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Moonbyul Mentoring Purple Kiss

Solar Mentoring Purple Kiss

Solar "Only Longing Grows" + "Some Nostalgia" @ Concert 7080

Immortal Song 2 "Meeting" Performance


MAMAMOO December Patreon Requests.mp4

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Great video as usual! In terms of body image in Kpop, it's a tough subject to judge as a fan. At the end of the day most idols, whether it be male or female, are not seen as 'capital A' Artists like other singers in the industry. Usually it's up to the individual idol to prove that otherwise through insane vocals and charisma like Mamamoo, Eunji of Apink etc or production/lyricism like Soyeon of G-IDLE, Hui of Pentagon etc. It's a very cut-throat industry. So when it comes to 'visuals' that is usually the very first impression the general public gets from a group. Unfortunately if you look at a group like a product, then if you can't captivate them at first glance (or even worse repel them) by the members visual appearance, you are fighting an uphill battle. It's for sure an unkind way to look at things but imo it is a very present reality. The argument that 'if the song and the performance is good then visuals shouldnt matter' is a super unrealistic way of looking at things in my opinion. You don't have to look far in 3rd Gen girl groups to find countless examples of artists that shouldve been successful by all counts still fail. eg Pristin, Gugudan, April (before their controversy), DIA. Having members that don't fit into the 'beauty standard' that is ever so hated by international kpop fans is still a disadvantage at the end of the day. Korea is still a very conservative country for better and for worse so playing the game with less chips is just another barrier for a successful group. It's not all doom and gloom though of course. The silver lining is that those unreal standards are being chipped away year by year.


There was never any confirmed reason that Swan was on hiatus besides it was health related. It's mostly just speculated that it might have been anxiety related to her weight. Also fuck the people who say she needed to lose weight to dance properly, that's 100% not true as an ex-pro dancer. Though it is true she will naturally lose weight as she gets older (a lot of it rn is "baby fat" that she'll grow out of, plus just the natural weight loss of the life of an idol. But she doesn't "need" to. Personally I thought when Byul was talking about self esteem and the company looking out for her health it wasn't really for physical health, but for mental health. Like yeah, the main motivator is to make money and such, but it does still have the side effect of if she didn't lose weight, people were inevitably going to get on her about it, like knetz and shit. (Note that doesn't mean its the right way to go about it, there's also mental health harms of "forcing" her to lose weight too. Just i thought that's what Byul meant in that convo) Yeah the KBS thing was just edited unfairly imo. Which I get bc it's that kind of show. Stuff she said wasn't untrue really. Just was portrayed in ways to put her in a bad light, even though you could tell the girls did take it into account and valued the advice. I *think* that Jieun and Solar are actually closer than this would suggest, which may have changed since that was shot. But there's a game they played where a clue to the person Jieun needed to guess was that she was close to this person and she guessed Solar, which would make sense to me. Since they both are the oldest of their group and debuted relatively old (both 24). So I'd imagine out of all the MMM girls, Solar would be the one Jieun would relate to the most. Anyways, I love MMM x PK interactions, they're so wholesome.


Man, would you love SMN. The only downside for reactors is that they can run long lol. Any episode with OT4 Mamamoo, is hilarious and chaotic; at this time, the MamamooMas is my favorite. Moonbyul also hosted a SMN party for RBW family; ONEWE, ONEUS, and Purple Kiss attended (Mamamoo and Vromance there in spirit, via pictures). The episode was also chaotic, but fun to see the groups interact and play games. For Immortal Songs, I think they've (or maybe one of them?) said they don't like competing and that it's a lot of pressure. Solar did go on recently though! I loved her performance!


Yay! Can’t wait to watch it!


Yeah, both of those SMN episodes are SO GOOD. Mamamoo Christmas episode was absolutely nuts, most chaotic sht ever. And the RBW family one was just loud, omg so many groups :')


Ah, loved this. I could listen to Solar sing older songs all day, she gets to really show off the control she has over her voice. In mmm songs, she tends to get the pop-y, girly lines with little variation. Nothing wrong with that, she kills it. But when she gets a chance to show her range and her vibrato....oooohweeeee. So good. Same with Moonbyul's voice. She has such a warm, full voice and she sticks out in mmm in the best way. I replay her short parts every time she sings with mamamoo.


