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7.1 Chapter Seven:

Paige sits on Kendall's brown couch with her legs crossed, her red blouse loosely buttoned to show her cleavage and tucked into tight blue jeans. She wears no shoes or socks, and her cherry red toenails catch the light. Her lips are the same color, and she wears her auburn hair up in a high ponytail similar to the ones her daughter often wears. She smiles at you as the camera comes on, and she winks, too.

"Well, look at you. You seem happy to be here."

Paige shrugs cutely. "Why wouldn't I be? You're the reason I keep getting fucked, and that's what I'm here for. As far as I'm concerned, I'll answer your little questions as often as I have to as long as you keep seeing that I have orgasms afterward."

"You seem to have a very different opinion of me and what I do than your daughter does."

Paige clicks her tongue. "Sometimes fruit does fall far from the tree, I guess. She's still a girl, though. I'm not, KC. I'm a woman, and I know what I want." She smiles at me and then at you. "Besides, last chapter proved that my daughter is full of shit and spends her time pretending. Get her a little high, maybe a little drunk, and the truth comes straight out, doesn't it."

"I guess so. Anyway, are you ready for questions?"

Paige adjusts her blouse, tugging it down to show off more of her breasts, and then she smiles at you again while bending over for you to see. "There. Now, I'm ready."

Okay, for our first chapter with you by yourself, could you reintroduce yourself?"

"My full name again?"

"I think they would appreciate it."

Paige rolls her eyes and leans back on the couch, stretching her arms out and sitting there like she owns it. "Paige Jones. My name is still Paige Jones." She winks at you and then glares at me. "You're welcome."

“And how old are you?”

Paige looks at you and smiles. “It’s rude to ask a lady her age.” She flips her hair haughtily and then laughs. Running her hand down her torso, she emphasizes her figure as she speaks. “If you can believe it, I’m only thirty-eight.”

“Which makes you…”

Her good humor fades, and she rolls her eyes. “It makes me only nineteen years older than my daughter, yes.” Looking at you, she flashes another smile. “I made it longer than she did before getting knocked up, though.”

“I guess you did. And what bra size do you wear?”

“I really think you asked this already,” she pouts.

“I think you can answer it again.”

“Fine.” She huffs and looks down. Using the edges of her blouse, Paige lifts her breasts and makes them dance before cupping them with her hands. “These big things are 34 DDs.” She drops her breasts and then shakes them at you with a laugh. “They’re all natural, though Kendall seems to have gotten her tits from me because mine were smaller before having children and grew heavier with each kid, going from a B to a D before swelling up just a bit more when James came into the picture.”


“Interesting,” mimics Paige in a pinched, nasally voice while pushes invisible glasses up her nose. “You’re a real nerd, you know that?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re sitting here writing a story about the story you’re writing, pretending like you’re having a conversation with a real person who is based off of actual, real people somewhere, and you’re acting like you’re learning something new from me when in reality you’re the one making it all up. Anything I can say or will say is made up by you, and you already know how or why all of this is happening.”

“That’s all true, I guess, but this is fun. It gives me a way to put existing characters in a new situation, and as I’ve been writing this, it’s become a story with its own continuity on its own.”

“Like I said, you’re a nerd. Besides, all of this could be interesting is, A: there was a real continuity in your story to begin with, but these are just plain and simple stroke-fiction, and B: the continuity of this story is evolving parallel to the other story. That just means that it’s the same story being told with slightly different variances.”

“I guess I kind of have a problem.”

“Yeah, you do.” Paige smiles. “But, as long as you’re happy, who cares why you’re doing it?”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“You’re welcome,” she says, shrugging. “You’re still a nerd, though.”

“Noted. Anyway, you used to drink and smoke a lot, but in the story you’ve given it up. Are you the same in real life?”

“Yes,” she says with a pronounced frown. “Your stories have forced me to live a clean life.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“How do you think I feel about it,” Paige asks, pointing at her frown, and then she laughs afterward. “I’m kidding. I’m mostly fine with it. Sometimes, I miss having a recreational drink, but I know better than to tempt fate. I’m not able to do that, and I feel like the sex I’m having on and off the page are better than the empty void that getting drunk leaves me with.” She sighs. “So, overall I’m happier than before, but change is hard and every day is a struggle and all of that jazz.” Paige smiles off camera suddenly and adjusts her blouse again, undoing a button to expose even more of her supple tit-flesh. “Speaking of hard, there’s the man of the hour. And just in time, too, James, I’m getting tired of talking.”

