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Chapter Thirteen: Loyalty

Months Ago…

Allyson’s life became a grey dream. Everything lost its color after James visited her. He fucked her like he said he would, his fat cock deep in her, hammering against her cervix with each forward thrust. It was the greatest pleasure she had ever known and, after she came, she obediently cleaned him with her tongue, tasting herself for the first time. When she woke in the morning, she was sore and stretched, and even after a night of rest, she was surprised to find his semen dribbling out of her and into the shower.

She felt different afterward. She felt like she was marked. No one else noticed or commented on her scent, but she swore that she could still smell him in her hair and in her cleavage. She stopped periodically to sniff herself and check, and she found the heat he had instilled in her loins returning with greater intensity throughout the day. By the end of work, she was a furnace burning hot, and she thought of James as the only thing who could offer her relief.

Sometimes, she passed Kendall and Jackson in the halls, and she found herself angry with them whenever she saw them. James’ violent action, his rape, had felt good to her. It had made her almost loyal to him, and though she didn’t take his side, she did believe that he was wronged. While it was clear to Allyson that James did beat Kendall, it was also clear that he had a huge dick to fuck her with. So, she didn’t blame Kendall for leaving necessarily, but she did blame her for leaving James’ needs unattended to.

Allyson was on the way to her car after work when she had this thought, and she had to stop to consider it. James was not a good person, that much was clear, but despite that she was beginning to think he might be the best man she had ever met. There was something about his pungent scent as it burned its way through her nostrils, or the way his wrist-thick cock stretched and filled her as he rammed her with thoughtless animal want. She thought it might be the facial, and she smiled at the memory of his hot semen pouring out across her face before she made a point to frown instead, to fight back against the memories and the fires they lit in her.

James was awful. She had no illusions about that, but she was having trouble finding reasons why that mattered.

When Allyson arrived home, she saw her boyfriend’s car waiting and rushed to her apartment to avoid him. He lived next door to her, so she had to close her door quietly and lock it after her. Since he shared a name with James, she spent time over the week comparing them, but she found the comparisons unfair. Her own James couldn’t do much to compete with Kendall’s James, and that was why she wanted to be alone. Her boyfriend sometimes liked to visit, but she didn’t have any time to spare on him right now.

Alone in her apartment, the first thing Allyson did was cup her hair and hold it to her nose. She breathed in and found that James’ pungent aroma was still there, burning her nostrils and increasing the heat in her loins. She hated how horny it made her to stink like him, but she cupped her breasts and dipped her head to smell him in her cleavage, too, before she stripped for a shower. The last shower had failed to clean her already, but she hoped that this one would do the trick. This time, at least, she hoped not to masturbate to thoughts of him.

She had just got the water to a steam when a knock came to the door, assuming it to be her boyfriend, but another knock followed. This one was heavier and more insistent, completely unlike the James she knew. It was then that she recognized the heavy hand that would knock like that and returned in a towel to spy James’ brutish face waiting on the other side of the door.

Allyson stepped away from the door intending to ignore him. After all, as good as the sex was, James still frightened her. The power he had over her was a problem by itself, and while she understood and even sympathized with him, she still couldn’t excuse his violence toward her or Kendall. Heart hammering, she turned from the door but was stopped by another heavy-handed knock. Then, her body moved without thinking. Later, she would tell herself it was so that he didn’t draw her boyfriend’s attention, but the truth would remain rooted in the back of her head—she just wanted to get fucked again.

James smiled when he saw her, and Allyson mirrored in nervously. He entered her apartment without asking, brushing her shoulder on the way, and then turned to face her as she closed the door and locked it behind him. Allyson adjusted her towel to try and hide her plentiful curves, regretting immediately the decision her pussy had made for her. James, meanwhile, reached out with his big hand to reward that pussy with a slap across its lips. Allyson quaked in response.

“Don’t go hiding yourself now. Show me your goods.”

Already breathless and still reeking of him, Allyson obeyed. She held the towel open to display her figure to him, and James regarded her with a hungry eye. All her life, Allyson had been chubby. As a teen, that extra weight gathered in her breasts, in her thighs, and in her bottom. While still soft around the midsection, she grew womanly, voluptuous, but her reputation had been secured. It wasn’t until college that she was appreciated for the beauty she was, and that was when she met her James and committed herself to him.

No man had ever gotten to look at her like James did. She had never held her towel apart for anyone else, given them a display of her curves and her form. James seemed to appreciate what he saw, and he cupped both her breasts with his rough hands and squeezed them hard as he towered over her. “God damn, look at these titties, and yesterday I used them to milk my dick dry, didn’t I? So, you ain’t gotta hide nothing when I’m around, you fucking got it?”

Allyson smiled. James’ praise was as crude as expected, but it also felt rewarding to her. His big hands felt proportionately suited for her huge breasts. Few men could handle her curves so well, and for her this was only another reason to be attracted to James. His juvenile fascination with her body also helped, and as he thumbed her swollen nipples, she found herself moaning under his manhandling. She whispers a contented, “Thank you, James.”

James grunted, tugging her nipples and then slapping her left breast. Then, seizing her again, he pulled her close to him by her nipples and stared down at her. “The fuck you naked for anyway?”

Staring up at him, Allyson moaned. He had almost a foot on her, and while that height difference was something she shared with her current boyfriend, she found it was a pronounced difference, too. She preferred this James to the one who came before him. When he stood over her, he didn’t make her feel safe, and she was beginning to enjoy the danger.

He smacked her light across the tit again, and she gasped. “I was going to take a shower,” she said, feeling like the running shower in the other room was an obvious indicator. She would never state that out loud, however. Even when horny, she wasn’t stupid.

Releasing her tits, James reached around to find her ass and swat it hard. Then, taking hold of it, he gave her fleshy bottom the same abuse he had given her breasts. Allyson, held to him, surrounded by his scent, gasped and winced in response. “I see. Well, now, you ain’t. I gotta nut, and you’re gonna help me get it out.” Smacking her ass again, he reached up to take her by the hair. Then, with a tug, he moved her head to stare at him. “So, you’re gonna take me to your bedroom and milk me.”

