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Chapter Thirteen:

Weeks came and went as Brad’s life fell apart around him. He told no one in his life about the sounds that greeted him when he came home every day. Michael abused Jean’s body without pause. Even as her belly and breasts began to swell with the demonic spawn growing inside of her, Michael showed no hint of slowing down. During the day, Brad fed them at their request, and at night he slept on the couch until the sex grew too loud and too animal for him to handle. Then, he started sleeping in the garage.

Nothing left in Brad gave him any hope that his marriage could be salvaged. He gave up hope and knew deep down that there was nothing left to salvage anyway. Watching Jean eat Michael’s asshole and milking him into her cum-hungry mouth was more than enough to tell him everything he needed to know. He had went to bed that night planning to kill himself in the morning, but he couldn’t sleep. He paced the house planning revenge until he realized that Michael’s death would only lead to jailtime.

In the earliest part of the morning, he was planning to finish Jean instead, to make her feel as dead as he felt inside, but he knew that wouldn’t solve his problem. That wouldn’t bring her back. He stayed awake all day and lived like a zombie, and he cried himself to sleep that night. His last thoughts as he drifted off were of regret. He wished he could turn back time and tell himself not to invite Michael to their house. He knew now that there were other ways, and that the costs didn’t matter. No price was worth losing his wife.

Day after day, night after night, he went to work and came home to the stink of sex. Michael began walking the house naked like he owned it, and he didn’t leave during the day. Jean bathed for work and came home to fuck, and Brad knew that the only reason she still had a job was support Michael, who had quit his own job. Brad stayed and cleaned the house for them while they fucked and wailed like wild animals. Gradually, he grew numb to all of it and felt almost grateful for something to do while they were busy. It made him feel useful.

The Jean Brad knew and married was gone, and a horrible, pregnant pig was left in her place. It looked to him like Jean, but it had been molded, distorted and corrupted by Michael’s cruel and uncaring hands. Even still, this horrid heifer was the closest thing he had left to his wife in the world. It wasn’t enough, but it was all that was left, so he would have to make it enough.

That was why he stayed, and over time he made peace with the life he would have. It would be torture, but it would be a torture worth living. The child that would come from Michael and Jean’s devilish union was innocent and would be uncared for if he left. Jean, dick-drunk as she was, could not be trusted to care for another human life, and Michael had already shown himself incapable of caring for anything other than his own pleasure. So, Brad reasoned that he could make his life worth living by caring for the child instead.

He quietly made plans and bought things for the horrible thing. He made himself aware of the appointments Jean had to meet and made sure she went. He put a nursery together and waited for the child with care and love. If he couldn’t have his wife, he would at least have the child Michael had promised, and he would protect it from a mother who was little more than a meat sleave and a father who was a fat beast. Whatever its origin, he would give it love and a home worth living in.

One day, Brad came home planning how to protect a child that he already hated in a home that was no longer his home, and he found Michael and Jean together on the couch. Normally, they stayed in the bedroom, but Michael’s recent bravery should have prepared Brad for this. The big man had all but moved in with them, and his growing boldness was a precursor for what was to come. Even after the child was born, Brad would have to find somewhere else to live, especially if he wanted the child to grow up relatively normal.

Michael was cruel, and he was clearly trying to break Brad. He sat spread-legged on the couch with a beer in one hand and a smile on his face as the door came home. Jean was between his legs, naked and pregnant, with her face buried in his hairy ass cheeks and moving as she licked him and stroked him. The TV was on, but no one was really watching it.

Brad and Michael made eye contact as Brad entered, and Michael laughed and lifted his drink in a toast. “Sorry about this,” he said with a wink and a crooked grin, and Jean could be heard giggling into his ass. She hardly spared Brad a glance but made a show of dancing her pink tongue up Michael's dirty ass crack and to his heavy, hairy testicles. Michael growled, “Guess we lost track of time.”

