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*** Updated 17th July ***

Hey everyone,

I've written 33k of the next chapter, so I'm still on track for a 20th July release date. :-)

I'm working with a couple of artists on the next two commissioned pieces. One of which will be in August (the Maliri twins), the other I'm hoping to have ready by the end of the month (Jade in tiger form).

I'll put up a poll so you can let me know what you want next. :-)





You know, you work pretty hard. Maybe you should take a holiday! (in about another 100 chapters...)

CJ Mora

I'm seriously Jonesing for my next 3SM fix!!!!

CJ Mora

Addiction is a terrible thing!


T minus 8 days


I have a long driving trip ahead of me. I should get home just in time to rest up and download the next chapter.


Tefler do the Literotica chapters since ch 58 forward have your latest revisions or are the Patreon posts always the latest and greatest? Combining all 84 chapters into one document illuminates how prolific you've been writing TSM. Amazing and in the words of Chaz Michael Michaels, "It's mind-bottling". Word count is 1.7 million and climbing. That's probably the equivalent of 10 or more ebooks.


Holy shit that's alot didn't realize it was that many already


So I mentioned this in a post on the last chapter, but thought I would bring it to discussion over here. What's the likelihood that John, either by accident or by design, discovers a grave from Nymphs. Like he could go visit a graveyard on their home planet, and start reviving them? Or have Rill search the T-Fed archives for every encounter they've had with Nymphs, and possible get some that way. Now that Alyssa has absorbed Athena, maybe she'll be able to help John convert/fix the Malari?

rich ed

I am thinking that it either has to be Rupert or Seb Mortimer who placed the hit on John, it has the right time frame in the story to my mind

rich ed

also doing another read thru, (for future editing) chapter 11 page 2 on literotica is this "Thanks for being so honest with me" he said as he pulled Alyssa in for a hug. "Just let me know if anything else changes" he requested, his concern for her ringing in his voice. Calara kissed him fondly and nodded agreeably. They dressed quickly and turned to check on Sparks one last time before they left, the pale young girl was still sleeping soundly." it should be Alyssa not Calara

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I was having a discussion with another reader on Lit about Jehenna and Tefler gives us a bit of a teaser here. NEWSFLASH Re: Jehanna Jehanna and John were always going to get some time in bed together after this award ceremony, It's been on my story arc plan for about six months. I listen to feedback, and often it gives me ideas to use in the story, but I don't remember a lot of people asking for Jehanna to be added to the crew. Alyssa and John were attracted to her from the start, but them saving her life from Nexus was the catalyst for some bedroom action! They've got something different in mind with Jehanna, so you'll see how that plays out in chapter 85. :-) Tefler


TFNN Breaking News Admirals Vincent Buckingham and Lynette Deveraux snf 3 other Terran Admirals turn themselves in to face military tribunal for plotting against newly appointed Vice Admiral John Blake. They have asked that the Lion sit on the tribunal. The Admirals said they turned themselves in to prevent the loss of innocent Terran military lives if they were hunted down by Vice Admiral John Blake and attacked aboard their ships.


TFNN Special Alert From Lead Reporter Jehenna:Vice Admiral John Blake has accepted the request of the Admirals to be on the military tribunal.


Wasn't there something to do with the Kirrix being delivered Humans before Grant fled. Perhaps the pirates that attacked Calara's ship had something to do with it as well? Been quite awhile since I read those Chapters, so hard to recall the particulars. Don't think it was Seb, as Mikaboshi would have probably only contracted to the seriously wealthy and powerful.


If John is an officer (King) of Maliri regency, so he should get diplomatic immunity and special status rather than just a member of Admiralty. Buckingham and Deveraux can be tried at Maliri court for plotting against thier king.


Is Jehanna an orphan?


JFL, would be great to have you on my crew. Funny, I am driving across the continent in the same time that the Invictus travels across between star systems.


Jehanna gives a whole new meaning to the term "embedded reporter"


T minus 6 days 22 hours 30 minutes


I am not sure about the graves ideas, but I love the database search. I think jade should ask John to do a search for her kind. This may help lead to so new adventures in uncharted space. Tef, interested in hunting nymphs?

Jedi Khan

John pretty much wiped those pirates out, the ones who were selling captives to the Kirrix. That's where he found Jade.

