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Chapter Four:

Jean spent another day fantasizing about Michael. This time, she hardly spared her husband a thought as a river of thick semen pooled inside of her panties. She had to wear a pad to soak it all up, and by the end of the day she couldn’t tell if it was arousal or semen that had left her drenched down there.

She sped home and was excited to find Michael’s car waiting. Her heart hammered as she rushed inside. Brad greeted her in the living room looking pale and tired. He clearly had slept no better than she had last night, and she stopped in the doorway and spared him her first and only thought that day after seeing him that morning.


“He’s already waiting upstairs,” Brad said sadly. “Only a few more weeks,” he muttered afterward, and though Jean nodded, she was sad to consider it. She could see his hurt, though, and knew that she should have at least spared him a kiss or even a hug, but she was too horny to take the time. Instead, she took the stairs three at a time to make it up to the bedroom as fast as she could.

Michael was waiting with a hard on. He stood naked, his big body displayed with a level of confidence that, at a glance, Jean would not have thought him deserving of. Having fucked him, however, she knew better, and she stared on him in awed affection as his massive hand made his equally massive cock look almost normal. She smiled as she shut the door behind her. Michael smiled, too, as he approached her.

She tucked her hair behind her left ear and said, “Hi, Mike!”

“Hi, sweet thing.” Mike released his cock and let it swing in front of him as he approached her. He looked burlier than usual, and his cock was thick and veiny. Jean had never examined it so intently before, but every time she saw him, she found something new to lust over. He swatted her on the ass and said, “Come on. We ain’t got all night.”

“R-Right. Sorry.”

Jean stripped before him and climbed up onto the bed. She waited on all fours with her ass toward him, shaking her bottom at him while her wetted, pink gash glistened in preparation. This was their second night together, and already she felt like he had reshaped her for him. Downstairs, she had worried that once it was all over she would still want Michael. More than that, she was worried that her pussy would never go back to normal after him. If that happened, then it wouldn’t be a want but a need.

Jean continued to tell herself that this was simply for childbearing, but deep in her heart she knew there was something more to it. The swing of her hips and the excitement up her spine was enough to telegraph to the world that she was enjoying herself. She was horny, and she wanted to be fucked by him, and she was smiling as he lined up behind her and held her by the small of the back to keep her steady.

Michael was no virgin and could see clearly how horny and ready she was, but he saw no reason to push her farther yet. For the moment, she was willing, and that is all he needed. Judging by the way she moaned and the way she moved on him, he figured it would only be so long before she admitted the truth to herself, to him, and to her husband, and by then it would be too late. By then, he could push her to do or say anything he wanted, and that is what he lived for: complete and total submission.

With one hand on the small of her back to steady her, Mike pressed his fat crown up into her. She lifted her hips and opened herself to him, and she bit her cheek to hide her smile. He stretched her on only a few inches, and she whined as pleasure gathered in her gut and threatened to spill out of her. “Go easy,” she whined, and she wiggled against him as he took her to half his full length.

Michael heard her and laughed to himself before striking her hard across the ass. This was not foreplay but a warning, and Jean almost ran from him until he took hold of her by the shoulder. “Telling me to go easy,” he growled, and he knotted his hand in her hair again and arched her back as he nearly lifted her by her scalp.  “Sweet thing, be both know that you like it rough.” Jean gasped as he forced himself into the root, and then clawed at the headboard as she tried to steady herself. She shook on him and wet him as she came, and any complaint she might have had died on her lips or escaped as a plaintive, willing moan.

It was wrong, but Michael’s bold aggression only turned Jean on. He gave her very little foreplay and very little time to adjust today, and instead took to fucking her with hard, deep strokes from the start. Her body shook and quivered, and he reached around under her arm to squeeze and tug her breasts thoughtlessly. Each movement slapped his balls against her thick thighs as he held her by the head.

Jean held her lips shut tight to keep from moaning. The pleasure was overwhelming and built up inside of her. Her head swam as Michael held her tight. They both knew how much she enjoyed his dick, but she wasn’t ready to announce it. Her pussy betrayed her, though, and hugged him in a hot, wet vice that almost stroked him as he stroked into her. It shamed her how good he felt but being with him like this also freed her.

He started by moving her but gradually, she moved against him. Braced against the wall, she held tight and pushed back to meet his thrusts. Soon, her face was pinned to the wall as he gasped behind her. She could hear her own bottom clapping against him on each stroke, and she could feel herself molding to him as his fat belly slapped against her.

This was different from the lovemaking she did with Brad. She had grown accustomed to his gentle efforts, but Michael’s deep strokes were better. He did not make love to her. He bred her, and that was what she needed if she was going to be a mother. She needed to be fucked hard and left full, and Michael’s gargantuan cock and enormous balls were perfectly suited to the task. He was there to do a job, not to please her, and that was what made it so good. He could fuck her without consideration for her pleasure, and being used by him was what felt the best, she learned.

