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Chapter Three:

Brad went and got them food and then listened as Michael and Jean fucked through the night. They paused only long enough to eat and to sleep, the latter of which they found well after midnight. Jean had fallen asleep with one of Michael’s big, meaty paws cupped against one of her breasts. He was crushing it to her chest as he slept with his fat cock limp between her parted, sticky thighs. Her pussy lips were fucked open and gushing excess semen. Jean fell asleep smiling with her womb bloated.

That night, Jean had strange dreams. In her dream, she didn’t even know Brad and had met and married Michael instead. Even in the dream, she knew it wasn’t real, and that made it easier for her to indulge it as a primitive, thoughtless fantasy where she spent her days worshipping Michael’s big body and big cock. Every day, she came home from work to find him hard. She kissed him goodnight every night, and she fucked and sucked him on his command.

This, of course, was not the marriage she had with her husband, but she enjoyed it anyway. She woke up sore and happy, and she smiled when she found that it was Michael in bed with her and not Brad. He was sleeping with one big, fat arm encircling her torso and holding her in place. His limp cock was still at rest between her thighs and was partially erect in his sleep.

Jean bit her bottom lip as she imagined him there with her in the dark. Reaching down, she felt him and stroked him, impressing upon her memory the firmness of his shaft and the resiliency of his crown. Even then, he was bigger than Brad could ever be, measuring both longer and thicker while limp. As she held him and stroked him, she felt him stirring and soon had him hard against her parted pussy lips as her own feminine juices joined the overflowing semen that oozed out of her even as she slept.

With her back warmed by his big belly, Jean could pin herself to him and enjoy his cock. She took to holding her by the root and rubbing herself along his thick shaft. She moved lightly, too ashamed to wake him or ask him for more but also too desperate to refuse her own desires. It appalled her the way she wanted him, but it aroused her how depraved she had become in only a day. She told herself that she just wanted a baby, but she had grown to appreciate the pleasure he gave her last night. Deep down, she knew that this grinding was not about procreation but about sex.

Though still sore from fucking, she found her tender, aching muscles seemed to find vigor against him. His rigid shaft awakened a stirring in her loins, and that forced her to move faster against him as she found a way to grind her clit against his rigid flesh. She moved automatically as an orgasm spread through her and no longer restrained her body with guilt or shame. In her morning fatigue, she could think only of fucking and being fucked as she writhed and moaned against him in the darkness.

The noises and movement woke Michael, who tightened his arms around her midsection and crushed his big, flabby body against her from behind. “Wake up horny, sweet thing?” His voice was a hoarse growl in her ear, and it was by far the sexiest sound she had ever heard in her life.

Jean moaned but did not trust herself to speak. Her mind had worked itself into a complex labyrinth of want and shame where she left her honesty to die in the twisting paths. The truth was, of course, that she very badly wanted him to fuck her. In fact, she might have actually needed it. She was hornier than she had ever been in her life and found that there were no words to properly articulate that to him.

That truth was not announced by words but by the moisture she left on him. The very act of waking him with her hands and pussy had been proclamation, even if she wasn’t brave enough to admit it. Michael knew well the way women sometimes spoke and knew her truth without a single word from her pretty pink lips. So, when she did finally speak, it did nothing to slow his advances.

“I have to wake up for work soon,” she said, and she tried hard to slow herself on him. Her clit hit him again, and a fresh wave of lubricant spread across his dripping shaft. “Nn!! So, we need to fuck before I go.”

“So, you are horny,” he purred, and he moved his hands to find and cup her breasts. They were not large, but he crushed them with his palms all the same. Jean crooned in respond and ground her clit against him again. She did not come, but she was close.

“Noooo,” she whined, but her pleasure made her smile and laugh near the end. “No, no, Mike! Not horny…Desperate! For a kid!” She bit her bottom lip and slammed her clit again, and this time she did come. That was two orgasm he had given her without even trying. She paused against him as she quaked and squirted along his shaft, and she was left breathless as she spoke again. “I just need you to knock me up, Mike! That’s all!”

Michael laughed into her ear and said, “Oh, trust me, I will,” and then he removed one hand from her tits to reach down and part her thighs. He lifted her legs and repositioned himself so that his thick crown was at rest against her open, weeping entrance. Lining up with her help, Michael entered her with an experimental, probing thrust. Jean had been holding him in place and guiding him into her, and both moaned as their bodies merged.

Jean’s moan was wispy as Michael’s huge cock forced the air out of her. He stretched her again, and her eyes rolled back as he tugged hard on one of her nipples with one hand while holding her legs parted with the other. The air stayed out of her as his huge cock sunk to the root. Her big, round ass was crushed against him as he held himself inside of her, and she had to bite her pillow to stifle her cries as she came.

Michael felt her flexing around him and laughed. “You like that? Do you like how deep I am?” He had his balls pressed firmly against her, another new pleasure which reminded her of his purpose there. He waited while she settled on him and then moved only as she recovered. “Bet it doesn’t feel this good when your hubby fucks you, does it?”

This was yet another question which Jean felt unwilling to answer honestly. She knew the answer, but she didn’t want to give it to him. Rather than degrade her husband, she wrung her pillow in both hands and moaned as she said, “You’re so deep, Mike! You’re so big, and you’re so deep inside of me! Ugh!!” To her surprise, Mike responded by moving her. He pinned her to the bed again and encircled her with his big arms as he took to hammering her. Held around the midsection by him, she held him by his forearms in return and moaned for him. “Mike! Mike!! Mike!!! You’re so big, Mike!!! You’re just so, so big!!!”

