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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n78ewzublmxytqkxo8jj3/BTOB-Born-To-BTOB-Episode-8.mp4?rlkey=buq25i0p76ejds36q7jfpmtb6&dl=0


BTOB - Born To BTOB Episode 8.mp4

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I also cannot open the next episode with Solar.. Please help me..


Please check my pinned Patreon post. Send me a DM with the link of any video that doesn't work and I'll get it fixed for you. You're referring to the Born to BTOB episode with Solar?


Yes.. Both Born to BTOB episodes..


There are a couple shows that will have managers on to see their relationship and I always enjoy them because who knows them better than the person who spends all day every day with them. Shinee's whole fandom knows their manager because Taemin would always show him on his lives and in his vlogs (which were his manager's idea). And I can't wait for the Solar episode...it's so good!

Changsub's space

Actually, btob is known as one of the most humble idol. And their fandom, melody, known as the most dicipline and well behaved fandom. Even if you searching on google, who is the most dicipline fandom, you'll see melody's there. We never interfere to other fandom bussiness, we never do fanwars, we have our own bubble and its all about btob and melody only. Melody known as mature fandom, we make a lots of friend with another fandoms and never make a trouble. Even when kingdom happend and there's a lot of fanwars between the group fandoms, we never interfere. Btob raised us so well, they didnt scared to scold us and tell us to well behaved. The bond between btob and melody is just amazing, we trust each other. Maybe thats why btob never scared to show about their real life to us. They didnt hesitate to follow their real life friends, their backup dancer, anyone on instagram. Sometime they even tag their friends ig on their post, do instagram live with back up dancer, comment on people post, changsub even follow some melody. They often repost their friends story, view melody's ig story when melody tag them and etc. And bcs of our health relationship, cube and their staff never scared to show btob staff on their offc vlog like beatcom etc. They never censored stylish face, manager face, or another staff face on their offc content (i found it amazing bcs i know some idol content always censored their staff face). So yeah, melody knows all btob managers, staff, stylish, some real life friends and anyone who btob want to show to us. Ah and one more thing. Changsub always said this to melody: Fans is representative for their idols. Fans is reflection of their idols. We affects each other, so we need to think first bcs everythings that fans do can affects our idols.. Thank you for enjoying btob content!


I'd have to imagine some of it is due to the fanbase skewing older at this point, making them more mature. There aren't many groups that go as long as them either, which opens up the way they are allowed to interact with managers and staff. It's something I'd like to see from more groups.