He swatted her ass again, and her lips parted in a moan. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling as he drilled her. His thrusts had grown slower as he struggled for air, but they remained deep and hard regardless. She whined as his massive crown stabbed deep into her, hitting parts of her that Brad could never touch even if he knew they existed. Drool cascaded down her chin as her head lolled with each movement of his body.

“There we go,” Michael said, and he twisted his fist to jerk her head back. He slapped her ass again, and this time she moaned loudly for him. “Now we got you honest with yourself. Fucking me is different from fucking your hubby, isn’t it?”

Jean knew what he wanted but had enough awareness not to say it. In place of praise, she only admitted size and told him, “You’re so big!” He stopped behind her, and she kept moving on him. Hands planted against the headboard of her bed, she panted like an animal as she threw herself back onto his stiff cock. She quivered, and she drooled as she impaled herself on his rigid rod.

“I am,” Michael growled, and he swatted her again and again while she fucked him. Whatever pain should have been there was transformed by his rough hands. It hurt, but it did not slow her. If anything, it made her need more urgent. She slapped hard against him on each stroke, like she was desperate to have him flood her again. “But I already knew that. What I want to know is who fucks better? Me or your hubby?”

Jean was nearly crying on him. The truth waited on her tongue, ready to be spoken. She rolled her hips into him with a desperate need. Her orgasm was close. She just needed him to move. One more thrust would do it, but he held her in place by her hair and all she could do was shake on him and wail, “You! You fuck better, Mike! You fuck me so good with your big, fat cock! You are better, Mike! You’re better than Brad! You’re better than everyone!!”

Her admission brought a smile to Michael’s fat face. He watched her move, her body hypnotic and soft. The way her ass shook on each backward stroke was astonishing to him. She lacked breasts but more than made up with it in ass. He growled and cupped her rear, and holding her by her ass and her hair, he gave her a hard thrust. Jean gasped as his dick drove the air from her lungs, and then whined as he kept going.

Barreling into her and reshaping her, Michael soon found himself thickening. Jean must have felt it too, because she flattened her hands against the headboard and threw herself back into him with animal abandon again. Her body moved automatically, hijacked by an instinctual hunger for his seed. Moaning and drooling, she looked back at him and found him glassy eyed and huffing. He drooled, too, as he hammered her harder and held her tighter, leaving bruises in the supple flesh of her rear.

“I’m close,” he grunted, his face red with exertion. He glistened with sweat as his fat body quivered like gelatin with each stroke. As he was mesmerized with her ass, she was mesmerized by his fat body and the way it moved as he plowed her. Fuck-drunken as she was, it was poetry to her.

“Do it, Michael! Come in me! Flood me! Knock me up!! Give me the child and the orgasms that Brad can’t!!!”

Michael bellowed and nearly jumped into her on his last stroke. “YOU FUCKING BET!!!!”

He held himself inside of her as he gushed. Jean tightened around him and then swelled with seed. They stayed like this for nearly a minute. Jean’s pussy remained tight and flexed in climax like it was milking him, but her body went limp as he held her about the waist. Her head ached where he was pulling her hair, but otherwise she was happy, and she cried in pleasure as the orgasm sapped all of her strength from her limbs.

When both were finished, Michael released Jean and let her fall face first onto the bed. He laughed at the sight of her bent up toward him, her ass in the air, and swatted her again. She barely moaned, she was so well-fucked. “That was a good one,” he said, and he gave a gentle hump back into her just to hear her moan. He had just removed her when Brad knocked at the door, and Michael laughed as he wiped his spent cock across her belly. “And that would be your little cuck hubby here to check on you.”

Jean, sideways on the bed in a pool of her own saliva, grimaced. “We’re fine, Brad.” She stared at Michael and smiled. “We’re just…breeding.” The last word nearly brought laughter to her. Sex with Brad had never felt like this, nor had any of their desperate and failed attempts at breeding. Michael always left her feeling so full. She loved it!

“Oh,” was Brad’s immediate response, following later by, “Are you sure?”

Michael shook Jean’s ass idly while his cock hung limp. It was distracting to her how big he was, and she had to focus to keep from forgetting Brad altogether. Michael swatted her bottom and said, “Tell him we’re hungry.”

Through the door Brad whined, “Jean?”

“I’m sure,” said Jean as she allowed herself to look at Michael again. He was so ugly only a few days ago, but now she wanted him again. She smiled and sat up to kiss his belly and his chest, and she licked his nipples, too. “But we’re getting kind of hungry. Brad, do you think you could get us something to eat?”

After another long pause, Brad said, “…Yes. What can I get you?”

“Steaks,” Jean said, tasting Michael’s nipple as she stroked his sticky cock. She smiled up at him when she found him smiling back down at her. “Big ones. We’ll need the protein.”

A final pause followed before Brad, clearly broken down behind the door, sobbed, “Okay. I’ll get them.”

“Thanks, Brad,” Jean said. Her voice was teasing as she stroked Michael, and she let him kiss her before he laid her back and lined up again to take her. He entered her with a rough thrust, and she came immediately as he did.


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