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Chapter Six: Fi[D]elity

Though dedicated to each other, Dylan and Daisy could not make time to see each other for a few days after their nighttime blowjob. For Dylan’s part, he did try, but Daisy was insistent that they be careful. While she favored Dylan to her husband, she still had a life to live. William did not command all of her attention, only some of it, and so as Dylan came to occupied William’s space in her heart, he hadn’t yet swelled to fill any parts of her life.

Still, Daisy missed Dylan, and his absence only made Daisy’s heart grow fonder. She thought about him day and night, imagining his blue eyes, his lanky body, and his big, fat cock all waiting for her. She spent nights alone with William silently comparing him to Dylan, and she always found her husband wanting. Slowly, over time, she appreciated Dylan for more than his big dick or his skinny frame. She missed him, though she didn’t want to admit it, and as the weekend came, she decided to text and set up a meeting.

She left the house dressed like a slut the next day. Her dress was so tight that it showed off the softness of her belly and could barely fit around her enormous breasts. The shape of her nipples showed through the fabric, as did the cleft of her ass, and the dress rode so high that it almost exposed her bare pussy as she hurried out the door. William noticed but didn’t say anything, and Daisy noticed his silence. At this point, Daisy reeked of Dylan at all times, even after days apart, and she figured that William knew on instinct that she belonged to another man, even if he didn’t understand it consciously.

Daisy met Dylan at the grocery store where it all began. She parked in her usual spot and waited for him. Dylan pulled up shortly after, and the two met between their respective vehicles with smiles on their faces. They hugged, and Daisy kissed Dylan deeply, sucking his tongue and drinking his saliva as she held him. Dylan cupped her ass in turn and smiled as he tasted her back. Normally, Daisy would be more cautious, but her fleeting concern made him happy.

Dylan eyed Daisy’s cleavage as they parted. Her outfit almost showed off more of her flesh than it covered, and his plump manhood showed his approval even through his pants. Daisy smiled and, taking hold of the dress, tugged it at the edges to make her breasts dance for him. “Like what you see?”

“I do.” He stared her in the eyes. “You leave your house like that?” Daisy nodded, and Dylan whistled. “Well, damn, you aren’t leaving nothing to the imagination today, are you? You came to get fucked!”

Daisy smiled, her nipples stiffening at the word. She flipped her hair and shrugged. “I can’t say that I wasn’t hoping.”

Dylan swatted her backside after and then looked her over. She had only cooed in response and now leaned into him, her big breasts crushed between them. Staring own into her cleavage, Dylan growled, “Fuck, you’re hot. Now, I know where Summer got it from.”

Daisy rolled her eyes, laughing. “Yeah? Well, she was just a girl. I’m a woman, Dylan, and I have a lifetime of experience that I am offering you.”

“A lifetime of experience,” Dylan repeated, grinning. “With other men?” He laughed when she balked. “I don’t know that you want to keep talking like that, Daisy. Your pussy is tight, even after three kids.” Cupping her ass again, he gave it a firm squeeze. “But it’s mine, now, and I don’t share.”

Daisy chuckled throatily, leaning into him and wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed his chin and cooed. “Now, now, don’t go and get jealous on me. I can promise you, that my time with you is the best I’ve ever had.” They sway together in the parking lot as she stood on her tiptoes to keep whispering in his ear, “Don’t waste your time being jealous of smaller men—boys—when you’re the stud who fucks me now.”

Holding Daisy’s ass with both hands now, Dylan gave her a hard squeeze and nearly lifted her from her feet. “Well, I better be the only man.”

He swatted her ass again for emphasis, and Daisy laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Trust me, stud,” she purred. “You are. I wouldn’t waste my time on boys anymore.”

With Daisy against him, Dylan couldn’t look away from her cleavage. Her large breasts were crushed between them, forced together and apart and spilling out of the dress she wore. He had never seen breasts that big in his life, and their shape and density impressed him even more. In the same way that she marveled at his dick, he marveled at her bosom.

Staring, Dylan whistled through his teeth. “God damn, Daisy. You’ve got the biggest tits I’ve ever seen.”

Daisy smiled and adjusted her hair again, exposing her graceful neck to him. “I like to think they go well with your huge cock.” She winked at him for emphasis.

Feeling emboldened by her flirting, Dylan took her by the waist and led her back to her SUV. He opened the driver’s side and guided her in. “Then we should find out.”

Daisy laughed as she climbed in. He breasts swayed with her movements, capped by stiff nipples. “Are you telling me that you want to fuck my tits, Dylan?”

Dylan swatted her ass on the way. “I’m telling you that I am going to, Daisy.”

