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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3mhqp345d7ewlpgpmg1o1/Weekly-Idol-EP564-Pentagon-G-I-DLE-Golden-Child-Drippin.mp4?rlkey=1squ3ydh2o98izr5cagskaujj&dl=0



Stefan K

Another chaotic episode, loved all of it though 👌

shinwon swimming

Aw this was nice. I wish they’d do more cross-group episodes like this. It was rly common before w 2nd gen groups but nowadays not so much :’( golden child and gidle were so chaoooooootic I love it hahahaha. And you got pentagon down to a t - their best varieties imo are when they’re just by themselves, no host. Which makes their group vlives my fav kind of content of theirs haha

Taylor 53

Don’t worry Colorado in 6


Shuhua's been channeling some serious hot girl energy lately and I love it. And she wouldn't hesitate to shit all over your Rangers, so I don't think you need to worry about playing nice 😂 Yuqi was so competitive she nearly sank her team, that's actually impressive. I'm very suprised the Cube team didn't immediately go for 4Minute in the last game, and that 9 Muses wasn't mentioned at all. Maybe just my preferences showing, but I thought they would've been obvious. A few basic food types I've picked up: jjigae is stew, guk is soup, myeon is noodles, gogi is meat, galbi is ribs, and bap is rice. I'd definitely keep watching your Squid Game reactions if you want to pick it back up, but I also think there are much better shows out there, especially if you're looking for something distinctly Korean. I haven't seen many Korean feature films yet so I can't help you there. Also, friendly reminder that Sunmi's 1/6 is a banger album 😂


I don't stan Golden Child completely but they have some amazing songs and the members are HILARIOUS, especially Jangjun. I enjoyed these episodes but the soccer game went on a little too long for me. I wish they would have swapped for another game.

Diana Montaño

The choreo at the end is "Vivace" and the guest was Lightsum hahaha. Also i love that kind of games too, there is a show called "Amazing Saturday" that is literally guessing songs or part of songs (i personally don´t like it, i just watched for some guest), and i´ve been commenting a lot haha about the christmas special on Idol League...also 2 week special and on the first one they had a 1 minute challenge with everyone, other mini games by teams and on the second they had a game of guessing songs with clues and then singing on the karaoke and dancing to it, Wooseok and Shinwon also very calm but also kino being the attention seeker he is. There was a show that i LOVED but was canceled after a season, called "Mafia Game in prison", and is mafia game but they had mini games to earn votes and stuff like that...and one of the games is one of my favorites ever and got to know so many songs and artirsts...they are divided on teams and they see on screen a hand...fingers...dancing to a choreography and then a member has to go to a bell on top of a mini skateboard (or mini table with wheels)..THEN they have to sing the song without help and sing one part each...i love it...if you can just look for those clips on youtube...on the fixed members therey were not just comedians but idols...Yena, JB and Seungkwan..but also had guest like Got7 members, X1, Itzy and others. (im sorry i feel like all my comments are super long)

Lilly Aske

I actually love the gidle x pentagon friendship. It wasn't shown to its full extent here, but pentagon and gidle are known to be super good friends overall, because they trained together (x Shuhua unfortunately), especially Shinwon, Yanan and Yuqi (Yanan and Yuqi are very close apparently). I hope to see more interactions in the future, hopefully in an environment where pentagon are more comfortable, considering they're usually more uptight in big variety situations. Love the Cube Family Friendship, and I loved the video!