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Only one episode left! 😭




Can you please do earth arcade after this.


I agree with the Earth Arcade recommendation. I put it up there with HyeMiLeeYeChaePa in my personal rankings of best variety. The shows are like two sides of the same coin. Female-led cast against a PD/crew that become a part of the show itself, watching the cast get closer and more comfortable with each other over each episode, playing games to eat, but then swapping a single house location with travel to different countries, and cranking the chaos up to 11.


I think you will end up enjoying the Starship Game Caterers even more than the HYBE one. The format of the Starship one was much better at facilitating and showcasing the interactions between everyone involved. The inclusion of actors alongside the idols was also surprisingly amazing. I didn't know anyone involved at the time (was before I started following IVE) but I became a fan of everyone by the end of it.

Kaythari Khine

Seeing how you enjoyed the mystery part of this ep, i think you would really enjoy "Girls Highschool Mystery Class"! It's a variety show also with Yena, and has BiBi and a few other female members that are well known celebrities. It's probably my favorite variety show of all time. Basically, it's a mystery/horror themed show where the cast tries to figure out some type of mystery and the show is set in a girls highschool. There are a bunch of actors that act as teachers or other students and we figure out the creepy story plot along with the cast. 2 seasons r already out and the next season will be out soon so it would be perfect for you to start the show after this one ahaha.