Great video as usual. Really enjoyed seeing the Moonbyul mentoring Purple Kiss segment. I really liked how Moonbyul had something for each member and clearly by their reactions, it spoke to them in some way. I didn't like how they portrayed Solar's segment but guess that's to be expected. I would've really like to hear what she shared and I'm sure Purple Kiss appreciated the advice given. I just wish they didn't portray in the way that they did. If you haven't watched a full episode of Studio Moon Night, you really should. I think you would like the ones with Dreamcatcher on it. I think they've been on there twice but I believe only their first time on the show has been subbed so far. They were so funny together and as I'm sure it's been said, Moonbyul is a fantastic host. As for the Immortal Song 2 performance, this is the first time I'm seeing "Meeting" so enjoyed that a lot. I was as excited as you to see Moonbyul sing. Each member's voice hits me differently, similar to what you described of Wheein, Hwasa and Solar's voice. Moonbyul's voice also hits me in a different way than the other member's as well. A lot of times where you said she wasn't cutting into the mix was where she was singing the melody in the lower register though softly I guess to try to blend in. I think there were also some parts she was singing the lower harmonies. But yeah, am always eager to get more Moonbyul vocals.


When they sang "Meeting" it was during Queendom. Wheein was actually on her hiatus during this time, but for some reason she had to perform even though she had anxiety. Since this was in 2019 I don't think Moonbyul wa super confident in singing, this was the first time we really heard her sing like that, and about a month later when they released "reality in BLACK" she also sang on a bside that they performed.


Great Video as always! As the time pass and i see more and more SMN it's obvious to me that Moonbyul will become a CEO someday and she will be a fantastic one. Every artists who has gone on this show always praise her, she is good with ppl. Also solar was very true to herself with PK, idol life is tough and good critizism is always necessary. If you want more MMM PK interaction, i beg you you need to watch the big RBW family party on SMN where Oneus, Onewe and PK were and where Monbyul was just there trying to babysitt them all (You have a 10min clip/compil on "seoho's pepe" channel) it's jsut amazing. "Meeting" was the last MMM performance on IS2 and if i can remember correctly the original song is way more upbeat, so it's funny to see the originals artists reactions, also in this episode of IS2 you have a freaking absurdly good performance of Hoppipola it's a must watch.


This is entirely based on my own observations, but it seems that the age hierarchy in Korea leads to elders telling their juniors "this is your situation" instead of asking "is this your situation?". I've seen it repeatedly in a lot of different settings, both fictional and reality TV. Byul seemed pretty on the money in this instance, and I agree that she'd probably know better than most, but it always makes me tense up and kinda go "uhh, you sure you should be making assumptions like that?". Parts of it likely get lost in translation, too. Studio Moon Night is fantastic in general, but I really wish it and Gossip Idle got official subs. 😂 The 2021 year-end SMN episode with WEUS and Purple Kiss was insane, the few clips that have been translated are hilariously chaotic.

Martin Schafer

In the 7080 concert that's Starry Night hair. I'm not sure if it's them reaching out or Solar reaching out to them or just saying yes more often but it seems like she winds up doing more of these older generation shows. About a year ago she performed with an older trot artist who was her mother's favorite.


OMG, did you really say WheeIn can out-sultry Hwasa!? At first, I laughed at the outrageousness. But then I thought, hmm you know what, you may have a point there. I would love to see what WheeIn's response would be if she heard that. lol. Thanks as always.


I can't recall if you've seen moonbyul's cover of trying to say goodbye, but if you haven't then I highly recommend it! if you want to hear moonbyul belt then that's the place to go

Marcela Santos

About Moonbyul during harmonies, I'd recommend watching the 3 performances they did on a show called Sugarman. The first one, "Like Yesterday" is only with Moonbyul and Solar (2015); the second one is "Sexy Man" and it's really fun (2016) and the last one is "Gloomy Coincidence" (2018), this one is the easiest to pick Moonbyul's voice, because she goes to a really deep tone, after that it gets easier to listen to her when she's on a more similar tone to the other girls on other songs. Solar and Moonbyul also sang "Like Yesterday" during the Solar's Emotions Concert and she gets to sing a little bit more than in the original one.


I think that what Moonbyul said to Swan about people are concerned about her that's why they say things about weight a lot didn't really only mean that they're concerned about her health (like she's not overweight as a normal person). The porblem is with Korean public, they criticize idol's weight a lot and it's inevitable at least as of now. RBW staffs whether because they want to sell their 'product' well or just wants Swan to avoid facing those criticism a lot, had to tell or restrict her with the appearance things. I really hate this too and I understand that what Moonbyul says is for her to not stress about that too much because she might also lose her confidence by doing so, especially when Swan keep thinks that only she has this problem (All idols are concerned about those stuffs and sometimes it reaches a point that it gets toxic).