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Yay! You’re back! I’m so happy you reacted to this video in particular as it’s so important to Unis - even though I’m with you, award shows etc are all popularity contests and shouldn’t even hold any weight to them. It’s a tricky situation on why Pentagon haven’t had the success they deserve and honestly, most of it feels like bad timing. For instance, they didn’t win with Shine mainly because nobody had been expecting such a surge in popularity, so none of the fans were prepared to actually vote in their masses - and then right after, Dawn was removed from the group for his dating “scandal”. That had a huge knock on the boys’ success as a massive chunk of the new “fans” from Shine era then decided to boycott the group entirely as a way to protest Cube’s decision. Something that unfortunately appears to be happening with (G)I-dle also, as fans are persecuting the wrong ppl. Add on the fact that Yanan took ill not too long after and Cube basically pushed the 8 members left into another comeback to distract everyone from the real problem, and it was a disaster waiting to happen that didn’t really get fixed until after RTK. Also, I’m totally with you on your feelings about wanting Yanan to succeed, it’s the reason he’s my ultimate bias in Kpop. This is just my feelings, but I think Cube were betting on him making it big in China, as they sent him to do a solo schedule around the same time as Shine era with people like Jun and The8 from Seventeen + more well known Chinese artists, and he just wasn’t ready for it. He had a bit of a breakdown on camera to Jun about his feelings of inadequacy, and that led to him leaving the project early. Since then, I think Cube pretty much had written him off whenever he’s had health issues until he himself pushed back with a letter to the fans explaining how the company weren’t letting him return to the group and Universe made such a big deal about letting him come back. He regained his confidence, and now he’s doing so well for himself with his acting/modelling gigs. Apologies for the rant, but Pentagon deserve so much more, and it’s so nice to see a reactor with very similar opinions on the fact!


Thank you so much for reacting to this!! I think to put some of the things in context, Pentagon had been averaging 20k album sales up til their 5th mini album which is really really low. And in the industry, I think selling at least 100k albums is the benchmark to be considered a moderately commercially successful group. This is still very modest considering groups like Seventeen have been selling at least a million albums. Anyway, They hit 50k+ for their Shine album but then decreased again. And you're right, at the end of the day it really is a business and if ptg had continued on this path, no doubt cube would have disbanded them on their 7th year which Hongseok brought up. And with their first win with Daisy, they finally managed to hit the 100k sales target and it truly was a turning point for them . And as much as we think the whole system is srsly f up, i guess this was why they were so desperate as well.

Diana Montaño

Beside what Jupiter said about the Yanan situation, don't quot me on this cause i dont remember very well, but a friend of mine who is been on kpop for more than 10 years, told me that there was a political/legal situation on 2020 with chinese artist working on korea, and they had to stay there while the things got better...


Actually, if i remember correctly, the sales for WE:TH did go up after their win. It did give them more exposure. But i do agree that it sucks how idols perceive a win, how important it is to them. Hongseok’s speech will never not make me cry. He speaks straight from the heart and it just huuuuurts. I love them so much ): oh and whoever made this video left out the best part! You were totally right about Wooseok holding in his tears, because after Hongseok’s speech they all go up to the camera to give a hug from oldest to youngest. So at some point only the mayonnaise line is there, and just when Yuto wants to go and hug the camera, Wooseok just starts BAWLING. And all the members run up to him to laugh and to console him hahahah, it’s the cutest thing ever. Then he has a little speech about feeling sorry for Yanan and Yuto since they are foreigners and had to leave basically everything behind. Also while all this was happening, Yeoone took some pictures of sobbing Wooseok and decided to post them for his birthday (which was like 3 months later). Great times

Juliette P

Thank you so much for reacting to this! I've been a Universe since August 2017, so I've witnessed a lot of things... The thing about Shine is that it charted really late during promotion, cube even extended promotions because of the sudden rise, and as a fan it was amazing to witness this. I wasn't mad they didn't win, because they had debuted 1 year and a half before, so I just thought "at least now people know about them, they'll get a win next comeback" but then everything collapsed. So many people left. The boys were so sad (and it was visible, even though they tried so hard to hide it). After Naughty Boy came Sha La La, and I was actually in the audience for The Show when Pentagon got nominated twice (against IZ*ONE), so I saw them lose in front of me. I cried so much when I saw their looks of disappointment. A few months later Humph was released, it was doing alright and I think they could have won but The Show got cancelled, I also think they changed the voting system (or the way you could earn points to vote) the following week, Pentagon got nominated but they lost against CIX who had just debuted a few days before... I remember how Pentagon tried to comfort the fans so much... then the world tour started, followed by the release of their 1st full album, Dr. Bebe was doing great but it wasn't enough.. then RTK happened and you know the rest... I'm happy they got more popular but as a fan it was also hard to see them struggle so much. Obviously it's nothing compared to what they've been through. Also the whole Yanan situation was complicated because, as you mentioned, it was very blurry. He was gone for so long, I thought he would never come back. And I always feel anxious when he goes back to China, just like he did a few months ago, I'm happy he's back and healthy! Sorry my comment is very long! Anyway thanks again for reacting!


