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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsp9foupsow1c81/Queendom%202%20Episode%208.mp4?dl=0


Queendom 2 Episode 8.mp4

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shinwon swimming

oo wow this was a great one. i was rly wowed by the production of WJSN's performance and it was a reaaaaally close one between pantomime and the boys but i think kep1er's the boys just edged it out by just a little bit for me. mainly cos I thought there were some parts of Pantomime that dipped abit for me whereas kep1er's stage, i thought was very strong overall and it was hard to find anything about it that I didn't like. :/ but yea i still really enjoyed all 3 stages. cant wait for the next episode! also HELO BONA IS SUPER PRETTY WTH.

Daniela Padilla

for me wjsn pantomime is so far the best performance of queendom 2, i really liked the arrangement cause it fit the concept they were going for. ik it’s different from the original but i think if they didn’t change that it wouldn’t have worked. the other performances were amazing too.


I'm loving the fan interaction segments, guessing they'll expand the others next episode, when it's their turn. I want to see the Orbit letters, damn it! Kep1ler reminded me a bit of PIXY's Wings intro stage (https://youtu.be/zwPe5sKkWKU)! Which is ironic because Kep1er built wings behind them. Really didn't expect this kind of concept, but they leveled up in a big way here and totally killed it. And yeah, the song's better. 😂 Some stuff from that era comes across as a bit methodical and restrained, like they're afraid to let loose. It doesn't always hit for me in the way that this very much did. Agree Bop Bop was good but didn't pop enough. Feels like Umji being quiet in the beginning of the show was just her charging up for these last few episodes though, and Eunha really brought the vocals, which was nice! It's a B+ for me, if it had the spark it would've been a solid A. Ujung (우정) is Korean for "friendship". So this was just the subbing team suddenly deciding to translate the fandom name for some reason. The members are usually called wujus. And I really enjoyed the Pantomime performance! The visual effects when conjuring the members is something I've never seen before, and the slight changes to the song with the brass additions made it really suited to the vibe they went for, even if I do agree the song gets kind of buried under the sheer spectacle. I think I'm leaning towards Kep1er being my favorite of these, but it is really hard to choose. Kep1er's just felt a bit more up close and personal, whereas WJSN's is very decidedly something you watch as an audience (which is part of the concept, I get that). But I dunno yet.

Yeh Wolf

Kepler's performance was somewhat lacking for me, like I was looking forward to the rap part that comes with dance break, and they have a great rap & dance line. But sadly they didn't inlcude it. For me that was the highlight of the orig song but they did a great job nonetheless.

Were Hills

in order to leave you need to place 6th two times in a ROW. Loona is not leaving. Please be more positive :v


I'll save my long essay about each performance when we have seen all of them, butI'll lose just a few words about this episode specifically. I 100% am convinced Mnet is just playing with us and nobody gets kicked off the show, it just wouldn't make sense. Yes, there are these stupid rules, but they would find a way why they don't apply or just manipulate votings so BG doesn't get 6th or sth, idk. You would lose a whole fandom of viewers if you kick out a group so my bet is they wouldn't dare. Also they can go F* themselves with these spoilers maaan why do we need those? I never understood it and i never will. Great episode, great performances but i just CAN'T WAIT to see that Butterfly performance, Friday can't come soon enough 😄

Steph M

I get what you're saying about wishing Pantomime had leaned into that eerie vibe, I think it would've been cool too. But I feel like there's just no way WJSN would've gone in that direction after they'd already done a darker concept for round two (especially when it hadn't been received very well). I actually loved the new jazzier take on the song, and all the production elements were fantastic. Regardless of where they place, I think it was a perfect gift for us ujungs 💜 Really the type of performance that we could've only gotten on Queendom. I was also so, so happy to see Bona back. I've adored watching WJSN on Queendom, but having 2 of my top 3 favourite members missing has really sucked, so it was a great feeling to see Bona with the group again. Putting my bias aside and looking at the three performances objectively though, I am also stuck in ranking WJSN or Kep1er first here. Like you, I think both performances were great for very different reasons. Kep1er stepped up big-time, they absolutely killed the performance and I feel like it really showed the group's colour. Youngeun really stood out to me as well, she had so much charisma. Definitely their best stage so far. I loved VIVIZ's performance too, it was a lot of fun, but in comparison to the other two I also felt like there was just something missing. I thought Umji absolutely killed it though, she's taken a strong lead in my bias race lately haha. Great episode overall, I loved all the fan interactions throughout it too. I had a feeling the fan's choice round would be my favourite, and it's definitely turning out that way so far. Can't wait for this week's performances, especially Butterfly 🤩 I'm sure the girls will bring something really special, can't wait to see what they do with it!


It’s probably already been said but to be eliminated from the show you need 2 consecutive last places so Loona is safe.

Stefan K

Luda screentime 🥰 WJSN's performance was so cool! Also, I could feel the tension throughout the episode, what is Mnet doing with these ominous hints? lol

Devin McGinty

Not knowing who WJSN really was before Queendom 2, I love them. Pantomime is my favorite song of theirs and I thought that was the best performance of the season, so far. But, as an Orbit, I know the girls are gonna slay ‘Butterfly’. My body is ready.


Listen, as worried as we all are I highly doubt BG is going to be eliminated. Not only was that so angering to fans during RTK, doing so now would only have Mnet lose the viewership of an entire fandom. (Plus they've been highlighting BG getting axed for the past couple of episodes and by now, it's become a marketing strategy to get them one of the 2 votes despite not ranking 1 or 2. Pfft, I know I voted for them and I'm rolling in my grave thinking that if everyone thought the same, someone who deserves 1st has a chance of not getting it because of that. That said, I think if they did get eliminated and I didn't blind vote for them to be saved when I had the chance, I'd regret that a little more.) EDIT: Now that I think about it, honestly, any scene of the contestants crying could just be them getting emotional about a stage. Kinda of like how Mamamoo made everyone cry with their Fandora's Box. Ah, Mnet and their dang editing.


I agree! This round is by far in leagues the best overall! But also, I agree with you on this Pantomime stage. That guttural twist-like drop isn't part of this version, and their theme is so conceptually true to the jazz of it all. OG Pantomime would've had to have a completely different eerie concept for it to work, but I do love the brief call back with that last "pause." That said, eerie Pantomime would've been so sick, but it could've only really worked here if they didn't already do a dark concept with Navillera.


seola is the oldest being born in 1994 so that makes bona (1995) the second oldest in wjsn, she's the lead dancer so when it comes to dance practice, bona would usually be more vocal on it and would be the one to take charge (same goes for yeoreum) exy's actually the third oldest eventhough she was born in the same year as bona, just a few months younger