Allyson, scalp aching where he held her, ass aching where he spanked her, felt frightened and aroused. She smiled up at him with want and fear. “Okay,” she whispered, and she was shoved gently into a wall afterward.

She led him through her apartment, guiding him through the door to her bedroom and bypassing her bathroom, where the shower was running and losing steam. With his permission, she went to stop the shower and returned to find him waiting in bed with his legs apart and his crotch bulging.

James stared at her in the half-darkness of his room. The bathroom light is what they saw by. Neither seemed to mind. “You live here alone,” he asked, and she nodded in response. “Then you single?” Allyson shook her head this time, and she could see a crooked grin distorting his features. He cupped and adjusted himself with purpose. “Your cuck boyfriend as big as me?”

Allyson grinned in response and shook her head. “No,” she said. “He’s about as tall as you are, but your penis is much, much larger.”

James’ grin grew, and the shadows enhanced its cruelty. “He ever fuck you as good as I did last night?”

Allyson shook her head, and her voice was a whispered squeak. “No. Not even close.”

Still grinning, still cruel, James squeezed himself through his pants while leering at her naked body. “You wanna see my dick again?”

A brief pause followed, and Allyson gave a nod. This time, James barked a hard laugh.

“Then you gotta earn it. Climb onto this bed and show me how much you want to see my cock.”

Another nod, and Allyson was on the bed. She joined James, who slid to the side so that she could lie back with her legs parted. It shamed her to show her body to him like this, but she was too horny to stop. Holding herself by the thighs, she parted her legs for him, and James moved to crouch over her, his big body atop her again as he leaned in close to examine her. Reaching down, she held herself parted for him, exposing her glistening pink insides to him in a display of want. It was clear to them both that she was ready and eager for his return.

James’ hot breath tickled her vulva and sent a shiver through her.  She watched him lean in, examining her parted lips, scrutinizing her form. Yesterday, he had fucked her hard, driving her to countless powerful, body-shaking orgasms before flooding her insides. His dick had pried her open and left her open, his semen oozing out of her, his own climax triggering a climax in her that was more powerful than the rest. It was an experience completely singular to him, foreign to her understanding of sex and yet also completely comprehensible.

Today, he grimaced her pussy and slapped her parted lips. Allyson jumped, hurt and aroused, and stared him in his cold blue eyes. The shadows hardened his anger into daggers and yet, even the pain she felt in her pelvis felt like pleasure to her. The growl in his voice, however, was only awful. “The fuck is this shit?”

Allyson sat up and rested her back against the headboard. She hugged her breasts to her body, covering her nipples with one arm until he smacked her across the face. Arms limp, Allyson stared at him with teary blue eyes, her cheek burning where he struck her. It was hard to see him clearly as she began to cry. “What did I do wrong?”

“The fuck do you mean, like you don’t know. Your pussy slut!” James cupped her pussy with one big, rough hand, and forced his thumb into her. She parted for him, sucking him inside, finding that his thumb wasn’t the same as his dick. It still felt good, though, and that sudden intrusion alone was enough to work her to the edge of a climax. Allyson seized her bed sheets and kicked her legs, whining as he entered her. “The fuck is all this hair doing on your pussy? Ain’t young bitches like you supposed to be all hot and smooth? God damn, you’re nasty!”

Allyson moaned as James held his thumb inside of her. He didn’t move, but that only made it worse. She blinked, and her vision clarified as the tears were left to roll down her freckled cheek. She whined again. “I’m sorry, James. I’m so sorry!”

James growled. “You will be sorry, you dumb fucking cunt.” Removing his thumb again, he smacked her across the pussy for the second time while holding her legs parted with his other hand. Allyson shivered, moaned, writhed from the violent force he used to bring her to climax. As her orgasm eased, however, she found him with his pants open and his swollen member free. He slapped it down across her parted gash and laughed as she shivered in a second climax. He used his cock like a bludgeon to hammer her clit and leave her docile.

Allyson stared in open awe at James’ dick, and the clear want written on her face is enough to ease his rage. Still slapping her pussy with his cock, James laughed at the power he had over her. “You want me to fuck you again, don’t you?” Allyson nodded frantically and, reaching down with an animal mewling, held herself open for him. James laughed and rubbed himself along her parted vulva, teasing her with his fat, leaking crown. He could see inside of her, feel her warm and wet with anticipation. With a gentle thrust, he could take her, but he restrained himself. “Well, guess what, slut. That’s too fucking bad, cause I don’t fuck hairy bitches.”

Denied her pleasure, Allyson whined as he struck her pussy with his steel-hard shaft again. Her clit throbbed as another orgasm exploded through her. It was larger than the last and left her breathless on the bed as she thrashed and wrestled with it. Clutching the sheets and moaning, she felt empty without him. No orgasm was good enough without him fucking her. She stared fixedly at his enormous shaft. “Please,” she whined. “Please, James. I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

James grinned. He enjoyed having power over women. Paige had been a surprise. He had known somehow that she would submit, but he had not expected it to be like that. It had been instinct that led him to her, but she had been the one to show him the way. Allyson was intentional, though, and through her he was learning so much.

Rubbing himself along her moistened cleft, her felt her tensing and writhing, heard her whining and begging for any scrap of pleasure which he could offer. This was Kendall’s coworker, her friend. It was someone who had helped Kendall escape him, who had spirited Kendall away into safety. It was someone who knew him only enough to hate him, and here he had her whining, begging him to fuck her but powerless to make him do anything of the sort. It was beyond intoxicating, and all James knew was that he wanted more.

Shifting himself, James eased into her. His fat crown opened her, and she tightened in response. Moaning and smiling, Allyson settled as his cockhead disappeared into her. She watches herself stretch with primal satisfaction, finally getting filled like she needed. Her smile faded immediately, wilting into a frown as James withdrew and resumed rubbing himself along her lips. She whined. “But, James…!”