Jedi Khan

Problem with that is that most governmental organizations don't look too kindly on their high level personnel having ties to a foreign power like that. In order for John to claim diplomatic immunity with the TFed as an official representative (or ruler) of the Maliri, he'd have to go public with that information. That would give the Admiralty the opportunity to crucify him, claiming he has turned traitor against the Terrans for another race. Instead of getting said diplomatic immunity, he would then become persona non grata among the Terrans despite all he's done for them. John's in a very precarious situation in terms of diplomacy and politics. While the Maliri Matriarchs and the Ashanath High Council are okay with him having connections with other races while also having a position of command with each race, TFed Command will not be okay with that idea. Hell, they're afraid of him usurping their authority within the Terran Federation as is; knowing just how much power he has with both the Ashanath and Maliri will only compound their fears. They'll jump at the chance to ruin his public image in an attempt to regain power, portraying themselves to be just as victimized as the rest of the TFed when and if John reveals his roles with the Maliri and Ashanath, revealing his betrayal of the Terrans to foreign powers. I've mentioned this several times in the past, but I highly doubted TFed High Command much liked the idea of John zipping around in his over powered ship doing whatever he pleases, and the recent chapters have confirmed that. They're a power hungry bunch, wanting absolute control over their domain, and John is a rogue element, muscling his way up the power ladder. They tried to gain control over him with the awards, public displays of support, and claims that he was acting on their behalf, but that's backfired on them. They're now left with few options on how to deal with John, none of which they like. I think the best, and possibly only, way this is going to work out for John and the TFed is if John keeps his exact roles with the Maliri and Ashanath a secret from the Admirals, instead saying he has negotiated a mutual assistance treaty with them as an independent party and he wants the TFed to join. He will have to emphasize that all parties will maintain independence and control over their own territories and internal affairs, with no interference from John. If TFed Command insists on maintaining the image of John being under them, they could spin this mutual assistance treaty as them using John as a proxy to negotiate a new era of trade and friendship with their neighbors. Or they could leave John out of the story entirely and claim it was all their doing. Either way, point is, John can't be claiming any sort of official diplomatic status on behalf of anybody other than the TFed or else the Admirals will take offense and use that as ammunition to destroy him.

Jedi Khan

I said I would be promoting the vote on status updates, and so I shall. ATTENTION EVERYONE! Voting is OPEN for the 2016 Literotica Awards! Tefler has been nominated for several categories, including: Most Influential Writer, Sexiest Male Character (John Blake), Sexiest Female Character (Alyssa), and best in Sci-Fi &amp; Fantasy (Chapter 60)! Click on the below link to go straight to the voting page on the Literotica Forums! Note: You'll need a Literotica account in order to vote. If you have one for commenting on Tefler's stories, that account will work on the forums as well. VOTE NOW! <a href="http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1443374" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1443374</a>


Jedi thanks man, made that easy. Tefler i dont think you're going to have much competition if these votes keep going this way lol


Joshua. Voting does not close till 3 September. Given the actual number of votes cast is approx 200. It won't take much of a concerted effort for Tefler's lead to be overturned Hence the call for all Tefler addicts to vote.


Oh I hear ya, lol but it's the addicts that will come through.


T minus 6 days 1 hour..... and yes I am getting the pre-chapter jitters.


If you use a gravity lense idea for the nova cannons. Once the beams are compressed to their minimum diameter, they could do some orbital reshaping of planets. Along the lines of "rogue one" with the firming of the "Death Star"s primary weapon as a single reactor blast...

Jedi Khan

I'm pretty sure the Nova Lances can do that as is. Hell, I bet the Nova Lances could crack the planet's crust, which won't destroy the planet outright, but would pretty much render it uninhabitable. The Singularity Drivers would probably be best for wholesale devastation of a planet from orbit without turning the planet into a lifeless rock. Use the Beam Lasers, Heavy and Gauss Cannons for more pinpoint destruction. Given the typical distances in space (which Tefler has helpfully glossed over), a ship in a standard or low orbit has anything on the planet's surface at what could be considered point blank range. I really want to see the Invictus do an orbital bombardment at some point. The devastation will be brutal.