That's so cool that you were able to attend The Show live! You've been a hardcore fan for a long time

Juliette P

Yes it was amazing, I was also able to see the 1st performance of Spring Snow 🤧 Planned my trip to Korea 5 months in advance without knowing Pentagon would have a comeback at that time, I was the happiest! Also the boys were so sweet, waving and saying hi. The most memorable to me was Kino, he had the sweetest expression and sent many hearts 🥰

hayun lee

to sum up why ptgs career had gone into a weird direction: obviously with the dawn issue their momentum was completely cut off and they lost a good chunk of fans (if you check their album sales they only caught up with their 2018 numbers in 2020), and their fan engagement fell even lower than their debut. idk why exactly, but people immediately redirected their frustrations from cube and started being a bit hostile (?) towards the group instead, and a lot of people who got into them through shine started saying they were nothing and will be nothing without dawn. afterwards they were constantly criticized for trying to "recreate shine" whenever they had a fun concept, shalala was criticized because people thought hui was trying to recreate the success of energetic, dr bebe was criticized because they thought ptg were copying other bg's dark concepts, in rtk they were constantly criticized by viewers and some of the fandoms of the other groups for apparently abusing their seniority and "crying for pity points." its only daisy era that they started recovering from everything and they solidified an image of just being a genuine, musically talented group instead. as someone who only followed them casually until recently it was really confusing and unfair to see their every move being overanalyzed and criticized. tldr; the dawn issue took a toll on their image and people completely turned on them for a while, both domestic and international.

shinwon swimming (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 06:59:58 man i will never not cry everytime i watch this :"( i think with getting first place at music shows, the reason why it's so important for kpop groups is because i think it's just become the natural next step/goal after debuting, like almost a rite of passage in a kpop group's trajectory. most groups will attain it almost immediately or within a year or 2 and i guess for pentagon, to not have been able to accomplish this until their 4th year must have made them feel like they were not progressing. :( i think what's different about kpop, and why we can't measure it the same way as we do with western music, is that kpop goes beyond the music the group releases; it's also the k-varieties, k-dramas, the MV production, commercials, the end of music awards etc. And naturally, the more popular your group is, the more opportunities of those they will be given. (like pentagon on knowing bros or running man is just a pipe dream at this point) so while we do rly appreciate the music for what it is, you can't help but also wish for your fav group to be more successful or popular by kpop "standards" so that they'll also get the same opportunities. it sucks but agh, i guess that's just how the kpop world works.
2021-12-23 16:18:09 man i will never not cry everytime i watch this :"( i think with getting first place at music shows, the reason why it's so important for kpop groups is because i think it's just become the natural next step/goal after debuting, like almost a rite of passage in a kpop group's trajectory. most groups will attain it almost immediately or within a year or 2 and i guess for pentagon, to not have been able to accomplish this until their 4th year must have made them feel like they were not progressing. :( i think what's different about kpop, and why we can't measure it the same way as we do with western music, is that kpop goes beyond the music the group releases; it's also the k-varieties, k-dramas, the MV production, commercials, the end of year music awards etc. And naturally, the more popular your group is, the more opportunities of those they will be given. (like pentagon on knowing bros or running man is just a pipe dream at this point) so while we do rly appreciate the music for what it is, you can't help but also wish for your fav group to be more successful or popular by kpop "standards" so that they'll also get the same opportunities. it sucks but agh, i guess that's just how the kpop world works.

man i will never not cry everytime i watch this :"( i think with getting first place at music shows, the reason why it's so important for kpop groups is because i think it's just become the natural next step/goal after debuting, like almost a rite of passage in a kpop group's trajectory. most groups will attain it almost immediately or within a year or 2 and i guess for pentagon, to not have been able to accomplish this until their 4th year must have made them feel like they were not progressing. :( i think what's different about kpop, and why we can't measure it the same way as we do with western music, is that kpop goes beyond the music the group releases; it's also the k-varieties, k-dramas, the MV production, commercials, the end of year music awards etc. And naturally, the more popular your group is, the more opportunities of those they will be given. (like pentagon on knowing bros or running man is just a pipe dream at this point) so while we do rly appreciate the music for what it is, you can't help but also wish for your fav group to be more successful or popular by kpop "standards" so that they'll also get the same opportunities. it sucks but agh, i guess that's just how the kpop world works.

hayun lee

i always felt bad for yanan because its obvious hes very fragile emotionally and the pace the entertainment industry goes is visibly overwhelming for him. aside from everything you mentioned, even when he was filming a drama again this year with a healthier + more confident mindset, he still broke down crying when shinwon called him because he missed them and felt overwhelmed doing things alone. i really think cube should ease up on him more and let him do more things with the group before sending him off to do solo activities, he has the looks personality and talent to make it big, he just needs a different form of support


My impression on the vagueness around Yanan's situation: it has been implied but never said outright that his hiatus was due to clinical depression and anxiety, so I've always seen the lack of clear explanations as a frustrating symptom of the culture's stigma around talking openly about mental health combined with the general opaqueness of Cube. I will never not root for Yanan, and am thrilled that he seems to be doing so well these days and has gotten so much more comfortable letting his personality show in all it's hilarious weirdness.


Yes, I also think the Wooseok part is amazing! I get why it's better to use a shorter edit for a reaction, but that one exclusion was a shame. If anyone is looking for it in the full video ( www.vlive.tv/video/218971 ), the camera hugging starts at 41:00 and the Wooseok pile on happens around 42:00. Camera hugs resume at 44:00 for an upbeat ending.


Agreed, maybe I feel about him the same way I do about Seonghwa of ATEEZ. Visuals that are crazy soft and sensitive.