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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.  This is a work of fiction but the characters belong to Square Enix.

Chapter Two:

Days passed, and Yuffie only saw sunlight when Corneo took her on walks. When they were together, he kept her collared and leashed like a dog. Yuffie hated it, but the master manipulate materia he had prevented her from acting to stop him. Elena, meanwhile, followed his every word with a silly grin on her face. Sometimes, she even crawled for him. It sickened Yuffie to see, and it frightened her, too. The two of them rarely had time to talk, but even when they were, Elena hardly had a thought of escape left in her brain. She seemed almost happy, though Yuffie assumed that to be shock.

At night, Yuffie was kept in her cavern prison to sleep. By the time she was allowed rest, she was often so thoroughly fucked and bloated with semen that she could do little more than rest as expected. Each morning felt like hell for her as her body ached with cold and with bruises left by Corneo’s big, fumbling paws, and slowly everything felt futile. She was almost always naked, and what few times she was allowed to dress, she was given a bikini and sandals. Every moment outside of her cell was spent with Corneo. He even insisted that she pee in front of him, though he did let Elena go with her to handle other matters.

Yuffie sat chained in the bath with her hands bound behind her as Elena scrubbed her back. Elena was naked behind her. Her torso was long and toned, and she kept a small patch of pubic hair between her legs. Elena was older but prettier than Yuffie remembered her, and she had shaved parts of her head into a fashionably asymmetrical style. She wore heavy eyeliner, too, and bright pink lip gloss with Corneo’s permission.

“You have beautiful hair,” Elena said as she scrubbed soap into Yuffie’s scalp with her fingers. She rinsed it carefully and combed her fingers through Yuffie’s hair as she washed her. “You should grow it out and show it off. The Don would love it!”

Elena bathed Yuffie twice a day. Every morning started with a cold bath to prepare her for Corneo, and every night ended with another bath before she was left to sleep in the cold. She almost enjoyed these brief reprieves from being used like an animal. Elena took good care of her and had strong, nimble fingers. She worked the kinks out of Yuffie’s muscles and helped to ease the lingering pain that seemed to settle into her bones.

Both women were naked, and Yuffie was awed by Elena’s beauty. Elena was slender like Yuffie but had larger bresats. Her areola were larger, too, and her nipples longer and dark. She seemed to be in a state of constant arousal and was visibly damp every time she saw Corneo. It disgusted Yuffie to see, but days of torture at Corneo’s hands had given her perspective. While she still hated Corneo, she could understand Elena’s response to Corneo’s rotund, piggish form. He used the materia on them to give them regular orgasms like he was conditioning them.

Even as young and inexperienced as she was, Yuffie could see the con. Corneo was training their bodies through pleasure. Yuffie could resist, but she did not know how long Elena was there. If only a few days could leave Yuffie with goosebumps when she saw Corneo, she could not imagine what sort of damage he had done to Elena in that time. It didn’t help that Corneo often fucked Yuffie with his enormous cock while also gifting her materia-induced orgasms. She was sure that Elena wanted to hate Corneo, but that he had torn holes through her mind like swiss cheese.

Elena stood Yuffie up and scrubbed her body. Steam rose from the water around them. In the evening, Yuffie was allowed to use on of the many natural hot springs for bath. It was likely another ploy, and she knew it, but she still grateful for the way the warm water soaked into her bone and pulled the pain from her. She rinsed Yuffie afterward, and then pulled her out of the bath to dry her.

Yuffie shivered in the cold cavern air, and Elena smiled as she looked her over. “You have such soft, smooth skin,” said Elena, and she traced her fingers between Yuffie’s small, conical breasts and down her slender belly. She dried Yuffie’s pubic hair and laughed. “You look so small, but you are a woman.” She ran her fingers through Yuffie’s untrimmed hair and said, “You should shave it for him. Master would love it.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t give a shit what your master would love,” Yuffie snapped. She fought back where she could since Corneo used the materia to keep her complaint. Elena only hummed in response, though, and continued to wear the same, placid smile she always did.

“Be kind,” she said lightly, and she set the towel aside. She guided Yuffie toward the exit, and Yuffie followed after her on tired legs. “You don’t care now but give it time. Soon, he’ll be all you care about,” said Elena mildly and without judgement, and what worried Yuffie most about it was that she believed Elena.

Yuffie sneered but did not respond. Whatever was done to Elena had damaged her beyond recovery and no argument would change her mind. So, she let Elena lead her out of the bath and waited patiently as she was dressed. Yuffie could mount an escape and felt confident that she could overpower Elena, but she did not want to give Corneo reason to use that materia again. So far, he was playing with her. He could just kill her if he wanted to, and she did not want him to want to.

Elena applied lotion to Yuffie’s skin and collared and leashed her. Then, she led her through the dirty, dug out walls of the caverns to the throne room where Corneo waited on a pile of furs. He was naked and holding the materia in his big, fat hand, and he took her leash from Elena with the other hand as they entered.

Yuffie winced in the torch light and could feel the change overtaking her as the materia gave a soft glow in Corneo’s hands. Elena removed the bindings on her hands, and Yuffie stood obediently before Corneo with her body buzzing and aching for his touch. She was naked save for the wooden sandals she wore, and she hid nothing from the big man’s view.

Corneo fingered her folds roughly, and Yuffie shivered in response. Every touch he gave her was amplified by the materia he held, and she was on the edge of climax from the moment she arrived because of it. She moaned as he traced his wet fingers along her pussy hair. “You’d look better with a shaved pussy,” he sneered, and Elena joined him at the side with a smile on his face. She cut a cigar for him and lit it for him. He took the cigar from her with his wet fingers and puffed it before blowing smoke into Yuffie’s face. Yuffie cringed, and Corneo laughed. “Gyehehehe! Elena, see to it that she’s shaved tomorrow.”

