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In my scramble to get everything ready for the month, I forgot my update.  So, here it is:

Currently, I am finishing my proof read of Big D.  I have finished the rought draft of all of the Geis BTS content and will start working on revising the chapters ahead of time.  I have a new original story on the way, which I am currently doing revisions on, and I am still looking through and organizing Eros before I begin my remaster of it.

Big News: I have enough Grower tier folks to do a poll.  I have a bunch of different Geis projects that are in the lineup, and I will let you all decide which one I am working on next. The options will be:

Geis Vol II.  The continuation of the original Geis story.

Geis: Alternative.  A retelling of Geis where James is endowed with his power BEFORE they break up, preventing the break up.

Geis W.  A retelling of the first few chapters of Geis where Kendall is willing and eager to serve and experiences zero guilt.

Geis: Intervention.  A retelling where Jackson catches James and intervenes, stopping James and getting James' powers in James' place.

Lastly, I can ignore all of that and do After School Stud BTS.

The poll will be open until the end of the month, maybe a bit longer.


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