Reaching out, James took one of her tits in his hand and slapped her across the face with the other. Allyson whined again, whimpering as he crushed her tit in his hand. Laughing, he smacked her other tit next while she kicked feebly at the sheets. “But nothing! You want my dick so bad, then you gotta earn it. I ain’t fucking you til you’re smooth and hairless from the neck down, and I don’t mean shaved. I want you waxed. Get it done, and get it done right. You fucking got it?”

Pinned to the bed by his big, meaty paw, Allyson reached up and cupped his hand. She held his hand to her breast, crushing her, hurting her, the pain he gave her feeling like pleasure to her. His heavy dick was at rest against her neatly trimmed vulva, the hair that offended him glistening and holding him. James was quite hairy himself, his dick untrimmed and possibly unwashed by the smell of him. Yet, his hypocrisy only aroused her more. She looked him in the eyes, and she nodded, writhing against him.

He watched her with his cold eyes and, seeing her compliance, smiled. She smiled, too, and though she didn’t know if James liked her, she knew that he liked her to obey. That was enough for her. Everything about her had changed for him. Only the day before, he had fucked her hard and deep and made her submit to him. Now, she went about her day feeling empty without him, a direct result of his intervention and intrusion upon her life.

Eying his massive, swollen dick, Allyson could not help but be impressed by his conviction. While sometimes embarrassed by her curves, Allyson was not at all oblivious of their call. She saw how men looked at her, lusted after her. Her breasts alone had gotten her out of dozens of speeding tickets. James, though brazen and absolutely in control, had given her the same hungry leers, and she could see his enormous, throbbing arousal firsthand. Still, he executed self-control, and he kept standards, even in the face of his considerable, hefty want. This actually endeared him to her, because while she wanted to be used by him, to be utterly humiliated by him, she could respect his boundaries.

Moaning, she held him to her breasts and worked her hips, rubbing herself against him ineffectually.  James’ big, strong arm kept her in place, pinned to a wall. She eyed his shaft with a distance smile. “I can go next door since you won’t fuck me, maybe call someone to come in and take care of you…” The words were stolen from her lips unfinished as James slapped her hard across the face. She was dizzied at first, brought back only by the sound of his cruel laughter.

“Now, don’t go and try to be funny, cunt. I ain’t got no reason to let you leave, and you ain’t go no reason to go.” Taking hold of his dick, James slapped himself down on her clit again, and Allyson winced and writhed, panting in response. “You can still get me off…”

Allyson groaned, eyebrows knitted in surprise as James released her. She had meant to make him jealous, to try one last attempt at getting fucked. Instead, she had been punished. That was the hardest slap so far, and reflecting on it, Allyson saw that it was the only response she was ever going to get. James didn’t want her opinion, and he wasn’t going to share her. He was going to use her for his own pleasure, and if she was lucky and obedient, pleasure would follow for her.

James climbed from the bed and dropped his pants, revealing both the bottom portion of his big, bloated belly and freeing his massive manhood in its entirety. It jutted from him like a veiny lance, thick and hard, with the largest, heaviest, hairiest testicles Allyson had ever seen. His manhood alone was both horrifying and beautiful, something of a myth or legend, and she found herself mesmerized by its movement as he climbed back onto the bed.

For the second day in a row, James straddled her and slapped his heavy cock down between her breasts. This time, he thrusts his hips forward and slid his cock up into her chin. Holding himself there, he stared into her eyes and laughed. “Go on, Allyson. Give it a kiss.”

Staring down his length as he grabbed her by the hair, Allyson nodded. James gathered her hair and held her by it, and then he dragged her forward to hold her in place while she kissed his cockhead. Her lips captured the leaking precum there and parted. She tasted him and then had her mouth filled as he forced himself onto her tongue. Lips now parted, she choked on him and then whined as he held himself at the edge of her throat.

James smacked her across the cheek. “Watch those fucking teeth.”

Allyson winced and whimpered an apology. It sounded more like a moan to the both of them, though, and then she held her lips tight around him as he took to fucking her face. He avoided her throat but continued to threaten entry. Allyson drooled in response, astonished by his flavor and scent. This alone was enough to wet her loins and, while she had never been shy about sucking her boyfriend off, she had never enjoyed it like this, either. James, however, was a pleasure in himself.

Still holding her by the hair, James grunted. “Yeah, that’s right, slut. Get me nice and wet.”

Moaning obediently, Allyson sucked and slurped him, her lips stretched thin around his meaty cock. James braced against the wall and removed himself from her, and she whined, trying to follow him until he slipped himself back into the valley of her breasts. Leaving a wet trail of saliva along her chin and chest, he smiled back down at her. “Now hold them big, fat milk cow titties together for me again. I’ma’ use them as a cunt since yours is still so hairy.”

Allyson nodded and obeyed, wrestling her enormous breasts into place with her hands and forearms. She giggles once they are hugged around him because he takes the time to slap both across her elongated nipples and swollen areola. Then, braced against the wall again, James moves his warmth around between her breasts. “Good,” he growled. “Now keep that fucking mouth open, and watch those teeth. I’ma’ put your to proper use.”

The first thrust drew a gasp from her as his beautiful crown rose, shiny and red, from her undulating wall of pale flesh. He drove straight into her mouth, his movements clumsy but hard. Before yesterday, Allyson had never done anything like this. Seeing his heavy-handed but earnest attempts was endearing to her because it meant that they were learning together. She moaned around him all the same, rewarded both by flavor and by pleasure as she tickled her throat again.

Grunting above her, James picked up speed. Though he was jerking at the beginning, he soon found his rhythm and began hammering her tits as her mouth kept him wet. Thick precum mixed with saliva and morphed into a viscous lube that soon had her cleavage as shiny as her chin and face. A frothy foam formed around his cockhead as his forward thrusts went deep. Pubic hair chaffing the underside of her soft bosom, he soon began assaulting her throat as she held her tongue out ready to receive him with each stroke.