“Yes, master,” Elena purred, and she gave Yuffie a knowing smile as she went to fetch Corneo some wine. Yuffie stood still and listened. She had learned her lesson about speaking so much when she was young. Right now, it was better to be aware. That gave her the ability to take control of a situation that got out of their control rather than having to creating such a situation herself.

Corneo grinned up at Yuffie as he held her enthralled. “You ready for today, slut?”

Yuffie did her best to glare at him but felt dizzy from the way her insides churned. She felt horny when she looked at him, and though she hated him, the sight of his dick did have her excited. It didn’t matter to her that the materia made it feel good. Corneo had made sure that her body associated him with pleasure, and so that is what her body was doing.

Corneo followed her gaze to his dick and laughed. He kept laughing as he shok himself at her, and even the sight of his big belly swinging turned her on. “Gyehehehehe! See something you like?”

“Gross,” she lied, and Corneo puffed more smoke into her face. She waved the smoke out of her face and coughed, “If you’re going to fuck me, then just get it over with.”

“Not so fast,” he said through a sneering grin. “Today is different. I’ve already fucked you, though I know you’re excited to have it again.” His words made Yuffie visibly cringe, but her arousal was plain by the swell of her exposed nipples and the noticeable moistening of her womanly cleft. “But we will get to that later. Instead, I want to give you a tour and show off my entire operation to you.”

Yuffie stared at him in slack jawed acceptance and followed him when he stood and yanked her leash after him. She walked at his heels like a dog and thought about all the ways that she could attack him. This was clearly a ploy or a taunt. Why else would a crime lord show off his entire operation to her if he wasn’t doing it to kill her or rub her face in it that she was powerless to escape him and tell anyone? Based upon the way that he sauntered in his furred robe with his big dick swinging and slapping between his thighs, she figured it to be the latter. It was not that Corneo was stupid necessarily, though he definitely was, but his arrogance seemed to have no bounds.

Corneo walked Yuffie like a dog. He guided her by the leash, and she followed behind him with her eyes fixed on the gleaming materia in his hand. She was unable to refuse him. He moved her unwilling body as he pleased, and he brought her pleasure that distorted her perception of reality. Even her mind rebelled against her as her body obeyed him. She was naked save for the clicking sandals, and she smelled of lavender from her bath. Elena walked with them collared but unleashed.

Yuffie found that it felt good to follow Corneo. The cool, cavern air tickled her sensitive skin, and every tug of her leash also sent a shock of pleasure to her pussy. In fact, everything Corneo did sent some echo of pleasure through her, and she watched the materia glowing and knew what he was doing to her. Corneo was programming her to associate him with pleasure, and even though she hated everything about him, she did find it hard to think about him without thinking about sex, orgasms or his big, fat cock.

Corneo wore a robe, and he wore it open. His big, fat belly undulated with each step. His hair was styled and shaved close to his skull in areas, and he wore sharp, curving tattooed where the hair was thin. He had a cigar in his mouth as an omnipresent accessory and smoke followed him wherever he went. Yuffie watched his shorts bulge with knowing excitement. She knew what was inside of there, and she was so horny that it hurt.

He led Yuffie down long halls that were dug out of the earth. Sections of the caverns appeared to be formed by hand while others were natural. Yuffie spied people working among long stalactites and could hear generators humming just out of sight, powering dim yellow bulbs that the people used to see. The floors were damp and muddy, and the workers wore masks. Every single one of them was from Wutai.

“What is that,” Yuffie asked. It was hard to speak. Whatever Corneo was doing to her kept her heady foggy and her thoughts distant. Normally, she wouldn’t even have to ask, but her ninja training was failing her in the face of pleasure.

“Drug lab,” said Corneo, and he stopped to survey the caves with a proud grin. He spoke, and as he did, he waved his cigar around and left smoking sigils in the air. “Back in Sector 6, I did sex and muscle. This far out, there’s still sex, but muscle isn’t as important, m’dear. No, in Wutai, it’s about entertainment. We get tourists high, we get them horny, and then we get them laid. Gyehehehehehehehehe.”

Yuffie grimaced at both the sound of his laugh and the shaking his body. She had not seen his work in Sector 6, but she had heard about it from Tifa after her capture. It sounded horrid, and the thought that he was doing the very same thing to her own people appalled her. Despite that, she quivered as he tugged her after him and felt a dizzying shock of arousal spring through her as she followed.

“After your friends found you and left me for dead in the mountains, I decided then that I would have my revenge. I rebuilt myself in the shadows, and Wutai was the perfect place to start. Your home was destroyed by the war with Shinra, and it had become a tourist attraction on par with Sector 6. It was overlooked, and it had a population ripe for exploitation. Gyehehehehe!! It was perfect for the kind of work I aimed to do.”

Yuffie glared at his back and tried to will herself forward to attack him, but she couldn’t. her limbs would not heed her. Corneo kept his back to her as he spoke and was oblivious to her growing rage, and that he did not fear her enough to even look at her only made her angrier.

“You Wutai bitches are skinny little things, but you’re good for something.” Corneo turned on her and smiled smoke into her face. “Small and skinny as you are, you look good on a dick.” A stab of pleasure rushed through her as the materia flashed brighter, and she shook in climax as the smoke burned her nostrils. She hated it. She hated every second of it, and that is what made the pleasure all the more intoxicating to her. Hatred had become an aphrodisiac to her.

