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Geis: Intervention

Vol. 1

Chapter One: A New King Crowned

Trigger Warning: This story contains some sexual and emotional violence. This is not a healthy representation of a relationship, nor should it be something to strive for in your own life. This is a work of fiction, and the actions taken in this story are taboo for a reason. Be good to each other.

School let out for the summer, leaving Kendall and Jackson with almost two months without work. They were being paid for those remaining two months but Jackson, being the kind and supportive fiance he was, took another job on the side to pick up hours. They were planning to move after the summer, and they needed all the money they could save. During this time, the girls stayed at their daycare, leaving Kendall alone during the day.

Some days, Kendall found herself bored. Other days, she was grateful. Kendall had been working since she was twelve. Her mother, a single alcoholic more inclined to drink herself into a stupor than to support the family in any meaningful way, put all the pressure of adulthood on her teenage daughter. Sometimes, Kendall thinks that’s how she found herself as a teenage mother. With two children before nineteen, Kendall was afraid she would be alone for the rest of her life, or worse yet, trapped with the one of the men who put her in that situation.

Kendall was the mother of two daughters by two different men. Penelope, her oldest by a single year, was born from unprotected sex had with her then boyfriend. High school sweethearts, they tried to make it work, but he cheated on her repeatedly without her knowing, and when she found out she just couldn’t forgive him. Falling into drugs--or letting the problem surface and become known--he disappeared from her life, hardly seeing his daughter before refusing to pay child support.

Still, he was better than the father of her second daughter. Kendall’s second daughter, Addison, was made in a moment of weakness with a man named James. James was tall and heavy, a large man with a large presence and a sinister streak. Cruel by nature, James accosted Kendall until she gave in, using his age and size against her to coerce her into a date. Kendall had found herself disappointed by their first sexual encounter, which was brief, rough, and shallow, and later she had found herself pregnant.

The problem with James was that he was empty. Looking into his cold eyes, Kendall could see little more than hate inside of him. Looking back, James didn’t know what love was or how to express love. He was broken, perhaps more than Kendall, and together they didn’t have the strength to heal each other. Kendall tried hard to make it better, but their time together only made them both worse. Kendall’s pregnancy protected her for a time, but after Addison was born, there was nothing to protect her. Their relationship devolved into domestic abuse that was both physical and mental and, after two years together, Kendall was convinced that the only way she could escape was for one of them to die.

That is when she met Jackson, and she loved him from the moment she saw him. Jackson was not classically handsome. He had good shoulders and dark eyes, but he wasn’t tall like James, nor was he as heavy set. Still, he was heavier, and he was warm, and most of all he was safe, and that was all that Kendall could ask for. First, she and Jackson worked together. Then, he helped her move out on her own and they started dating. Then, he let her move in with him when her apartment went sideways. Shortly after, they were engaged and looking forward to a long and happy life together. They are moving fast, but they are in love.

That is how Kendall felt when she dropped Jackson off this morning, kissing him goodbye and professing her love. Then, she dropped the girls off at their daycare and returned home. She is just inside when a knock summons her back to the door. It is a heavy knock and followed by an equally heavy use of the doorbell, and Kendall is already fuming when she opens the door and finds James waiting outside.

It has been months since she expelled James from her life, but he hasn’t changed much at all. He remains tall and brutish, though he keeps his beard neatly trimmed. His cold, hollow eyes stare a hole through her as he towers over her, his fat body filling the doorframe. If anything, he has gained weight, his belly filling his too-tight muscle shirt to the point where it fits him like a second skin. Looking at him, she feels a mixed sense of arousal and revulsion.

“James? What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?”

James regards her with cold laughter before pushing past her. He enters the living room with the entitlement of a king and stops to turn and take it in before falling, heavily, onto her couch. It was the couch they had shared when dating, and it sags under his weight now as it had in the past. He parts his legs while staring at her, the crotch of his jeans straining around something unfamiliar. James was modestly endowed at best when she knew him, his shaft both short and thin. What Kendall finds herself staring at now, however, is neither.

She swallows. “Get out.”

“No,” James cackles.