Allyson wore a smile as James fat cock reamed her lips. She enjoyed the warm weight of his testicles on her belly as he fucked her cleavage, and she enjoyed the sight of his big body towering over her, casting a fat shadow as she stared up at him. She enjoyed the rigidity of his cock filling her wet cleavage as he drilled her. She even enjoyed his pungent, unwashed musk as it filled and burned her nostrils. Every part of him was awful, even repulsive, and yet she was attracted to him and enjoyed him with his cock in her mouth and in her breasts. At that moment, even his cruelty appeared to her to be a warped form of masculine kindness.

The secret was that she was trapped. Pinned between his big, hairy thighs, Allyson was free to enjoy him without guilt. She couldn’t go anywhere else, and his huge cock gave her a purpose for being there. Together, they pleased him, their combined juices warming and wetting her glistening bosom. His taste and scent, his cold eyes, his rough hands, all of them spoke power to her, and he enjoyed him a primal, feminine way. That was why she smiled, and that was why she enjoyed him so much.

The longer she was there, the more she came to appreciate James. The truth was that while he was trying to please himself, he brought her pleasure, too, and he did all the work. He was a big, ponderous man, heavily built by nature and then suffering a life of excess. Even then, he had strong shoulders and big arms, and his cold eyes were dangerous but erotic. Most attractive of all, of course, was his massive gleaming cock which hammered her throat and the heavy testicles which chaffed her belly and her breasts on each stroke.

Above her, James growled and removed himself from her cleavage. Repositioning himself, he nearly sat on her breasts as he jammed his dick down into her throat. “Getting fucking close,” he growled as he braced against the wall and fucked her face. He huffed and wheezed, sweat gathering across his brow as he hammered her. He went deep and hard, entering her throat but giving her no time to suffocate. Allyson learned quickly, stealing breathes on his backward strokes and holding her undulated breasts beneath him as his heavy balls slapped them on each stroke.

She tightened her lips around him as a foam formed on his shaft. He thickened above her, and a primal hunger seized her. She wanted his semen, wanted to drown in it, to swallow it, to smell of it. As he swelled in her mouth, she sucked him hard, tickling his glans where she could and frothing as he stirred up her mouth. James gave one last, deep thrust and howled. “Fucking nutting!”

Stretching her jaw, James grew somehow thicker before he came. Allyson held herself open to him, swallowing his semen with enthusiasm but struggling to keep pace. James’ orgasms were unlike anything she had ever seen before, and she was choking on him from the start. James was kind enough to withdraw, but he held himself firmly to her face and soaked her in jism as she closed her eyes and came with him.

Once both were finished, Allyson parted her lips for James, who held her in place and fed her his spent cock. He had left a mess across her body and her bed, but neither cared in the aftershock of their orgasms. All that mattered was James’ big, fat, meaty cock. Allyson cleaned him with her tongue and drank up his leaking semen. She was still stunned by how thick he came and how his sperm seemed to stick to her throat.

She swallowed again, and she stared him in the eyes as she did. Allyson still didn’t know how to feel about James. He confused her, her want and fear being equal parts inside of her. It was hard for her to separate the good of him from the bad, but staring into his eyes, she wasn’t sure she even wanted to. The bad of him made the good, she figured, and whatever the case, she knew enough to prefer him to her boyfriend.

Parting her lips again, she leaned her head down to lick the underside of his cock at his urging. She even kissed his heavy balls afterward, running her tongue over the thick carpet of hair on them. When finished, James climbed off of her and stood beside the bed. His massive cock remained large and heavy, drawing her focus as it swung with his movements. “Thanks for the nut,” he said, and he pulled his briefs on. They struggled to contain him, and seeing them stretched so thin, Allyson couldn’t help but smile.

James smacked her across the breast to watch her bosom swing. Allyson bit back a pained moan and turned her attention to his cold, cruel eyes. “Remember, if you want fucked tomorrow, you better get your pussy waxed. Got it?”

Allyson rubbed the breast where he smacked her and nodded. He had struck her right on the nipple, and though it hurt, she knew better than to speak out against him. When he took her by the hair after and held her to his crotch, she closed her eyes and kissed him. With only the thin fabric of his briefs between her and his dick, she breathed him in and came back smiling. Her eyes were glossy again with aroused want.

James stepped into his jeans next and grinned down at her as he struggled to button them closed. “I’m going now, but I’ll be back tomorrow. And remember, wax that cunt!’

Allyson nodded absently, still rubbing her breast but doing it more for pleasure than for pain. “Don’t worry,” she giggled, and she smiled as he lumbered out of her bedroom. She touched her pussy next, purring as she did. “I’ll be ready for you.”

Present Day…

Today, when Kendall goes to see James, she instead finds herself going grocery shopping with her mother for supper that night. This means that she follows her mother around the store, dressed in a pair of short-shorts and a tank-top thin enough to show her nipples while men ogle her as she passes and women give her disapproving frowns. Her mother goes shopping at the grocery store nearest to her home, too, just so that Kendall might run into Jackson and have to explain to him her attire.

As she follows her mother, Kendall distracts herself from shame and humiliation by wondering what she is doing with her life. Now having had her asshole reamed by James, Kendall is finally allowed to walk freely without a plug in her ass. That is a small comfort to her, however, as the removal of the plug has left her feeling empty and the pleasure of James’ dick has left her wanting him to fill her. She will take it in any hole at this point, and she is no longer above asking for it in her asshole.

The problem is that James is well-endowed, and he fucks her hard and deep like she likes, but she still doesn’t like him as a person. Her attraction to him is enough to interfere with her hate, to diminish it at times of arousal, but it not enough to unmake her hatred altogether. Two years of abuse leaves deep, deep roots, and while the sex is good, orgasms can only do so much, especially when James just simply hasn’t changed.

Still, she thinks, the orgasms are really good, and she smiles to herself as she thinks that James’ dick should be a lawyer. It does at least make a very compelling argument that she should forgive him all of his past crimes, especially when she considers what it did to her mother. In front of her, Paige walks the store in a pair of yoga pants that did nothing to contain her big, jiggling bottom. Kendall wasn’t the only one who had changed for James. Her mother, she realizes, is like a completely different person.