$2009 now yes

Master Laurent

Addiction bleeding over into Real Life - Something Off topic and Random - But Fun. Yesterday I helped a friend install 10 LED Stage Spot Lights. I will spare you the details of being in a Hot, Dirty Catwalk and getting them into position. However, All I could think about was they were Nova Lances or Photon Beam Lasers. Had to Focus and program and JFL came to mind. <a href="http://www.adj.com/encore-profile-1000-color" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.adj.com/encore-profile-1000-color</a>


I just finished part 1 and handed it over to my editors. I'll leap straight into part 2! :-)


It just leapt up by a big chunk! It's amazing that it's topped 2k! oO


miss the old days when we got part 1 to read over the weekend :(


I've only done that a couple of times. The reason I'm not keen on doing it, is because I often go back and make substantial tweaks to part 1 as part 2 develops. If I make changes like that, it ends up confusing everyone when part 1 starts getting switched around. :-)


Yippee $2000/ch nude Alyssa pic here we come !!

Jedi Khan

Only 3k words added today, Tef? Somehow I'm disappointed, even though I know it's a weekend, so you should (theoretically) take it easy. Since tomorrow's Monday, let's try for 6k okay?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay, what are the Admirals going to do? First: They are going to attempt to discredit him, blaming him for the club attack. Jahenna neatly castrates that attempt, turning the tables with the revelation of who was responsible for that deadly disease Second: They are going to send in spec ops troops to try and take the Invictus. Third: When those fail, the Admirals will attempt to go after him with their fleet. Problem is, by the Third attempt two things are going to happen First: (right after the fleet is upgraded), the Kintark attack again and John saves their asses a third time. Second: The Admirals are effectively deposed due to the revelations of the disease, the Admiral defections, and their turning on the Lion...leaving only Admiral Charles Harris in charge as the Fleet Commander who immediately names John the Commander in Chief of the Fleet during wartime.


Speculative, Plausible, but a little too linear in my view for Tefler


I see the admiralty swallowing a bitter pill or John's friends in the admiralty hearing the plans and in effect staging their own cou in order to save the alliance and the naval command. I see them being arrested and tried and majority control handed over to John. A wartime leader but with his friend holding down the base and keeping everything in order while he adventures.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Yeah, I just don't see any way the Admiralty can really do anything that would be effective. And I think they are slowly coming to that conclusion. What they don't know is how hard it would be to take the Invictus, either by fleet action or by boarding action. The Admiralty doesn't know the Invictus can do FTL within gravity wells now. And the weapons upgrades about to come down the pike along with shielding and upgraded panels on the outer hull and the ability of the mass weapons to penetrate shielding...just not going to happen even IF the Captains would go along with it. Plus, the Invictus can just run away. I am thinking their only real option is to do something similar to what the Ashanath did.

Master Laurent

My Speculations for Chapter 85. And as we all know speak speculations/opinions are like backsides, everybody has one! Not in any specific order. 1. Jehanna’s Feedings / 3 = Sleep Visit from Big Bad Guy on Astral Plane. 2. Who ordered the hit on John, and are they still a threat? If it was Tfed, Address it now, if not, later! 3. Can they return Jehanna to Tfed space, what was the fallout from the bombing? 4. Does Rachel rapid heal any of those injured in the bombing? 5. Dana’s engineering/ongoing work on the ESP weapons. 6. Installation of the Photon Lasers 7. Faye’s discussion with John/crew / Faye’s upgrade to the Boy’s I know I have left out a number of things, however the great Tefler Will usually throw one of his classic curve-balls, and we all know it will be 5-10 chapters before we get to the Brimorian space to trade for Shields. And that is assuming that the curve balls will only be a few, I can see some point with Proj. John has to be dealt with. Why do I say this? Chapter 86 (1 Day)– Jenanna’s Responsibilities Space stations Plans – Designs and Logistics Dana’s Feedings Start Tfed Fallout / Who ordered the Hit? Faye’s Body discussions / designs Chapter 87 – (3 Days) Vacation Dana’s Feedings Engineering Breakthroughs More Training for Girls /Skills Development New skills for Tashana, she already had pyrokinesis Space station Plans – Designs and Logistics Faye’s Body discussions / designs Chapter 88 – (4 Days) Vacation - Continued Dana’s Feedings Engineering Breakthroughs More Training for Girls /Skills Development Space station Plans – Designs and Logistics Faye’s Body discussions / designs Chapter 89 – (2 Days) Vacation – Eden Trip Rachael’s Father Sakura’s Closure Cloning Facility – Jade body for Faye! Dana’s Feedings Engineering Breakthroughs Dana’s design for new Frigate/Destroyer sized fighters. Chapter 90 – (2 Days) Trankaran – White Queen Supplies – For Trade with Brimorians and for new Space Stations / Fighters Dana’s Feedings / Split with White Queen Chapter 91 – (2 Days) Trankaran Continued White Queen Supplies Dana’s Feedings / Split with White Queen White Queen’s Feedings / 3 = Visit from Big Guy on Astral Plane. Invictus ESP Upgrades. Dana’s design for new Frigate/Destroyer sized fighters. Chapter 92 – (2 Days) Brimorians John/Girls Save the Day for Brimorians – BSP Instigated Jade’s Feedings Trading Shields