“Didn’t think that was possible,” James sneers, sauntering into frame wearing a pair of baggie blue jeans and a loose t-shirt. He has a silver chain around his neck that catches the light, and his thinning hair is cut close to his scalp. Paige stands to meet him, and he hugs her around the waist with one arm while she holds him around the neck. They kiss, and he winks at you. “Hey there.”

Paige laughs while patting James across his fat chest. “Look at him. He thinks he’s a stud.” She leads him by the hand back to the couch and sits to one side while he falls, landing with force in the center of the couch. The wood groans to support his meteoric weight. “I’m surprised you could pull yourself away from Kendall long enough to see me, considering how horny she has been since the last interview she did with us.”

James grins. His arm is still around her waist, and he pulls her to him, pulling her bosom firmly into his face. “Yeah, she’s been going hard. I almost feel sorry for Jackson.”

“Don’t,” says Paige, laughing again. “She doesn’t.” She slips an arm around his big shoulders and sits on her knees, holding her breasts to his face while looking down at his thinning hair. “Have you two been making candid videos like KC asked?”


James looks at me and grins. “A few,” he says. “But boss man says we can’t talk about it.”

Paige rolls her eyes at me. “Spoil sport,” she teases.

“Now that James is here, let’s talk about him. Paige, how do you feel about James?”

“Another repeat question,” Paige says quietly to herself. “Not a lot of planning here, is there?” She clicks her tongue and runs her fingers through James’ thin hair. He cups her rear and holds her by the bottom while forcing her closer, pushing her breasts into his face. “I love him in the story,” she says, smiling fondly at you. “Hell, I think we’re engaged, aren’t we? Remind me in the comments, boys.” She lifts James’ face to look at her and, staring into his eyes, she says, “Outside of the story, I think he’s obnoxious and view him as more of a fuck-buddy or a coworker, I guess.” Chewing her bottom lip, she reaches down, rubbing his big belly on her way to find and feel him through his pants. She coos. “Hard to hate eleven inches, you know?”

“And how did you feel about him before the story?”

James gives Paige a sideways glance, and she laughs.

“What? Don’t act like you don’t know,” she says. “I hated him, and that makes sense. We’re based off of people who hate each other.” Still rubbing him with her breasts hanging in his face, Paige purrs. “He’s rude, he’s arrogant, and he’s pretty obviously abusive.” Reaching into his pants, she coos and strokes him. “Mm. You still are all of those things, but back then, you didn’t have such a big, hard dick.” Staring him in the eyes, Paige cups his head and pulls him into a kiss. Their tongues meet, and she mewls. “Mm. Don’t pout now. You have eleven inches now,” she says, and she undoes his pants and pulls his briefs down. James springs into view, fully swollen and throbbing in her hands. She holds him reverently, stroking and staring at him as she moans, “So, everything’s forgiven!”

James, groping Paige’s ass, gives her a swat while kissing her neck. “You and your daughter are size queens cut from the same cloth.”

Paige only giggles in response, holding him by the root while staring at him. She runs her hand along him slowly, from crown to base as if measuring him.

“Should I assume that question time is officially over?”

Holding James at the root again, Paige shakes him at the camera and says, “That’s pretty safe to assume. I mean, I can keep answering questions, but unless you want those answers to be me squealing and begging him to fuck me harder, then I won’t have much to say.” She turns her eyes on James again and gives him another kiss. As they part, she whispers, “Last time, I had to share you with my greedy, greedy daughter. This time, I’m keeping you all to myself!”

Grinning and giving her another spank, James says, “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do with me, then, big momma?”

“Mm. What I should have done last time.”

She plants another kiss on him and stands away from the couch, undoing her pants and bending at the waist to remove them. She points her big, plump bottom at you, revealing her wet panties as her pants come sliding down her thighs. Her pants fit her like a second skin. When she stands, her pussy is hidden from you but the panties have ridden up on one side, revealing one full butt cheek to your view. “I’m going to ride you and your big, fat cock.”

Hearing this, James sits back and takes his cock from her. “Then clime aboard.” Holding himself by the root, he wags his dick at her.