Brad hardly knew how to respond. It was his first-time seeing Jean in weeks, and she looked even bigger than before. Her nipples were pierced, and she was tattooed. Michael had marked her as his property and as his breeder, and by the way she looked at the big man, she truly wasn’t even a person anymore. There was an oversized dildo jammed up her gleaming ass, and it gave Brad some idea of why they were in the living room to begin with. He had stopped going upstairs in the morning to dress, but Michael was not done hurting him.

“We’re getting close now, ain’t we,” Michael asked, and Brad looked at Jean’s milk-swollen udders and bulbous belly and nodded. “My dick goes deep. Pretty soon, I won’t be able to use her like I was. So, we got to get her ready for that, don’t we, bitch?” Taking hold of Jean by the hair, Michael dragged her out of his ass and up his cock. Jean had hair in her mouth and smile on her face as she stared at and through Brad.

She kissed Michael’s shaft and purred. “Yes, daddy…” She nuzzled him and sniffed his balls before being given the chance to taste him again. Michael laughed and placed one of his feet on her thick, womanly thighs as she slobbered on him.

“You married a real one, man. It’s been years since I found a bitch this dick-hungry, and I’ve got to tell you…” He smiled and slapped her across the face. “I’m more than satisfied with her.”

Brad still did not speak. He just watched in silence and swallowed his rising bile.

“I already decided I was going to keep her, but what good is a cunt if you can’t use it? So, I’ve had to open her up in other ways.” Jean moaned into his pubic hair, and Brad’s eyes drifted to the large dildo sticking out of her plump, pregnant ass.

“You’re going to use her butt?”

“Her ass. I’m going to fuck her ass.” Michael laughed. “Most women are too scared to try with me for…obvious reasons.”

“Big dick,” moaned Jean as she slurped and sucked him, and Michael laughed again.

“Exactly,” he said. “This bitch isn’t scared, though. She just wants it.” He stared Brad in the eye and let a cruel, uncaring grin settle on his face. This pain he was causing was almost as good to him as Jean was, and it showed in his eyes. “She ever do this type of shit with you before, Brad? You ever seen her this desperate?”

Brad swallowed again but could taste the acid from his stomach. His throat felt dry and achy now. He shook his head. “No,” he croaked.

“Hm. Too bad,” said Michael, and he leaned forward and swatted Jean across her bottom. “Ass is real tight and looks just right for my dick.” Moving Jean by the hair again, he tossed her pregnant body to the floor as he stood. His massive cock gleamed and swung with his movements while she settled onto her knees. He squatted behind her and said, “But don’t take my word for it.” Michael slapped her hard enough to leave a mark, and that was when Brad saw the numerous bruises she had across her hips from when he used her, but Jean wiggled her rear at him like she wanted it. “Let me show you how good she is.”

Michael yanked the dildo from her ass and tossed it onto the floor between them. Jean moaned and held her ass up for him. With a cheek in each hand, Michael held her open and swung his hips to slap his dick down across her cleft. Jean moaned and drooled in thoughtless, animal arousal. “Do it, daddy! Fuck me! Fuck a baby straight into my asshole! Break me, daddy! You’ve already bred me, now break me for real!!”

“I’ve already bred you?” Michael guffawed loudly as he lined up behind her. His fat crown opened her greasy butthole, and he took her with a hard thrust forward while she whined. Jean fell forward onto her arms, and her face scrapped the carpet as he held himself inside of her. Her big, milk-swollen breasts slapped the floor as he took her to half his length with a single stroke, and Michael held her by her wide, womanly hips and growled. “I already broke you, too, you stupid bitch.”

“Yes,” Jean panted, and she drooled into her arms as her tits cushioned Michael’s movements. Brad watched them with growing disgust, but his pants were tight despite his horror. “Broken…by dick,” she whined, and she tried to lift herself, but her arms were shaking. Her breasts hung like massive udders, and the piercings she had gotten for Michael gleamed. She stared at Brad with hollow eyes, and her big butt absorbed the hard blows of Michael’s pelvis on each stroke. “He broke me, baby! He fucked a baby into me, and he broke me!!”

