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Nflying I Cover + Thornapple Live Performances.mp4

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They also made an awesome cover for LiSA gurenge the Anime theme song to demon slayers https://youtu.be/mIlvsXpth5E And they also made a nice Japan, anime, games medley live cover https://youtu.be/jfpmzKnpnPA Both also worth checking out 😁


The n.flying drummer's name is Jaehyun, btw. Also I just had a feeling that you'd absolutely fuck with Thornapple! They're an indie band that formed in 2009 and debuted in 2010 and they're DEFINITELY still around, in fact they had live performances from earlier around June of this year! As far as the band's name, this is from the vocalist himself: "YOON : We're a quartet in South Korea. Our name, 'Thornapple’ (Datura, the psychedelic plant) represents our image and sound. Also, 'thorn' means pain and 'apple' means the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge." So that might tell you some things about them and what they're sort of going for in terms of sound and style lmao I've been in love with their music ever since I first discovered Strange Tropics and I'd definitely love to request more stuff from them. I have another band I think you might appreciate that I wanna request as well so it's time to brainstorm whether I wanna do more Thornapple or the next band next month. :)


So I always go on about N.Flying...but I adore them. But omg, I've heard of Thornapple but I never had listened to them before (it is so hard keeping up with all of the bands I listen to now!) but I guess I may have a new addiction soon. They are right up my alley. Also, you should definitely check out some Sketchbook performances! Some of my favorites would include Kim Sunggyu's cover of Nell's "Time Walking Through Memories." Which also has a cool interview with Sunggyu and Kim Jongwan the singer of Nell. They have a cool story. Sunggyu grew up being a huge fan of Nell then got signed to the same label as them and they became good friends. Jongwan wrote Sunggyu's first solo song (he is part of Infinite originally), and then produced his full second album. They go to each other's concerts and it's fun to see. I also highly recommend Zion T's performance of Yanghwa Bridge, AKMU's Dinosaur, and CNBlue's Loner, Intuition, I'm Sorry Medley. CNBlue is the second band on FNC after FTIsland and before N.Flying. Yonghwa, the lead singer, has amazing pipes, writes and produces the songs, plays multiple instruments and has amazing stage presence...just like you'd expect from his labelmates. Haha


It's always a joy to watch Jaehyun perform in N.Flying's live stages. He's so expressive. And I'm so happy you got a request for Thornapple! Thank you, Mako!! I got introduced to them through Strange Tropics as well. They're amazing. Their MVs are enchanting but it's a whole different experience watching their live performances.


Hey there! Thanks again for accommodating my request. As per Seunghyub, he started learning the piano at an early age. Then he was a 5 year trainee in FNC but he did the rhythm guitars during that time. Ever since, he has been a fan of rap/hiphop music and his influences are Nas, Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar (https://kprofiles.com/lee-seunghyub-n-flying-profile-facts/) He has been rapping ever since their debut. He even had a track with AOA's Jimin as J.Don (his monicker when he does solo) before the group completely debuted. Also their past songs without Hweseung were mostly rap. And all I can say is he did better through time. He is really one of the best rappers out there!