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Justin was not surprised when he heard his dad pass. He had been expecting it for years, and he had mentally prepared himself for it. For years, he had been looking ahead at a future without his father. When alone, he would silently grieve the ailing old man who had raised him on his own for so long. He would replay the fights they had that were never solved, and he would silently forgive small, petty hurts that were not worth the turmoil or the trauma.

So, when he got the phone call about his father, he was sad but not despondent, and he was able to listen in silence as his stepmother wept to him and comfort her when she needed it. A few hours, he had done the same for his aunt, and before bed, he had let himself have a cry before he drifted off.

The funeral was small and private, as his father would have liked it. His father did not have many friends, but those few he had were close and dedicated. He preferred family. Justin had spent more time with his aunt than with his own stepmother, though he had spent plenty of time with his stepmother after he arrived. They were close in age, though, and so it made it difficult for him to see her as any sort of parent at all.

Justin never met his mother, and his father never spoke about her other than to say that he loved her. His aunt didn’t say much about the woman, either, though she did make the point that she had loved his father very much and would likely always love him wherever she was. When asked for more information, his aunt would give him nothing. It was a big secret, and that was one of the many things that Justin had to make peace with and forgive before his father passed.

At the funeral, the few people there spoke well of his father. They spoke of a man who had suddenly appeared in their lives with a baby boy on his hip and no one else there to help him. They spoke of his love for his family and of his dedication to Justin, and Justin did find himself getting misty eyed, though he tried to fight it. When he spoke of his father, he kept respectful distance because he didn’t want to make people cry. He made sure the stories were funny so that they all had a chance to laugh.

It wasn’t until the funeral was over that Justin got any time alone with his stepmom, and by that time he was too tired to keep up appearances and sat with his suit jacket off and his tie undone as she cleaned frantically around the house. “Rosie, you don’t need to…”

“I do,” she said as she put away foot in a fit. Then, she would scrub and cleanse and spray and polish while he watched, and Justin did watch.

Roseline was only a few years older than Justin, but she had married his father while he was still just a teen. As a result, he had watched her his entire life. She was a slender woman with strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes, and she always knew how to dress in a way that made her slender, willowy frame look supple and womanly. Even now, the mourning rags she has show off the subtle width of her hips and the pert roundness of her backside.

Justin wasn’t proud, but he did take pleasure in watching her, and he felt himself stiffen slightly as he appraised her form. She was a beautiful woman, and he couldn’t even begin to understand what it was that she saw in his dear old dad who was nearly two decades older than her.

“Oh, Justin,” she stopped, and she began to cry again. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Justin rose quickly from his seat and hugged her. He never viewed her as his mother, but she had come to feel like family to him regardless. He embraced her, and he hoped that she could not feel him plump through his pants. It was definitely the wrong time to be letting his mind wander, and he knew that, but he was tired, and his inhibitions were loose because of it.

“It’s okay, Rosie. You’ll be okay without him. I know you will.”

“That’s not what I mean,” she whispered to him, and she stepped back and gave him a very tired smile. “Justin, you just don’t understand anything at all, do you?”

Justin had not been this close to her before. At least, he had never been this close to her like this. She smelled like flowers, and even with tears in her eyes and red on her nose, she looked beautiful. If anything, the fragility of her appearance made her look even more beautiful. She was so slight, but her clothes fit tight to her slender frame. He could see the shape of her nipples through her blouse, he realized, and she was aroused.

“I thought I did,” he said, and he swallowed afterward as he stared at her. She bit her bottom lip.

“I have something I have to show you. I’ve had to show you all day, really, but I had to wait.” She took his hand in hers, and it was then he realized how small and dainty her hands were. “Come with me,” she said, and she laced their fingers and led him out of the kitchen and into his father’s study.

Justin never went to his father’s study because as a child, he was never allowed in. Even as an adult, he avoided it. The place felt hallowed and somehow unwelcoming to him, and now it felt like a graveyard. He stood by the door after he entered, and he watched Roseline tug a lamp on and dig through his father’s drawers. “What’re you looking for,” he asked, and he stood with his back to the wall and his hands in his pockets.