So if Jehanna becomes the Pride PR specialist, that still leaves the blond from the vacation planet to be the comm specialist/aide for John. With the amount of money Alyssa is going to be generating for him, he'll need someone to act as a buffer between him and the population in general. Alyssa is a little too playful to constantly carry the professionalism such a position would require. Thoughts?

Master Laurent

Great Call Ben C - I like the way you are thinking. However, he will need someone like that will all of the Races he saves.


MasterLaurent, would you please enlighten me about who the white queen is? I think I have forgotten her if she was mentioned before :o

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay: I have a few ideas about the nature of Progenitors. I hypothesize that the Leviathan in the Astral Plane found a way, through a psychic race, to manifest itself into our plane of reality many eons ago. That physical manifestation, a process that was being repeated with Irillith when she was struck by the tentacle in chapters 67/68, allowed for the first Progenitor to be hard coded into our reality. This process was repeated over and over, creating the 'brotherhood' of Progenitors. The reason only males were made Progenitors is to ensure the ability to gain Thralls through the process of domination through sexual intercourse as a way to create a failsafe way to ensure the Progenitors only came from the process mentioned above...locking them into Leviathan slavery. For some reason, Mael was able to break free from his enslavement and the Leviathan sent his 'strongest' slave to destroy him. Mael had grown 'weak' which suggests he did not continue to create Thralls while the 'brother' attacking him had. It took a while, for navigational reasons (can't use a worm-hole exit point without knowing the star charts) or because the Thralls did not have that drive technology, but the attack finally happened and the only way Mael could stop total annihilation of all his creations (and his beloved Maliri) was to overload his worm-hole drive...but that only delayed the final confrontation by about 10,000 years. John is now a Progenitor who is also free of the Leviathan...and he has created a female Progenitor as well as violated the limitations put upon Progenitors by allowing Rachel to have psychic healing. These developments suggest John is something of a social deviant or radical within the ranks of Progenitors which the Leviathan now feels is a threat to it's power. These may explain the BSP's interest in watching John as opposed to just destroying him as a normal Progenitor (or it could be he is John's brother and is also not completely enslaved by the Leviathan. Thoughts?


T minus 3 days 1 hour


The great thing about Tefler's addicts is the amount of effort and creativity that people such as JFL, DS, JK and ML put in - sorry if I missed anyone. It does add depth to Tefler's stories.


Ooooohhhh Wookey, you are hopelessly attached aren't you ;-} lol. Bit like a lap dog, or a particular ginger cat that lives with me


Pretty sure it was the invictus


Is Alyssa's absorption of Athena a polite nod to Jedi Khan and Crazy? Something to chew on as we count down towards Ch 85. T minus 2 days 90 minutes for anyone that is counting.....


I was thinking about some of the comments previously, and I had an interesting thought. While it is true that it's in John's nature - quite literally - to rule a vast swath of space, I don't think he wants to set himself up as 'Emperor' or anything of that nature. That would fit the personality of his Progenitor guide, perhaps, but not the self that he wants to be. The real question is what are John's motivations. Given that he can achieve anything that he wants to achieve, what is it that he wants? My own take on this is, in order of importance to John, is: 1 - Build, Shape and Protect his family. (Okay, I thought about just saying build and protect his family, but couldn't resist the BSP reference in terms of John, too.) 2 - Be Good (as defined by the morality of his grandparents when he was growing up). Obviously, this doesn't include any adherence to monogamy, but does include helping others. 3 - Have the power to ensure that he can perform the above two goals. Note that John is aware that that power can be physical, psychic, spiritual, or financial. Having the people revere him (spiritual) as their savior (which he was due to his physical and psychic powers) should help a great deal, but he hasn't neglected the financial (where others owe him as indicated by the exchange of debt, known in today's parlance as money) side, either. Yes, all of that was accomplished largely through others, but they were, to a significant degree, created by him in the first place (in accordance with the first goal above). 4 - Have Freedom (thus, not wanting to be tied down except in accordance with the goals above). Anyone else have a different take on what John wants to achieve?

