of art has always and will always be a gray area. I'm surprised they took this step, short of anything illegal or potentially legally implicating, getting involved is a guaranteed controversy. That being said, given the recent mainstream popularity of 50 shades (not that it compares to 3SM), even going so far as movie releases, I don't think that erotic literature is very high on their list, if at all. Besides, if it ever comes to pass, Tefler has grown such a loyal community, we would adapt and overcome as always.