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Chapter Two: Sooner Than Later

Looking back on it a week later, Daisy had no idea why she even gave Dylan her phone number. He had raped her mouth, fucked her throat raw and left her unable to speak clearly for a day and a half. She had lied to her husband and told him it was allergies, and thankfully he was stupid enough to believe it.

Even more confusing to her was why she responded to his text messages. He had flirted with her and teased her throughout the week, asking her about her day, asking her for pictures. She gave in each time, sending him pictures with her cleavage exposed, with a smile on her face, showing off her outfits and her figure. It felt like high school all over again, except it was easier now that cell phones existed.

More confusing still was why she had saved his phone number to her phone. Any infidelity she was committing was made that much easier to find out, and yet she liked to see his name there. She felt giddy whenever a message from Dylan arrived, and being able to see who sent it made her days pass by more quickly. She couldn’t blame herself, either. Dylan sometimes sent her pictures of his dick, like a reward for good behavior.

Most confusing of all, however, was why she was on her way to meet him. Reflecting on it logically, she could understand the sequence of events that led to it. Dylan had asked her, after all, to come see him. He had even enticed her with a picture of his limp dick, and he drove the nail in with a thick, swollen hammer that was a follow-up picture of him hard. Her panties were wet by the time she saw it, and they were flooded by the time she made it to the car. She wore her lowest cut blouse without going topless, and she made no illusions about her intentions there.

Dylan had asked Daisy to meet him at the grocery store parking lot where he had fucked her throat. On the way, she remembered the feel of his hard shaft, the joy of his blue eyes filled with mirth, and the warmth of his semen filling her stomach. She found him parked near where they had last seen each other, and a familiar, almost teenage thrill that rose in her gut. Dylan had dated her daughter when her daughter was a teen. Daisy was literally old enough to be his mother.

They didn’t speak much when they met. Dylan only climbed into her SUV and told her to find them privacy. Daisy obeyed, driving him in silence to one of the many dusty backroads in the region. She felt horny the entire way, but a tension was filling the air, too. Seeing his dick had changed her perception of him, and Daisy was absolutely gushing as she drove. Dylan looked handsome in the passenger seat, better looking than he ever had while dating Summer, but the only thing that had changed about him was her knowledge of his cock.

Daisy had barely turned onto the back roads before Dylan’s dick came out. She felt the car jostling as he repositioned himself in his seat and pulled his pants open. He had his pants down and his briefs down, too, and then took his cock in hand and began stroking himself to a full erection as she drove. Daisy, seeing this out of the corner of her eye, stole glances at him and smiled. Dylan smiled back, proud to see her interest and eager to entice her.

By the time they found a place to park, Dylan had worked himself to his full length. His large hands could barely meet around his thick shaft, and his crown, a swollen, sticky red, glistened with precum. Daisy, staring at him, struggled to comprehend his size. Somehow, she had managed to fit him into her mouth and, after that, her throat, too. Daisy had always preferred well-endowed men, but she had settled for William. Looking at Dylan’s skinny ass holding his thick cock and stroking it for her amusement, she couldn’t help but feel like she had been cheated.

Looking back, Daisy had never been happy with William, only contented. She missed big dicks, but she felt safe with Willy and allowed that safety to keep her rooted. After he cheated, she was too heartbroken to go out and enjoy herself like she wanted to. Willy had been a port in the storm for her, and now her entire world was a tempest. They moved to escape it, and only now did she find someone worthy of her infidelity.

She smiled. Dylan was much younger than her, and she imagined that he had no interest in settling down with her. She hoped he didn’t anyway. William was her husband, mistakes and all. Staring at Dylan’s dick, though, she saw no reason why she couldn’t entertain him and why she couldn’t enjoy him. This might be a form of petty revenge, but petty suited her just fine.

Parking, Daisy keyed the SUV off and then stared fixedly at her passenger’s swollen, leaking cock. “So, what do you want? Did you call me out just to show me how big you get when you’re hard? Cause I’ve already seen that. Or did you want to fuck my throat again?”

Stroking himself with one hand, Dylan grinned and took one of her hands in his. “Come on, Daisy. No need to be a bitch about this.” Guiding her hand to him, he wrapped her slender fingers around his shaft and made her stroke him. When he removed his hands, Daisy continued stroking, eyes fixed on his meat, breasts swaying as she did. He could see down her blouse as she touched him, and it made him even harder. “We both know why you’re here, and we both know that you want to be here. So, there’s no rush. Let’s just sit back and enjoy ourselves while we can.”