Bradly shook and his stomach twisted. His throat was tight, and though he had tears in his eyes, he could not look away. He felt another stab in his chest as Michael withdrew his full length and showed off his dick, and that stab grew more painful as Michael entered her again. This time, Michael gave her every inch in her ass, and to Brad’s horror, Jean came.

“Breaking me,” Jean squealed, and the smile never left her face. She gushed like faucet as the orgasm took her, and Michael wheezed as he crouched over her and fucked her. His big, fat belly shook like gelatin as he hammered her, and he held her in place with one big hand on her lower back. Jean shook, too, and she drooled like a dumb beast. The look of placid, empty pleasure in her eyes would haunt Brad for years to come.

Brad stood dumb and watched. He had asked for this, and he told himself that he couldn’t walk away from what he got. Michael had a reputation for impregnating women, and at the time he had seemed clean and earnest if a bit crude. Brad didn’t know what he was asking for when he had asked. He just wanted to give Jean the child she wanted, to give her the natural pregnancy that she felt she needed. Now, he wished he hadn’t compromised on adoption. Now, he sobbed.

“Look at him bawling,” Michael said, and he took Jean by the hair and lifted her dizzy gaze to Brad. She didn’t stop smiling as Michael used her and moved her, but she did grunt and wince. Michael was giving her slow, deep thrusts, and each movement revealed his massive, gleaming dick to Brad. It seemed impossible for Michael to even fit inside of her, but judging by the glassy eyed rapture on her face, Jean seemed to be enjoying it.

Michael held Jean in place like that as he fucked her, and Brad watched the blurry image of his wife being taken with tears rolling down his face. He tried hard to bite back his sobs, but they escaped him regardless. His entire body shook with his effort to control himself, and Jean looked almost confused as she clawed at the carpet. Her breasts swayed with Michael’s movements, and her face pinched as another orgasm took her.

“Aw, Brad…Don’t cry.” She whispered to him in a gentle voice, though she never stopped smiling, even though she did seem sad for him. “Don’t cry,” she repeated, her voice edged with pleasure as she received Michael. “I’m happy now. I’m so happy. I’m having his baby! And he told me that he’d keep giving me more! He’s making me a mother, Brad! He’ll breed me and give me his children! I’m happy! I’m happy!! AH!!!”

Michael released her and let her fall forward again as he picked up speed. Jean lost the words that were in her head, and she forgot Brad again as Michael hammered her. Her bruised bottom took his forceful thrusts as his fat belly slapped down on her. He pinned her to the floor, and she could barely support their combined weight. Even on all fours, her body shook as he drilled with hard, rapid strokes.

He kept fucking her until he came, and then he filled her bowels with his seed. When finished, he withdrew and slapped his dick down across her face. Jean cleaned him with an eager, lazy smile on her face. She sucked her own ass off of him while Brad watched, and she caressed her swollen baby belly while she nursed his balls. She was still smiling even as she feasted on his hairy asshole. That was when Brad left.

He was upstairs packing when he heard his wife snorting like a pig as she ate the man’s dirty asshole, and though he hated them both, he knew that the child’s only hope at a normal life was under his resentful care.

The longer Brad lived with them, the number he became. Eventually, he got used to seeing Michael and Jean fucking. He caught them in every room of the house, even after he moved out of the master bedroom. Eventually, Jean gave birth, and though Michael was not there, Brad did not recognize her body when he saw it.

Jean did not name her child and hardly even noticed it. She refused to feed it, and so the care of her newborn daughter was left to Brad. A few weeks passed before Michael was breeding her again, and in that time, he kept using her for his own pleasure without care for her pleasure.

This pattern continued for years, and Jean never stopped. Michael bred her countless times over the years until her stretched, battered pussy was of no use to him anymore. Then, he left her with Brad and with his children to find someone else. Though Brad hated Michael, he was still grateful for him. The children loved their devoted father and never would have been born without his intervention. Eventually, Jean learned to pretend at love for Brad, though she always longed for Michael. They had a happy life together, and they had a happy family, too, thanks to their surrogate.


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