Kendall glares. “Get out!”

“Make me.” He stares back at her, grinning like a chimp, and she remembers then how small and weak she is compared to him. Though tall for a woman and quite stout, where she could stand as Jackson’s equal, she is dwarfed by James’ size and weight. The power disparity between them made her legs weak. “Or, better yet, shut your damn mouth and go get me a beer.”

Kendall, though bothered by his words, moves to obey him on instinct. She is partway to the kitchen before she stops and turns to face him. “We don’t have beer,” she says, and James turns a critical gaze on her. Under his scrutiny, she feels both anxious and eager to please him.

“You fucking kidding me? That pussy don’t even drink beer? Then what the fuck do you have, Kendall?”

Standing still, Kendall stammers, “We have water, and milk, and Jackson has some soda in the fridge…”

“Then bring me one of his sodas for fuck’s sake.”

Kendall leaves the room quickly, old fears rising with a sudden, inherent urge to obey. She grabs James a soda and on her way to him says, “But, this is Jackson’s.”

James grunts. “You think I give a fuck? That faggot stole you from me. Least I can get out of it is a fucking soda.”

Kendall frowns as she stops beside the couch. “He didn’t steal me,” she says. “I’m not an object to be taken, James.” She offers him the soda even as she chides him, her body moving of its own accord. He meets her with a stare, waiting until she opens it for him, and then he takes the soda from her and slurps it as she waits at his side. Her heart hammers watching him, and her ears remain open to his words, compelled by a willing body to obey him.

A dizzying arousal sweeps over her as he glares over her. She blinks, and she stares, and her nipples ache inside her blouse. Even her pussy is wet, though she isn’t sure why. The fear that settling in her belly is burning off as arousal in her loins.

“Fuck if you ain’t,” James says after a long burp. “It’s fine, though, cause I came here to steal you right back.”

Hearing this, Kendall rolls her eyes. James was, among his other many wonderful traits, a misogynist through and through. He wasn’t a television misogynist, either, who would sometimes put women down but otherwise treated them with some measure of respect. He was the type of man who expected her to serve him in every way and often treated her like a slave. Two years with him was more than enough, and even now, despite her arousal, she has no interest in returning to it.

James stares at her, through her, as he gulps the soda. Burping again, he wipes his mouth on the back of his big, beefy hand. “You think I’m fucking kidding? Come here!” Reaching out, he slaps her across the cheek. The blow is light compared to how he used to hit her, but even then it is enough to leave her unsteady. She stumbles sideways before catching herself on the nearby wall, and then stares at him with tears in her eyes and a burning in her cheek. James, meanwhile, laughs. “You always were a dumb bitch, rolling your fucking eyes at me, but you’ll learn your place. For now, get on your knees and rub my feet like you used to. You’ve got a lot of missed time to make up for.”

Again, Kendall moves without thinking, her body primed to obey his every request. The pain he visited upon her is not new, nor is this next humiliation. James has always lived to degrade her, but her response to his degradations is different this time. The pain in her cheek lingers, as did her hurt pride, but a seed of pride is buried deep within this bed of hurt. As she falls to her knees, she feels this seed sprouting, tender but alluring, and as she stares at his feet, she also feels an even deeper arousal stirring inside of her.

James wears heavy boots crusted with mud. He offers her his right foot first, and she takes it onto her lap and undoes the laces. When they were dating, Kendall would rub his feet regularly and without expectation that he returned the favor. It was understood between them that he would never show her such kindness or affection, and while Kendall didn’t like it, she at some point came to accept it as the best she could get. That is how James worked. He broke her down, and it was only with the arrival of Jackson that she was ever rebuilt. To her shock and horror, however, James has returned to her life to break her again, and this time seems all the more capable of doing it permanently.

Removing James’ shoe, she is first struck by how pungent the aroma of his feet is. It conjures for her old memories of the home they shared and of the abuses that went on there. Her heart sinks as she stares down at James’ uncovered foot and then, to her growing shame, arousal creeps into these feelings as well. The scent is not unfamiliar to her, but her response is changed. The disgust it summons is chased by a dizzying arousal that sweeps over her and leaves her breathing deep. She hates him and the stink of his feet, but she also couldn’t get enough of it.

