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Hey guys,

I'm thinking about getting the same artist to do a second picture of the Invictus, but this time when it had black armour. It's probably sensible to get him to work on all three pictures back-to-back, while I look for another artist to work on pictures of the crew.

So I was thinking - what would be a good scene for him to paint?

I'd like to show the ship in side profile, so I thought of a few ideas for the next art commission. Just let me know what you'd be interested in seeing!

(I'll ask him to fix the bay doors and bow while I'm at it!)




For the white cruiser variant, I'll ask him to show it after the refit, so we'd be looking at the Battle of Ashana (ch 79) or the Battle of Khalgron (ch 90). That would mean an opportunity to see Drakkar or Kirrix vessels. :-)


I like the idea of a battle scene, the lasers causing ripples in the enemy shield etc. I also think the contrast of the Invictus to the much more alien and aggressive design of a Drakkar ship could work well.


That's what I'm leaning towards at the moment. Perhaps the scene where a Drakkar cruiser flies overhead and Calara rakes it with Laser Cannon fire.

Jim lynch

Why not do a pic of invictus leaving genthalas after its refit ?


For the white ship? Yeah, that's a good idea too. That would be a nice opportunity to see Genthalas in some detail. The Battle of Khalgron I'd probably ask him to do a vertical shot of the Invictus, tearing through Kirrix drone carriers and exchanging broadsides with them.

Jim lynch

I think any battle would look great but with the kirrix there was so many ships that it would look amazing with laser fire everywhere and drone fighters too ye that would be amazing.

Jedi Khan

For the black armor clad Invictus, the fight with a Drakkar cruiser should do nicely. Oh, I got it! It's still a fight with the Drakkar, but it's the scene where the crew uses the Mass Drivers to cause an asteroid to explode, taking out at least one of the pursuing Drakkar cruisers in the resulting carnage. We should probably also get a bridge scene at some point, but probably not from the Invictus' perspective until you've got the characters modeled. Maybe do a scene of either the Kintark or TFed fleet commanders at the Battle of Regulus, as they watch the Invictus swoop into the fray as a blazing blue ball of death.

Jedi Khan

Oh, and get the artist to fix the placement of the beam lasers too! Those big turrets do look impressive, but they don't work with the description of the ship from the story.


Showing the Maliri civil wars resolution would be fun. The biggest battle they almost fought.


That's after the expansion. Too soon. However, yes, for later.


I am assuming that this will be the cover for the next book, yes? If so show the battle with the pirates with the gas mine in the background if doing the white variant then the battle of khalgron


Oddly enough I was thinking of shooting at asteroids too, since Calara is always testing the ship's arsenal versus asteroids. Besides, shooting and blasting and spraying seems to fit right in with other important themes in the tale.


I'd like a picture of Alyssa for the second book. This will be the cover of the third I suspect.


Fighting Nexus itself


That was white armour and before the extension in the refit, but that would make for a very impressive picture, especially with the Quantum Annihilator powering up on the moon!


Hey Tefler, got the eBook just a little while ago, the changes are great!


Thanks for buying a copy and I'm glad you liked the changes. :-) It was fun throwing in a few extra bits to link to future chapters!


Battle with nexus fleet with the moon in the background.


I agree, with the moon and the Earth in the background...


I've just uploaded a new edited version of chapter 91. I made a few minor tweaks and added a new scene. Rather than reading through the whole chapter again, you can find it be searching for: "Tashana stretched like a cat"


Hello Telfer, i have been rereading the story agin since i got the ebook. When you posted this i just got to the First battle of Dragons march, when they were going to recruit Rachel. You could even show the Rapter some were in the back ground at that time.


Hey Tefler, do you intend to release chapter 91 on literotica as a friend wants to read it. I am aware that you may remove the original copies on literotica and have just eBook and patreon copies. Are you stopping free releases now?


Yeah I definitely want to get a picture of the Raptor in action. The Battle of Leonis sounds like a good setting for that. :-)


battle at underworld


I will be continuing to release chapters there, but I'm just awaiting editor feedback (two of my editors were away on vacation). It'll probably be up in about a week, allowing for moderation delays.


Tefler, while your waiting on your editors are you getting any work done on C92 or are you working on other tasks? Thanks in advance.


I've been an editing machine and ploughed through chapters 11-17 of the second eBook! :-) I'm hoping to get up to 20 done by the 20th October, then I'll start chapter 92.


I would prefer a picture of the bigger Invictus after the refit.


That would actually be very cool. I'd need a different artist for that one, but it would make for a great picture.


I'll definitely do that for the third picture. I've got an interesting idea for that, so it should be fun to see. :-)


@Tef, I'm not sure how visible the ship would be against the blackness of the space. The artist will have to give a very bright source of light in the background to contrast against the ship's silhouette. Is there any fight scene that happen in-system in close proximity to a star?


I've just emailed him about the brief and suggested putting a star or bright nebula in the background. Perhaps something like this: <a href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Hs-2009-25-e-full_jpg.jpg/277px-Hs-2009-25-e-full_jpg.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Hs-2009-25-e-full_jpg.jpg/277px-Hs-2009-25-e-full_jpg.jpg</a>


What about the scene where the Invictus is racing through a nebula to attack that Kintark base? That should give a good high contrast color background! Or, if you want a combat shot, when it's chasing down and defeating that armada?

Jedi Khan

That's long after the Invictus got the white armor plating. The second picture of the ship that Tefler is commissioning is the Invictus with black armor, which is after it's first trip to Ashana.


Maybe it's the nerd part of me coming out, but I'd like to see some cross section elevations and floor plans of the various levels so I can get a really clear picture of how it's all laid out internally instead of the vague idea I have now.


honestly i think a scene of the Invictus in dry dock would be great. like on the ashana(spell check) homeworld. cause that would first off give us a perspective of the sheer size of the ship while at the same time providing a strong contrast to the back color of the ship vs. the coloring of the shipyard.


And what the Ashanath look like, I keep getting an abnormally tall "Paul" (Movie) vibe from them. I try to maintain their smaller stature but it is a little difficult to visualize.


Tefler, if you could compile a description of each main alien species general appearance statistics would be great :) I think i got the Kintark right though. This image comes to mind <a href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tL-nW0JCNS4/VHB19Edf2BI/AAAAAAAABR0/L7N7tYggh14/s1600/Lizard_man_by_koutanagamori.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tL-nW0JCNS4/VHB19Edf2BI/AAAAAAAABR0/L7N7tYggh14/s1600/Lizard_man_by_koutanagamori.jpg</a>


Better use would be two.. One showing it beside a Terran battleship. Then as a teaser for the right book. One of it one shotting that Terran battleship.


Tefler did you pull chapter 91? I don't see it on this post. Any longer.


I know the ship would already be in white armor, but a shot of John thanking the hair tonic Malari engineers massed outside the ship and giving his speech would be perfect for a chapter cover.

Steven Allen

I'd like to see the Invictus in white armor blowing the shit out of the Kirrix fleet surrounding Khalgron.


Raptor englobed in a nimbus of laser fire clearing Kentark fighters from the field.