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In the cat cafe, a robed figure sits opposite a young woman with long purple hair, who is sitting up straight. The two of them sip tea in silence for a minute before the robed figure speaks up.

Herb: Let me guess. The Mushrooms of Time?

Cologne: Indeed, young Prince. In every draft our writer has crafted to date, he has my already brainwashed great granddaughter drug me with them to grant me this youthened form.

Herb: I see.

The two of them look at the cheerleader uniforms on the table in front of them.

Herb: Why, exactly, are we trying to compete over which of us gets brainwashed first?

Cologne: Kukukuku. You say that because you are certain to lose!

Herb: In case you didn't realise, I'm not as stupid as that pigtailed boy you're so fond of. Hell, I'm not even sure that he would fall for that!

Cologne: Ah, the point is moot anyway. You will wind up hypnotised by this sooner or later. Why not try to get it over with quicker?

Herb: And now you're trying to throw me to the wolves so that you might get away!

It seems that neither of our competitors today especially want to win. Nonetheless, one of them is bound to! Who would you rather see brainwashed first, Herb of the Musk or Young Cologne of the Joketsuzoku?

Tune in tomorrow for another page of Nabiki's induction.


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