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Pretty close to what I had in mind for TFNN's Lead Anchor. :-)

I visited India a year or so ago on a business trip. Some very beautiful girls there!




Very nice


I made port call in Bahrain while in the navy.. and you are definitely right there tefler

Daniel Sifrit

The funny part is Ashika there is a Kiwi! She apparently does a lot of work for Indian brands though, so I assume a lot of tanning booth time as well as a bit of airbrushery.


I googled her out of interest and she's ethnically Indian apparently. You're right that she's from New Zealand though. :-)

Daniel Sifrit

Hey, I was curious too. :) I am sure to Indians she has the same "just enough other" to look a little exotic without quite BEING other.


Well, I am an indian and to me, she looks 100% indian :)


Well a couple things about Jehanna. First your description as "dusky skinned" made me think more towards African. Second I had just read her "Sword/Spear of Shiva" comment when the email for this posted XD


Yeah, I was just trying to find a picture close to some of the girls I saw out there. I've worked with a lot of Indian women (outsourced IT), so the comments about the lighter skin tone in the latest chapter were simply me paraphrasing what they'd told me. (Wrapping up to avoid the sun, to stop their skin getting darker).


Yea I was thinking all this time that she was umm dark skinned ?

Jedi Khan

Wookey, your turn. Ready? Go.

Viktor Hauge

That is perfection in my view!


I wonder if Jehanna will also turn out to be a "wounded little bird"?


John carrying a gravid Jehanna wrapped in a sheet; you tell me?

Jedi Khan

You know, for a half a moment, I almost thought that GQ watermark in the lower left corner was a brand on her...what part of her body would that be? Buttock still or would it be the thigh?


Is there a front view to be found?


<a href="http://swipe.swipelife.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/GQ-India-Ft.-Ashika-Pratt-swipelife-1.jpg?aec60b" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://swipe.swipelife.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/GQ-India-Ft.-Ashika-Pratt-swipelife-1.jpg?aec60b</a>


Just re-read the chapter and picked the Superman/Lois reference "Leaning in to give Jehanna an affectionate kiss, she replied, “I wonder what it is that makes beautiful reporters fall for superhumans?”" Love it :)

CJ Mora

Oh yeah! An olive-/dusky-hued babe like this is more my speed! Two weeks of her on her knees, begging me for a belly-full is probably the only thing that would keep me from obsessing about when the next chapter cones out!


Have posted a few alternatives for the Indian reporter role in community section. Am sure that John would have plenty of resumes thrown at him.


Just imagine the trio! Calara, Jehanna, Sakura! I'm going to love writing that scene! :-)


There might even be a few male resumes being sent in... Granted those get an automatic rejection by Alyssa.


Tefler, there's a good reason that Jedi K keeps suggesting an anime movie of 3SM!


And the rest of us are going to enjoy the hell out of reading it Tefler!