Corneo turned again and dragged her after her, and the materia gave a dim glow as she followed. Pleasure echoed inside of her like a skipping stone across water. She bit back a moan but could not keep from leaking down her slender thighs as she moved. “At first, I didn’t have much to work with. The women I could get to start were…not of good stock, but they were enough to keep some men satisfied. I made a name for myself for having the cheapest bodies in the Wutai underground, and I used that to grow, but as I grew, I finally drew WRO attention. The more attention I drew, the more likely I was to have it all fall apart, so I had to be smart, and I had to have a plan.”

Yuffie panted as she shuffled behind him. It was getting harder for her to think. Corneo had her so horny and sensitive that the air was turning her on. Even the sound of his nasally, obnoxious voice was turning her on. She had remembered that he liked to talk and meant to use that to her advantage, but she was having trouble staying coherent enough to act even when she saw an opening.

They reached a set of stairs that carried them up into the mountains. Corneo wheezed with each step, and Yuffie stared at his big, strong back as he climbed. It occurred to her then how many years had passed since she last saw him outside of Wutai. He looked the same, but he had aged. Elena walked quietly behind her with smile of her own, and the materia lit the way for them as its omnipresent hum burrowed into Yuffie’s brain.

The top of the stairs blinded Yuffie with sunlight. She winced and followed him to a large, canopied landing. They stopped between pillars, and Yuffie could see rolling green hills and flat plains beyond them. She could see the ocean at the very edge of her vision, and she could smell it on the air as she breathed. It filled her with vigor and, behind that, continued tickles of arousal as every sensation she had translated as pleasure.

“Where are we,” Yuffie asked, and Corneo grinned at her.

“The mountains just past Wutai,” he said, and he pointed into the distance. “See? You can see the pagoda tower just over there.”

Yuffie joined Corneo at the edge of the landing. It was a steep fall from where she was, and there were no guardrails. She stood close to Corneo, and her leash hung loose between them as she squinted into the distance. He was right. At the very edge of her vision, she could just make out the shadow of the pagoda tower where she had dueled her father so many years ago. It was just beyond the rounded peaks of lower mountains that overlooked the city.

She shivered as a cool breeze swept over her. “We’re this close to Wutai?”

Corneo cupped her rear and laughed. “You have no idea, did you? Gyehehehehehehe!”

His hands were strong but soft, and to her shame she was so sensitive that it felt good to be touched by him. Another stab of arousal tore through her and tightened her loins with want. She didn’t remove herself rom his grip and stood still as he touched her. Legs locked in place, she bent forward slightly and allowed him to ease two thick fingers into her wetted cleft. A low mewl escaped her lips.

“There it is. Your home. So close, but so far away,” he whispered, and his breath was hot against her neck and ear. Yuffie quivered in his grasp. His breath stunk, but the smell of him had her dripping with arousal. She was so primed and horny that she nearly came from his fingers. The materia had to be blazing in his palm, but she could not see it, and she had no idea how he had the stamina to keep it running for hours without break. Even Aerith would not have had the skill to do such a thing.

“Come on,” said Corneo, and he withdrew his hand and tugged her after him as he left. “I have more to show you.”

“O-Okay,” said Yuffie, and she shuffled after him with her eyes fixed on the ground. Wutai disappeared behind her, and Elena followed them with a smile. The sun was setting and the air was growing colder as they moved.

They walked an exposed path through the mountains for a few minutes and then came to another shoddy, rough wood door. Elena opened it for them and bowed, and Corneo led Yuffie in by her leash. They went down another rocky tunnel and took another set of hand-carved stairs down into the belly of the caves. When they came out of the stairs, they exited into an open space that was exposed to the fading sunlight. There was a stony awning for shade that led across to a large, ramshackle hut at the edge of the forest. Generators hummed around it and supplied electricity to the area.

Corneo led Yuffie to the entrance of the hut and was greeted by armed guards there. Inside was a woman in a floral kimono of the Wutai style. She had her face painted with thick white makeup and her lips were ruby red. Her dark hair was up in tight, neat buns on her head. She smiled at Corneo, he reached out to cup one of her tits and palmed it vigorously and without concern for her pleasure. “How is business,” he growled.

“So good, master. Very good. We have many, many tourists.” The woman spoke with an aggressive and faked Wutai accent and had bruises across her forearms and neck. She looked past Corneo at Yuffie, who stood half-naked and leashed. The materia blazed in Corneo’s palm, and Yuffie wondered if the woman was affected by it like she was. She felt ashamed seeing this living caricature of her people, but the pleasure mingled with the shame she felt, and it confused and disoriented her.

Corneo followed the attendant’s gaze and laughed. “This sow won’t be joining you,” he said. “She’s not for sale. At least, she isn’t yet.”

“Of course, master. Very good. So sorry!” The woman bowed her head low, and Yuffie grimaced at her behavior.

“Gyehehehehehe! Come here!” Corneo yanked Yuffie toward him and put her between himself at the woman. He stopped touching the painted attendant and instead took to groping Yuffie’s small breasts. He crushed them roughly in his hands, and his stubby fingers found her nipples and plucked the sensitive flesh he found there. The gleaming materia buzzed against her body, and pleasure spread through her like spilled water. An orgasm hit her like a car crash and soaked into her bones, and she melted into his hands with a whine.


“Isn’t she beautiful?” Corneo released Yuffie’s breasts and took her by the hair. He pressed the materia tight against her skull as he dragged her forward. “I’m showing her the ropes right now, though. Do we have any rooms occupied?”