Paige smiles and slips her panties down next. Like Kendall, she is smoothly waxed and weeping at the sight of James. Her bottom jiggles as she steps out of her panties and again as she plants her feet around James. She mounts him and, reaching between her parted thighs, takes hold of him by the crown. She starts by teasing herself open on him, whining as she eases him inside.

“Fuck, James! Dammit! You’re so big! I can’t believe I let Kendall have you last time.”

Seating herself on him, she holds him by the shoulders as she eases herself down onto him. Her breasts fall into his face again and, as she settles on him, she lifts her arm and removes her blouse, revealing her bare bosom to him. James smiles into her cleavage and reaches around her, resting his big hands on her bottom as she slips him in to the root. They kiss again, and Paige holds him by the head as she tongues his mouth. As they part, she grinds on him. “Fuck, you’re deep!!”

Holding her by the ass, face buried in her cleavage, James says, “Ready to give our loyal readers a show?”

Paige shakes her hair and laughs. “I don’t give a shit about our loyal readers, James! All I want to do is fuck you!” Flexing around him, Paige begins riding James, bouncing on him, her entire body shaking as she does. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!” She quakes on him, gushing, but doesn’t slow as James keeps her moving along his shaft through her orgasm. As her orgasm settles, however, she does smile at you over her shoulder and say, “Fuck, this is a good dick, everyone!”

“Daughters got a mouth on her, too,” says James, his fingers digging into her ass flesh as he moves her. She rides him in half-length strokes, showing her stretched pussy on each upstroke and forcing her ass cheeks to clap down on each downstroke.

Paige groans. “Size queen doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”

“Think you two were size queens in real life, too?”

Quaking and shivering on him as she leaks across his shaft, Paige holds him to her breasts and frowns. “You’re starting to sound like KC, and you need to shut up and fuck me instead of talking.”

James laughs into her breasts but repositions himself. Holding her by the ass, he drags her down into him while also thrusting up into her. Paige’s eyes widen as his wet balls slap hard against her. He stabs her insides with deep, forceful strokes, and she is soon moaning as another climax send fresh pussy juice down his length. “Oh, fuck! That’s better! That’s what I needed!”

“When you get close, finish on her face, James.”

Face wrapped in breasts, James smiles up at Paige, who has fallen into rhythm, riding him with abandon equally his thoughtless thrusts. “Hear that, Paige? I’ma soak you. It’s gonna be like baptism.”

Paige, shaking on him and holding him around the neck again as she jiggles against him, laughs. “Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?”

“That’s what I’m calling it,” he James growls, and he tugs her by the hair. “Now on your knees, slut!”

“Already,” Paige purrs, and she gives him a few more strokes before he dislodges her from his cock. He is already spewing as she lands and leaves fresh cum across her belly before firing against her breasts and face. He stands over her, stroking himself, leaving the rest of his cum on her outstretched tongue and in her hair. Paige laughs, panting against his pussy-slick cock as she cups her breasts for him.

James stands over her, grunting and huffing as he soils her. Quivering and swallowing what she can, Paige takes the bulk across her face and, as James finished, sucks him back into her mouth with a moan. She winks up at him, holding him by the root while shifting her weight and scooting close. She sucks him, throating him as he goes limp in her hands and in her mouth.

“Fuck,” James gasps, slumping back down onto the couch while Paige, covered in cum, laughs against him.

She slurps off of him. “So, KC,” she says, looking at me with a sperm-soaked smile. “How was it? Did I have a good debut on BTS?”

“Technically not your debut, but it was good, yes.”

“Technically not your debut,” she whispers in her nasally voice, and she turns her attention back to James to lick his balls. “Mm.” Sweeping her hair back, she picks up her shirt, which has a stain on it from a stray shot of cum. “I think this one is ruined,” she says, and while laughing she towels herself off with the shirt. “Oh, well, I got a good fuck out of it.” She kisses James’ cockhead and then leaves his dick at rest on his hairy thighs. Standing, pants off and bottom jiggling, she turns to look at the camera. “Well, if that’s all you needed, I think I’m off for a shower.”

James stares at her arrogantly, his limp dick still heavy against his thigh. “I made a fucking mess of you.”

Paige stares back at him and grins. “You always do,” she says, and she starts toward the camera, her breasts bouncing and hair swinging as she walks. She stops before leaving view and, bending over, winks at you. “See you all next time,” she says, and then she reaches around and the chapter ends.


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