Daisy stroked him quietly, awed into silence by his size. A short woman, petite save for her curves, Daisy’s tiny hand couldn’t even meet around him, he is so thick. The veins of his cock made his manhood appear to her like an over-developed muscle, and his rigidity was like steel. The heat of him seemed to fill the SUV and made her swelter. She wanted nothing more than to strip naked and to please him, but she contained herself.

Dylan watched her, and she caught him watching and smiled. He smiled back. “You’re a size queen, aren’t you, Daisy?”

Daisy blinked and squeezed him. To that point, she had been focused on his dick. Of course, she was aware that a body was attached to the dick, but the dick seemed to be the body itself, and the body was ultimately tertiary. Hearing him speak, she suddenly remembered him to be a living, breathing human being and not a sentient dick with a body there to carry it around. She stared him in the eyes then, a little disappointed, but at no point did she stop. “I’m sorry, what?”

“You are a size queen,” he said. “Summer was a size queen, too, but Caleb scared her too much for her to live like one. If he had left us alone, then she would have been sucking my balls and begging me for my babies within a week—a month, tops.” He chuckled to himself as he throbbed in her hand. “Shit is genetic, I swear. So, she either got it from you, or your old man, and judging from the way you’re drooling over my dick, I’d guess it was you.”

Daisy returned her attention to his dick and slowed the movement of her hand as she considered his words. She imagined Summer being fingered by Dylan, and then she imagined Summer being fucked by him. She imagined her daughter, shorter than her but plenty thick, being plowed and stretched by Dylan’s enormous endowments. Then, straining, she struggled to imagine Summer as anything but Dylan’s personal cock sleeve and slave. When she couldn’t, she felt distraught, not because she thought Dylan might be right, but because Summer’s submission seemed understandable to Daisy. In her mind, she and Summer could possibly both be size queens. In fact, holding him, it seemed impossible to deny.

Daisy flashed him a smile. “Oh, I don’t know, Dylan. I might be, but like Summer, I never got a real chance to find out.” She winked at him and then, holding his dick, leaned forward to pull him into a kiss. The kiss was deep but measured. Daisy tasted him carefully, enjoying his flavor but parting before he could seize her by the head. He throbbed in her hand and stared, stunned, into her eyes and into her cleavage. Sitting back, Daisy tucked her hair back behind one ear and stared at his swollen member. “Why don’t we find out?”

Following that, Dylan could barely speak. He remembered the age difference between them and stammered. While he had absolute confidence in his success after he had fucked her face only a week ago, her willing participation in this was surprising and arousing enough to leave him literally leaking. Daisy, in turn, noticed this and scrambled over the center console to situate herself onto Dylan’s lap with her womanly thighs parted around him. There, she sat stroking him with both hands, moaning. “Let’s find out who Summer got her dick-loving genes from!”

Releasing him briefly, she hiked her skirt up to reveal her bare, dripping pussy. Her pubic hair was blond and neatly trimmed. Tilting her head, she swept her hair to the side before seizing him by the cock and guiding him into her. It took effort to ease him in. His was the biggest dick of her life, and she could only guide him by feel with breasts as big as hers blocking her view. Despite these difficulties, she took him with one fluid movement, his head parting her like a spear point and her weight forcing him into her depths.

Braced against Dylan, with her breasts heavy against his skinny chest, Daisy moaned as she welcomed him into her. Dylan moaned, too, astonished by the wet warmth of her womanhood. Even as experienced as she was, Daisy was tight, and she hugged him like a vice as she took him to her cervix. There, she held him, panting against him, groaning against him with a few inches just shy of entering her.

“Fuck,” she moaned. “That is good!” Sitting back, she swept her long, curly blond hair back and remained seated to catch her breath. Then, taking hold of him by the shoulders to steady herself, she smiled. Dylan was staring at her in wide-eyed shock, his cock throbbing inside of her, steel hard and nearly ready to burst. The confidence he had exhibited yesterday when he fucked her throat had been hot, but this wide-eyed surprise endeared her, too. She laughed. “But I think it’s still too early to tell if I’m a slut or not.” Flexing, she tightened around him and groaned. “Mm. Let’s fuck to find out?”

Dylan, staring breathlessly, nodded without any thoughts in his head. He was all pleasure as Daisy laughed and began riding him. Even without Dylan’s active participation, it was easily the best sex of either of their lives. Her ex before William, the father of her first daughter, had been big enough but not nearly as long or thick as Dylan. The difference in size was pronounced and was, Daisy realized as she shook on Dylan, a thrill of its own. Dylan wasn’t just a schoolboy, and Daisy wasn’t just some high school slut. He was special, and by fucking her, he made her special, too.