She removes his sock next, bunching it up and stuffing it into the boot before setting the boot onto the floor beside her. Holding his sweaty foot on her lap, she lifts it carefully in her hands, the skin slick against her fingers and palms. She doesn’t enjoy the sensation, but she can’t bring herself to refuse him. Somehow, in some way, James demands a level of obedience from her now that he had lacked only a few months before. Her gaze settles on him again, this time curiously, on his impossibly large bulge, and she wonders if anything else about him has changed.

Blushing, she looks away and begins rubbing his feet. It comes back to her quickly, nights spent rubbing his feet absently while he watched sports. He often sat in just his underwear, his tiny penis hardly noticeable, the stink of his feet ripe and unwelcome in her nostrils. She would think about Jackson then, and she would fantasize about the life they would live together.

Now, however, James’ stench pushes Jackson out of her mind. It fills her with James instead, and the old memories return to her in black and white. Colorless, they sap the color from her world. Jackson becomes the memory, and James her new reality. It frightens her, the power he possessed over her, and it sickens her to be reduced to this again. It is worse to be kneeling at his feet as she does it, like she is his slave, but no matter how bad it is, the worst part is the subtle joy she takes in serving and smelling him.

James notices and, watching her, grins like a baboon. “Enjoying yourself down there?”

Kendall, briefly lost in her memories, wakes enough to glare at him. His feet are heavy and rough in her hands, but the sweat has dried, leaving only the scent in its place. She feels foggy-headed and horny, but she still hates James, even if she is reluctantly enjoying his feet. With all the venom still in her, which is a lot after two years of abuse, she spits a petty, “No.”

James laughs again. “Really? Cause you seemed like you were enjoying it, getting all lost in thought about it. Also, there’s that.” James pokes at her breasts, where her unrestrained nipples stand at attention, showing through her blouse. Kendall, accustomed to going without a bra while home alone, gasps and blushes before lifting James’ foot to hide behind.

“Shut up, you pig.”

James shrugs. “What you get for not wearing a bra. Anyway…” Lifting his foot, James jams it into Kendall’s face and watches her sniff him quickly before recoiling. At no point in this exchange does she ever stop rubbing his feet, the task which he had ordered her to do. “But this should keep you focused: kiss my feet.”

Kendall, staring him in the eyes, breathes him in one last time before pressing him to her lips. She kisses him reluctantly, driven by an animal desire to obey the man whom she sees as her alpha male. Lips pressed firmly to the underside of his foot, she understands her powerlessness in his presence and the arousal she feels before him. James frightens her, but he also compels her to obey on a primal level. He is a large man and physically powerful, and all women want to be wanted. She hates him, she reasons, but she also has to protect herself, and her arousal is just another way of protecting herself.

Lips pursed, Kendall is about to move to obey but finds herself interrupted. Her eyes are fixed on James’ and mirroring his animal delight as she moves into position to taste him for the first time, and then the front door comes open. Jackson stops in the entrance of the house, and his body is rigid and his eyes wide with horror and confusion. He has a Styrofoam container of food that his gripping hands that have broken in half when he finds them like together like that.

Jackson looks between Kendall on the floor and James above her and stammers. “Kendall? What are you…?” He sees James’ big foot in her hands and against her face and gapes. “Why?”

Kendall freezes and looks between Jackson and James. One is her boyfriend, her fiancé, the man she loves and the man who once saved her. The other is James, her bully, her abuser and her returning conqueror. She loves one, but the smell of the other arouses and confuses her. She breathes James in and, with the memory of his violence heavy in her heart, whispers, “Jackson, I’m sorry.” Her lips purse again, and she moves to kiss James’ bare feet even with Jackson watching.

James doesn’t move as he watches them, but he turns his smile on Jackson as Kendall’s lips touch his feet. “Looks like she’s made her choice, doesn’t it? How’s it feel, cuck?” He spits the last word, and the hurt on Jackson’s face is almost as good as the shameful disgust on Kendall’s.