“His will,” she said. “Not the fake one that they read earlier. The real one.”

Justin frowned and stood up from the door. He took a few steps toward but stopped as his foot touched a large, dark carpet at the center of the room. “His REAL will?”

She nodded and pulled a large envelope out, and she held it out to him. “Your father wrote three wills,” she told him. “One to be read in front of the family, and then two more with secrets meant just for you and those closest to him,” she said. “It’s about your inheritance, Justin. Your secret inheritance.”

“My inheritance,” he whispered, and he looked at the envelope in her hands without touching it. “Like, what, am I getting the house?” He looked at her and found her blushing.

“You’re getting something,” she said, and she bit her bottom lip.

“You’re being weird.”

She waved the envelope at him and said, “Just open it, you brat.”

Justin sighed and snatched the envelope from her, but he did not open it immediately. Instead, he held it in his hands and looked at her. “I can’t tell if you’re sad or your happy.”

“I think I’m both,” she confessed, and she gave a brief smile. “Mostly, I’m excited.”

“Excited?” He shook his head and opened the envelope. “I can’t imagine about what…”

Justin pulled out what Roseline described as his father’s real will and began reading it. It was a single page with only a few sentences. The language was plain by comparison to the will read out earlier in the day, and it communicated a very simple but also very confusing thought. His eyes bulged, and he read it again before looking back at his stepmother. “Rose…?”

Roseline nodded and undid the corset she was wearing. She removed it and then pulled her blouse off to reveal her bare breasts and stiff, pink nipples. “You read it correctly, Justin,” she whispered, and she turned to him and put her hands on the desk as she stuck her slender ass out at him. Hefting up her long, dark skirt, she revealed her soft, pale bottom and the large, black plug that was wedged deep into it. “I’m your inheritance.”

Justin felt like he was outside of his own body as he stared gentle, round curve of Roseline’s ass. She might not have been like a mother to him his entire life, but she was still like family, and he knew that family did not do this. His dick felt like it was about to burst out of his pants. It hurt to be standing there watching, but he could not pull his eyes off of her. His first words after seeing her exposed were, “Is that a butt plug?”

Roseline gave a delightful purr and shook her rear at him. “It is,” she told him. “I’ve had it in all day just for you. Look.” She adjusts her skirt again and shows him the small of her back, and he can see a tramp stamp tattooed just above her rear that declares her to be the property of his family. It has the old family crest tattooed above it, too. Justin looked above her and saw the crest on the wall, and he swallowed.

“How in the world…WHY in the world…?”

“Didn’t you think it was odd that I married your father when I was so young,” she asked him. “I did it for you,” she said. “I was always meant for you, Justin. He took me, and he tamed me, and he trained me, and he did it for himself, sure, but he also did it for you.”

“Rosie…Roseline, this is crazy.”

“I’ve been his little anal slut for decade, Justin, but now I can be your anal slut.” She leaned forward and rested her bare bosom on his father’s work desk, and she held her ass cheeks apart. Her bottom relaxed, and she let the plug slide smoothly out of her and clatter onto the ground so that he could see into her. “Take me, Justin. Take your slut. I’ve waited for this for so long!”

“But what about dad…?”

“Of course I loved him,” she whispered. “He used to take such good care of me, but now he’s gone. Now, you have to take care of me. Justin!”

Her pleading was like a siren’s song to Justin, and even as he complained, he approached her. Once he was close enough to touch her, he undid his belt slowly. “I can’t believe I am doing this,” he said. “I just buried my dad, and now I’m fucking my mom.”

“Stepmom,” she corrected. “And now, slut.”

“You really want it in your ass,” asked Justin as he pulled his pants open. His briefs were bulging with him, and Roseline purred when she saw him.