Smiling back at him, Daisy climbed into the driver’s seat. “Well, if you insist,” she said as he closed the door and joined her on the other side. They both buckle up, and Daisy pulled out of the parking lot, driving just a bit too fast on her way out of town. She swore as she caught Dylan staring at her breasts that seatbelts were made to show off cleavage just as much as they were made to keep a person safe. Her already enormous breasts were emphasized as the shirt was held tight to her body, and Dylan clearly approved.

They drove for miles and found a secluded spot large enough for them to park. Once parked, they move around to the back of Daisy’ SUV. She opened it and laid out a blanket for Dylan to get settled on. On his back, he had Daisy help him out of his pants before she crawled up between his skinny legs. He still had a shirt on, and Daisy noted how it seemed to have filled out lately. She figured either the fucking had made him stronger, or he had been working out.

Taking hold of his shaft, Dylan wagged his dick at her. “So, how do we start?”

Daisy smiled and took him in hand. She stroked him slowly from root to crown, and she kissed his shaft while staring him in the eyes. “We start by getting you wet first,” she whispered, licking him and purring. “Mm. We don’t have any lube, so I’ll just have to use my mouth.”

Watching her lick and suck him, feeling the wet affection of her horny mouth, Dylan gathered her curly blond hair and held it out of her face and laughed. “I think you just want to suck my dick.”

Daisy flashed him a smile, shrugged, and took him into her mouth with a throaty purr. Lips around him, she closed her eyes to enjoy him, taking him to the edge of her throat before sucking slowly back up his shaft. Her lips were fastened to him, pink and full, stretched around his considerable girth. His size intimidated her, but she found herself increasingly at home with him. Though it was only their sixth time together, she felt like he was the only man in her life. More than that, he was definitely the only man who still held her interest.

Meanwhile, Dylan relaxed and propped himself up on his skinny arms to watch her. He leaned onto one arm to hold her hair out of her face and marveled at Daisy’s skill and her enthusiasm. She sucked him eagerly, taking him deep and doing it of her own accord. He had felt angry the day he fucked her face, and it had made him vindictive. He had done it to hurt her. Without his anger, he lacked the bravery to do it again. Today, however, Daisy seemed determined to do it to herself. She took him in long deep strokes, choking briefly as saliva frothed around her lips and flashing him a glance on each downward stroke to look for his reaction.

She stroked him while sucking him, showing him extra care that was not lost on him. Summer had shown him similar care for the brief time that they were together, before he had his growth spurt. Watching Daisy now made Dylan laugh. This had all happened under the pretense of proving to her that she was a slut, but that was well-established. Now, Daisy lived as a slut, as a size queen in a more literal sense, and Dylan let her indulge it. He let her work him to a wet shine before, as a joke, he pulled himself from her lips to slap his dick down across her face.

Daisy whined and, spreading her lips thin around him again, Daisy sucked him back in. Watching her, Dylan could not help but feel arrogant. He thrust into her mouth, up against her throat and listened to her gurgle. Then, still holding her hair out of her face, he stared her in her blue eyes. “Liking that dick?” Daisy withdrew him, mewling and nodding, and slapped him down across her extended tongue with a purr. “Yeah,” Dylan groaned, drunk on his own power. “You wanna get me nice and wet to fuck your titties, don’t you? You need a big dick like mine to do it right. Your husband isn’t enough for you, is he?”

Whining and slurping his crown, Daisy shook her head as her lips grew wet and shiny. “No,” she panted. “No, he can’t. He’s not big enough for me, Dylan. Only you are. I need you. I need your dick!”

Repositioning himself in the back of the SUV, Dylan slapped his dick down across her exposed cleavage, leaving saliva where it landed. Daisy looked down and smiled, understanding his intent and cupping her heavy breasts around him to allow it. Holding her mouth open, she drooled and spit along his shaft, and Dylan stroked himself while she held her breasts in place, ready for him. Seeing her like this, he groaned.

“Fuck, you’re hot!”

Daisy flashed him a smile and licked his sticky crown, tasting his precum there. “So are you,” she purred, and she removed her blouse and bra, tossing them aside to reveal her heavy EE breasts. They were large, larger than Dylan had ever seen on a woman. Her nipples were long and red, firmly erect, and though her breasts were firm and round, gravity did make them sway with her movements. They were liquid beauty, and Daisy cupped them and spit between them like she had with his dick. Then, rubbing the saliva in, she held her breasts parted for him. “Ready to see what you can do to me?”

Dylan laughed breathlessly while staring at her glistening cleavage. “So fucking ready,” he said, and he laid back and held his dick up straight. “Show me what those titties can do.”

Laughing, Daisy lowered herself into place, cupping her breasts and wrapping them around Dylan’s shaft. They were heavy around his pelvis and, due to their size, difficult to handle. Daisy knew how to wield them, however, and hugged them around him while leaning into his body. Holding him between them, her breasts became a pillow-soft vice which she used to stroked him. Each stroked slipped his dick up against her face, leaving warm precum across her cheek. Daisy laughed again and extended her tongue to lick him as she worked.