“Cuck,” Jackson whispers afterward, and his body shakes. The word is sour in his mouth and, staring at James, he feels fear and despair rising in him. Above that, however, he feels something else. James is bigger than him and taller than him, and even if he wasn’t, Jackson isn’t a fighter to begin with, but seeing James with Kendall does something to Jackson. He can see the horror on her face and the bewilderment as her lips touch James’ unwashed, sweaty foot. She doesn’t want this, and all three of them know it.

Jackson’s penis retracts out of primal, animal fear. Tears gather in his eyes, and his throat goes tight. He wants to run and leave his fiancé there in the hands of a superior male, but something has him stuck. Kendall’s look of confused arousal and abject fear unsettles and worries him. She is kissing James’ foot, but she is doing so unwillingly and under duress. If she was cheating, Jackson could go, but he knows that she is not. He remembers her stories of James’ violence, and he asks, “You don’t want this, do you, Kendall?”

James laughs before Kendall can respond and shoves his toes into her mouth. “It don’t matter what she wants anymore, cuck. She’s mine again.” He watches Kendall choke and recoil from him and slaps her across the face with his foot while she coughs. “And she better stop wasting her fucking time and get my foot in her mouth.”

Kendall sputters and looks at James, and with her shoulders sunk, she welcomes his toes back into her mouth with an animal whine. Jackson watches. His dick is small and limp and his heart is hammering in his chest. “No,” he whispers, but James does not hear him. He hardly even notices Jackson’s approach, not until Jackson’s knee cracks his nose.

James’ head snapped back with enough force to crack the wooden support bar beneath the fabric of the couch. He sits forward and blood gushes down his face. Jackson grabs him and, once Kendall is safely out of the way, drags James forward onto the floor. Then, he is on top of James. He avoids using his fists and instead drives his sharp, pointed elbows into James’ face. Kendall scuttles away against the nearby wall and screams as her insides twist.

Whatever strange magic James was using to compel her tugs at her again. She moves to intercept Jackson, but when she sees James bloody at his feet, she feels the spell stretching and snapping. She stops Jackson but not to save James. Instead, she drags Jackson off out of a desire to protect him from legal harm. James is already on the floor, bloody and bruised, and he isn’t fighting back. Jackson has won, and the strange arousal she felt before is gone from her as he drags himself coughing toward the door.

Now held by Kendall, Jackson staggers to a stop beside her. He is covered in blood, but none of it is his own. He looks at her, panting and embodying the very violence which Kendall has always hated. She holds him tight around his skinny arm and feels him tense, ready to strike but when he sees her, he grows loose. She cups his face and looks him in the eyes, and a soft smile touches his lips.


She nods. “Yes, baby, it’s me. It’s me. I’m here.”

Their foreheads touch, and he breathes a deep sigh. “Are you hurt?” His voice is tight.

“I’m fine,” she says, and she can see James at the doorway propping himself up and holding his blood in his palm as he wheezes. “I’m not hurt,” she says, and she puts herself between James and Jackson. Looking at the fat, bleeding pig now, she cannot understand at all what had her so enthralled, and she wants to vomit just thinking about it. “Get out of here, James. Leave. And don’t every come back.”

James gasps for breath as he looks at her. There is hate in his eyes, but the hate has no hold over her anymore. Blood pools on his lips and drips from his chin. “But you’re mine now…”

Jackson tenses and steps around Kendall. He is ready to kick him across the face, but Kendall stops him. James winces anyway, and when he recovers, he finds Kendall’s long legs in front of him and her large breasts hanging as she glares down at him. “Let me make one thing very clear, James. If you ever come back here again, I’ll kill you myself.” She spits on him, and she stands straight and says, “So go. Now. And don’t make me regret this.”

James grunts and nearly rolls out the door. He stumbles to his feet in the grass and sways. Blood gathers on his shirt and makes a trail leading to his truck. He falls into the front seat coughing and, from the open door, shouts back, “I’ll be back!”