The woman smiled at Yuffie’s arousal and seemed aroused herself. If Yuffie had been able to pay attention, she would have noticed, but she was delirious. She whined as Corneo dragged her throw a draw curtain behind the podium, and the woman called after them, “Occupied? Room 7,” as they walked away.

“Room 7. Of course. Gyehehehehe!”

Corneo took Yuffie by the hair and dragged her after him, and Yuffie panted as the pain and pleasure merged and twisted into a knotted, indistinguishable bramble. She held him by the wrist, but she did try to pry herself free. Her legs were numb and weak, and her pussy ached for touch. She whined and drooled as she begged him, “Where are you taking me?”

“Room 7,” Corneo laughed. “I’m going to show you where our money comes from. Drugs supplement my income, but I got started here the same way I got started in Midgar.” Corneo stopped at door number 7 and threw her face first into it. Yuffie landed hard, with her ass out, and her body was sensitive and shaking. “Go ahead,” he growled, and he released her hair to knot her leash around his big, fat fist. “Open the door, sow.”

Yuffie was shaking and braced against the door, and she could hear something inside. There were masculine grunts and, beneath and above that, louder, longer feminine moans. It was hard for Yuffie to breath as she stood away from the door. She had an orgasm building inside of her, and though she wanted to come, she knew that it was Corneo’s doing. Her vision blurred, and it took her time to find the door handle and yank it open. It was like her body moved on its own, like it was eager to obey him.

The room’s interior was composed of tent and stone. There was a bed and a bare carpet with another painted Wutai woman wrapped up in the sheets. The woman was small like Yuffie, but she had a larger bust. Her breasts were clearly enhanced through surgery and the work was shoddy and obvious. Her hair was done up in an elaborate bun on her head, and her makeup ran with tears and with drool as a man threw himself into her with reckless, thoughtless want. The man was gaunt and grunting. He was Wutai, too, and he clutched a very familiar but smaller materia in his palm as he used her.

“It’s a brothel,” Yuffie breathed, and the don smiled behind her.

“Do you see, Yuffie? Do you see what I have reduced your people to? Gyehehehehe…”

Yuffie shook as a fresh, burning pleasure hit her. It gathered in her gut and poured out of her through her pussy in climax. She quaked and nearly collapsed, but Corneo caught her by her leas hand by her hair and held her in place. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his materia blazing again and took comfort in knowing that the orgasm was manufactured and not organic. Lately, it was becoming difficult to tell them apart.

“Now, look closely, Ms. Kisaragi, and you tell me what they look like to you.”

Yuffie stared. Behind her, she heard Corneo undoing his pants, but he sound was a far away echo as she watched the Wutia woman and man fucking and grunting like animals. “They…look like pigs,” she whispered, and she let Corneo move her in the doorframe. He pinned her against the door and held her hips angled so that he could enter her from behind. It astonished her how easily she took him. She opened so wide that it should have hurt, but she felt no pain. Even with the glow of the materia at the periphery of her vision, the loss of pain seemed impossible to her. She bit back a whine of pleasure when his pubic hair touched her wetted, dripping snatch, and she swore that her belly was bulging with his length.

“I trained them like this and bred them,” he whispered into her ear as he rammed her. His breath was hot against her neck, and he held her tight by the hair as he moved. “I hook them on drugs and make them sell for me, and then they bring me back the money to fuck their own women. The women, when not fucking, make the drugs the men are selling, and like that, I make a fortune at almost no cost.”

Yuffie hung with her arms wide and clung to the doorway as her body swung partway into the room. She watched the two people fucking as she fucked, and all three of them were thoughtless in her passion. Behind her, Corneo grunted and wheezed as his fat, sweaty belly slapped against her. His thick cock speared her and opened her with each hard stroke. She had been a virgin before he took her, and now her body welcomed with a hot, urgent feminine hunger.

Corneo brought one of his big hands down across her bottom and used his materia to transmute the pain into raw, undiluted pleasure. Yuffie came again, whimpering, and was nearly crying by the end of her climax as her head bounced and swung with each thrust. She closed her eyes in a desperate attempt to disappear, but Yuffie forced them open with magic and laughed behind her. “No, no, now! Gyehehehehehehehe! No looking away! You watch them! You watch them fuck, and you see exactly how useless your own people are! You watch them and realize that you’re no different from them! You’re just another squealing piggy for me! You’re my tiny, weak little Wutai sow!!”

Yuffie hated it, but she did cry out, and she squealed like a sow while Corneo fucked her hard from behind. His big, fat cock barreled into her without resistance, and each forward stroke forced animal sounds from her. She was open and hungry for him, and he had made her that way with his terrible materia. The hard slaps of his pelvis against her bottom left her flesh red and chaffed, and he took her by her collar and yanked her back. He choked her as they fucked, and she whined and struggled for breath.

“How does it feel, Ms. Kisaragi? How does it feel to see your once proud people reduced to breeding animals?”

Yuffie shook her head and held the collar to keep from suffocating. She wheezed and drooled in pleasure. “It…It feels…Ah!!” She tightened around him and came again, and she wept with self-loathing.

Corneo grabbed her by the hair and held her head steady as he leaned forward to whisper to her. His fat belly stuck to her sweaty back as he rammed her, and her body was so sensitive that she enjoyed it. “How does it feel to be fucked by the person who did this to them?”

