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Hey everyone!

As you might be aware if you've been reading the recent comments, I've been working on the eBook for the last week or so. I've already done a couple of passes of the first ten chapters, the first to sort out the punctuation, the second to incorporate some initial edits. 

At the moment I'm going through and working through more editor suggestions and adding more content. I've added several thousand words to the first few chapters, which were a little light on story and heavy on the bedroom action! Hopefully the new content will redress that imbalance a bit. :-)

I've attached the updated chapter 1 so you can have a look. This chapter actually had quite a bit in it already, but I've still managed to squeeze another thousand words in or so (as well as the technical cleanup.).

I'm continuing to work with the artist on the Invictus model. When I get his newest render of the ship, I'll share that with you again so you can take a fresh look.

Finally, I'm going to start chapter 91 tomorrow. I'll be aiming to complete that by roughly the 10th October. 





Hell yeah


Dam you.... Dam you Demon.... Oh wait, acting as Demon intended lol


To anyone waiting on another fix... Elliot Kays "Good Intentions" is akin to methadone. Not exactly heroine but it'll keep you from going nuts.




Tefler, have you had a chance to look at that index I sent you?


I did, thank you. Is the idea to go through each chapter and just list everyone as they get mentioned? If so, I wouldn't bother with "unnamed" characters. For example, Calara's brothers she does eventually name (and list more detail about them), but it's not until quite a bit later in the story. You'll save yourself quite a bit of effort that way. :-)


Hey Tefler, how do you deal with writers block? You write faster than anyone except maybe Brian Sanderson or Brian Jacques


I see no attachments...

Jim lynch

That was much better than the first chapter 1 it just goes to show just how much you've grown as a author but now I'm going to have to go back and read chapter 2 which will make me reread them all again lol cheers tefler.

Jim lynch

Please never mention them two words again it's not worth the risk I hope you've not jinx't him now lol

Jim lynch

Try going threw internet ie google the app is crap I've never seen an attachment in the app but it's there every time I go to patreon web page


I'm not sure infra-red should be capitalised ?


the web view sucks in an iPad because you can't shift enter so every time it starts a new message.


Nice work Tefler, it still holds the same pace as the original but has more depth and detail to really flesh out the universe you are trying to make. When you started did you intend on it becoming a story or just a short one like other literotica stories?


But that beats the iPad crapplication which won't show attachments, and can't cope with the iPad with charge lead and button up ... It displays upside down.


I will be reading them all again... I must admit that I am a fan of the earlier sex scenes... But like how you have evolved, and had fewer sex scenes.


I second the notion (o rs many times as it has been mentioned Tefler) that your writing has improved greatly over the time that you have been writing 3SM. As one of your Patrons I would defiantly be interested in re-reading the revised story! Keep up the good work and enjoy yourself while you are at it!!


any Idea when the Ebook will be ready?


Thanks! It was a surprising amount of work actually, doing things like grouping up character dialogue together as well as sorting out all the punctuation. It was fun to add in more detail to the scenes though.


Cheers. :-) I didn't want to change anything too radically, but I did want to add more depth and tie it back to some events that happen later in the story. I always intended it to be a fully fledged story, but most of the details were very hazy right at the start. I began with the premise of an alien race that were biologically capable of enslaving women then went from there. At the point where John decides to visit all the different species to upgrade the Invictus with all their tech was the point I started plotting out the main story arc in greater detail.


Tefler, It looks and reads great. Much improved and streamlines the chapter while giving a great flow to story line.


Yeah the earlier sex scenes were much more graphic, which were fun to write, but would probably annoy people as the story progressed. Even with the cut-down versions I still include, I get complaints about the amount of sex in the story, which is surprising considering it originated on literotica! :-)


Thanks very much. :-) There's been several distinctive stages where my writing's improved technically, but the improvements in quality are much more subjective so are harder for me to judge. I have to rely on you guys for that feedback and as long as you're still enjoying it, then it's all good!


I've actually finished editing the first ten chapters. There's about 8k-9k extra words in those chapters as well as improving the sentence structure and all the rest of it. Now I'm just waiting for the cover art and I'll look into ereader formats for publishing. From what I've read so far, the Kindle publishing on amazon looks pretty straight forward... fingers crossed! :-)


Thanks Robert! It was really enjoyable to go back to the beginning and read it all again, but was also satisfying to sort out the mistakes I made at the start.