Kendall’s mother was like a projection of an older Kendall, a precursor of what Kendall would someday become. Like Kendall, she had children young, and as a result is still quite beautiful. James’ intervention seemed only to make her more beautiful as he made her give up both drinking and smoking. Childbirth had been kind to both women, endowing them with fat in feminine places, Paige’s abstinence from cigarettes and alcohol and done wonders to improve her skin and hair. Being fucked by James helped, too, and seemed to make Paige glow in the same way that Kendall feels like she has been glowing recently.

Paige’s submission to James makes sense to Kendall. After all, she is her mother’s child in many other ways, so it is only logical to think that the James’ influence over one would manifest similarly in the other. Having seen her mother’s submission first hand, however, is almost frightening. Paige has always been so headstrong and angry, but James seems to subdue her. Sometimes, Kendall even thinks her mother is happy. Seeing this, and seeing the joy on her own brother’s face when James is in the room, or on Allyson’s face when James is with them, Kendall finds it hard to stay angry. With the way he makes them all glow, she wonders if it wouldn’t just be better to forgive and enjoy James instead.

She follows her mother closely in the store, hugging herself for warmth and modesty. They are in the cooled section of the store, and her nipples are showing like beacons. She regards each aisle they enter with a fixed frown. Paige had noticed a few aisles back, but it isn’t until they reach the meat aisle that she addresses it. Picking up a big, juicy steak, she turns it over in her hands and says, “Is something wrong back there, dumpling?”

“Dumpling?” Kendall rolls her eyes. In all her life, Paige had never used a pet name for anyone Kendall had known. The use of one now strikes Kendall as sarcastic and not affectionate. Watching her mother with the steak, Kendall briefly thinks of James’ big dick and heavy balls and realizes that a man like him would need a lot of protein to keep his balls full. She imagines him coming, then, and grimaces as fresh arousal washes over her.

It galls her the affect James has on her. Everything seems to remind her of his big, fat cock and his heavy, bottomless testicles. Even her mother’s yoga pants remind her of James, and as she watches her plump bottom wiggle and jiggle with her steps, Kendall imagines James with them, staring and growing hard. He would fuck Paige in the store without a second thought, ruining her in front of a crowd, and Paige is so far gone, she would allow it. Kendall wonders if she would allow it herself, and her nipples stiffen with arousal as she feels disgusted with herself.

“You just seem so sad all the time. I never see you smiling unless your daddy’s big, fat dick is in your face.” Paige loads up the steak and makes her way toward the dairy aisle for butter.

Kendall frown deepens as she follows her mother. “I don’t want to talk about it, mom.”

Paige picks up a tub of butter and turns it over, and Kendall watches her, wondering when Paige started shopping. It didn’t even occur to her until this very moment that she has no memories like this. Paige was a single mother, but she almost never took her children shopping with her. It seems impossible to Kendall that it never happened, but from all of her memories, Kendall did the shopping, the cooking, and the cleaning around the house while her mother drank.

“Okay,” says Paige, putting the butter into the cart, and she turns to Kendall. “But I do want to talk about it. I’m worried about you, Kendall. You seem so unhappy with that Jackson-boy you’re parading around with, and he just doesn’t seem very good for you. You’re grumpy every time I see you.” She smiles. “Except when James has his dick in you, that is.”

“Mom!” Kendall looks around the store, her cheeks burning and pushing away the cold. Paige laughs and returns to her cart, and they start walking again. “It’s crazy that you think Jackson is the problem. Mom, James beat me for two years, threatened to kill me, stole my mom, hid my fucking birth control from me, and when I finally get away, he shows up a few months later with an enormous dick and fucks me into his slut. Oh, and to top it off? He’s already done to the same to my mother, my brother, and one a friend from work who suddenly started hating me for no reason. Except now I have a reason—he made her hate me. THAT is what is making me sad, mom. Jackson ahs nothing to do with it.”

Paige stops to regard her daughter skeptically and then shrugs. “Oh, that’s all?” She rounds a corner with Kendall trailing after her. “Well, if that’s the case, then you just need to get over it and stop whining.”

Now, Kendall’s ears burn as a furnace of rage spills through her. Goosebumps and nipples be damned, her arms go to her side as she balls her fists and stomps after her mother in growing, wide-eyed rage. “Get over it? Stop whining?” Her voice walks the line between a shriek and a whisper, becoming almost unintelligible in the process. “Mom, he…” She calms as they pass an employee in the store who stares, fixedly, at her stiff nipples. Crossing her arms, Kendall shuffles closer to her mother and whispers, “He just fucked my asshole the other day, and he did it with all three of you watching us!”

Paige flashes Kendall a smile. “He did,” she says. “And then you sucked your asshole right off his dick like a good girl.” Her smile lingers as Kendall looks around the store in shame. No one hears them, but Paige would make no effort to hide it even if someone did. She experiences no shame in being James’ slut, and where sympathy for her daughter should be, she has only amusement instead. “I was so proud!”

“Just go,” Kendall says, shoving her mother forward as the older woman laughs. They walk in silence, Paige picking things from random shelves as they go. Kendall breathes deeply to calm herself. Wherever she goes, she can smell James on her still. She can smell him on her mother, too. Sometimes, she forgets that the smell is there, but it keeps her arousal going by constantly fueling her furnace. It is her new normal, she realizes, and it leads her to her next question. “Mom, do you think this is normal?”

Paige laughs at her daughter. “I never said any of this was normal, Kendall.” She stops and looks at her daughter. “I’m saying that you enjoy it.” Her becomes accusing. “You do enjoy it, don’t you?”

Kendall stops and, still hugging herself, averts her gaze. They are standing among the snacks now, and Paige has been doing a heavy amount of shopping here. Having shopped for James before, Kendall knows his preferences and isn’t surprised. She breathes through the butterflies in her belly and whispers, “I do.”

“Well, there you go,” says Paige, returning to pushing the cart and pulling things from the shelves as she goes. Kendall follows only a foot or so behind her.