“It feels…good!” Yuffie came again, and against her better judgment, she internalized her confession. He had forced her to say it in a thousand tiny ways. Between the abuse and the forced reprogramming of her body, she knew deep down that she didn’t want it, but she had said it, and she had meant it in the moment. Her body was betraying her, and regardless of how she thought and felt inside, she was coming.

Hearing her come and feeling her come, Corneo snorted a laugh behind her. “Then answer me, do you want me to come in you?” He moved his hand out of her head and cupped her face, and he jammed two fingers into her mouth to pull on her cheek. “Squeal for me if you want my cum, you whore! Squeal like the little Wutai piggy you are!”

Yuffie hated this. She hated every part of it. She hated the pleasure, and she hated the taste of his fingers in her mouth. She wanted to be free of him and free of the grip he had on her, but she knew the moment he told her to squeal that she would squeal. She would do anything to come for him now, and she knew that his manipulation required it to feel good. He would convince her body to betray her again and again, and in her anticipation she let her mind go dark and gave her body to him.

She tightened around him, and she mewled in a feeble attempt to bite back her pleasure, but he was thickening inside of her, and she knew that neither of them could hold back for much longer. A long ribbon of drool escaped her lips as her tongue lulled out, and she went thoughtless with pleasure. Her mewls became whines and, to her shame, they became squeals afterward. “Su-weeeeee!!”

“Gyehehahahahahah!! Listen to that squeal! Now you got it, piggy!”

Elena echoed Corneo’s laughter from behind Yuffie, and Corneo slapped Yuffie hard on the ass as she came. It wasn’t until the orgasm had settled that Yuffie noticed the couple on the bed watching her, but her brain was too foggy with pleasure to stop. Tongue out, drool flowing freely from her stretched lips, her tiny body quivered with the force of Corneo’s thrusts. He was not using the manipulate materia to control them, and she wondered briefly if they were dark mirrors of a terrible future she would someday see.

Spurred by her momentary submission, Corneo stiffened behind her and emptied into her. He held her by the hips, and Yuffie could feel the materia blazing against her flesh as she came alongside him. Her own climax was activated by the warm surge of his hot seed soaking her tiny insides, and she soon felt bloated and full of him, and she was smiling as she hung from his hands.

She nearly fell forward as her legs quaked, but Corneo held her around the midsection and kept himself inside of her. He pulsed and fired until her tiny Wutai womb was heavy with him. Her tongue hung from her open mouth, and she continued to drool as animal whines escaped her parted lips. She could barely breathe, she came so hard. When he released her, he set her onto her knees and then brought his big, slick cock around and slapped it hard against her cheek.

Yuffie and Corneo made eye contact, and he lifted the materia and let it flash. Using the materia, Corneo moved Yuffie. He parted her lips, and he made her suck him into her mouth. A fresh new euphoria washed over her as she tasted their combined pleasure, and she closed her eyes to forget him as she focused on the rapture of him in her mouth. His dick was slimy, but she was sucking what remained out of him. It disturbed her the way that even these small sensations felt good to her, and it was proof to her of his nefarious intentions for her body.

Elena led Yuffie away again, and together they returned to the bath. This time, as Elena washed her, Yuffie felt sensitive and lightheaded. The numb she felt slowly wore away, and her pussy began to ache in the absence of Corneo’s dick. The pleasure remembered, but she felt empty now. It was like he had hollowed her out inside, and now only he could fill her.

Elena poured shampoo into Yuffie’s hair and began massaging her scalp. “It gets easier,” said Elena as she moved her fingers nimbly through Yuffie’s hair. Yuffie’s sensitive body relaxed under Elena’s touch, and the warmth of the natural hot spring they sat in was easing the pain that Corneo had caused with how roughly he had used her. Elena was seated at the edge of the water with only her legs dipped inside. Steam floated around them like a mist, and Yuffie was submerged up to her chin in a failed attempt at modesty.

Yuffie let the words hang in the heat for a moment as she struggled for thought. Corneo’s manipulate materia was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, and she could feel it molding her long after it had last been used. “What gets easier,” she asked, and bubbled formed in the water as she spoke.

“The sex,” Elena said, and she smiled. “The sex gets easier, and when it does, it gets better, too.”

Yuffie frowned and dipped into the hot water to hide her disgust. She didn’t want Elena to comfort her. Her last memory of the blonde woman was an inept member of the Turks who could hardly take care of herself. To have the dumbest member of a group of idiots comforting her added legitimate insult to her injuries. She rose from the water with a gasp and wiped the soap from her eyes as Elena took to rinsing her hair with her cupped hands. “I don’t want it to get better, dammit. I want it to be over.”

Elena hummed thoughtlessly as she ran her fingers through Yuffie’s dark hair. “I used to think the same way,” she admitt, and she laughed quietly to herself. “I know better now.” She ran her fingers along Yuffie’s neck and messaged Yuffie’s strong, slender shoulders. The heat, and Elena’s fingers, did wonders to ease the discomfort Yuffie felt, but she was still bloated with Corneo’s semen and still empty without him. Elena’s fingers were good, but a part of her missed what Corneo’s materia could do for her.

Yuffie stood from the water and stood naked in front of Elena. “He doesn’t use the materia for you anymore, does he,” she asked. She had felt self-conscious being naked in front of Elena when she first arrived. Now, she stood with water dripping from her pussy hair and didn’t even shy away.

Elena smiled at Yuffie’s naked body. “No,” she confessed, and she crossed her legs. She wore a distant, glassy smile as she spoke. “He doesn’t have to control me like that anymore.”

