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2. Chapter Two:

This chapter opens on James seated in a baggy sports jersey and a pair of over-large jeans. He wears them without a belt, and the top of his boxer-briefs show. He is bare foot and has a silver chain around his big, thick neck. His thinning hair is greased back and his chinstrap beard neatly trimmed as he stares at the camera with cold blue eyes. “We about ready?”

“Yes, cameras are rolling.”

“Fucking finally. So, what the fuck do you want?”

“We’re going to answer a viewer question or two and give a proper introduction for the behind the scenes.”

James rolls his eyes. “Fucking stupid.”

“It’s what I want to do, though.”

“Fine, whatever.” James grunts. “Just get on with the fucking questions, bossman.”

“So, what’s your name.”

“James Mapleman.”

“And how old are you?”

James frowned. “As of right now, I’m 29 years old.”

“And so you met Kendall when she was?”

His frown deepened as he shifted his weight on the couch. “The fuck you asking for?”

“Fine, fine, never mind. What do you do in the story?”

“I fuck the dumb bitches you tell me to fuck. Make them my sluts.”

“And how big is the cock I’ve given you?”

James shrugged. “Something like eleven-and-a-half long and ten thick or some shit.”

“And before that?”

James’ frown returned as he glared at me past the camera. “Not as big, okay?”

“Exactly how not as big?”

“Like five fucking inches, okay? Still decently thick, though. Had big balls. How I knocked up Kendall to begin with.”

“I’m sure.”

James flipped me off. “You better be, prick.”

“Do you love Kendall? Have you ever?”

“I’ve loved her ass,” James said, grinning. “Loved her tits. Love them a lot harder now that she up and fucking left me. Bitch is getting hers, though.”

“I guess she is.”

James grouses. “We about fucking done with these stupid ass questions?”

“Yes. Fine. But we do have one from a fan.”

James rolls his eyes. “Fine. Go the fuck ahead.”

“Gremmy asks, ‘have you ever thought about corrupting other women in Kendall’s neighborhood as well? Now that Kendall is pretty firmly yours, have you thought about using her to get more women?’”

James gives me a long stare. “How much of that am I allowed to answer, boss?”

“All of it. Just don’t spoil.”

James sighs heavily. “Fine. Well, here’s the deal, Gemmy, I already done started collecting bitches she knows. That’s part of her punishment. We live in a small town, though. Ain’t much of a neighborhood to collect, I don’t think. As for using her to get more bitches.” James grins.  “You’ll just have to keep reading.” He looks at me. “That good?”

Suddenly, his eyes are pulled away and silence settles over the set as Kendall wanders into frame wearing a pink bikini. The bikini has a thick strap across one shoulder and winds around her waist. The fabric hugs her ass without riding up, holding both of her womanly globes tight even as they jiggle and flex. The cleft of her womanhood shows through the fabric as she approaches, and her nipples stiffen as she watches James on the couch. She stops in front of the camera and looks back at you over her shoulder. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?” Looking back at James, she smiles. “Any good questions?”

James grins at her. “One.” He waves her over, and Kendall joins him beside the couch. When he tries to take hold of her about the hips, however, she removes his hand. She doesn’t move afterward, however, and stands smiling over her shoulder at you through the camera. At this angle, you can see the clear outline of her ass through her bottoms.

James looks her over and adjusts himself in appreciation. “The fuck are you even wearing?”

Kendall looks at him and shrugs. “I was looking around at wardrobe when I saw this.” She grins and winks at you. “Maybe I can wear it for an ad read or something.” When she looks back at James, he is adjusting himself again. She adjusts, too, tugging at her top to keep it fixed around her bouncing bosom. “Why, James? Is it giving you ideas?”

James eyes her nipples and grunts. “A few.”

Kendall eyes him back, her gaze fixed on his crotch. She chews her bottom lip. “I bet.” Turning around, Kendall sticks her big bottom out at James and then bends forward. Her breasts hang as she looks over her shoulder at him. “So, you haven’t told me what you think of it. Does it fit?”

James growls. “I think it looks fucking good on you, Kendall.” Cupping her ass, he turns her around again, moving her so that her ass is sticking out at you and then pulling her close so that he can rest his cheek on her firm bottom. Looking at you, he says, “Look at that ass, everyone. Look at this big, fat ass.”

Ass sticking out at you, Kendall looks at James over her shoulder and rolls her eyes as she supports herself on the couch. “That’s not as much of a compliment as you think it is,” she says, and then she gasps as James eases the crotch of her panties to one side and slips two fingers into her snatch. “Oh!” She moans as she forces his fingers into the knuckles and then whines, eyes closed as she wets his fingers. “James! James, your fingers are so thick!”