“That’s the only place I can have it,” she told him, and she lifted her hips to show him the strange chastity belt she wore. The straps slipped under her ass cheeks and held a piece in place in front of her crotch. Justin could see a subtle sheen of moisture on her thighs, though, and he could tell how horny she was.

“Fine,” he said, and he lowered his briefs with his pants and stepped out of both.

“Oh, my,” whispered Roseline when she saw Justin’s dick. Justin’s father had been well-endowed, but Justin was even bigger. Where his father was mostly girth, Justin was long and thick, and he had a shiny dollop of precum on his fat red crown that he smoothed along his shaft as he stroked himself.

“Do you need lube?”

“I’m all lubed up,” she told him, and she shook her exposed rear at him. “I’m ready for you, Justin.”

“I can see that,” said Justin, and he touched one of her soft, pale butt cheeks in experiment. He swallowed and lined up with her. “I don’t know if I’m ready for you, though,” he admitted.

“Just do it,” she told him in a desperate whisper, and then she grunted as he entered her.

The size difference was not unwelcome, but it was a surprise. Roseline was used to girth, but Justin’s length was different. He opened portions of her body that had never been touched by a dick, and she honestly was grateful for it. She held her ass cheeks apart for him until his pelvis touched her fingers, and then she released her own flesh to allow him to move.

“Fuck, Justin, that’s so good!”

Justin growled and held her by the hips as he kept himself pinned inside of her. He groaned, “Is this how did used to fuck you, Rosie?”

Roseline smiled. “It is,” she purred, and she flexed around him. “But it’s also better! Justin, you’re so big! You’re even bigger than he was!”

Justin growled again and moved one hand to her shoulder. “Fuck!” Holding her in both hands, he began moving, but he kept a slow, steady pace as she opened for him. Roseline was tight, and though Justin was not a virgin, he had never imagined that this would be what his father’s funeral was like. A part of him was sad and even angry that this was happening, but another part of him was relieved.

With the age difference between them being so slight, Justin had always found Roseline attractive, but he had also always seen her as off-limits. This was not his wildest dream come true, but that was only because he wouldn’t have even dreamed of this. Roseline not only seemed to be enjoying this, but she was an active participant as she moved to meet his thrusts. It astonished him that her tiny bottom could take him so deep, but she took him to the root on each stroke and seemed to enjoy it.

“Yes, Justin, yes,” she crooned. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Use me, Justin! Use your little anal whore!”

“Fuck, Rosie! Fuck! I can’t believe we’re…Fuck, your ass is so tight!”

“It won’t be for long,” she groaned. “You’re so thick, Justin! You’re filling me up!”

Justin panted behind her. He felt dizzy as he fell forward and hugged her around the midsection, and he drooled against her exposed back as she moved against him. It was more like she was fucking back against him now, and he could hear her moaning. “I’m about to shoot, Rosie.”

“Good,” she purred, and he could hear the smile in her voice. “Do it, Justin. Do it. Fuck me. Seed me, and use me again when you’re horny. Use me as often as you want. I’m. Yours!!”

It shamed him to think, but Justin could not last much longer. He had not wanted this entire life, but the desire had existed in the periphery for the better part of a decade, and that thrilled him. He swelled inside of her and hugged her tight, and he felt her flex around him with expert precision as she rolled her hips like a pro. “Rosie!!”


They came together. Justin could not see her orgasm, but he could feel her convulsing around him as he erupted inside of her. He held himself inside of her and hugged her so tight around the waist that he was afraid he might hurt her. She hugged him back. Face and breasts pinned to his father’s work desk, Rosie found his hands and held them as he emptied himself int other bowels. It was the closest thing to family they had been since he had met her, and it involved him bellowing behind her and drooling in her lovely hair as he came inside of her.

They settled, and both were breathless together. “Rosie…Roseline, I’m…”

“Don’t,” she whispered. “Don’t say that you’re sorry. Don’t apologize because I’m not sorry. I wanted this. I’ve wanted this…for so long.”

Justin, still gasping, nodded and stood up straight. “Then, what do you want me to do,” he asked.