Staring down his length, Daisy cannot hide her smile. “God damn, Dylan, you’ve been going on about how big my tits are, but just look at you. You’re so long and thick, I’ve never seen another dick like yours.” She laughed again, breathless as she licked and stroked him. “How could Summer have ever left you? She’s an absolute idiot!”

“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Holding her by the shoulders, Dylan thrusted up into her bosom. His crown knocked her nose and drew a giggle from her as she kissed and licked him. “You aren’t so protective of Caleb anymore, are you?”

Daisy didn’t slow in stroking him, but her smile faded some. She tightened her grip on his manhood and purred. “Now, now, Dylan, your big, fat cock gives me plenty of reason to be angry with my daughter, but let’s try to be respectful of the dead.”

Taking hold of Daisy by the hair again, Dylan repositioned himself with a frown. He gave a hard thrust up into her mouth, forcing himself up against her throat. Stuck with her breasts crushed between them, Daisy was caught off guard as Dylan choked her with his cock. She sucked a deep breath, staring at him wide-eyed as her body strained. Dylan held her by the hair now, rising up into her mouth, nearly removing himself from her breasts as he fucked her face again.

“You know, you keep acting high and mighty, Daisy, but you’re a slut and your daughter is one, too. As for Caleb? I don’t need to speak well of the dead when he died a coward. Not my fault he killed himself. Probably couldn’t keep up with a slut like Summer anymore, not after four fucking kids, and she shouldn’t have wasted her time with a baby dick. Faggot probably offed himself cause he couldn’t keep my dick out of his head and was sure it was only a matter of time before it found its way into Summer’s mouth, and if you aren’t careful, your hubby might go the same way.”

Choking on him, Daisy stared into Dylan’s brown eyes and found the reasoning almost sound. He was arrogant, but with nearly a foot of cock being forced into her throat, she couldn’t fault him for it. Eleven thick inches did a lot to a particular type of woman, and Daisy was definitely that type of woman. Furthermore, she knew from experience that Dylan could back up every arrogant word if pressed. Her husband really couldn’t compete with him and, without threat of violence, Daisy felt certain that Summer would have submitted to him after a single fuck if she had been given the chance.

Held in place and breathing around him, Daisy was left panting and drooling around his fat cock, her saliva gathering in her breasts as she tried desperately to stroke the lower-half of his length. Holding him, stroking him, drooling and choking on him, Daisy wondered how William would feel catching her with Dylan. She imagined him watching, heartbroken, realizing that his wife would never truly be satisfied in their marriage. He had already tried to kill himself the last time there was infidelity, so heavy was his own guilt. She could not pretend that hopelessness wouldn’t drive him to the save conclusion. Her husband, while a former soldier, would not back down from a fight, but he had already lost the war. Dylan owned Daisy, and Daisy felt that would be clear from the moment his dick entered her.

Drooling down his shaft, Daisy regarded him with a wet, gurgling moan, and Dylan grinned down at her and eased his grip on her head. “That’s what I thought.” Dragging her up his length, Dylan held himself between her lips and allowed her to nestled him between her bosom once more. “You’re a smart woman, Daisy. Smarter than your daughter, at least, cause you seem to know where your loyalties lie.”

Thrusting up into her mouth, Dylan held her in place and watched her choking with a grin. Her lips and throat were tight around him, and the pleasure of her wet, warm body was only elevated by her clear submission. He swelled against her and inside of her, and she held him tighter, mewling as he quickened and swelled. “Who do you belong to, Daisy?”

Dizzy from sex and cock, Dylan moaned around him, desperate to say his name, desperate to tell him. There was no doubt that Dylan could understand her as he swelled accordingly and thrust up into her mouth again.

“And what would you say to your tiny-dick husband right now if he saw you sucking me and stroking me with your tits?”

Daisy laughed around him and moved against him as he loosened his grip on her hair. Coming up panting, she licked him and kissed him, drooling down him like a horny dog. “Oh, Dylan, I’d tell him how much bigger you are, and how hard you’ve fucked me. I’d tell him how good your dick is and how much I love the taste of your cum, and I’d make sure you shot all over me so he would know that I am all yours.”

Swollen and aching, Dylan breathed through his desire. He wanted to come, but he wanted control more. Before he gave her the orgasm she wanted, that she was basically begging him for, he needed her to condemn her husband one last time. “And what would the cuck say back to you?”

Daisy laughed against him, kissing the underside of his dick as he leaked precum all over her. She could tell that he was on the edge of orgasm and was impressed with his stamina and self-control. Adjusting her grip on her breasts, she stroked him faster, moving her whole body to bring him to climax as she panted and mewled in her hunger. “He wouldn’t say a damn thing about it, Dylan. He’d just watch, speechless, scared shitless of just how big your dick really is!” Each word from her mouth left Dylan thicker, and Daisy was glad for it.

