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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.  This is a work of fiction but the characters belong to Square Enix.

Bad End

Final Fantasy VII

The Return of Don Corneo

Chapter 1

Yuffie woke up cold and naked. Her arms were numb above her head as she was hung from the ceiling. Thick ropes held her suspended and, as she opened her eyes, she felt good knowing that she was being kept in the dark. The room was cold and wet, and her feet slid across rough, slick stone. Moving slowly, her toes found a cool, slimy pool that had likely been left undisturbed for an uncomfortable amount of time.

She did not know when she had been knocked unconscious or how she had been knocked unconscious. Her last memory was exploring the mountains outside of Wutai. She had heard movement behind her, and then she had heard nothing at all. The WRO had sent her to investigate a series of missing people’s cases. She had arrived to no leads, and she had followed that conspicuous absence of information to the forests outside of Wutai and, past those, to the mountains beyond them.

On the way, she had been set upon by strange beasts unlike any she had remembered seeing in childhood. Yuffie had easily disposed of these beasts only to realize that they were not beasts at all. They were people, some collared, some leashed, and all of them wearing beasts hides and covered in dirt and wearing their hair untamed and unkempt. They were all men, and upon further investigation, she had recognized them as a number of the missing people who had been reported to the WRO to begin with.

Yuffie had specifically asked to be assigned to this mission because it involved Wutai. Reeve had been reluctant to send her. She was a valuable asset, he told her, and she was his friend. What was happening around Wutai was of concern to the WRO, but it was also important to let the nations of the world run themselves. In his opinion, the disappearance of a few men and women around Wutai was concerning but not something for an international organization to handle. Yuffie had insisted and left before he could refuse her.

She shifted her weight as she sat up. The air around her was cold and damp against her exposed skin, and though she could not see her surroundings at all, she had a good idea of what they were by feel. The ground was hard and slick. Uneven pits and regular pebbles told her that she was in a cavern of some sort, and by the regular chill and the darkness, she figured she was in deep. Her arms were bound behind her at the wrist. Whoever had captured her had stripped, and judging by her state, she assumed that they had used a high power sleep spell to subdue her.

Now, she was lone in the darkness without any weapons and without materia. Worse still, she was completely naked and confined without anyone sent to look for her. The WRO and Reeve would be aware of her disappearance in time, but she had a long time to wait before they began to take notice. Since she had acted of her own accord, she would be expected to see through. They didn’t see it as a proper threat anyway, and they would assume that she could handle it.

The bindings were amateur, though, and Yuffie quickly wriggled a hand free once she had sat up and could get the angle right. She used her free hand to unwind her other hand, and soon was standing in the nude and flexing her wrists in the cold darkness. She followed a rough wall to a steel door and put her ear to it to listen.

It was silent beyond the door save for the sound of distant laugher. She tapped the door and waited for a response, but no one replied. A second try produced the same result, so she tried the door and found that while it did not open outward, it did open inward and was completely unlocked.

The door was heavy and hard to move, but it moved silently as she pulled it open. A dim light filled the room, and when she peeked out she found what appeared to be an empty cavern lit with dancing torches and glowing gemstones. Empty cages lined the walls. Across the way there was an open mouth in the wall which appeared to be a hallway connecting to elsewhere.

Yuffie moved lightly and followed the hall into what appeared to be a sparse living space. There were more torches and gleaming gemstones that cast red and orange light. Human bedrolls lined the floor with animal feeding bowls beside them. There were more cages against the wall, and the longer Yuffie looked at them, the easier it was to see that they were meant for human occupation. She searched the space, but she found no weapons or clothing for her to pilfer and took a blanket instead to wrap around her body like a cloak.

Walking carefully down the hall and keeping the blanket close to her body, she stayed in the shadows to avoid detection. Ahead, she felt the temperature change as heat was funneled down the tunnel. She was in a series of connected caverns. Some were natural, some were manmade, but all of them were being used as living spaces within the stone. The voices she heard echoed down the hall. One was a woman’s voice, high and tinkling as she giggled. The other was a loud, horse-like laugh, and behind those two voices were a number of noises that sounded faintly human but horribly distorted.

