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Chapter Twelve:

Deep down, Brad knew that he had lost Jean. He had known it from the first time he saw them fuck, actually, but he had kept a secret hope alive that the inevitable wouldn’t happen. Every time he heard her moaning Michael’s name, however, he felt his wife slipping further away from him. Even then, it wasn’t until today, when he came to deliver their supper to them, that he came to realize how far away she truly was.

He found them in bed together when he entered the bedroom. Michael was naked and his fat body and greasy hair were slick with sweat. He was panting as he gave Brad a crook grin. His big back was stuck to the headboard. Jean was naked, too, and she had her ass in the air and her pussy was open like a split fruit. Semen gushed out of her in volumes that made Brad both uneasy and queasy.

Somehow, Michael was still hard, and he had his massive cock at rest against his big, bloated belly. Jean held Michael by the root and stroked him idly as she kept her face buried in his crotch. At first, Brad had assumed that she was sucking his balls and was unsettled by the animal panting and purring she did as she did it. He looked away to set the food down on a desk and happened to glance at them again on his way out, and that is when he realized that Michael’s fat, hairy balls were at rest against her face. Jean was not licking his balls at all, he realized. She was tonguing his asshole, and she seemed to love doing it, too.

The sight and horror of it made him stop, and he stood frozen and watched her work her tongue. She was stroking Michael, but her movements were distracted like she was focused on the flavor of his asshole. Worse still, Michael was not holding her in place or restraining her in any way. By appearances at least, Jean was there of her own desire and seemed to be enjoying it. Meanwhile, Michael watched her with a grin and was harder than Brad thought was possible.

Michael had ruined a lot of women. Truthfully, he had not expected something special out of Jean, but he got something special anyway. She seemed particularly predisposed to this sort of behavior, and while he enjoyed it, he also found her surprisingly easy to break. When he pushed her to eat his ass, she did not complain. If anything, she seemed eager and almost like she was waiting for his permission to do it. Jean, meanwhile, had no more thoughts in her head except how to keep Michael happy.

He finally moved as Brad watched them, and he smacked Jean’s cheek to draw her attention. She stirred and removed herself from his hairy cleft, and when he pointed at Brad, she followed his finger to her husband’s distant, glassy stare. “Hubby is here,” Michael grunted, and Jean stared with equally distant eyes. She did not seem to care; she murmured something indistinct and then returned to her work. Michael saw this, and he heard this, and he chortled before grabbing a handful of her hair and dragging her up his gargantuan shaft.

“What do you think, Brad? Is this what you expected to happen when you came to me for help? Is this what you wanted when you asked me to knock her up for you?”

Knowing that Jean no longer loved him hurt but seeing her like this broke Brad’s heart. She was beautiful to look at, even in that degraded, worn out state. In fact, her honesty somehow made her more beautiful. This was the true Jean. It was the purest version of her, and though it horrified him, it also aroused him and endeared him to her again. He wanted to speak and defend her actions. More than that, he wanted to express understanding and continued support, but he couldn’t. The Jean who was eating Michael’s dirty asshole was not and could not be the same Jean that he had married. She was a completely different person wearing the same face, and even though she was beautiful in her right, she also terrified him.

Michael turned his cruel, crooked grin on Brad and said, “There is good news, though. She took a pregnancy test this morning, and…” Michael picked up a thin, white piece of plastic from the nightstand beside him and tossed it to Brad. It landed at Brad’s feet face up on the floor. “It’s positive. It doesn’t really matter anymore, but I did it. I got the bitch pregnant.”

Jean heard that and moaned against him. She remained unaware of Brad’s presence but listened keenly to everything Michael said. The sight of her willingly, even hungrily, degrading herself in Michael’s asshole turned Brad’s stomach just as much as it frightened and aroused him. He had never seen her so horny or docile before. Watching her, he wondered how any woman could do that to a man, and he wondered also how any man could do that to a woman.

Michael leaned forward and swatted Jean on her big, shapely rear, and Brad stared at the flesh shook. Jean cooed in response and kept her lips latched to his hairy ass crack as he shook her bottom for Brad’s pleasure. Slowly, she tongued her way out of his ass and licked his perinium before finding her way to his heavy balls, and she sucked those next. She made noises like a pig as she drooled on him, and Michael hooked a leg over her head and held her in place by the hair as he stroked himself. “How is it, bitch? You like eating ass?”

Jean moaned and cupped Michael’s big, hairy balls. She moved them to the side and licked his ass again, and this time she made a show of it. She flourished her tongue between his cheeks with a smile and stared up at him past his big dick as he leaned over her. Her hand glided along his rigid shaft, and Michael cackled as he held her there.

He let her eat his ass a moment longer and then pulled her back to his balls, which she welcomed with a wet moan. “She’s fucking nasty, you know that?” He flashed Brad another grin and gave another wink, and it should have hurt Brad, but honestly, the other man was just impressed by this point.

The laughter hurt Brad more than the sex as Michael dragged Jean about on his dick. She licked him on his shaft as he moved her, and Michael said, “You remember this the next time you think about your wedding vows, cuck. And you remember this next part, too.” Michael let Jean briefly suckle his crown before he peeled her off of his dick and smacked her hard across the cheek with his open palm. Then, he held her in front of him as he stroked himself and said, “Where do you want it, slut?”

Jean helped Michael with both hands and whined as she stared up at him. He didn’t love her, and he didn’t care about her at all. He just wanted to use her, and she kissed his wrist and whined because she wanted to be used by him. “Anywhere. Everywhere. Wherever you want, Michael. I’m not a person anymore. I’m just your slut. I’m your cumrag slut!”

Michael laughed and rubbed his sticky crown across her pretty face. Wherever he touched her, he left a long trail of precum on her skin. “My pregnant cumrag slut!”

Jean moaned. “Yes!!!”

“Then eat it,” he growled, and he forced his cockhead into her open mouth. She latched onto him again and stroked with him to milk him into her mouth.

Brad watched as Michael fed his wife. He didn’t have time to look away as semen spilled out around her pink lips. Jean made a valiant effort to keep up, but Michael came too much. He overflowed her mouth with the first rope, and soon she had semen gushing down her body as she tongued his crown and mewled like an animal.

Seeing this helped Brad, and it freed him from responsibility. He had pushed so hard for Michael to breed Jean, and he blamed himself for what happened. Now, he understood that it was the only way that it could have happened. Seeing Michael’s thick cum, Brad understood that Michael was truly the person best suited for the job. He hadn’t expected Jean to become a cum addicted like she was, but he was absolutely correct in believing that Michael would be the right one to impregnate her.

Seeing this also hurt Brad, and he stared down at the pregnancy test and wanted to laugh out loud. If the cum bath hadn’t been proof enough, then that test was the proof he needed. Michael had done it. He had fulfilled his part of the contract, and the test proved it. Michael had impregnated her, and he had made her enjoy it.

Brad shuffled out of the room as Jean took to slurping Michael clean. The evening passed into nighttime, and Jean was riding Michael again. She was loud, and she didn’t care who heard her. All she cared about was being fucked and seeded over and over again until morning.


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