“Pull out, and then take me by the hair and make me kneel at your feet.”


She nodded slowly. “Yes,” she panted. “Make me kneel at your feet and suck you clean.”

“Is that what dad did?”

“It’s what a master does,” she told him firmly. “And you, Justin, you’re my master now.”

Justin twitched. Taking hold of her by the hair, he moved her to her knees and slapped his spent cock down across her face. “Then if I’m your master, I order you to clean me.”

Roseline smiled and kissed the slick underside of his cock with a purr. “Yes, master,” she whispered, and she licked him all the way up to his crown and sucked him into her mouth. Hand knotted in her hair, Justin watched her with astonished awe in his face. He watched her throat him almost all the way to his root, and he watched her drool on him and slobber on him all the way until he was clean.

She finished by kissing his cockhead and clearing her throat as she held him by the root. “Such a nice big dick,” she whispered, and she giggled and kissed his cockhead a second time before nuzzling him and rubbing him all over her face. “And you left so much inside of me, Justin. It’s like a dream come true.”

“It…is?” Justin gasped as she kissed his balls and asked, “You’re really happy about this?”

Roseline laughed. “Justin!!” She smiled up at him and said, “I’ve lived for this. I’ve been waiting for this for over a decade now.”

Justin twitched against her, and she purred and slurped him again until he removed her by a tug on her hair. “Wait! You mean you’ve been married to dad so that you could…”

She nodded. “I was always meant to be your inheritance, Justin. From day one, I was a gift for you. Speaking of which…” She stood and searched through his father’s paperwork until she found the appropriate sheet of paper and then handed it to him. “Take a look at this. This one is really juicy.”

Justin read over the paperwork once, went wide-eyed, and then he read over it again. After a third readthrough, he lowered the paper work to stared at Roseline in silent shock, and she smiled at him with knowing understanding.  “…Aunt Allie is actually my mom?!”

Roseline nods enthusiastically and laughs. “Pretty crazy, right?”

Days pass, and Justin is still in shock. All his life, he has wondered why his Aunt Allison and his father were so close. They practically raised him together before Roseline came into his life when he was a teenager. When he was a kid, his classmates and teachers often assumed Aunt Allison was his mother until he informed them otherwise. Aunt Allison never seemed bothered by it and always took it in stride. Sometimes, she even seemed proud of it, though he never quite understood why until now.

He questioned Roseline relentlessly, and she had a lot of dirt to dish on the situation. Aunt Allison and his father were brother and sister, and they were raised as such. They were each other’s first crushes, and they began fooling around in high school and stopped only once Allison ended up pregnant. Allison gave the child up into adoption and moved away to quell rumors about what had happened, and Justin’s father had followed her. They were living apart in another town, and they were dating, but they still saw each other on the side until Allison ended up pregnant again.

“And that is when YOU were born,” Roseline had told him. “From how your dad told it, they packed up and moved again after she gave birth. He raised you as his own and said that his wife left him. Truth is, Allison was always there by his side helping raise you, but since they are brother and sister, no one could know. That is why they moved here to begin with. They wanted a fresh start together where no one knew them, and they wanted you to have as normal a childhood as they could give you while still being in love with each other.”

“Normal?” Justin scoffed. “Nothing about my life has been normally, especially not this.”

Roseline shrugged. “I’m sorry to hear that you feel that way, but you’ve got to keep in mind, Justin, they’re people just like you and me. Life is tough, and they were just trying to do what was right for everyone involved.”

“Yeah, well, they didn’t do anything right for me,” he scoffed, and the conversation died after that.

Even with that wild revelation, Justin stayed around the house. He fucked Roseline regularly and used other parts of her body, too. She was insistent that he could not use her pussy, but she gave him free access to her ass, mouth, hands, or tits whenever he requested it. A week passed, and it felt almost normal, but Justin’s Aunt Allison was always on his mind. Eventually, his curiosity and anger got to be too much, and he threw Roseline’s coat to her one evening and said to her, “Get ready. We’re going to go see my aunt.”