She reached the end of the tunnel and stopped to adjust her cloak and gather her wits. Then, peeking around the corner, she found herself stunned by what she saw. The room before her was lit with a large fire in a center hearth and warmth filled the space. There was a stone hewn throne at the center of the room that was covered in thick furs. A man sat on the throne and wore a furred blanket like a cape. A slender blond sat at his feet with her mouth fixed around his enormous penis.

It took only a moment before Yuffie to place the two before she ducked back into the darkness of the hall. The man was Corneo, the don of the underworld in Midgar. She had met him before outside of Wutai years ago, and the last time she saw him was when he held her hostage in the mountains overlooking her home.

The woman at his feet was there with her when she was captured. She was Elena, the then newest member of Shinra’s secret spy organization, the Turks. Though she was not officially listed as missing, there were rumors that she had disappeared years ago, though nothing indicated that she had been anywhere near Wutai at the time of her disappearance. Based upon how Elena was busily slurping Corneo’s penis, Yuffie couldn’t imagine that Elena was there by anything but choice.

Pinning herself against the wall, Yuffie slowed her breathing and considered her options. She could retreat back into the shadows and go back the way she came, but that would only lead her to rooms devoid of warmth and light and any chance of escape. She had no weapons behind her, which meant that they had to be somewhere ahead. She could try to sneak by the two of them while they were distracted, but detection risked more than just her pride if she were caught naked.

She had not quite made a decision when she found the choice was made for her. Her limbs were suddenly hijacked and moved of their own accord. They pulled her from the wall, puppet-like, and walked her stiffly out into the open in front of Corneo and Elena. On the way to them, she stripped the fur cloak she had found and left it pooled on the floor behind her.

“Gyehehehehehehehe! Welcome, little white rose of Wutai! I’m glad to see you join us!”

Corneo looked very much the same as he had all those years ago except maybe bigger. He had his fat legs parted, and Elena held them for balance as she slobbered on his dick. One of his big hands rested on her pretty blond head and held her hair tightly as he guided her. The other held a large red stone that glowed with material light while he watched Yuffie with a big, lecherous smile.

Yuffie came to an unwilling stop in front of Corneo and was naked. She could feel his gaze roaming her slender body. He salivated as he eyed her small, symmetrical breasts and stiff pink nipples, and his eyes lingered on her neatly trimmed bush. Training had kept her thin and strong, and by the look of her, she was quite limber, too. Yuffie hardly took notice of Corneo’s hunger, though, because her eyes were fixed on the gleaming sphere which he turned over in his hands.

“…Materia…?” It took effort to speak. Her every movement was hard, and she felt like she was being manipulated. Some materia could do that, but this effect was stronger than she had ever felt before. Her body shook as she strained for control, but she was powerless against it. “…Corneo…what…have you…done…to me…?!”

Grinning like an idiot and holding Elena by the hair, Corneo forced the blonde deep on his dick and choked her. He grunted afterward and released her as a thick sheet of saliva ran down his shaft. Elena sat up gasping and grinning, and she went back to work without complaint, stroking him and sucking him of her own accord. Corneo distracted himself with the blonde Turk for a moment longer before fixing his hungry gaze back on Yuffie’s lithe form. “What do you mean, what have I done? I’ve simply made the best of a bad situation, my dear. Gyehehehehehe!”

Yuffie expected a monologue and took the time he spoke to search the room for a solution. It was hard to move, and she couldn’t turn her head, but her eyes were free to, and she took in everything she could. Unfortunately, there was little to see. It was a room of roughly hewn stone outfitted with sturdy tables and fitted with windows looking out on a darkened forest by night. A hearth burned nearby, lighting the room and warming it simultaneously. The room itself was not comfortable but built for function, and by the looks of it, it was built by unskilled hands who had little resources to do the work correctly.

“It took me years,” Corneo growled as his rant came to an end. Yuffie had missed all of it and for nothing as he seized the materia tight in his beefy fist and shouted, “And now I will have my revenge!!!”

Yuffie’s legs jerked her forward, and suddenly she found herself standing only inches away from Corneo. She had tried hard to fight the steps she took, but it had only given her a marionette like gait as she staggered toward him. The materia in Corneo’s hands had a dull glow to it as he watched her, but it flared every time he moved her. She assumed it was a Manipulate materia, but something about it was off. It felt wrong, like he was hijacking more than just her body.