Yuffie frowned. “I’ve never seen a materia like his before,” she said. Corneo had used a specific name for it, but Yuffie couldn’t remember. Her brain felt addled and broken, and she hoped that Elena couldn’t see her fishing for information. Elena seemed open and willing, and whatever Corneo had done to the young woman had not left her with very much between her ears.

Elena didn’t respond, though. She just shrugged and kicked the water. Her movements formed small ripples across the steaming surface. Yuffie watched her and tried to think of how to get an answer from her, but her brain was as foggy as the hot spring’s mist.

“You don’t even fight back anymore.”

Elena looked at her and stood out of the water. She returned with a towel for Yuffie and held it out for her. “Why would I,” she asked.

Yuffie stared at Elena but could see nothing on her face to read an answer from. She took the towel and dried herself. There were no escape routes she could take. Everyone in the building was loyal to Corneo. Whether by materia, by drugs or by worse, Corneo had made them dependent on him. They needed him, and if she wasn’t careful, she would need him soon, too. Any escape attempt she made would require her to have that damn materia first.

Elena dried Yuffie’s back for her and then began rubbing her down with oils again. Then, she dressed Yuffie in a silk gown of Wutai make. She placed the collar around Yuffie’s neck again and attached the leash, and then she returned her sandals before walking Yuffie through the halls.

Like Yuffie, Elena wore a wutai gown, too. The fabric was soft and sheer. Elena was taller than Yuffie but equally slender. She had larger breasts and wider, womanly hips. By looks alone, Yuffie appeared stronger than Elena but they were of comparable beauty, she thought.

“Whatever happened to the other Turks,” Yuffie asked as Elena led her through the halls. She couldn’t help but watch the way Elena’s bottom jiggled with each step she took. Even trapped and caged as she was, Elena had a tight, lean body that impressed Yuffie.

Elena shrugged without looking at Yuffie. “I don’t know,” she said, and Yuffie found that Elena spoke distantly, as if she were reflecting on another life. “I haven’t spoken to them since master found me.”

“Found you,” repeated Yuffie curiously.

Elena laughed. “Or maybe it is better to say that I found him,” she said. “I was sent looking for him by Tseng.”

“And when you found him, he kidnapped you?”

“He tamed me,” Elena correct, and she looked proud as she said it. “I was one of his first bitches, you know.”

“You shouldn’t be so happy about it.”

“And why not,” asked Elena, who had started smiling at Yuffie as they spoke. “I love him.”

“You only love him because he makes you love him.”

Elena shrugged. “Maybe that’s true, but does it matter? Does any of that make me feeling my feelings any less?” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think it does.”

Yuffie did not have an argument ready and didn’t want to stir up a fight anyway. She was tired, and she followed Elena up the stairs to the dining room. They ate together with Corneo. The room was tall and domed, and it had a view of the large, green forests that rose up around the mountains where they lived.

Corneo ate like an animal with his hairy chest and big belly displayed and food dribbling across his body. Elena floated around him and attended to him between bites of her own food. Yuffie mostly watched because seeing them together turned her stomach.  She was coming to resent Elena and the cares he took with the big, fat pig, but she was also feeling a tingling, lingering arousal as she watched him eat.

Gradually, Yuffie’s arousal defeated her disgust, and she soon watched in horrified lust as Corneo took Elena’s food as well. Yuffie shared her own meal with Elena, who nibbled at what she could and stopped eating immediately once Corneo finished, belched and scooted his chair away from the table. He sat back with his shirt open and his big belly exposed as Elena approached him.

“Care to watch,” he asked, and he held up the materia that he was keeping his coat. It flashed, and Yuffie felt the arousal she had been storing spark and flare into a fire within her loins. Against her will, Yuffie gripped the table and gritted her teeth through a sudden and unwelcome orgasm. Meanwhile, Elena stopped in front of Corneo and smiled down at him.

Corneo reached up and caressed Elena’s pretty face. “You know, she was just like you when she first came here.” He moved his hand down and cupped Elena’s ass. He squeezed her flesh roughly and left it red as he manhandled her. “She didn’t fight as much as you, but she pretended like she was unhappy just like you do.” Elena was leaned into Corneo and let him maul her. He kissed her belly and then licked it with his big, red tongue. “But she’s real happy now, aren’t you, bitch?” He smacked her ass and laughed. “Gyehehehehehe!!!”

Elena cupped Corneo’s head and leaned over to feed him one of her breasts. He chewed her nipple greedily as she smiled and cooed. “Yes, master! I’m happier than I’ve ever been!” As she said it, Yuffie could tell by the delight in her eyes that Elena was telling the truth.

Another stab of pleasure hit as Elena called Corneo her master, but Yuffie couldn’t tell why. Her eyes were fixed on them, though, and she could not bring herself to look away. Corneo touched Elena as he pleased. He treated her like an object and like he owned her, and Elena mewled and opened herself to him. She leaned into his touch, and she seemed to revel in it, even when it hurt her.

Eventually, Corneo guided Elena to her knees. Elena fell into place with a smile on her face, and her smile only grew at Corneo’s gargantuan manhood came into view. He was not yet hard, but he was already plump, and Yuffie had come to expect that he could get even bigger with minimal effort. His stamina was unreal, and seeing Elena beside Corneo’s big dick made the blonde look small and dainty by comparison to him. It made Yuffie reflect on how small she must look against Corneo’s big, meaty body and thick horse cock.

Another orgasm hit and drew Yuffie’s attention to Corneo. She looked at his big fist first and found the manipulate materia blazing in his palm, and then she looked him in the eyes and found him leering at her. Elena tugged his thickenign shaft into her mouth and sucked him dutifully, and as her saliva wetted him and dribbled from her chin, Corneo didn’t even bother to watch her. Instead, he stared pointedly at Yuffie and used his magic to burden her with arousal.