rich ed

I am wondering if Sakura will pair up with Jenanna, as mentioned earlier that Jade is besotted with John and will not pair up, likewise the twins who are also aliens and are hard wired to revere Progenitors. Also I suspect that Jenanna will go back to Tefed and be their eyes and ears until John can safely settle down. Any thoughts on that there is no actual Government in Terra but is in fact run by the military? If there was a government then surely they would have extended John and co a invitation to thank them personally or at least been at the last awards ceremony. If I was a governing body I would have given my left nut to be part of the ceremony and would have made a speech thanking them from the peoples of Terra. So in short I believe that it is a military run society

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

John has a very deep sense of Justice. His morality seems fairly well defined at this point, but a bit situational at times when he needs to justify something...like taking advantage of Seb Mortimer in his trades or glossing over the killing of unarmed pirates in their cell. Don't get me wrong, not critical of those things...just observational comments. So I see him initially taking on the role of white knight to this part of the Galaxy...and expanding that over time to the Universe.


Believe tef has said awhile ago that the TeFed is a military merit oligarchy or some such.


Now most ppl are thinking it is the Admiralty that did the hit, but I think it was the goon who lost his hand in the first chapters named Sev or Seb I think just a guess tho.

Master Laurent

Wondering if Tefler is going to give us an early gift of the Story Today? My Calculations show that Yesterday/Today should be the day based upon past statistics. *A Bow to the Great Tefler, Please, Please, Please!*

Master Laurent

David, Can you hear Tefler's Evil laugh in the background? His Enjoyment behind all of the speculation and the torments it causes in all of us Addicts? With Deepest respect, Thank You Tefler for providing such an entertaining Menagerie for us all.


Any bets on who placed the hit on John?  Grant?  Pirate?  Relative of a pirate that was killed?  Relative of a person who was saved that "should have been" killed? Tefler should wait another chapter or two before revealing...

Jedi Khan

Well, considering Tefler has his post above saying he's on track for the chapter coming out the 20th, I'd say we have at least another 12 to 24 hours before we see the chapter.


I reckon its got to be one of two people, either Buckingham or (and this is a long shot), Rachel's father. To hire Mikaboshi you'd have to have either serious influence or serious money, and they are the only two I can think of who fit the bill.

Master Laurent

Whoever it was that took out the hit I suspect they will be on the end of Alyssa's "Kame-hame-ha" or a Nova Lance - Them in the assassins shuttle - floating in the lifeless ship watching the Invictus bring the bow around to fire. Or Maybe placing the ship in the event horizon of a Black hole where time slows so it will appear that they are watching the Invictus for several months and the beam of the Nova Lance for several more months while it only takes 2 minutes of time on the Invictus. This is a part of the "Range Test",- Both meanings applicable - Of the newly enhanced Nova Lances. (Yes, I am assuming that they will stock the ship with food and water for 6 months just to be safe - Of course they will have to remove everything else to make room for the supplies.

Master Laurent

5.5 Hours until the 20Th Tefler Time!


To be fair July 20th can also mean 29 hours from now too :P

Master Laurent

So the great debate as to who the BSP is has so many of us wondering. I have been thinking about this a great deal. Thanks to JFL and the rest for putting so many ideas in my head. I am not going to speculate as to who he is, however I want to throw this idea out as a motive. Plain and simple, boredom! I have read many stories about immortals who after thousands of years get bored because they have no new experiences. John obviously is a new toy for the BSP to play with. The BSP seems to consistently create situations that present new learning opportunities for John. To the BSP, this is nothing more than an action adventure movie happening in real life. We know that the progenitors of old have had little regard for the lives of the different races. This could also be some “rite of passage” test to see if John is admitted into the new progenitor’s club that no longer enslaves races like the projectors of old. Also the BSP could be forcing John’s hand so that he has the opportunity to develop his moral compass. This is why I feel a white queen is in the future. Evan made a post about what John’s motivations are and I think he is spot on. However, we all know the universe has bigger plans for us despite what we may want. Enough for now!