Daisy whined and leaned into whisper into his ear. “But fuck, this dick is good, though!” Her entire body shook as she rode Dylan, and the SUV shook, too. The cramped space of the passenger seat made it hard to find a good rhythm as their bodies were crushed by proximity, but even then it was good. Dylan, still breathless, stared at her bouncing breasts, her nipples swollen through her blouse. Swallowing his shock, he reached around her and rested his hands on her exposed bubble butt as an experiment. When she didn’t remove them, he tightened his grip and began pulling her into him. That alone was enough to force Daisy into two back-to-back orgasms.

Braced against Dylan and meeting his thrusts, Daisy groaned and curled her toes. She shoved her breasts into his face without thinking and giggled as he took to licking and nibbling her supple flesh. Dylan was not necessarily good at sex, and he was clearly inexperienced, but he made up for it with size and enthusiasm. His length and girth were powerful tools, and the only problem she could find with him was the depth of his strokes. He was too long to fit his entire dick up into her, and each powerful upward stroke hammered her cervix, causing brief stabs of discomfort among crashing waves of pleasure.

The hurt, however, was not nearly so great as to stop her. She had a third orgasm while riding him, holding her breasts to his mouth and feeding him her nipples. She laughed when he latched like a nursing baby and then moaned as his thrusts grew harder and wilder. The pain increased, but so did the pleasure, so Daisy felt it was a fair trade. She met his thrusts and let him move her, her cervix weakening and throbbing with each upward stroke. Then, it opened.

The sensation of her cervix parting for him was like nothing she had ever experience before. It frightened and thrilled her at the same time as pain and pleasure exploded in a white-hot, mind-numbing orgasm that left her breathless on his lap. His cockhead worked up into her cervix and then was held there, his fat cock so deep that it could go no further. Daisy was paralyzed, powerless to stop Dylan who became animalistic in his thrusts. Holding her by the ass and chewing her nipple, he fucked her harder as her cervix tightened around his crown like a noose.

Daisy came hard, but she didn’t scream. Instead, it was like she deflated after being punctured. All of the tension built up in her was released as a big, breathless wail before she collapsed onto Dylan’s skinny chest, speechless and entirely without thought. Pain ebbed and swelled through her, swirling and gathering inside of a mystifying storm of arousal. She came hard on him, harder than she had ever come before, and her cervix opened for him to welcome him into her depths. She came on him, painfully and unstoppably, because her cervix parted for him and hugged him afterward.

Dylan, buried under her suddenly limp, womanly weight, paused. Hands still clutching her plump bottom, he held himself inside of her to rest as she convulsed around him. Her body was thick but soft against him, a paragon of femininity, and it only made him feel more masculine to have her tightening and spasming around him. For him, the pleasure was dizzying, and he had to gather himself before he could speak. When he did, he whispered to her. “You, uh, you okay?”

She gave no response other than shallow breathes. Her body was dead against him, while her pussy continued to twitch around his thick shaft. The orgasms bounced and echoed through her, and Dylan’s hands on her ass only seemed to increase the pleasure.

Dylan swallowed his growing terror. He had never heard of someone fucking someone to death, but Daisy wasn’t moving, and he wasn’t nearly as experienced at sex as he pretended to be. He took another deep breath and then whispered her name. “Daisy?”

Impaled on him but recovering, Daisy whispered, “Shut up.” Then, bracing her hands against the car seat and sitting up, she growled, “Just shut up!” Her breasts were exposed and her body glistened with sweat. Her nipples were exposed in her open blouse. Dylan stared into her blue eyes, manic with want, and she flexed around him, tightening almost as if to urge him deeper into her. “Shut up and fuck me!”

Daisy rode him from there. Bouncing on him heavily, she met his shallow, surprised thrusts by stroking him with her open cervix. The pain she should have felt came to her as endless waves of pleasure, and soon another mind-bending orgasm took her as Dylan stabbed gracelessly into her womb. Kissing him, she moaned.

“Damn it, Dylan! You’re in my womb! You’re FUCKING my womb!” She whined, but she was smiling was she spoke. “Oh, God, your dick is so long and thick, I’ve never had anything like it! Coming!” A string of saliva escaped her lips, and it fell into her cleavage without her noticing as she whimpered through another orgasm. “Again! I’m coming again! Fuck!” She punched the car seat beside his head as the orgasm tore through her.