“But just because it feels good with James doesn’t meant that it won’t feel good with someone else, right? I like being a slut. I even like being his slut, but I would probably like it more if I was someone else’s slut, and if maybe someone kinder had gotten a big cock like James’, then they could make us their slut.”

Paige stops suddenly and turns to face her daughter. “And that right there is your problem, Kendall. You keep looking for a solution to the problem, but there isn’t one.” She speaks matter-of-factly, without judgement but also without sympathy. It is the most honest Kendall has seen her mother be, and she finds herself rooted and listening. “James is crass, and he is cruel, and he is awful in so many big and little ways that I can’t always keep track of it. He is also the best fuck of my life. I love his dick and, sometimes, when it’s really, really good, I even think I love him, too, and I don’t know if he deserves any of it. Maybe he doesn’t. It really doesn’t matter, and do you know why?”

Tears in her eyes, Kendall shakes her head quietly like the reprimanded child she was.

“Because he’s the one with the dick. There is no one better, baby. Whether or not Jackson would be better or worse to you with a big dick doesn’t matter, because he doesn’t have a big dick, and he can’t fuck you like James can. If he could, he would have already. So, the way I see it is, you can spend all your time wondering and waiting, but at the end of the day you’ll keep coming back to James, and you’ll keep licking his toes and licking his asshole and licking anything else he wants you to because he’s the only game in town. You’re his slut, sweetie, and he’s just too good to quit.”

Paige sighs afterward, a small frown forming on her lips as she regards her daughter’s teary-eyed attention. “I know it sucks, but it’s also true. I’ve struggled with addiction my entire life, and I can tell you directly, James is way too good to give up. So, my advice is to give up on giving up, because the harder you fight, the harder you’ll fail. End of story.”

Kendall quakes as her mother goes quiet. Staring back at her mother, feeling frail and powerless, she breaks down into tears. Every word felt like a jab straight to her heart, and she hates it because it is all true. Regardless of James’ worth as a person, his worth as a man was measured easily with eleven-and-a-half-inches of dick. Hatred and hurt don’t matter very much when she is stretched wrist thick, and that is the harshest, most hateful truth she will ever have to face.

Paige’s expression softens as Kendall begins crying, and the two embrace for the first time in a decade. “Oh, sweetie. It’s okay. Come here. It’s okay.” Paige holds Kendall as she cries, and Kendall accepts it stiffly before melting into her mother’s arms. Their soft bodies join, and Kendall weeps quietly into her mother’s shoulder as Paige smooths her hair. “I know it’s hard, baby, and it’s definitely not fair. But, really, it could be worse.”

Coughing and sniffling, Kendall stands straight and wipes her eyes. Her voice is still thick with sorrow as she asks, “How can it be worse, mom?”

“Well, you could be stuck fucking Jackson.” Paige smiles as Kendall breaks out into guilty laughter. It hurts to hear it out loud, but it is also true. As much as Kendall hates James, she still prefers him to the alternative now that she has had him. Each orgasm has made Jackson less and less appealing to her.

She shoves her mother gently while wiping her eyes. “Be nice,” she says, though she is smiling. “The cuck is a good man.”

“The cuck, huh?” Paige laughs and returns to shopping, walking more slowly and this time with Kendall at her side. “Well, he might be a good person, but I can tell you that he’s definitely not a good man. At least, not good enough compared to James.” Looking sideways, she catches her daughter chewing her cheek and nodding in agreement. “Anyway, my advice remains the same. Accept this for what it is and accept James for who he is, because after two years of trying, you have to realize that there is no changing him.”

Kendall draws a deep breath and holds it until she is done crying. Then, releasing it, she groans. “Ugh. Fine. I hate to say it, but I think you’re right.”

“Of course I am,” says Paige. “I’m your mother. Now come on. James will be tired of waiting.”

“Right,” Kendall says, and she finishes shopping with her mother. On the way, she reflects on how Paige is right. James is absolute terrible, but his dick makes him a terror which she can endure. For now, at least, she can focus on that alone and hopefully struggle her way through all the hate and disappointment to find something better on the other side.

Later that day…

The moment Kendall and Paige make it upstairs with groceries on their arms, James shouts, “Took you two long enough!” They join him at the couch, and James slaps her hard across the ass. She and Paige flank him while Oliver enters wearing lingerie and takes their groceries from them. He disappears into the kitchen, his panties riding up into his skinny ass crap.

James, meanwhile, took to holding both women by their asses. While Kendall tries to regain her bearings, her world still upside down after the conversation at the store, James pulls Paige onto the couch with him and kissing her deeply. Kendall watches their lips touch and tongues dance, and her nipples swell at the sight. As they part, James fixes Kendall with his gaze and squeezes her ass hard. “Learn anything bout shopping from watching your momma?”

Kendall understands this as an attack on her femininity but decides to ignore it. She had done the shopping while dating James, largely because James didn’t do anything that contributed to the family except for take up space. She smiles despite the attack and, to her shame, feels giddy in James’ big, rough hand. “I did learn a bit, but I don’t think any of it had to do with shopping.”

Paige chuckles, and James frowns and looks between them. “The fuck does that mean?”

“It means,” Paige purrs, cupping James’ chin and turning his head to stare him in his cold, cruel eyes, “That we had a nice shopping trip full of girl-talk about our favorite big-dicked stud.”

Hearing that, James grins and pulls Kendall to him by the hips. She falls onto the couch beside him, yelping as she does, and then settled against him while he rests his hands on their plump bottoms. He moves his hands lower, using his middle and ring finger on both hands to find their rotches and apply pressure. Both women mewl and reposition themselves to grant him easy access.

“I bet you did, you fucking sluts.” He smiled at them both as they leaned in against him. Kendall, in particular, was lifting her hips to let him rub her. “My dick is all you bitches think about. You’re both natural born sluts.”

Hearing this, Kendall thinks to argue but cannot see the point in it. The distinction between naturally occurring sluttiness and being made a slut by him was fine in and of itself. The fact that she was a slut was definitely more important to them both and is enough by itself to convince James of her inborn sluttiness. All of this to say, she realizes, she is thinking too much about it and, as her mother suggested, she just needs to shut up and enjoy it.