Corneo followed Yuffie’s gaze to the materia in his hand and cackles. “Gyehehehehehehe! Like it? Well, it’s what I’ve been using to keep you bitches in check. Though….” He reached down and squeezed Elena’s cheeks in his fat hand. She slurped off of his cock and stroked him while she gasped. Saliva ran down her cheek and met her cheeks wet, but she stared at Corneo with complete adoration. “I don’t need it for all of my cattle anymore, do I, slut?”

Elena purred and sucked his finger. “Master,” she gasped, and he gathered saliva to his lips and sit it across her face. She winced but did not fight him. Instead, she opened her mouth for him and let him spit again. This time, she drank his saliva and opened her mouth afterward to beg for more.

Corneo tossed Elena to the side and nearly threw her down the rough hewn stone steps of his throne as he did. “Sorry, bitch, but you need to take a break.” He turned a cruel smile on Yuffie and eyed her body in open want. “We’ve got company.”

Now on the floor, Elena looked at Yuffie over her shoulder. Yuffie met Elena’s gaze expecting anger. Instead, she found patient, knowing arousal. Elena didn’t seem happy to share Corneo, but she didn’t seem willing to defy him, either. Instead, she merely picked herself up without a word and then stood beside him. She was naked, and her pink nipples were stiff on her perky, upthrust breasts.

Yuffie saw this and balked. Elena liked what Corneo was doing to her, and the realization of it was jarring for her. Her eyes drifted to Corneo’s larger than average manhood, and she found herself owndering if she would enjoy it, too. The Manipulate materia did not have the power to take a person’s will away. It could make her move, but it could not bring her pleasure as she understood it.

She eyed the materia in Corneo’s palm and wondered if it was more than manipulate. It was larger than usual, but it did nothing else that made her suspicious. It glowed like any other materia when in use and sat inert otherwise. Elena was clearly aroused by what was going on. Her moistened thighs were proof enough of that, as was her enthusiasm when sucking Corneo’s dick, but Yuffie could find nothing attractive about the big man, even with his penis being so impressively large. In fact, his thick horse cock only made him seem grotesque and lewd as far as she was concerned.

Elena appeared almost protective of Corneo as she stood beside him, and she watched Yuffie with placid interest as Yuffie’s feet suddenly dragged her foreward. Yuffie stopped in front of Corneo and could smell his fleshy, human stench from where she stood. The air was warm here, but she could feel a creeping cold crawling through her and forming a pit in her gut. Up close, Corneo’s fat body was horrifying. Most horrifying of all was his tremendous manhood which looked to her more like a third arm than a human phallus. If not for his fat, red crown leaking precum, she could sincerely have mistaken it with all of those veins.

Corneo followed her gaze as his materia glowed, and when he found her staring at his dick, he laughed. “Gyehehehehehehehe!! See something you like, little girl?”

Yuffie fought to open her mouth and argue, but she couldn’t speak. Her jaw was tight nad her lips were firmly shut. All she could do was growl in response, and even that was a struggle. She nodded to him shortly afterward, and her face pinched into a glare as the gleaming materia in his palm seemed to move her and pull her however Corneo pleased.  Manipulate materia typically are not so refined, either, and it made her wonder what he was doing to her if not manipulating her via magic.

Without meaning to and without moving herself, Yuffie’s hand moved. She reached down and took hold of Corneo’s thick shaft, and she began stroking him unwillingly. As her fingers encircled him, she was stunned to feel how hot and hard he was. Her fingers could not meet around him, he was so thick, and as her hand glided along his length, she felt his rough pubic hair on each downward stroke and measured him silently against her forearm.

Corneo grinned as he watched her, and his damn materia gleamed like the sun. Yuffie wondered how it worked, and she wondered how he had so much power that he could keep her under his control like this. Then, her thoughts grew distant. It became difficult to think as she held him, and she became distracted by his long, thick dick. An unexpected warmth settled in her loins, and her hands grew warm, too, as she held him. She began to moisten like Elena, and she hated it.

“Don’t worry,” said Corneo with a sinister gleam in his eye. He could see her frowning, and he took the chance to tease her as he said, “I won’t be gentle! Gyehehehehe!!!”