When Dylan came, he erupted, leaving a thick rope of cum across Daisy’s face like a hot, white scar. Daisy opened her mouth to catch him as a deluge of semen spread across her face and nose afterward. Dylan held her by the hair and dragged her over his fire hydrant of cum, holding her mouth in place as she latched her lips onto his swollen crown. She sucked his semen down with astonishing skill, choking only at the very end, and stroking him with her breasts throughout. When he had finished, Daisy was holding him in her sticky bosom, her face soaked with semen, and Dylan twitching against the edge of her throat as she rode out her own climax.

Dylan stared at her in breathless awe. “Fuck,” he gasped. “That was a good fucking load.”

Daisy, using her fingers to gather his semen, sat back and sucked her fingers clean. His semen was thick across her face and oozing down. It dribbled from her chin and onto her breasts, where a few stray curtains had landed. She teased her nipples as she cleaned herself. “Mm. I’ll say.” She smiled at his large, spent manhood. “You really like the idea of William catching us, huh?”

Dylan grinned and shrugged. “That depends.” He took hold of his cock root and waved himself at her. “Am I really that much bigger than him?”

Covered in cum and watching his dick, Daisy cupped her breasts and rubbed his semen into her skin. They shine, heavy and ponderous in her palms. “Dylan, you’re easily twice a big as he is, long and thick, I mean. And you come at least three time as much as he does.” She eyed his big balls as she said this.

Dylan stroked himself as Daisy leaned forward to suckle his crown, milking anything that remained out into her mouth. “Then yeah, let that tiny dick see his wife ruined in front of him.” Taking her by the hair, Dylan slapped his dick between her shiny cleavage again. Daisy laughed in response and wedged her breasts around him, stroking him again as she suckled his crown. Tilting her head back, Dylan stared her fixedly in the eyes. “He’s never made you come, has he?”

Daisy giggled and purred while shaking her head. “No, not even one time,” she said between wet sucks of his crown. “Sometimes, especially after I gave birth, it was like having sex with a ghost or something. I hardly even knew he was there.”

Caught off guard, Dylan laughed hard at that, falling into coughs before he recovered. Daisy smiled around him, sucking him still, holding him between her lips just to enjoy the taste and feel of him there. “Pathetic,” he said as he watched her licking and kissing him. “I wouldn’t have that problem, would I, Daisy?”

Laughing breathily around him, Daisy met his gaze. “What’re you saying, Dylan, you want to knock me up?”

Dylan, caught off guard again, blushed and shrugged. “No,” he said quickly, but he couldn’t hold her gaze. He stared at the ceiling and pretended that he didn’t care. “I was just saying that if I did, you would still feel me afterward. That’s all.”

Holding Dylan between her tits, Daisy stared down his length and considered having his child. She already had three daughters by two different men, and while Dylan was young, she couldn’t doubt him to be at least as good a father as William was. Hell, if she did it right, she figured William could help raise their child with her. Smiling, she purred and kissed his crown before looking him in the eyes again. “Oh, I’m sure I would. There is a lot to feel, after all.”

Dylan gave a lazy sigh and smiled as he thrusted up into her mouth again. Then, he shimmied out of her grip, removing himself as Daisy glared up at him. “Sorry,” he said, his dick flopping against his skinny thighs as he moved. He wasn’t hard, but he was filling out again. “I’m about to get hard again, and if I don’t go now, then I know we’ll stay here all day fucking.”

Watching his dick, Daisy licked her lips and purred. “That wouldn’t be so bad, you know.”

Dylan wagged his dick in her face until she kissed his crown, and then he laughed. “Nah,” he said, hopping from the SUV and slipping his briefs back on. His dick remained huge, even when covered. “We both got shit to do, but rain check for sure.” He eyed her sticky, gleaming breasts as she slid to her feet on the dusty dirt road. “Definitely, definitely rain check.”

Daisy followed his gaze and then laughed before fetching her bra and slipping it back on. It took effort to force her breasts back into the cups, but she managed it with a smile. “I bet,” she said, and she pulled her dress back on afterward.

She drove him back and kissed him goodbye at his car. Dylan didn’t seem to mind that she had dried sperm on her face or in her hair and cupped her ass to pull her into him beside his car. Daisy fell into him with a squeal, feeling more and more enamored by him with each passing moment.

At home, she showered and then watched William with empty interest. The love she had for him had been bruised and broken many times over, but Dylan was the final straw. His skinny body and his thick dick had snapped her vows in half and left her feeling cheated, not by his infidelity but by her own loyalty. Dylan was still young, and he had no real worldly experience or responsibilities, but he had everything he needed. She silently wished she had met her own Dylan when she was a teen rather than being left with Summer’s leftovers decades later when she had a life too complicated to really, truly enjoy him.


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