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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w56t45rcysaimvf4qwud6/TAEYEON-INVU-Album-Listening-Party.mp4?rlkey=udi4a6qrhg5xb1q4yahqlmv3u&dl=0



Stefan K

Finally! 😵

Stefan K

Overall I really love Taeyeon's album for those melancholic moods I get into lol. The unexpected melodies in 'Some Nights' are so satisfying after you get used to them, it's still so interesting to me. 'Toddler' has such a great instrumental, but then you add Taeyeon onto it and it's 10/10 for real. 'Siren' is actually not really my vibe, but I still enjoy listening to it when I do full album listens~ I'm still just as confused about 'Cold as Hell' lol 'Timeless' I don't care I will jam to this retro sound, cheesy drum fills and all. 'No Love Again' this uptempo melodic and sad song is so my thing haha. The prechorus getting all echoey is just 👌 'Better Not' is the only song I didn't like on Youtube, but it's not like it's a bad song, just not really my thing.


King Taeyeon never misses Truly a no skip album for me 😍👑 there's a song song for everyone. And she did promote Weekend, it was the first track she released off the album and it has a MV


The song you are thinking about is Paparazzi - Lady Gaga


Seeing you lose yourself in these like I did was great, thanks. 😁 Some Nights and Siren were my favorites after my first listen, and that's still the case now. The "you're going to love me, and it will ruin you" vibe in Siren that you describe is spot on with what I get as well. Her singing is like a dagger through the heart sometimes, I swear. Other than those two, my most played ones are probably Timeless and Ending Credits, but I really love pretty much everything on here. It's also a rare case of the title track fitting in super well with the rest of the album. I've become so used to there being a stark difference between title track and b-sides, but INVU the song really defines INVU the album in a great way. Weekend was actually released as a single last July, so it makes sense that it's very different. 😁 Her Killing Voice is nuts. A lot of stuff from her Purpose, Four Seasons and My Voice albums on there, which are also insanely good. The contrast between her speaking voice and mannerisms and her performance god mode is adorable. 😅 And this is kind of a separate thing, but the fact that we got Miyeon kind of heading in this direction a little bit on MY just makes me so, so happy. If anyone else has the voice for this kind of atmosphere, it's her.


Finally! this makes me so happy that you listened to the album and hopefully more of her albums in the future One of Taeyeon biggest strength is the emotions in how she sings that elevates the songs even more to make them even better The thing personally about INVU as an album is that it's not even her best album, but it's still so good By the way Weekend has an mv she released it last year as a single and it super bright cute mv & also no she didn't write the songs herself, she rarely write songs herself because she feel uncomfortable by it, but she does has a good eye for lyrics & songs to choose Another thing, if you are interested, she has killing voice video and it's super amazing and would be fun to check it out


I knew you would love this album because it has a lot of sad songs (sad lyrics) and you love these type of songs I'm glad that you enjoyed the album and I just know you would love her other albums too. she does have a lot of sad songs (songs with sad lyrics) to answer you no, she didn't write the songs herself but she has a good eye for songs forgot to say that weekend was released as a single last year and it has an mv

Steph M

There's been a lot of really great albums this year already, but yeah, I don't think anything tops this for AOTY. It's masterfully done. So cohesive and atmospheric, and full of absolute bangers. And I don't even need to mention how amazing Taeyeon's voice is, my god. I do feel the same about Cold as Hell, that chorus also just doesn't make me feel anything, but I love the other parts so much that it's still not something I'd skip. Toddler has been my favourite song on here since I first heard it, sonically and lyrically I just adore it, but my other favourites are Heart, No Love Again and Some Nights. Definitely a special album, I absolutely love it, and it was great to watch you appreciate it so much too. Also that You Better Not editing caught me very off guard, I was cracking up. Nice work 😂

Cassandra J.

Took you out u long enough haha. I’m amazed you didn’t hear Weekend last year. I love this album! You’re completely right it’s such a vibe. I agree about cold as hell not being a strong song for the vibes but it did grow on me. I find that every listen a new song sort of pops up as a new fav. Siren timeless and ending credits always seem to be the most frequent. Just glad you finally got into the album!