“Shit, though, while you two were gabbing, I was home getting hungry.” James frowns. “Olivia better hurry.”

Paige, showering him with calming kisses, smiles and pulls him into another kiss. James is seated between them in a t-shirt and stained briefs. His heavy dick is limp but clearly plump. “She will do fine, James, and she’ll have supper cooked just the way you like it. She knows how to treat her daddy.”

James growls. “That’s cause she’s been trained.” He pulls both women to him with a grin, forcing his face between their breasts while they laugh. “All three of you sluts have been,” he says before motorboating both sets of tits. Paige laughs and cups his head, and Kendall giggles, watching him while grinding and cooing on his fingers. “Fuck, you two got nice titties,” James says, and he sits back and swats them both on the ass at the same time. Afterward, he growls, “And I wanna see both sets of them next to each other. On your knees and naked, sluts.”

Paige and Kendall exchange quick glances before muttering affirmatives and obeying. They stand beside the couch, stripping down with graceless exuberance, knowing by his tone to move quickly. Soon, both are naked with James’ seated on the couch with his pants off. Comparing them, the two were similar, shaped by genetics and built by sex. Paige was slightly thicker than Kendall, wearing a small amount of weight in her midsection and erogenous zones. Kendall, while still a MILF in her own right, however, was perfectly shapely, only having a longer torso and limbs.

Both women were waxed, and their peaches wept. From where James sat, the two looked almost identical there, though he knew Kendall to have an almost supernatural tightness that even her mother couldn’t quite replicate. Once naked beside him, James rewarded each with her own thick finger between the legs. They cooked, and Kendall held him by the wrist and came, shaking on him as she wet his knuckles. James watched it with a laugh before muttering, “Fuck, she’s so easy.”

“Be nice,” laughed Paige, and she teased his hair and leaned down to pull him in the kiss. James allows it, forcing his big, slimy tongue into her mouth and letting her suck it and drink his saliva before she stood. Paige wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and smiled. “You’ve trained her just like you trained Oliiva, after all.”

Fingers still inside of Paige, James turns to look at her after bringing her daughter to a climax. “You know, I trained you, too, slut.” He eases a second finger into her, and Paige smiles and moans but grits her teeth to make it through. James grins afterward. “But you aint coming.”

Paige pants before laughing. “That’s because I’m a woman, James, not a little girl.” She winks at him. “It will take more than a finger for me.” Cupping his face, she kisses him again, purring at the taste of him. As she leans forward to speak to him and kiss him, her big breasts hang ponderously, capped by swollen red nipples. “Mm, but don’t get me wrong, these fingers do feel good.”

James stared up at Paige, up into her pretty blue eyes, at her ruby lips, and he smiled and groaned. “Fuck me, did I pick the right slut to be my wife.” As he spoke, he added a second finger to Kendall’s pussy, and Paige licked her lips as she watched her daughter moan and quiver in climax.

Leaning forward, Paige kissed James on the cheek and whispered to him, “And I’ll never let you forget it.” Then, leaned against him and rolling her hips against his fingers, she reached down to take hold of his thick, heavy cock. She squeezed him before hanging from his shoulder to lower her hand and cup his balls. She purred, “Fuck me, James, you’re so hard. We won’t be able to eat until you come, will we?” Removing herself from his shoulder entirely, she rested across his big belly and spit down his shaft. Then, using her hand to smooth it out, she smiled. James was easy to entice. He always liked to see his women degrade themselves. Looking up at him, she mewled. “So, handsome, tell us how we can help you get there.”

James looked at Kendall to find her staring at him in glassy-eyed awe, her smile so big that it threatened to overtake her whole face. She was lost to them both, lost in pleasure, and completely ignorant of anything outside of James’ two thick fingers in her snatch. Withdrawing his fingers, James swatted her ass to bring her back and then pulled Paige into another kiss. Afterward, he growled, “I want to see your tits around my dick together. I wanna fuck both sets of your big, fat MILF titties at once!”

Still stroking him, Paige turned her smile on her daughter and found the young woman watching with a distant glaze in her eyes. “We can do that,” she said. “Can’t we, sweetie?”

Kendall nodded, mesmerized by her mother. Paige seemed to glow beside James, and as she glowed, she made everyone around her brighter by proximity. It was a stark contrast to the mother Kendall knew, the one broken by life and hurt so much that she knew only how to hurt others. Kendall could hardly recognize Paige as the same woman and, watching her mother with James, Kendall wondered if she had ever seen Paige happy before.

Paige was happy now as she slid from the couch and kneeled at James’ feet. Still smiling, she spit across James’ shaft again and stroked him with both hands before guiding him into her pale cleavage. Kendall watched the woman lick his crown, her blue eyes glittering like ice crystals in winter sunlight. It was surreal to see. Her mother, sober and smiling, happy in spite of a lifetime of suffering, happy as a slut. It wasn’t conjecture anymore, Kendall realized. James truly was the only person who has ever made her mother smile before.

She kneeled beside Paige and joined the older woman in hugging James’ dick with her tits. In fact, Kendall mimicked everything her mother did, spitting along his shaft, using her saliva to lubricate him and to lubricate her cleavage. She drooled like Paige, licked like Paige, and she mewled like a wild animal as she did, and she was comforted by her mother’s presence for the first time in her life. When she did this alone, Kendall felt powerless, out of control, even mad. The absurdity of it was eased by having her beautiful mother there doing the same thing as her. If anything, in fact, Paige did it with more enthusiasm and with greater devotion. Watching her, Kendall felt almost like Paige was worshipping James with her mouth and her body.

Together, the women kissed James in tandem. They showered his dick with affection, peppering kisses around his glans as they held him in the pillow-soft vice of their combined cleavage. Both women were careful to avoid each other until James’ big hands guided them together. Then, understanding, they kissed around James’ cockhead, tasting him as they tasted each other.