The materia flashed again, and Yuffie turned around and stuck her slender rear out at him. Next, she moved backward, and with Elena helping to guide her, she straddled Corneo on his throne. She brushed his big belly as she moved, and she felt his hard shaft slide up along her wet folds. Yuffie hated it, but the feel of his gargantuan shaft against her sensitive womanhood was not unpleasant. A shock jumped up through her, radiating from her wet pussy and dancing up her spine.

Yuffie stood stiff as Elena joined her, and she allowed Elena to guide her onto Corneo’s gargantuan shaft. He was already slick with Elena’s saliva, and a fresh wave of precum had oozed out of him. Yuffie watched him with growing fear. His body was so big compared to her, and his dick was fit to rip her apart. Yet, as he teased her, she opened for him, and she moistened. The materia gleamed in his hand, and she shook with anticipation.

“I hope you’re ready, you little Wutai slut, because after this you’ll never go back to normal.” Corneo barked his horse-like laughter, and the materia in his fat fist gleamed like a mako reactor coming to life. Yuffie, moving without wanting to, eased herself onto him, and she opened for him and took him into her with unexpected ease.

She winced in the expectation of pain but found only pleasure instead. She looked at the materia flaring in his fist and wondered if that was why. Where pain should have been, she felt fullness instead. She squatted onto him at first and then settled onto her knees to ride him. She bounced on him with small, slow strokes as her body opened, and soon she was taking him to the root without consideration for her poor little cunt.

It was hard to watch herself stretch without feeling the pain that should have been there. Staring down at her pussy, she can see how red her lips are. She can see how swollen she is, and she can see how she struggled to take him. She even felt him, but it didn’t hurt, and the experience was surreal and dizzying. Each stroke made them both wetter as her womanhood grew moist to accommodate him. She even saw a smear of blood among their combined juices, but she felt nothing except for the numbed sensation of fullness that went all the way to her belly on each downward stroke.

Watching was too much, so Yuffie decided to stare ahead instead of where their bodies were joined. She hoped it would bring her peace and comfort as her body moved on him without her approval, and while it was a decent attempt at distracting herself, it did not give her much of anything to act on. She tried to take in the details of the room, but it was hard to focus on anything with him burrowing into her and stretching her out. Her attention was drawn to Elena, though, who was fingering herself beside them while watching with a stupid smile.

Yuffie and Elena both were held hostage by Corneo years before. The two of them were kidnapped in these very same mountains and were saved only by an unlikely truce between the Turks and Yuffie’s own allies. At the time, Corneo was simply holding them for ransom and power. Now, however, Yuffie couldn’t look at Elena and see her as a hostage anymore.

“There we go,” said Corneo, and he placed a single hand on her slender stomach as he moved her. “We’ve almost got me all the way in you.” He moved his hand up her body and mauled one of her breasts. His stamina was impressive for him to still be burning the materia with his dick inside of her. He moved Yuffie with his hand, and Yuffie found that the pain or the absence that was in his place was fading. Instead, she felt pleasure as his hairy cock root reached her wet young peach. An unwelcome moan escaped her lips, and her eyes went wide as she watched Elena, who smiled back at her and nodded with understanding.

Yuffie’s face went hot as she bit back her moans. Bidden by the materia again, she rode him faster. She didn’t want to, and she wasn’t moving in a way familiar to her, but it felt good to her anyway. Her insides were knotted, and his fat cock was knocking the knots open and releasing pleasure through her. As she bounced on him, he tugged her nipples and twisted them, and just like with her pussy, the pain that should have been there was pleasure instead. Corneo laughed in her face as she came for him.

“Gyehehehehehehe!! Now you’re getting it, aren’t you?” Corneo held up the materia to shower her, and it gleamed like a small sun between his fingers. “This isn’t any normal, simple manipulate materia! This is a master manipulate! Not only can I make you do whatever I like, I can make you feel however I like, too.” He crushed her breast in his strong hand and made the materia gleam again so that it felt good when he abused her. “I can’t control your mind, Ms. Kisaragi, but with this, I can control your body well enough that it won’t matter!!!”

“No!!!” Yuffie moaned as she leaned into Conroe’s hand, and she eased more and more of him into her with each downward stroke. He plucked her nipple again, and she quivered as fresh lubrication wetted his shaft. He was driving her mad with pleasure, and when he finally did fill her completely, she could hardly breath. The moment her ass and pussy made contact with his hairy pelvis, the materia flared to life again, and a dizzying wave of pleasure swept over her like a wave at sea.