Cupping her ass with his free hand, James mauls her while fingering her. He moves slowly inside of her, working his fingers and stirring her up before each withdraw. “Thick like my dick,” he muttered, and Kendall rolls her eyes again. Her smile never fades until he begins sawing his fingers in and out of her. Then, her joy is replaced with reluctant want. Reaching back, she holds her ass cheeks apart for him so that he can see how she hugs him and gushes. James, meanwhile, adjusts himself while fingering her. “Fuck, your pussy looks good smooth, Kendall.”

Kendall moans in response, her pussy growing wetter and messier the longer he works it. “I—I imagine that I’ll stay smooth as long as the story goes on. Maybe even after. Ah!”

James grins and holds himself into the knuckle. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Y-YES,” she whines, gritting her teeth as he adds a third finger. Kendall comes on him, wetting his knuckles and his fingers alike. “Damn it! Yes! Normally, you don’t do this kind of stuff to me because of how the story is, but this feels so good, James! This feels so fucking good!” Kendall nearly has tears in her eyes, she is coming so hard for him.

James laughs and removes his fingers to look at them. Wet pussy juices run between his fingers as he holds them apart. “Yeah? Been waiting for me to finger you?”

As James eases his fingers back into her, Kendall rolls her hips to meet him. “Yes,” she hisses. “Your fingers are so, so fucking thick!”

James flashes you an arrogant smile and laughs while fingering her. “Fuck,” he growls, and he gives her bottom an experimental slap. Kendall loses her grip on her ass and lets it shake. Taking hold of her freed ass cheek, James shakes it before giving it an even harder smack. Kendall, holding one ass cheek, chews her bottom and leans into the couch for support. “You got an ass built for cock, you know that, Kendall?”

Kendall, eyes closed, rolling her hips into James, smiles. “We know that firsthand, don’t we?”

“Hey, no spoilers!”

Kendall and James both spare me only a single glance, and Kendall laughs afterward. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she says in a singsong voice, her insincerity matched only by her arousal.

Still rubbing and fingering Kendall, James thumbs her clit while removing his free hand to open his pants. Kendall moans as his hard dick comes out. James strokes himself while Kendall meets his fingers with her eyes closed, riding out her own pleasure. When she recovers, she catches sight of him and chews her bottom lip before smiling. “Oh, fuck! You do enjoy my ass, don’t you?”

James grins. “You know it,” he says, driving his three fingers into the knuckle once more. Kendall whimpers in response and whines as he removes his fingers. “As long as you’re here, though.” He stands behind her and guides her by the hips, lowering her bottoms with one hand. Kendall seems surprised, even worried, but steps out of her bikini bottoms when prompted. Holding her by the hips, James angles her body so that his fat crown can tease her wet, pink entrance.

She moans and shakes her head lazily. “No,” she whines. “This isn’t what I came here for.”

James laughs and eases his crown into her. “Well, it’s what you’re going to get!”

The fight leaves Kendall as James enters into her. She opens for him, even sucks him in with familiar want. “Oh, fuck!”

Holding her steady with one hand on her back, James holds himself by the root as he slides into her. She opens for him eagerly, lifting her hips and whining, hugging him from the first inch. He stops at half his length and fucks her slowly, giving her another inch in slow strokes, and only after withdrawing his entire length.

Kendall whines again. “Damn it, James, if you’re going to do it, then just give me the whole damn thing—AH!” Words die as she has a wide-eyed orgasm. James seems to have heard her and obeyed, giving one hard thrust forward and taking her to the root. His pubic hair tickles her smooth loins as a shiver spreads through her. She smiles and leaks, her pussy wetting his pubic hair before she looks back at him with a dizzy smile. “God damn it, James!” Reaching back, she smacks his forearm gently.  “Fuck you! You’re always doing shit like this to me!”

“Like what,” James asks, grinning and moving her. He is fucking her again, slowly, carefully as she groans. “Fuck you? Making you come?”

Chewing her bottom lip again, Kendall laughs to herself and braces against the couch. She bounces back against him, moving to meet her thrusts while James stands behind her. He stops, letting her bounce on him, and holds her big bottom apart to give you a better view of her pussy stretched thin around him. “Oh, that’s good,” whimpers Kendall. “It’s always so good!” She whines. “Fuck! You always—ah!—go slow or some shit and then slam it in. Mm. I forget what’s coming, and then yes, I always come. Hard.”

James shrugs. “Don’t seem like something to complain about,” he says, and he gives her a swat on the ass. Kendall laughs and smiles back at him over her shoulder, her entire body shaking as they fuck.

