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LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/szkpw4njc462yorlkv3yd/GIDLE-IDOL-S-Snack-Spree.mp4?rlkey=0p5mh7hi1mrvsu3pkzg21w3ns&dl=0




i love your gidle content so much 😭 really recommend the IDDP interview and if you're still on about reacting to their online concert I can promise I'll be one of the first viewers!!


I definitely plan to do it but it's kind of on the back burner until I burn through all the requests in my backlog

Stefan K

Yeah I'm sorry I have to link this because of Shuhua's mic lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUYvbT6vTPs


SEcond this! Their IDDP is really good because they discuss a lot of things and issues that you very rarely hear discussed by Idols.


So glad we're getting content like this from them again, this was great. 😁 It's so funny how super-excited Minnie becomes whenever she gets to talk about Thailand. My family vacation in Krabi is still one of my fondest memories, but it was 19 years ago so I dunno what tourism has done to the place in that time. 😅 I will be all over any I-DLE content you have a chance to do, as always!


a lot of those buns are filled with a flavored paste or custard

R NeverL

I was cracking up so hard when they accidentally played the uncensored version of Tomboy. Their reactions were golden.


yeah it's unfortunately normal for groups to just pretend like nothing happened in more "public" shows and variety content like these but if you read their magazine interviews, they've mentioned about losing a member multiple times, and even calling it a crisis, quite openly. but honestly they're one of the very few groups that have always been really transparent and real about any negative issues which makes me love them even more.

R NeverL

Yeah.... Soyeon always says that (G)I-DLE doesn't have a concept, except perhaps being a very honest group. And I really agree with that. Being self-produced, their music and everything they do is just reflective of themselves. Their behind the scenes stuff... sure, I'm sure a lot of it is just for cameras, but they do come across as very genuine. They're a really easy group to fall in love with, in my opinion.