Roseline smiled in response and slipped her coat on as she said, “Of course, master. Whatever you say.”

The drive over felt longer than usual. Justin’s aunt had always lived close. As he got a bit older, he would even walk to her home sometimes, though looking back it was very foolish of him to do that. He had spent the night at her house for weeks at a time over the summer, and though he had known her as his aunt, he had always secretly wished that she was his mother. Now that he knew the truth, he didn’t know how to feel.

He made Roseline knock at the door because his nerves were too jittery. She only smiled in response before knocking. Allison answered the door in widow’s rags. She did not look like she had been crying recently, but her eyes were puffy and her skin pale like she had been crying for days and had only just managed to stop that morning. She gave them a tired smile and looked between them. “Justin. Rosie. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Roseline looked at Justin, who gave her a curt nod, and then she smiled at Allison. “Well, Allie, the cat’s out of the bag,” she said, and Allison looked briefly confused and then horrified.


Roseline nodded. “I did,” she said. “He knows that I am his inheritance, and he knows that you are…” Roseline giggled and slipped past Allison’s frozen body with light steps. “Well, you two should talk that out yourselves, shouldn’t you?”

Allison stood and stared at Justin with a slack jaw. When she finally recovered, she blinked a few times and then stammered. “Well, I…I guess you should come in, huh? I…I think we have a lot to talk about.”

“Yeah,” snapped Justin, and he bumped her shoulder on the way in. “I think we do, too.”

They went to her living room. As a child, Justin would play here. As an adult, he would sit and talk with her when he visited. Before he found out that she was his mother, he had been here to comfort her after his father’s passing. She had hugged him, and though he had been there for her, he had instead taken comfort from the interaction.

The warmth and comfort of the living room was gone as he entered this time. They sat across from each other and stared at one another. Roseline, who was all smiles, said, “I’ll go put on some tea.”

“Coffee,” said Allison, and she rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants. “I’ll need something stronger than tea, so coffee for me.”

“Water,” said Justin, and he didn’t say anything else.

They stared at each other for a long time as they listened to Roseline working in the kitchen. Roseline hummed to herself as she drew the water and poured it, and she moved like she knew the house. Justin didn’t think about it much, but he imagined that Roseline must have been close with Allison if Aunt Allison and his dad were fucking regularly. The thought made him angry enough to frown.

“She seems like she is in a good mood,” said Allison with a fake smile, and she gave a fake laugh, too. When she saw him glaring at her, she went quiet.

“I imagine she is happy,” said Justin grimly, and he crossed his arms. His face was hard and his jaw tight as he stared at this woman who he loved but didn’t really know. “She didn’t find out that you were her mother all her life.”

“Not today,” said his aunt airily, and his jaw flexed.

“What do you mean?”

“What do you know?”

“I know that dad was training her to be my sex slave,” said Justin automatically. “I know that you and dad were lovers and that you had two kids together and that I was one of them. I know that you’ve been lying to me my entire life!”


Justin fell quiet when his aunt snapped at him. He could see the hurt in her eyes, and though he was angry and grieving, he didn’t have it in him to ignore her. He did love her, and she had been there for him his entire life, even if she had been keeping secrets from him. “Just tell me…Why?!”

“Because I loved your father and no one would understand! There’s a reason you don’t know your grandparents, Justin. There’s a reason why we had to move and find new lives in a small town where no one knows us! We wanted to be a family. I swear to you. This was the only way to make it work! The world, Justin, the world doesn’t understand a love like ours…” She began to sob. “The world doesn’t understand at all…”

Justin fell quiet and stared at his feet. He listened to Roseline humming in the kitchen and the burbling of the coffee maker. “…I’m sorry…”

Allison wiped her nose and sniffed. “No, I’m sorry.” She gave him a sad smile and said, “I should have told you sooner. We both should have. We just…didn’t know what do say.” She sighed. “I still don’t know what to say, and now he’s gone…”

“I…” Justin wanted to go to her and hug her, but he was afraid of her.

