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In two weeks, I'll put up Kasumi's script - with a special guest appearance! The poll is for the script I'll put up two weeks after that. No Ranma 1/2 script in the poll this time around as I want to finish putting up something else in December first, then I'll put up a choice between a couple of potential scripts for it on the next poll. It'll make more sense why in December.

Page 1: Kurumu is sorting through things being kept in the newspaper club storage, frustrated that she's having to do this herself. She finds a lamp and rubs it.

Kurumu is sorting through a cardboard box in the newspaper club room, by herself.

K: I need to speak with Gin about that storage closet. It looks like that room hasn't been cleaned out in years!

She takes a lamp out of the box.

K: I mean, what is this? Some sort of prop for a play? 

She rubs the lamp.

K: I can't believe they left me here to take care of cleaning duties today. I bet Moka is enjoying some time with Tsukune as well...

Smoke spills out of the lamp

K: Ah!

Page 2: A female genie appears in front of her and offers Kurumu three wishes.

The room is filled with smoke. Kurumu starts to cough.

G (off panel): Greetings, Mistress!

K: What?

We see the Genie, bowing slightly to Kurumu.

G: I am the Genie of the Lamp! For freeing me for a short time, I hereby grant you three wishes, which I shall dutifully carry out. 

Page 3: Kurumu refuses.She's aware how these things go, and doesn't want any part of it. The genie asks what she means.

Kurumu holds out her arms in an X formation.

K: Nuh uh! No way! I'm not making any wishes!

G: Ah? Why not?

K: I know how this sort of thing goes! Wishes get twisted around by genies all the time!

G: Is - is that the modern prejudice against Genies? Can you please explain in more detail?

Page 4: Kurumu says something like, she'd wish for greater power - then she realises too late what she's saying and tries to take it back! Too late!

K: Oh, you know, following the letter of the wish but not the spirit. For example, if I wished for greater power -

Kurumu slaps her hand over her mouth in shock, while the Genie looks at her with a big smirk, and snaps her fingers.

K: That doesn't count! I said 'if I wished for'!

G: Too late, Mistress. Now, let's give you that power boost you wanted.

Page 5:  The genie begins her transformation. Kurumu's uniform melts away, showing a Morrigan cosplay in its place.

K: Oh no, what are you doing to me?

G: You're a succubus, right?

G: I'm simply changing things so you have the power of the strongest succubus.

Kurumu whimpers in obvious pleasure.

K: Ahhh, ohhhh.

Page 6: Furthermore her already curvy body starts to change.

G: While we're at it, lets make that splendid body even better.

K: Ah! I feel strange! St-stop!

G: I'm already finished, so sure!

Page 7: her body feels more powerful, more alluring, more seductive.

Kurumu checks herself out, obviously liking what she sees.

K: Huh, wow. This is pretty incredible!

G: You see? No need for that prejudice!

K: I feel so... alive! So powerful, so sexy!

Page 8: The genie asks if she's happy with this wish, and ready to make another. In response, she uses her enhanced charm on the genie.

G: You have two remaining wishes, Mistress. Please use them well.

K: Hrm, perhaps I will... In time. First I would like to try out these new powers.

G: Very well. I will find a suitable subject for you.

Kurumu uses her charm on the Genie.

K: No need, we already have one here.

G: Ah... Wait, Mistress!

Page 9

Kurumu cups under the Genie's chin. The Genie is completely under her spell.

K: My Charm doesn't normally work on women, it must be really powerful if you've gone under.

G: Ah, so wonderful... You're so beautiful!

K: You made a convincing argument. I've decided to use those two wishes.

Kurumu leans in for a kiss, her lips inches away from the Genie's.

K: But first, let's make this permanent.

Cue kiss, replete with magic effects to make it clear the charm is now permanent.

Page 10: The genie kisses the back of her hand, and swears eternal love. Kurumu says that she'll have more wishes soon - and no tricks this time!

The Genie is now on her hands and knees, kissing the back of Kurumu's hand.

G: I swear eternal love for you, Mistress.

K: Now, that's more like it.

Cut to Kurumu with a scheming face.

K: For various reasons, the succubus race is dying out. I want to fix that.

G: Yes, Mistress! But creating new life at that scale is -

K: It's fine! Because my second wish is... to grant me the ability to transform others into Succubi!

K: Ooh, this new power is making me feel quite naughty. I can't wait to try it out on Moka!


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