“I’m not complaining,” Kendall yelps, her voice wavering as her body shakes. Her big breasts swing below her, hanging as she suspends herself against the couch and James moves her along his dick. Her stiff nipples show through the fabric of her top. She whines, “Every time you jam your big dick up into me like that, it gets harder and harder for me to go back to Jackson!”

James grins behind her and releases the ass cheek he was holding to watch her bottom jiggle as he fucks her. Kendall rocks into him, each stroke forcing a small whimper from her. She closes her eyes to enjoy him, and James reaches forward and takes her by the shoulders. “Yeah,” he growls. “Jackson don’t give it to you hard enough?” Holding her tight by the shoulders, James pulls her hard onto him and away from the couch. Kendall screams as a powerful orgasm tears through her. Impaled on him, she pants and drools and James grits his teeth behind her. “Then what the fuck does this do to you, Kendall?”

Eyes wide, jaw slack, Kendall reaches up to wrap her fingers around his fingers. “James!” She whines again and then hangs limp as James begins fucking her hard from behind. Holding her quaking form, James fucks her so hard that her entire body shakes. Her hair flails around until he grabs her by her ponytail and uses it as reigns to control her. Kendall, head back and body arched and twisting, ends up slipping from her bra. One of her breasts pops out, revealing her long, stiff nipple to the air as she groans, “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!”

Face red with effort, James grins as he pummels her. “Yeah. We’re real compatible, ain’t we, Kendall?”

Kendall, smiling as her body is throttled, mewls. Hanging from the couch, loose hairs stick to the sweat on her forehead. “Oooooh!” She whines as James slows behind her. Holding her by the shoulders, he hammers her with slow, heavy strokes, pausing with his cock held deep inside of her only to withdraw and hold himself there again. Kendall whimpers, rolling her hips, lifting herself and rubbing herself along his swollen crown. Each forward thrust forces a cry from her. “Oh! Fuck me, James! Fuck me! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!!”

Picking up speed again, James grunts and releases one hand to swat her ass, leaving a red print in the shape of his palm as he drills her. “I am, you slut! And when I nut, I’m gonna do it on your big, fat bubbly butt!”

Kendall chews her lip and whines. “Do it,” she growls. “Fuck me! Come on me! God damn it, James! I’m coming! I’m coming!!” She tightens around him, coming again as he uses her. He fucks her through her orgasm and straight into another as he gasps and grunts behind her. The first swat to her ass devolves into a series of repeated blows, and soon her left ass cheek is as red as his face.

“Shit’s fucking tight,” James growls, and he withdraws after leaving a single shot of cum in her. Holding her by the shoulder with one hand, he strokes his gleaming, dripping cock to completion across her bottom and back. Kendall smiles, holding herself steady save her ass, which she shakes at him as he paints her from behind.

She giggles and turns to watch as he grunts over her. “Do it, daddy! Come on me! Cover me in your hot cum!” Licking her lips, she eyes the ropes of cum he leaves across her back. Most of his cum shoots and spreads across her lower back, some of it even landing between her shoulder blades. He manages to leave the rest on her swollen bottom before turning her and forcing her to her knees.

Kneeling, Kendall smiles as she takes him into her mouth. “So good,” she whispers around him, sucking his pussy-slick cock with affection and want. She stares him in the eyes as she greedily sucks him, eating up his remaining cum and giving him a sloppy blowjob afterward. Her swollen pussy can be seen dripping between her parted legs. A sticky pool of cum forms beneath her

Standing over her, James watches Kendall work his spent length. Even after climax, he remains large and thick and her normally plump lips are stretched thin around him. She stares him in the eyes as she works, her hair swinging and breasts swaying with her movements. Watching her seems to bring James some steel back to his shaft as he throbs and twitches in her mouth. Turning, he grins at you. “Bitch loves a hard-fucking, don’t she?”

Kendall, smiling around him, rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t stop sucking until he forces her to. Lips parted, she holds her tongue out for James to cock smack her. He slams his shaft down across her face and across her tongue before finally stepping in to place his balls into her open mouth. Wrapping her lips around him, she nurses one of his hairy testicles while he rests his cock across her face.

James looks at me while Kendall suckles him. “You get all that, KC?”

“Every second.”

“Good,” says James, and he looks back down at Kendall, her face partially obscured by his heavy endowment. Reaching down, he tugs her covered breast by the bikini top. “Think she’s going to get a chance to wear this in the story sometime?” He moves his hand to tease her exposed nipple, and Kendall moans around him. “Shit is fucking hot.”

“It’s nearing the end of summer where we are now, but there might be time in a later chapter. Anyway, we’ll figure something out for it.”

“Hope so. She looks fucking fine in it.” Though it is hard to see, Kendall does smile around his balls and even winks up at him. They stay like this, Kendall nursing his balls with his dick on her face. The camera cuts then and the chapter ends.


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