Before he could move, Allison stood and left the room. He sat alone as Roseline returned with coffee and a cup of water. She placed each drink before the seat of their respective drinker and then waited behind the couch where Justin sat. She was still smiling, but she stopped humming. When Allison returned holding another manilla envelope, Roseline’s smile got even bigger.

Justin, however, frowned. “What is that? More secrets?”

“The rest of your inheritance,” said Allison, and she handed him the envelope. He took it, but she held onto it and stared him in the eyes. “Just…try to keep an open mind, will you?”

“What are you…?” Justin fell quiet as she released the envelope. He opened it and found a letter from his father inside. This was one like the last except it told him something he had never thought he would read. He read it once and then twice and on the third time, he looked at his aunt above the letter, except this time he didn’t see her as his aunt or as his mother. Instead, Justin saw Allison as a woman.

Perhaps Justin should have expected it considering what the last envelope said, but the truth was that he had not. All his life, he had looked at his aunt and seen her as family. Now, he looked at her and saw her as a woman, and he was left stiff by the revelation.

Allison had been a teen when she first gave birth, and she was still very young when she had given birth to Justin. Even after two children, she had aged remarkably well, a testament to a happy life and a strict regiment of diet and exercise. Time had softened her, but she was supple and rounded in places that were good to be soft and rounded. Roseline was lean, slender, and youthful, but Allison was voluptuous and womanly in a way that made Justin feel tight in his pants.

“He…” Justin swallowed as his throat suddenly felt dry. He wet his lips, and his Allison watched him. She nodded. Justin dropped the letter onto his lap. It felt difficult to breathe, and he was feeling very dizzy suddenly. “He didn’t…”

Allison nodded. She looked flushed and nervous. “He did,” she said.

“And you would…?”

She nodded again. “I would.”

“But I already have Roseline,” he said, and he balked when Allison suddenly removed her blouse and revealed her milky white breasts to him. She wore a lacy black bra that was nearly see-through at the cups. Her pink nipples showed through the thin fabric. “…What?!”

“You can have me, too,” she said. Her breathing was rapid and her nipples were stiff.

“But you’re my aunt! My mother!”

Allison fell to her knees in front of him, and her heavy breasts swung and jostled inside of her bra. She swept her hair back to keep it out of the way for him, and she showed her body to him. “I can still be more.”

Justin stammered as he stared at his buxom aunt jiggling her way toward him on her knees. “Aunt Allison,” he gasped, and her hands found his cock through his pants and started rubbing him. He moaned. “M-Mom?!”

She perked up and smiled when he said that. “Yes, baby? What do you want mommy to do for you?”

Justin swallowed again. His heart hurt it was beating so hard, but he could see the delight and hope in her eyes. He crumpled the letter in his left hand and rasped, “Suck my cock.”

His aunt, his mother, smiled and undid his pants. “Gladly,” she purred, and she fished him out and gasped with delight. “Oh my! You are a big boy, aren’t you?” She stroked him from root to crown and thumbed the precum that had already gathered there. He would not last long based on how wet and hard he was, but that flattered her. The smile did not leave her face as she kissed his sticky crown, nor did she stop smiling as she licked up the precum he left there. “Mm. And you taste good, too.”

Allison sucked him skillfully into her mouth, and though he had it on good authority that he was larger than his father, Justin could tell that Allison had more experience than Roseline and was soon in her throat. She took him to the root with what seemed like minimal discomfort, and she held there grunting and gasping around him until she came up again. Then, she stroked him with both hands while she gathered her breath, and she laughed a girlish laugh unlike anything he had ever heard from her before. “It’s so beautiful, Justin. Your dick is so beautiful, and I am the one who made it. I grew it. I grew you inside of me, and now…” She stood. “Now, you’re going back where you came from.”