Trying to be careful here, Tefler since you are an anonymous writer for reasons known and unknown. Would there be a time in the future for a possibility not to be anonymous? Like if you got mainstream popularity numbers or circumstances allow you to? Looking for insight to how a story like this affects a writer


Just use voice commands. That’s what I do. You can say “new line“ or you can say “new paragraph“ and that works just fine.


Tefler, just at the very beginning, it says that Karron is on the edge of the outer rim. It should probably say that it’s on the edge of the outer rim of the Terran Federation, no? After all, I was reading that and thinking: the rim of what? The Federation is surrounded on all sides by other empires, isn’t it? That would immediately introduce the idea of multiple interstellar civilizations by inference if nothing else.


It occurred to me that it might be nice to have dates or something similar (perhaps just a day/month) at the headings of chapters and major section to help with the concept of the passage of time. It’s been a year or so for Alissa and John’s relationship in regards to the latest chapters. Maybe it’s time for an anniversary celebration?


Hey Tef, I appreciate your reposting your edits here on the beginning of the book. Having the downloads since I joined Patreon is nice and I've been wondering if it was going to be possible to download the whole story (i.e.- what was posted online on Literotica before you joined Patreon) from Patreon. Is that part of the idea here?


Tefler, if Karron is in the Omicron Ceti system, as you indicate, then the planetoid is orbiting a red giant, or a white dwarf (binary star system), not a dim yellow star as you indicated in an earlier paragraph. Not a big deal except to science geeks such as myself, but an easy fix if you wish to make it.


I doubt I'll ever write under my real name. Even if I write something more mainstream, I'll probably make up some authentic sounding pseudonym. ;-)


It's actually been just over 6 months (going by dark storymaker's timeline). I could add in dates, but it gets a bit messy retroactively fitting them in.


This was just a first chapter preview of the ebook. I'd need to do another 57 early chapter posts to cover all the rest, but you guys can get them from literotica and storiesonline already. :-)


Ah I referred to it as red later on once I'd picked Omicron Ceti. The yellow sun reference was before I chose a star system. I've changed that now, thanks! :-)


What does John know of his parentage in Chapter 1? I ask because of the sentence: “With his parentage being what it was, he couldn't be too careful.”


It's a reference to how any hookers would look after he loaded them up. ;-)


Very enjoyable Chapter 1 and it certainly makes one look forward to Chapter 2! Thank you for that preview, Tefler.


Agree with Evan. Thank you for the preview and will the ebook be available on here?


Tefler, your writing continues to improve. I remember reading those 10 chapters and they were a bit discordant. Not quite knitting together. Look forward 80 chapters and you are smashing it out of the park. The ability to write battle, sex and human interest stories is second to none. Am sure the e-book will be a success.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, I have a new idea for an energy weapon. The Invictus can create stable, yet non self-sustaining black holes. A black hole is a gravity/energy well (energy and mass being equivalent within it). This black hole is created with massive amounts of energy being compressed and controlled in such a small space that a singularity is formed. However, since the singularity dissipates, it is obviously not self-sustaining. Just as the buildup of energy leads to the development of the singularity over time, that energy also has to dissipate in a controlled manner...else it would destroy the ship. Hence the opportunity to weaponize it. I propose to create a device that would channel massive amounts of energy to create a non self-sustaining black hole and encapsulate said black hole in a strong, anti-gravity sphere to both stabilize and contain it. Upon contact with a target, the anti-gravity sphere would become inert: creating an unstable singularity warhead that would initially suck in matter but, as it became unstable, radiate massive amounts of energy roughly equivalent to the energy of a small star in a very short time span...something even the BSP's ship would not be able to withstand. The projectiles can be accelerated by the gravitational waves of the Singularity driver core or by gravitational rings within a barrel similar in function to the Gauss Cannons.


