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Kingdom Episode 4 PT1.mp4

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I'm enjoying seeing you get a bit more into the other groups you don't know as well as you watch it. I think SF9 was the one I knew the least about but they're honestly one of my Top 5 groups right now b/c I recently got the chance to listen to all their b-sides and I added sooooooo many songs to my playlist that I had to put them on there. My SF9 bias is Taeyang so I've really been enjoying how much of him I get to see on the show too.

Rain Sparks

This show is really getting me into my SF9 feels. The guy with white hair and the floral suit that you liked was Inseong. He is the oldest member and the main vocalist (if I'm not mistaken. My SF9 knowledge is a little dusty). Taeyang is THE dancer in SF9 and that's why he was shown a lot throughout their performance. I believe he helps choreograph and also had a lot of responsibility for their Kingdom stuff. Why the actual leader Youngbin called Taeyang their leader for Kingdom. Taeyang is a bit of a bias wrecker for me. My actual bias was the first pov rapper Zuho (or Juho which is real name and how Zuho is pronounced in Korea...not sure why it's spelled with a "Z"). I really enjoyed their performance though...SF9 loves them some noir.


couldn't agree more, though this show seems to be going in that direction that i'm not all that about, but the way sf9 pulled it off was awesome and i did really enjoy their performance aloooooot! they sure made up for that budget issue by going all out! really loved this performance, i'm just very happy for them!

sumi mia

I find this harder to watch than RTK because I genuinely want every group to win. I'm happy whoever is first but sad for those who rank lower. I also really liked the whole segment with SF9 and their performance was amazing!

Stanley Maximillian

You really have to take the 'expert' opinion with large grain of salt My suspicion is that they are just 'people' in the industry. Cameraman, commentator, Mc, that kind of things. Not like 'performance expert' as it is kinda marketed to be......

Wen M

I'm way late to inform you that Changsub started to feel sick right after their performance. That's why he was absent for the interviews.


I can’t access the link😔


give it a try now! Patreon randomly removes certain links over time and I have no idea why