“And that’s why I’m going to knock you up,” he growled. The added weight felt good to Jean now as he forced her into the bed again. The feel of his slimy, sweaty belly slapping against her was like a return to home as she now associated that with good sex. A part of her was aware of the way he made the headboard slap the wall, and she knew deep down that it was early and Brad wouldn’t be able to sleep through it. With all of Michael inside of her, however, she couldn’t find the energy to care.

She began whining and trying hard to meet his thrusts, but her body was stiff from use. Instead, she just braced against the bed while he battered her from behind. He held her tight in his big arms and pulled her up into him with each thrust. She, meanwhile, was limp in his grasp. He used her like a rag doll as he stroked himself, and to her shame and surprise, Jean loved it. Her lips parted again as she began to drool.

“Fuck me,” she slurred. Her head felt light as he speared her. She could hardly think from the pleasure, and the way he held her made it difficult to breath. Soon, she was dizzy, breathless and nearly blacking out from the ecstasy. It was the best sex of her life, and as he thickened inside of her, it only got better. “Fuck me, Mike. Fuck me. Fuck me…Fuck me!!!”

Michael laughed and grunted behind her. “Bout to breed you again,” he told her, and her whole body tightened. He held her to the bed again and supported his whole body against her back. Now, he threw his full weight into her as he pinned her by the head and shoulders, and he yelled, “I hope you’re ready!”

Jean could hardly breathe, let alone speak, and yet she felt it necessary to respond in sobbing, desperate pleas. “Fuck me, Mike! Seed me! Come in me! Give it all to me! Use me to come! Use me! FUCK ME!!”

Michael came, and Jean came with him. It was for her the deepest, best orgasm of her life. Her whole body felt like a pussy as he flooded her. As always, Michael held himself inside of her, but this time he held her face pinned into her own wet pool of saliva on the mattress as she howled and whined like an animal. Wherever Brad was in the house, he heard them as their voices combined in a symphony of thoughtless, animal passion. It should have hurt her, but it didn’t. All that mattered was how full he left her.

When finished, Michael rested breathlessly inside of Jean. He used one hand to support himself against the wall and used his other hand to spank her and watch her big ass move. Slowly, Jean caught her breath and then flexed around him. She had left another stain of saliva on the mattress, but she did not mind. She came up smiling and struggled to support herself on her weak, tired arms.

Michael withdrew his spent cock and slapped it down across her bubble butt with a laugh. “Another good load right there,” he told her, and Jean moaned and nodded in agreement.

“So much cum,” she purred, and she wiggled her bottom against him. She looked at him over her shoulder and could not help but smile as his dark form filled her vision. It was still morning, but she was sure that he had woke the whole house with how well he fucked her. She laughed. “Brad will be up soon,” she said, but she spoke of him distantly. “I need to get ready for work, too.”

“That’s fine by me,” Michael said, and he cupped and shook her ass before climbing off of the bed. He watched her as she moved and remained plump even as she left the room. She brought him a towel and watched him wipe himself clean. His cock was a wonder of nature and one which she could hardly comprehend. At a glance, Michael was a big, fat, ugly, cruel man, but his cock looked good on him. She could feel his semen dribbling out of her, and it was a sad waste.

“Are you going to be here waiting for me when I get home,” she asked, and she hoped that she didn’t sound too excited.

“Nah.” Michael eyed her naked body and then threw her his towel. She had grown comfortable being naked in front of him, and she almost never took her eyes off of his dick. Seeing him nude seemed to make her smile. “I’ll be back tonight, though. I’ve got to get as much into you while I can, huh?”

Jean frowned. She did not like the thought of this being over. Then, eying his dick again, she bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes,” she said. “Brad and I tried for months before we sought professional help. I don’t think it will take that long with you because…” She blushed. “Well, you know why, but I can’t imagine it will take only a single day to get it done, either.”

“Won’t know for a few weeks,” he told her. “And until then, we’ll just keep trying.”

She smiled and nodded. “Thank you!”

She had just finished speaking when her alarm went off, and that seemed enough to jar her back into herself. After one last glance at his cock, she put his towel into the wash basket and went to get dressed. Michael waited on her and complimented her figure once she returned. She complimented him and watched him dress, and then the two walked down the stairs together to find a sleepless, haunted Brad waiting for them.

“All done,” he asked. His voice was so small, just like his dick, Jean thought.

“For the morning,” Michael said, and he swatted Jean’s ass on the way out the door. Jean giggled until she found Brad watching her, and then she blushed and hid her smile.

“I’m sorry,” she said, and she went to kiss Brad on the lips but then settled on his cheek. “I need to make my lunch,” she said. “The upstairs is free, but it might smell a little.” She crinkled her nose in playful distaste and said, “Only a few more weeks.”

“A few more weeks,” Brad parroted in absent distress. He was too tired to emote, but his dismay was clear on his face.

“Sorry,” Jean said again, but it felt automatic, like she didn’t really mean it. “He and I agreed, we should keep going until I get a positive test back. It only makes sense, doesn’t it?”

Brad took a deep, shaky breath. He had tears in his eyes, but he nodded. “Y-Yes, of course,” he said, and he gripped the handrail so tight that his knuckles went white as he climbed the stairs. “I should go get ready.”

Jean nodded and said, “Take your time. I’ll…I’ll see you after work.” After that, she prepped her lunch.

At work, she thought about Brad at first, and then she thought about Michael the rest of the time, and by the time she was ready to come home, she was already horny.


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