Kendall was surprised at how good her mother’s tongue tasted, and she was doubly surprised by how willing and eager her mother was to obey. Reflecting on how Paige moved around Oliver, however, put it into perspective. While this was fresh and new for Kendall, this sort of taboo was probably normal for Paige. Kendall didn’t know how long James had taken to corrupt her family before coming after her, but it must have been long enough to make incest normal.

For her own part, Kendall could hardly resist. She was already drunk on James at powerless to stop him. Even without his dick between them, though, Kendall felt her mother was objectively beautiful, a well-built woman with large, fair breasts now glistening with a mixture of precum and saliva. Kendall often hoped to age as well as her mother did and recently found herself hoping to reach the same level of self-understanding as her mother as well. Paige seemed so confident around James, at home in her own skin as a slut. Kendall still hated James, even now, but she found it harder and harder to hate his dick, too.

James removes his hands and lets his women do their work. Paige slurps his shaft and tongues his glans while Kendall nurses his crown. The two women stroke him with their breasts asynchronously, their nipples chaffing on each stroke, adding pleasure to pleasure. They smile at each other, and Paige watches her daughter with open pride as precum gushes down James’ shaft.

“That’s right, baby,” Paige purrs. “Tit-fuck your daddy’s big dick with me. Treat him like the stud he is. Worship him with your mouth and body, baby, and show him how grateful you are to have been chosen and fucked by him.”

Tilting her head, Paige returns to kissing his shaft, drooling along him and adding more cleavage to their already shiny breasts. Soon, the two women have themselves gleaming and squelching as they stroke him, and James holds them by the heads and thrusts up into their cleavage. “Fuck,” he growls. “I ain’t ever seen this much titty in one room before!”

Paige giggles against him while Kendall moans. They’ve both seen Allyson, and it makes them wonder at how honest the statement is. Regardless, his point is not lost on them as they drool around him and stroke him with their breasts. James tightens his grip and repositions their heads so that as he fucks her cleavage he is also fucking their pursed lips or extended tongues as they stare each other in the eyes.

Being used like this, the two feel a bond forming through their shared rapture. Staring into each other’s eyes, they feel James quickening and hold themselves steady so that he can use them. He bellows and grunts like a beast before swelling fatter and fatter. When he comes, so do they, and all three share their pleasure like ripples across a pond. “Nutting!”

Kendall and Paige both hold their tongues out as James erupts between them. He keeps thrusting through the early parts of his climax, unloading across their necks and chest. Finally, he settles between their open mouths and groans and wheezes through the end as they suck him and drink him down. Both are thoroughly coated by the end and take to stroking him idly with their breasts, their nipples grinding as they hold themselves tight to him to collect his semen before they part.

Afterward, James watches them attack his spent cock, sharing it between them carefully as they lick him up and suck him clean. Neither show a hint of hesitation or embarrassment as their tongues touch around him. Paige licks him first and then holds him steady with both of her sticky hands while Kendall gathers his cum on her tongue and swallows it down. They take turns along his shaft and balls before stroking the last pearl of semen from his still massive but now limp dick.

When finished, they lay him to rest against his thigh and sit smiling at his feet, both glazed with semen, and both happier for it. James regards them with a wide-eyed grin. “Well, fuck, that was hot.” He looks at their semen soaked cleavage and torso, their faces and hair, and laughed. “Glazed you two like donuts, didn’t I?”

Both laugh, and Paige makes a show of cupping her breasts and licking his seed from her cleavage. James laughs, too, though his mixed pride and ego fuel his arousal. He twitches in response despite his recent load.

“Well, you two are gonna have to be careful not to dribble semen all over my house when you clean up. How about we start by you two licking each other clean before you wash up for supper.”

They look at each other and find different responses. Paige’s eyes glitter like diamonds as she closes the distance between them. Kendall hesitates before mirroring her mother’s movements. She knows this is a test, a challenge, another punishment meant to demean and degrade her, so she obeys, but she does it with less enthusiasm than her mother. These differences fade when their lips touch, however.

When her mother leans in to lick the cum from her neck, Kendall enjoys it. She can still feel the taboo thrill her in the darkest recesses of her mind, but she doesn’t fight it or pull away. Paige is used to it, familiar with the incestuous taboo of teasing or toying with her children’s bodies. She eats greedily of James’ cum while allowing her daughter to enjoy it.

She moves with familiarity, trained to seek out James cum and to swallow it up. She licks her way up to Kendall’s cheek and then kisses her daughter, forcing James’ semen into Kendall’s mouth. Though initially disgusted, Kendall soon finds herself swallowing and then mimicking the behavior, licking cum from Paige’s body in a fugue and sharing it with her afterward.

Gradually, cleaning turns to play and neither end up clean by the time Oliver joins them to announce supper. James, laughing, shoves both women away with a foot and sends them to wash up. They giggle and, holding hands, go to the master bathroom downstairs to wash up. Kendall follows her mother in a daze, watching the way her mother’s ass flexes and jiggles with her steps. Alone together, they smile, and Kendall’s awe lingers as her mother wipes herself clean with a warm, wetted rag.

Paige catches her daughter staring and smiles. “Yes, Kendall? Do you need something?”

Blushing, Kendall looks away. She wets her own rag and mimics her mother again, wiping herself clean. It feels almost like childhood to her, watching and repeating, learning through observation. The difference is the intimacy. She has never been this close to her mother before, never seen the other woman this exposed and comfortable. “It’s nothing,” she whispers, staring at the countertop as she cleans the semen from her hair a few strands at a time. She chances a glance at her mother and smiles afterward. “I just think you’re very beautiful.”

Paige’s smile lingers as she moves closer to her daughter. She kisses Kendall on the cheek and whispers to her, “Thank you. So are you.” Then, they finish cleaning and return upstairs in the nude. They join James for dinner, eating sparse salads, still naked. James sits at the head of the table and devours an enormous steak and a hearty helping of mashed potatoes. For Kendall, is strange and bewildering to see, and it is also the most normal family supper she has ever experienced before.


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