If Elena had any shame left, Yuffie couldn’t see it. In fact, Yuffie felt her own shame fading as pleasure eroded at her common sense. She gripped the table and held it tight to help her bite back her moans, and she silently wished to take Elena’s place as Corneo’s feet and sucking Corneo’s big, thick cock.

Still watching Yuffie, Corneo reached out and took Elena by her blond hair. He moved her and guided her, and he forced her deep on his dick. The materia in his hand burned, and Yuffie could feel herself dribbling pleasure as she watched Elena’s throat stretch with him. She experienced a sympathetic pleasure as she watched, and it felt to her almost like his big, thick cock was sliding down her throat instead.

Fingers twitching, Yuffie slowly lost control. She held the table tight with her left hand to keep from falling on her numb legs, but her right hand drifted. Moving almost of its own accord, her right hand lifted her gown to find her pussy and, staring Corneo in the eyes, she began vigorously rubbing herself while whining, “Stop it! Stop doing this to me!!”

Corneo responded with a mocking grin and then set the materia down onto the table in front of him. It was inert now, but Yuffie was not. Her body still burned, and her fingers still struggled to tickle her insides and bring her relief. Now, she was rubbing herself of her own accord as she watched Elena throat him. “Come her,” he said, and he finally looked at Elena as he stood her up and bent her over the table. Her ass was out toward him, and her hips were raised. “Let go ahead and give that little Wutai pig-slut a show, shall we? Gyehehehe…!”

Elena purred and smiled as she stretched out onto the table. “Yes, master,” she said, and she braced on her elbows as Corneo stood up straight and moved into position behind her. He entered her, and then he fell back onto the chair with her following him backward. From there, Elena rode him with her legs parted and her feet placed delicately around her thighs so that Yuffie could see how he stretched her.

“Nooooo,” whined Yuffie, and she rubbed herself harder as she watched Elena’s slender body stretch and bounce. The materia was there on the table, and it was untouched. Yuffie was fast and could have grabbed it, but her limbs were numb and her head empty. All she could see in that moment was Corneo’s big cock and Elena’s tiny body wrapped around it. In fact, she had lost track of the materia in all the shuffling of their bodies.

The longer she watched them, the more Yuffie found herself enjoying their union. Seeing Elena ride him and learning from her technique was almost as good to her as being fucked by Corneo was. The only problem was the emptiness she felt as he so capably filled Elena. To offset the hollow, Yuffie rubbed herself more vigorously and added three fingers, and she slammed her clit hard as she watched their wet genitals slapping with each movement of her body.

Corneo, meanwhile, held Elena by the hair with one hand and guided her by the hips with the other. He didn’t need the manipulate materia in that moment, and he knew it. Elena was completely loyal, and Yuffie was too desperate to find reason. They were both drooling and panting in thoughtless pleasure, and he was merely happy to watch them suffer for him. He particularly liked the way that Yuffie’s face moved between slack-jawed pleasure and indignant impotence every time she came.

While Elena rode him, Corneo grabbed her roughly by the breasts and crushed her supple flesh with his big, strong hands. He buried his face into her blond main and whispered to her, and she smiled and laughed before sucking her hanging, wagging tongue back into her mouth with an audible slurp. Then, purring, she turned her blue eyes on Yuffie as she rolled her hips back into his every thrust and started taking charge.

“Oh, Yuffie,” she crooned. “Yuffie, he’s so big inside of me right now! The don is filling me like only a real man can or should! He’s stretching me and pummeling me, and he’s breaking me! I’m his, Yuffie, I’m all his! He owns me, and he can use me as he pleases!”

Yuffie whined and rubbed herself. She was desperate to come, but she couldn’t. Her searching fingers were poor substitutes for Corneo’s gargantuan ramrod. He was so big, and she felt like she needed him. Her arms ached from the effort, but the orgasm wouldn’t come. It stayed there inside of her, swollen, bloated, and taking up space. It grew and threatened to spill over, but it never came, and she stared fixedly at his materia and wondered if it had broken her.

Elena, drooling, fell into laughter as he body absorbed Corneo’s hard, careless thrusts. He flesh jiggled with each stroke, and she kept her eyes fixed on Yuffie as she took Corneo. “He so deep, Yuffie. He’s filling me and fucking me, just like he did to you.”

Yuffie whined, and her fingers grew forceful. She was hurting herself, she rubbed herself so hard, and she squeezed her breasts and tugged her nipples. Her increased effort added pain to the pleasure she felt, but she never found release. “Stop it,” she panted, and she closed her eyes and tried to breathe through the discomfort, but she was raw and desperate, and she could not get the wet sounds of their fucking out of her head. “STOP IT!”

“Gyehehehehehe!! Stop what?” Yuffie opened her eyes and found Corneo watching her. He had a stupid grin on his ugly face and a lit cigar hanging from his mouth, and he moved Elena like he did not care if she was enjoying it or not. He fell backward and pulled Elena down onto him, and Elena hung from the table and wheezed as she came so hard that it looked like rain between her legs. As Elena sat there quivering on him, and Corneo pulled his cigar from his mouth and jabbed it at Yuffie. “I’m not doing anything to YOU!”

Yuffie ground her palm against her wet, gushing pussy and whined. “Let me come,” she pleaded, and she writhed against her hand and tugged her nipples hard. Every part of her felt inflamed for Corneo, but she could not find relief. All she could do was climb higher and higher, but there was no peak. There was no cresting.