Jackson follows him out, and James quickly slams the door shut as Jackson shouts at him, “If you come back, then you’re dead!” He makes it to James’ truck as James pulls out onto the street, and James’ tires screech as he jets off down the road and away from the house. Kendall follows Jackson out, and Jackson looks at her again, breathless. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Kendall nods and smiles as she stares him in the eyes. “I’m fine,” she says. “I’m fine. Are you…?” She looks at the blood on him and leads him inside to the couch. She sets Jackson down and returns with a wetted washcloth, which she uses to wipe his arms clean after removing his shirt. “It looks like none of this is yours,” she says as she wipes him clean.

“Honestly, I feel fine,” Jackson says, though his voice is shaking. He laughs anxiously as his nerves dance inside of him. “Probably adrenaline.”

“Probably.” Kendall flashes him a timid smile. “What were you doing home?”

Jackson looks at the food he dropped on the floor and says, “I had brought you lunch home as a surprise.” He looks at her again and says, “I know that we were trying to save money, but I wanted to do something special for you.”

“Oh, Jackson…” Kendall drops the rag beside her. “You are too good for me,” she says, and she pulls him into a kiss. Jackson can taste dirt and sweat on her tongue, but he can also taste something else as their lips meet a second time. They collapse into each other like crashing waves on the couch, their bodies burning and hot as their adrenaline settles. “Jackson,” she pants, and she kisses him again before removing her blouse to reveal her bare breasts and stiff nipples.

He whispers back to her, and she climbs off of him to remove her pants. Her panties are soaked, and she steps out of them next as Jackson lifts his hips to remove his pants. Kendall gasps when she sees him, and stares in smiling delight at what she finds waiting for her when his briefs come off. “My oh my! You must like what you see!”

Jackson’s brow knits, and he follows her gaze to his crotch, where he finds the largest, thickest version of himself he has ever seen. Though not small by conventional standards, Jackson measures at most seven inches on a good day. Today is an exceptionally good day, because he is more than seven inches already, and he isn’t even hard. Failing to find adequate words to articulate his surprise, Jackson merely stares at his dick and mutters, “…Whoa.”

Kendall laughs. “Whoa indeed,” she agrees. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

“Me, neither,” he admits, and Kendall takes hold of him with a smile and strokes him as she climbs onto his lap.

“Then we’ll just call this adrenaline, too,” she says, and she grinds her wet slit against his growing shaft. Her clit hits him, and she quivers in climax. Her body is hotter than it has ever been before, and her insides are twisting and knotting in preparation for him to open her up as she holds him to her belly and marvels at his impossible length. “Oh God, Jackson, you’re so big, and you’re not even hard yet!”

“I’m almost there,” Jackson gasps, and he stares at Kendall’s body and watches her writhe like water against him. He has never seen her this horny before, nor has he ever seen her with this look of desperate delight on her face as she wriggles against swelling shaft. She, like many women, has previously expressed that size doesn’t matter to her, but looking at her now, he realizes that she has been lying to him the entire time. “Kendall, I don’t know what’s going on, but…”

Kendall giggles against him and lifts herself. “Don’t worry, I do,” she purrs, and she holds him steady as she drags her weeping cleft along the length of his shaft. He is fully erect now, and she stops and cradles his fat crown against her womanhood for a moment before pressing him into her with a wince and a sigh. “What’s going on, Jackson, is that…Mm…Your dick is huge, and I’m going to ride you.”

“Fuck,” Jackson gasps as Kendall eases herself onto him. Kendall has always been tight from the first time they fucked, but she has never been tight like this before. He doesn’t know if it is his increased size, and he doesn’t care. She fits him like a wet, hot glove, and she eases herself onto him with care and climaxes every few inches as she goes. Jackson, meanwhile, sits there watching her beautiful body move and flex on him as she adjusts around him, and he remains breathless as she takes him to half his length with smooth, measured movements.

“Jackson,” she wheezes. She is leaned against him, holding him with her hands on his shoulder and her feet planted in a way that looks uncomfortable but also seems necessary to take him. She stares him in the eyes with a look of pained adoration. It is the purest and most undiluted love he has ever seen, and she smiles and whispers to him, “I love you, Jackson. I love you so much. I love you. Thank you. Thank you.” She repeats the words as she begins kissing him, and she keeps kissing him whenever she isn’t speaking.

