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I've had a few ideas about different pictures I'd like to have made up, but it would be useful to know which ones you guys are interested in seeing!

As I mentioned in my status update, I'm arranging pictures of the Maliri twins and Jade in tigerform for the next two. If I'm happy with the Maliri picture, I'll use the same artist for the rest of the crew. So, just pick which one you want to see next! :-)


P.S. I haven't included the Raptor or Invictus. I'm working with someone on the Invictus and I need to find a good ship artist for the Raptor.

P.P.S. I'll do a picture of John in his Lion Paragon Armour in a battle scene, but that won't be for a few months. I'm waiting for an event in the story before I commission that one.


CJ Mora

How about a picture of the crew at the awards ceremony on Terra?


Pre upgrade invictus in the yards. And I would love to see a dreadnought firing it singularity cannons.


howabout John in casual outfit in the lounge


Tefler,    While I don’t spend a lot of time reading what other fans of yours have to say, I have noticed that some express the strong desire for more sex or less sex. Please humor me to share these thoughts. If all one had to eat was the worlds best steak and nothing else but steak, it would not take very long before one was craving a bowl of store bought cereal or a slice of angel food cake. Variety is the spice of life as the saying goes. Could you have produced 80+ chapters without variety? It would be 10 times harder to create character development when our crew is constantly at war. I think it is a testament to your skills to blend or weave your stories.   You reference “The Collector” a few times as one of Jades past masters. Were you aware of the personage called by the same name who made a few appearances in recent Marvel action movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy. Was this reference intentional on your part or an odd bit of chance?  It will be a sad day when you close out the adventures of John Blake.  Oh by the way, my money is on Rupert xxxxxx as being the creatin who placed the contract on John’s life.  “Live long and prosper my friend”      Bill


Sakura with a brain freeze. "it's not funny guys"


can we have some more cleavage please sir - said in best Charles dickens Oliver Twist voice


I... I can't choose... how the he'll are we supposed to choose?


I profess to be fascinated by Jade and to see her in nymph form would be interesting.


No option for all of the above? I would say that Faye, Jade in her normal humanoid form, and the Lioness dress uniforms would be my top picks of the above.


the twins in eveing gowns


Where's the option for ALL OF THEM!!!?


All of the above and more! But even before I red comments and seen voting percentages I was leaning toward Faye as the next one!


It would be nice to see some simpler sketches of all the introduced species in relative size, storyboard style. A before/after of Edraele would be nice, complete with different expressions and hair.


Where's the "All of the above" button?


Jade walking out of the sea in a bikini? A green Bond (Blake) girl?


I went for the Faye option but really all of them would be good, I would like to see one of Jade in her natural cat form though. Oh and Edraele with her assasins would be another nice one.


Man, Rachel got no love on this one.


So many to choose. I like them all. I think Edraele and Young Matriarch On their bed would be HOT.


I was voting for Faye, but then I decided I want Dana and Rachel kissing while Pixie Faye watches, just before she introduced herself.


Getting damn close to $2009/ch Tefler? Are you prepared? I know that Alyssa would want a team nude shoot..,


you know a great picture would be of jade feeding her "kittens"


I'll have to come up with something. :-) Unfortunately art commissions are entirely dependent on artist availability. If you know of any good ones who are taking commissions at the moment, I'm happy to reach out to them.


That's a really nice idea. It would be fun to see all the species even just in sketch form. The before and after picture of Edraele is an awesome idea as well!


I can't take credit for that idea, someone suggested it during the last chat about pictures. :-)


Six horny blue space elves? Yeah that does sound appealing. :-)


That's the other option, to do a picture of the two together. What I'd quite like to do for cover art for the ebooks, is to have one body picture of each of the girls, adding them to the front cover of each book in the order they appear. I haven't planned that out in any detail though, as Alyssa, Calara, and Dana were introduced quickly up until chapter 10, then Jade in chapter 16. Rachel only joined by about chapter 34 or so. Irillith (and Edraele) joined them in chapter 53, then Sakura at about chapter 62. Tashana was around chapter 75 iirc.


Ummmm, Yes! is all I can really say.

Viktor Hauge

What about one of When Jade teached Alyssa to relax in water?


Can we get john in a bikini?


sry the art doesnt interest me nothing beats my imagination

Jedi Khan

I was going to suggest doing a movie poster/book cover, but I imagine you first need the rest of the characters done and as well as the Invictus before you can do something like that.


It's been done ....... sort of! <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/6c/f3/776cf3dd7fd06de555e1e3b272869047--sci-fi-movies-horror-movies.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/6c/f3/776cf3dd7fd06de555e1e3b272869047--sci-fi-movies-horror-movies.jpg</a>


Over $2000+ / chapter and climbing, Congats Tefler.


Anything with Faye! I'm curious to see how you envision her.


With $2000/ch being reached hope you celebrate by buying Mrs Tefler a nice new dress/outfit


How about all of them in one picture doing a pose, specific to their persona? i think that could be really nice:) i really love your story! :)


T minus 4 days..... withdrawals from lack of new content starting


Its about this time that Crazy emerges out of Jedi Khan's shadow.


Next stop 1200 Patrons!


maybe its the free advertising of Tefler's position on the Literotica awards that is causing the influx of new Patrons.


2 days?


T minus 19 hours


How about Calara vs Sakura in competing styles of martial arts (Tiger vs Crane, etc.), in the gym in training gi-wear, worn loosely to show heavy fighting and breathing (probably due to the expose cleavage) :-)


George, why would you want them wearing clothes? Seems a waste of good cleavage.


Tefler a friend of mine does sci-fi models (if you could call) such as mech space ships dragons etc that are made from recycled material most of the deigns come from his imagination and are prety good when i saw them i straight away thought of 3SM and how cool it would be if there were models/merchandise one could get from the story i have some pictures of his work if you are interested


That sounds very interesting! I'd love to see some examples of his work. :-)

Master Laurent

How about Invictus &amp; Battle cruiser? Just found the pics you posted several months ago, they are great. That being said, and as you pointed out, they are close but still a little off.


I would like to see depictions rendering all the medals mentioned in the story, especially the Lion and Drqgon Defnder medals.