“I’m not stopping you,” said Corneo, and he stuffed the cigar back into his mouth and slapped Elena across her slender bottom. She braced and began riding him again, and his big belly shook with the force of their movements. Yuffie watched. She watched the table shake, and she watched Elena gasping and crying with pleasure. She watched Corneo’s flabby body move, and she saw the materia unused as it rolled between two plates on the table. “All I’m doing is fucking, Yuffie. And is that wrong? Or are you jealous? Do you want me to fuck you instead?”

“No,” whined Yuffie, and she touched herself. “No! I just want to come! I need to come!!”

“Then come,” Corneo laughed, and he swatted Elena hard on her bouncing, jiggled ass before ripping her gown clean from her body while she squealed. “Or are you trying to tell me that you can’t come on your own anymore? That you need me to give you relief?!”

“I…I…” Yuffie was drunk with need and shaking. Her arms ached from the effort of rubbing herself, and her fingers were numb and stiff. She rubbed herself, probed herself but she found no relief. Nothing worked and watching the two of them together only made her needs more immediate and pronounced. She knew that she should stop, but she couldn’t. She had to come. She had to find release and, with tears in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, she sobbed. “Can’t come. I…I can’t come…”

“Do you need me to come, Yuffie? Do you need my cock?”

“Need to come,” wept Yuffie, and her body was shaking. Corneo was disgusting, but he was also perfect. She needed him, and she whined. “Need to come! Need! To! Come!!”

Don Corneo grinned as he withdrew himself from Elena’s stretched, used channel. He slapped himself down across Elena’s firm backside and sent a ripple through her flesh. It was a wet, loud slap that drew Yuffie’s eyes to his gargantuan, dripping shaft, and he laughed like a horse. “Gyehehehe. Is this what you need?”

Yuffie’s crevice grew wetter as she saw him, and she felt pleasure spike through her. She was not there. Her pleasure was still locked, but she saw the key and knew how to use it. “Please,” she begged, and she slowed her tired hands and plucked her pink nipples. Tears and mucus ran from her, but she parted her legs for him and showed her body as she whined. “Please…!!”

Corneo stroked himself along Elena’s back. His big pecker leaked precum across her fair flesh, and Elena smiled at Yuffie like a doll from across the table. Her eyes were hollow and distant as she watched the younger brunette. Behind Elena, Corneo picked up the materia and held it pinched between his fingers. “Or, I can make you come with this.”

Yuffie whined and kept rubbing, and Corneo laughed.

“Gyeheheheeeee! Then you’ve got to earn it, sweet thing!” Corneo finished with a grunt across Elena’s back and left a hot, thick load there. Yuffie stared in wide-eyed hunger as he came there and wondered how she had ever taken him and how she had ever been so full before. Corneo’s dick was huge, but his orgasms were equally impressive. Even as he came, however, Yuffie still could not.

Corneo grunted and wiped his dick clean on Elena’s hair. Then, he sauntered around the table with his belly jiggling and his cock swinging. He moved so that his fat ass was pointed at Yuffie and began bucking into Elena’s open, waiting mouth. Elena wrapped her pink lips around him and sucked him with a primal, loving affection, and Yuffie envied the blonde for the simple pleasure she took in servicing Corneo with no thought, no guilt, and no shame in it.

Wheezing as he gathered his breath, Corneo fell back into his chair with a huff and moved Elena along his dick with disinterest. He watched Yuffie as the blonde sucked him, and he gave the Wutai woman a cruel grin as he held up his materia. "Come and get something to eat," he said, and the materia caught the light and glinted without magic. "I promise you'll like what happens if you do."

Yuffie was desperate but moved slowly on her shaky, unsteady legs. She was not being compelled by his materia but by his promise of pleasure, and she nearly fell onto Corneo with her tongue out as she came to a stop beside Elena. She ate vigorously of his cum and cleaned him with jealous want while Elena sat back with a sticky smile and allowed it. Pleasure exploded through Yuffie, who assumed it was the work of the materia but kept her eyes closed shut to block it out. He was making her come as she cleaned him, and that was a torture in itself.

Corneo watched them work with near violent disdain. Elena smiled back at him and held Yuffie's hair out of her face, and Yuffie quaked and snorted with pleasure as continual, tidal orgasms came and swept over her. When finished, she sat with her tongue against him and moaned while her body buzzed. Corneo shoved her away, did up his trousers, and pocketed the materia. "Take care of her," he said, and Elena purred as he stomped out of the room.

Elena helped Yuffie up and toweled her off. Then ,she walked the dizzy woman back to her holding cell. Yuffie leaned into Elena for support and found herself grateful that the blonde was there with her. At her holding cell, Yuffie collapsed onto the floor and let Elena soothe her with gentle caresses until she fell asleep.

"Don't you worry," Elena told her as Yuffie began to cry. "Don't you worry at all. Tomorrow will be better, and the next day better after that." She smiled to herself in the dark. "And eventually, every day will feel so good that you'll forget to feel sad. I promise."

Elsewhere in the world, Reeve stood over his glass desk and stared at the open folder on it. Shelke stood across the desk from him wearing her skin-tight blue body suit. The office was dimly lit. Shelke's armor gave of fa neon light and outside, the sun was setting in a golden blaze of light. "She's been missing for weeks now," said Shelke.

Reeve caressed his goatee and stood. "Damn it," he whispered. "Contact Cloud and Tifa and tell them what you've told me. We'll have to act fast if we want to save her in time."


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