Yuffie screamed as she came. She screamed hard as her entire body shook from the astonishing pleasure that his massive dick gave her. He crushed her breast and tugged her nipple, and Yuffie could hardly breath because she was screaming so loud. When she ran out of breath, she let her head fall back and her tongue lull out. Drool ran down her chin and gathered on her skinny body. Finally, whines followed as the orgasm eased and once she was done, she passed out on him.

When Yuffie recovered, she realized that her body was straight. Only her head had dropped after her orgasm because Corneo had uesd the materia to keep her body seated on him. She was still riding him, in fact, bouncing on his big dick while he manhandled her breast. As a result, Yuffie had woefully little time to recover from the orgasm. Her head bobbed as sensation returned to her, and her legs burned with exertion. Her pussy was wide open and red from being stretched around him, but every stroke felt so good for her that could barely keep from orgasming.

“She woke up, Don!!” Elena spoke with reverence for Corneo as she watched them. She was still naked and fingering herself as she watched Yuffie riding Corneo’s dick.

Yuffie realized that she was drooling but couldn’t move to wipe her chin. Corneo had her hands on her knees as she rode him. He removed his hand from her tit and slid two of his thick fingers into her mouth, which displaced even more saliva as he took to fingering her lips. “Finally awake, huh? Gyehehehehe! Don’t feel too bad. That pig Elena passed out too her first time, but now she rides me like a pro, don’t you, sweetheart?”

Elena smiled and purred. “Don’t worry, Yuffie. You get used to all the pleasure eventually!”

“And by that point, you’re addicted,” howled Corneo, and he pinched her cheeks from inside of her mouth.

None of it affected Yuffie. She could hardly hear them, and she couldn’t feel the pain at all. At this point, the pleasure was throbbing so firmly in her ears that she could barely even believe she was there. Every thought was forced out of her to make room for Corneo’s big, thick, monstrous dick. He was too much and too immediate, and he required every part of her to process him.

Deep at the back of her mind, she could feel the dull ache waiting to take hold. He was hurting her, even if her body wasn’t allowed to know it, and she shook with the force of her own unwilling movements. Their sex was rough and deep, and she could not imagine how it would feel in the morning without the materia altering her body. For now, however, she couldn’t hold a thought with all of the orgasms rattling her brain.

Still holding her with his fingered hooked in her mouth, Corneo gave her a big smile and squeezed her face while grunting. “Fuck, I’m getting close, Wutai pig-slut!” Yuffie could feel it, too. He was thickening inside of her, and just as he was about to explode, he dropped the materia and moved his hand. Yuffie wailed as the pleasure ebbed through her, and Corneo took her by both of her arms and yanked her down hard onto him. He stood with her and hung her body in front of him as he drilled her hard.

Yuffie felt sensation returning to her in a flood of pain and pleasure. His fat belly slapped her body as she shook against him. In theory, she could have overpowered Corneo at this exact moment, but her head was still spinning. The pleasure remained, but paralyzing pain was creeping into her alongside it. These confusion sensations clashed in a whirlwind storm that ultimately ended with an orgasm as a burning hot flood of semen gushed into the deepest, most intimate parts of her.

Corneo bellowed as he finished inside of Yuffie, and she wheezed in response as his fingers bruised her hips. She hung from him like a rag doll and shook as he sagged back into his throne. Then, Yuffie fell forward onto him and drooled onto his shoulder as his sweaty belly stuck to her torso. “Finished,” he grunted, and he laughed like a horse in her ear.  At some point, he reclaimed his materia and held it to her temple. It glowed, and the subtle pain she felt worming its way through her was replaced by immeasurable, immutable pleasure that had her flexing around him again. “Good night, slut! Gyehehehehehehe!!”

The materia gleamed brighter, and Yuffie felt yet another orgasm sweep over her. This time, it was source less, endless pleasure that radiated from the core of her and left her feeling numb and breathless. She shook against him with his thick cock still inside of her, plugging her up while his semen stretched her insides. Yuffie passed out again, but just before she did, Elena was there removing her from Corneo and latching her mouth onto Yuffie’s stretched, abused pussy and eating the cum directly from her.


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