ML, the countdown is generally to midnight U.K. Time. Tefler usually releases somewhere between 11pm &amp; midnight. As we are now at midnight UK, I suspect it's T minus 1 day

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

ML: You said, “This could also be some “rite of passage” test to see if John is admitted into the new progenitor’s club that no longer enslaves races like the projectors of old. Also the BSP could be forcing John’s hand so that he has the opportunity to develop his moral compass. This is why I feel a white queen is in the future.” While I can agree with the boredom angle, I respectfully disagree with the statement above. My reasoning? This assumes a moral code of BSP that we have not seen manifested. BSP has initiated a bloody civil war with the Trankarans, the war with the kintark (and callously brutal killing of his primary Terran agent), genocide of the Ashanath. BSP is definitely playing a game with these races and with John...as evidenced by the chess game scenario...taking out different races/pieces to weaken his opponent. I think it is more that, as BSP stated at the end of the Ashanath incident, he just truly does not understand what game John is playing in his, “silly white ship” and is therefore playing a cautious game of conquest because the Progenitor in this sector of the Galaxy has already taken out their most powerful brother....so the 'brotherhood' sent their best tactician this time.


I wrote 8k today, taking me well over 33k for this chapter. I've still got a couple of important scenes to write, but I'm not sure if I should tag them on the end of this one or just start off chapter 86 with them instead. I'll have a think about it overnight and wrap it up one way or another tomorrow. :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Dear Lion: I am Mr. Slipthadictoher, Chairman of the Board of Men's Incorporated. With your reputation with gorgeous women, our Board of Directors has determined you would be the perfect persona for our male enhancement formula. We are prepared to offer you 5 million credits for your sponsorship of our fine product. To make this as quick and painless for you as possible, we can set up a holographic interview with you where you would read a prepared script stating you use our product and your ladies love the benefits of your newfound stamina and youthful exuberance. We anticipate this process would take less than an hour of your time. Please contact us at Men's Incorporated, using extension 00001 to reach my office to discuss this business opportunity. With the greatest respect and appreciation, Mr. Iam Goingto Slipthadictoher: Chairman of the Board Men's Inc.


I'm bidding my time on voting as I can't remember my lit username/password. Lol. But I'll figure it out if the other side gets even halfway caught up.


Well, it's now after 2am so I guess I'll just go to sleep now and see if I can wake up early enough to read the chapter before work.


Good call. I'll be working on it for another couple of hours this morning. :-)


Take your time man, your chapters tend to prove worth the wait. I started out following you on literotica, and could never wait for the next chapter but they all proved worth the wait

Master Laurent

I would like to throw my support behind Tefler at this moment to do what has always provided him with Success - Release the chapter when he feels he is complete with it. I know that many of us want it now, however, I could only image the “Heated Words” over the chapter if it was not up to the Standards that Tefler has demonstrated over the 1.7M+ Words he has published. I am guilty because I asked earlier for Part One and Tefler pointed out that things often change dramatically after he gets the second part done and that is why he has stopped putting out part one beforehand. As someone that has done a great deal of Technical Writing, I like to point out “The Entire World is an Editor, Very Few are Creators!” And the Gifts that Tefler Creates Are AMAZING as Evident by the $2000+ Patreon Support and average 350+ comments per chapter and on Lit: Chapter 80 – 16,891 Views on Lit Chapter 81 – 19,841 Views on Lit Chapter 82 – 18,190 Views on Lit Chapter 83 – 14,669 Views on Lit


Meanwhile on Storiesonline it's posted as the complete story (so far) with new chapters added as and when they appear, Since it was first posted on 23rd November last year (I read it over Christmas and the rest, as they say, is history) it's been downloaded 632506 times.

Master Laurent

T-8:24 To Midnight Tef Time, Hoping that he will release this as a late afternoon release.


I'm asking you to drop it. YOU ruined the innocent be we had going. It harmed no one. So I deleted the posts so you would quit replying. Yet to keep coming back with longer and longer posts. Just. Drop. It.