Dylan grinned. Seeing her pleasure emboldened him, and he swatted her ass experimentally before taking hold of her plump bottom and using it to guide her along his shaft. Feeling her quake, he gave deeper, harder thrusts up into her, and as she came again, he felt right for doing so. “So, Daisy, would you say that Summer got her size queen genes from you or not?”

Still drooling and sloppy, Daisy laughed and pulled him by the cheeks into a kiss. Their tongues met, and she drank him while suckling his tongue. When they parted, she moaned. “Yes, Dylan! God, Yes! I’m definitely a size queen! And yours is the biggest dick I’ve ever had! Fuck!”

Dylan spanked her again, and she shivered on him as she rode him. “And are you going to come back for more of my big dick once we’re done here?”

Daisy, wheezing and whining as she rode him, nodded. Her hips and stomach ached, and her thighs burned, but she couldn’t stop her compulsive movements. Nothing could stop her. Dylan swatted her ass, and she cooed afterward. “Yes! I will come back every month. Every week. Every day! Whenever you want, Dylan! I’ll do anything for your dick! Just keep fucking me!”

Hearing her words, Dylan swelled, thickening inside of her and drew her toward another climax. He took hold of her plump rear and drove himself up into her, hammering his cock deep into her depths. Daisy writhed and drooled on him in climax as he climaxed, too. Swelling, he flooded her, and as both came loudly, Daisy clutched him and kissed him to keep them quiet. She screamed into his mouth as they shook and quaked together, rocking her SUV.

When finished, Daisy was at rest on him, staring at him in a daze. Her stiff nipples were crushed against his skinny chest, and her motherly pussy flexed around him. He was thick inside of her, stretching her even as he lost his steel. He felt huge to her, impossibly so, and she felt breathless.

Smiling at her, Dylan flexed, and Daisy flexed in turn. Her body was hungry, instinctually seeking the seed of a man sexually superior to her husband. She moaned, “Oh, fuck, Dylan. That…That was incredible.”

Dylan smiled smugly, holding her to him by her bottom. He gave her fat ass an idle slap. “I’d say you’re definitely a size queen slut.”

Daisy nodded and pushed up off of his scrawny shoulders. She held her stomach, sucking it in as she repositioning herself to stare down at their joined bodies. Moving her hand, she traced her fingers through his pubic hair. Even now, he felt huge inside of her, and she could hardly bring herself to remove him. “Definitely,” she murmured.

He stared at her breasts. Removing his hands from her ass, he reached up to cup her enormous bosom, crushing her breasts together and creating a deep crevice of cleavage as she mewled. “I’d also say that your pussy is mine whenever I want it?”

Daisy purred and leaned into his pants. “Mm. I think we can work something out.” She flexed around him and felt him twitch in response. His thick manhood had her plugged up, holding his semen trapped inside of her. If ever there was a man built for impregnation, she realized, it was Dylan. She had another small orgasm, the aftershock of one that had been quietly lingering in her. Then, she removed herself from him. She moved carefully but could do nothing as a deluge of sperm spilled from her stretched womanhood. It gathered on his lap and his shaft and splattered as she released him to fall against his skinny belly as she dribbled semen onto his thigh.

She removed herself from the car and pulled her panties up to contain the storm. Her pants followed shortly after, her body jiggling as she shimmied into them. The entire time, she stared at his dick and tried to figure out how he had fit into her. All she could think was how big he was, but out loud she muttered, “Sorry about the mess.”

Dylan sighed and tucked himself away. He removed his shirt to reveal his skinny body, his muscles showing clearly with no fat to hide them. “It’s fine.”

Daisy smiled. Dylan’s body wasn’t cut or muscular, but it was sexy in its own way. His big dick helped. She adjusted her blouse. “Now we know for next time.”

Once both were ready, she climbed in and started the SUV. Dylan was shirtless beside her, and she felt giddy to drive him back like that. It had been good sex. In fact, it had been the best of her life. Her only complaint was that she didn’t get to suck him clean afterward.

They drove back in complete silence. Dylan stared out the window. Daisy stole glances at him. When they parted at the grocery store, they did not kiss. There was hardly any affection between them, and Daisy was fine for that. She wanted and needed only the animal attraction to keep her loyal. She did think fondly of him that night in the shower as she fingered his sperm out of her used pussy. She had recovered already and wanted to be stretched by him again.

The steam of the shower stunk of his thick semen and helped her to reach a powerful climax just as the water went cold. Outside of the shower, Daisy stared at her naked, glistening curves, and she hoped to run into Dylan again sooner rather than later.

Koto's Commentary: Let's see how long this stays up.


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