I love what you added to Chapter 1. I had just started re-reading from Chapter 1 a few days ago, so the changes were very obvious, but everything fit like it belonged perfectly. I can't wait to pick up a copy of the ebook once the cover is done and you make it available. Fantastic job, as usual! :)

Jedi Khan

Certainly sounds like an OP idea, JFL. Definitely in line with some of your other ideas. :p There are two obstacles to weaponizing a black hole as you propose, both of which boil down to physical limitations. First is that currently, the only known means to create and contain a singularity is within a refined Tyerenium (never could spell that) lattice inside a special chamber that's connected directly to the ship's power grid. Once the power is turned off to the chamber, the singularity dissipates safely. This means that whatever method is chosen for firing this weapon, it has to be able to provide power to sustain the singularity (and the anti-grav containment field if present) until the point of impact, or until a timer runs out for AoE damage. This pretty much eliminates any form of gun firing a self-contained shell, as most power sources wouldn't do to well with the shock of being fired, nor would a power source small enough to fit inside a shell be able to power the singularity. So unless Dana can find some way of providing power from the ship's core remotely, we're probably looking at a missile, torpedo, or a big ass bomb strapped to the underside of the Raptor as delivery methods for the weapon. And this is where the second obstacle comes into play: size. We have no real idea of how big the singularity is within the Singularity Driver, but we do know that the firing chamber and the Tyrenium (again, not sure on spelling) lattice inside are both fairly large. The singularity itself could only be a few inches in diameter, which would be ideal for encasing in a missile or such, but you then have to consider everything around it that goes into making the singularity. We're well past missile, or even big ass bomb size now, and into ship sizes. Until Dana can find a way to create, maintain, and contain a singularity outside of a Tyrenium lattice, the Singularity Driver is going to be the only way to weaponize a black hole. Alternatively, since you pointed this out JFL, instead of trying to launch a black hole at a target as a warhead, why not harness the energy that is cast off from the one in the Singularity Drivers and direct that energy into a sort of new beam weapon. Provided of course that the singularity is casting off sufficient energy to do so.


He mentioned giving a copy to patrons giving over $200 or more in the total time being patron


So uhhh Tefler does this mean there are a large number of prostitutes and exes of John that are strangely youthful and of healthy mind and body?


No, because he was only ever with them once. It takes more feedings than that for them to be changed to the template and they only stay immortal if they continue to receive regular feedings.


Thanks a lot Wookey! Yeah the early chapters were a bit... raw... It was really fun to read the first ten and see how things have moved on since then. If I wrote them now, they'd turn out very differently, but I didn't want to make too many drastic changes. :-)


Thanks very much, LunarLilith! As I mentioned above to Wookey, I didn't want to change the story too drastically (or affect the pacing), but I did want to add a bit more world-building to the early chapters that would link in with the later ones.


As I'm rereading the story again, a thought occurred to me. Jade accepted John as her master and turned into a copy of Alyssa (John's ideal woman) before he ever fed her. They are currently searching for more Lenarrans. I don't believe that John will make them all part of the crew, but it wouldn't be necessary. I can easily imagine a scene where the nymphs decide to show him their appreciation when he comes into the bedroom or the lagoon to see 5 or more identical copies of Alyssa naked and waiting for him. :)


Actually, I could see him coming into a room and seeing two or more copies of each of the crew waiting for him. After all, Jade no longer feels that Alyssa is who his heart and mind wants her to be, either, for Jade is now also his ideal woman in her own self. However, that's a topic for elsewhere, since he hasn't yet met Jade in Chapter 1. :-)


I'm still waiting for Jade to stick her tongue into another girl's womb and suck it dry while john is still pumping it full. Also, anyone else notice, there hasn't been 1 tittyfuk the entire story, not even as foreplay?


Probably something the twins would do since they like the taste so much.


Tefler, you should use the part of the story with Alyssa's attempted rape, killing the thug and sparks telling her to get off Karron as the prologue


i think that would be a great either for a Prologue


no Chapter 91 status update as yet?


I normally do those when I'm half way through the chapter. I've done about 8k so far. :-)


Looks as though the 3SM Patreon community has tapped out at 1250 members. Not sure what next step is to move that to 1400 and $2500/ch?

Jedi Khan

If anyone has Facebook or other social media, maybe they could do a marketing campaign of sorts to drum up new business? Would be especially good once Tefler releases the first ebook soon.


Yeah, social media can be a great place to advertise but I really don't want to advertise to my co-workers and family that I read porn (Literotica) in my spare time. Especially since I do alot of my reading when I should be working. lol. Once the ebook Is out, that might be a different story