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A man battles with his inner demons. Does he have the willpower to overcome his crippling addiction?

The guest writer for this short story is Kin, a fellow Patron.

I hope you enjoy it!



CJ Mora

Nice! Cue Rod Serling...

Master Laurent

My Name is Laurent, and I AM AN ADDICT!


Bit of fun, LOL loved the last line.


Count me in

Jedi Khan

Yup, that sounds about right for a TSM Addiction Counseling Group. Introduce ourselves, admit we're addicts, then talk about the story and do nothing about the addiction.

Jim lynch

My name is Jim and I don't want to be cured either

Anthony Kester

My name is Anthony and I am a 3SM addict. The only cure for me is for Tefler to write more chapters and feed the addiction!!!


My name is Kin, and I am an addict. I’m pleased I took the step to join the group. ;-)

Jedi Khan

Welcome to the club, Kin. Thanks for the contribution! Jedi, why the hell did you join this addiction counseling group to begin with? I didn't take you for a quitter. Oh, will you shut up about that already Crazy? We've been over it before. Just because this group is meant for dealing with and eventually overcoming addiction, no one's gotten past the first step yet. Hell, there isn't even a step two. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just get me the next chapter already! I'll be in my corner. *sigh* Sorry about that Kin. Not sure you've met Crazy yet. He's sort of a known personality around here. Pretty much my addiction personified. He started off sort of like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, but then I kil...er, he died, and now he's a ghost haunting me. Really annoying little prick, if you ask me. *in distance* I heard that! Oh shut up!


Oh? are we meeting again today? must've gotten distracted with something...


My addiction getting bad... still T minus 4 days