Jackson begins kissing her back and, reaching around, he takes hold of her big, round rear and guides her on his dick. He moves slowly into her, giving her another inch and then another. Kendall mewls into his mouth and seems to drink him as she clings to him, and soon he is deeper inside of her than anyone else has ever been and deeper than he has ever been in a person.

They part briefly to stare into each other’s eyes as Jackson hits her cervix. Kendall rests against him, and she is breathless and smiling. “Jackson,” she whispers, and she tightens her fists in his shirt and moans. “Jackson, baby, you’re so deep.”

“I still have more to give you,” he tells her, and both are in disbelief.

She bites her bottom lip and hesitates. Her insides are open for him, but she yearns for more. She flexes around him and coos, “Give it to me.”

Jackson moans. “I don’t know if you can take it…”

Kendall moves her hands and pulls him into another kiss. Then, staring him in the eyes, she growls, “I will,” and she swings her hips against him. True to her word, Kendall opens for him. Her cervix parts and swallows him, and she takes him to the root with a quick stab of pain and a rushing river of pleasure that follows. Kendall leaves them both wet with her climax, and she claws against his chest as she wails with thoughtless pleasure with him buried deep, deep into the depths of her.

She is resting against him and panting as he kisses the deepest parts of her body. Jackson, stricken by a sudden, animal desire, takes hold of her by the ass and moves her on his dick. He surprises both by lifting her and then thrusting up into her on the downstroke of her body. His dick leaves her cervix and then barrels back in, sending a shock of pleasure tickling up her spine as she goes breathless on him.

They fuck like this for a few seconds afterward, and each stroke has him thicker and harder. Kendall can feel his orgasm approaching but is coming too hard to respond. She whines against him, overwhelmed by the pleasure, and finally blacks out as he erupts inside of her. When she wakes, she finds herself drooling on his shoulder as he lies there gasping with her at rest on him.

After a long time, he whispers her name, and she sits up to look at him. His face is slick with sweat, and his dick is still inside of her. He is not as hard as he was before, but he is still impossible the way he fills her. “Kendall, are you okay?”

“More than okay,” she purrs, and she kisses him deeply. Their tongues dance as their bodies did before, and as they parted, she giggles. “I’ll be sore in the morning, for sure, but that was the best sex of my life, I promise.”

“Good,” says Jacob, and he taps her bottom. Kendall smiles in response.

Slowly, and with effort, they separate. Kendall climbs from him with stiff, creaking limbs, and waddles away with semen gushing out of her. If she wasn’t on birth control, then she would most certainly be pregnant, she is sure of that. Even with birth control, she is slightly afraid that it happened anyway. That fear does nothing to ease her sudden, burning arousal when she lays sight on Jacob’s limp cock at rest again his thigh.

“My God,” she whispers, and she stares at his limp, slimy dick. Jacob looks worried until she smiles at him and kisses him, and then taking hold of his heavy cock, she strokes him idly and says, “You’re incredible.”

Jacob smiles, too, and lets her lead him by the dick to the bathroom. They shower off together, and he returns to work very late from his lunch. He explains to his boss what happened, though he leaves out the toe licking and the sex, and they give him permission to go home. He and Kendall fuck again before they have to leave to get the girls, and they ride back holding hands while their daughters chatter at them from the back seat.

That night, as they dress for bed, Kendall flashes Jackson a smile. “Jackson,” she says, and when he looks at her, she blushes. Something about their relationship feels different. She always felt safe around him, and that was a miracle considering the violence of her past. Still, she feels almost safer now that he is well-endowed and now that he has proven to her his ability to protect her.

Jackson watches her stare at him and shies away. “Kendall,” he says, and she snaps back into awareness and looks him in the eyes. “Did you need something?”

Kendall chews her bottom lip. She always thought he was handsome, but now she is literally stunned by him. He is not perfect, but he is perfect to her, and she climbs onto the bed on her knees and walks across to kiss him. “I love you,” she says as their lips part, and she pulls him into bed with her to fuck one more time before they fall asleep together.


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