Justin watched Allison step out of her pants. He watched her thighs ripple with her movements and watched with awe as the moistened folds of her pussy appeared. She was unshaven and open for him as she stood, and she regarded his hard-on with a smile as she straddled him. He squeaked, “I told you to suck my cock, not ride it!”

“I know,” she whispered, and she stroked him as she ran his sticky cockhead along her open vulva. She gasped, and then they both moaned as he entered her. “You can punish me later, but I just have to have you.” She held him by the shoulders and took him to the root, and Justin grunted as he held back his orgasm inside of her. Allison moaned and flexed in climax on him. “Oh God, Justin! You’re so big!  Your dick is so big inside of mommy!”

Justin reached up and took hold of her bra by the cups and then yanked it apart, and he revealed her stiff nipples and swollen areola. Allison squealed in delight on him as he mauled her breasts and sucked one into her mouth. She purred and sat on him until he swatted her pale behind and growled, “Well, if you’re going to ride me, then ride me.”

“Yes, baby!” Allison wailed with delight as she began bouncing on her son. She was still smiling even as he quickened inside of her. “Oh, that’s it, baby! Let me ride you! Let mommy take care of you! Let me make it up all up to you! Let me apologize with my body! All these years, I’ve loved you from afar, and now I’m loving you with my pussy! I’m so full, baby! I’m so full!”

Justin wheezed into her breast. His dick hurt from holding back, and his balls ached with need. He took her by the hips and pulled her into him, and he held her there as he exploded inside of her. “Dammit! I’m coming!”

“Yes,” she howled, and she hugged Justin’s head to her bosom as she quivered on his lap. He gave her more cum than she even knew was possible, and she sat spasming as each shot fired seemed to trigger another orgasm for her. Each was bigger than the last, and when she was finished, she lifted her son’s head and kissed him deeply on the lips. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you, and I am sorry.”

It is a gentle, quiet moment interrupted when Roseline entered the room. “Oh, wow,” she said, and she smiled when she saw them together. “I knew what that sound was, but knowing is very different from seeing. So, how was she, bro?”

Justin, caught in the afterglow of the moment, took a while to register what Roseline said. When he did, his brow knitted and his jaw went slack as he looked between the two of them. “…B-Bro…?”

Allison, still seated on him, smiled sheepishly, and Roseline laughed. “You didn’t show him the letter?”

“I did,” said Allison, and she lifted the crumpled letter and smoothed it out before showing Justin the second paragraph at the bottom that told him all about how his father and Allison had found their first child, their daughter, over a decade after giving her up. To Allison’s surprise, Justin seemed to thicken inside of her as he read it. Allison purred.

“I had stopped reading at the first paragraph,” he whispered, and Allison laughed and flexed around him.

“Mm. You’ve read it all now, though, right?”

Justin nodded.

“So, what do you say?”

“I say…” He tossed the letter to the side and beckoned toward Roseline. “We have a lot to figure out.” When Roseline reached him and took his hand, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Then, he kissed Allison, and he kissed them both, and he smiled. “I’m confused, I’m horny, but I’m happy. All my life, I think I’ve been looking for a family, and for the first time, I think I realize that I have always had one.”

A year and a half later, Justin is barreling into a pregnant Roseline from behind. His father had taken care to save her pussy for Justin, and so in a way, she was a virgin for her brother even if her ass and mouth had been thoroughly trained. Now, she was pregnant and many months along. Allison, his mother or his aunt depending on his mood, is also pregnant, though she is not as far along. She is rubbing her belly as she watched her children grunt and fuck like animals on the bed beside her.

“Our family is growing,” she says, and Justin smiles and bellows as he finishes inside of Roseline.

“And it will keep growing and growing,” says Roseline proudly. Justin, meanwhile, leans over Roseline to kiss them both. They stare at him with proud affection as he swats Roseline’s thickening behind and withdraws from her. He shuffles forward and feeds his spent cock to his mother, who sucks him eagerly as Roseline moves carefully into place beside her to join her.

“And what a happy family it is.”


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